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Pit Fighting

You walk into a rowdy and dimly lit tavern. Heads turn and voices hush as you walk past the bar and tables. A narrow hallway leads down a flight of stairs to a basement that smells of sweat and ale. A 10-foot tall cage encloses a pair of combatants and is surrounded by tavern patrons. Both combatants are bloodied and weary but continue delivering devastating blows to cheers.   This downtime activity covers boxing, wrestling, and other nonlethal forms of combat. If you want battles to the death, please see Arena Fighting. Characters involved in pit fighting must often deal with their opponents, the folk who bet on occasionally you may be offered a bribe to take a fall, else someone will lose money, and you'll gain a new enemy. Pit fighters must not only have a tough physical exterior, but a tough mental fortitude as well.
  Pit fighting takes 3 days where the character must make a series of checks, with a DC determined at random based on the quality of the opposition that the character runs into. The challenge in pit fighting lies in the mystery of your opponents.

Once you have created a thread in downtime-rp (see Downtime Rules for rules and formatting), follow the steps below to start pit fighting:
  1. Before brawling, you must first actually know of at least one accessible pit fight ring. If you haven't discovered one yet, try to Gather Information and then come back.
  2. Day 1 (Fight 1): Roll Strength (Athletics) check of DC5+(2D10)
  3. Day 2 (Fight 2): Roll Dexterity (Acrobatics) check of DC5+(2D10)
  4. Day 3 (Fight 3): Roll Wisdom (Insight) OR a Constitution check of DC5+(2D10)
  5. Consult table below to see your results. If you lose all three of your fights, you suffer from 1 point of exhaustion. While exhausted, you cannot participate in any more fights until you recover.

  Like workers crafts, the value of your time is intrinsically tied to your own skills and the public's perception of them. Because of this, reputation plays a big part in being a successful pit fighter. As you become a more reputable fighter, you will be offered greater rewards to fight. See Crafting Basics for more on reputation. Here is the Reputation Ladder and pertinent reputation levels below:

  Everyone begins as nobody, in the lowest rung of Reputation Level One. With every successful work day you advance one rung on the ladder, and with every failure you fall one rung. There are three rungs for every Reputation Level, so it would take three consecutive successes for a nobody to enter Reputation Level Two. Inactivity, or missing a day, will act the same as a failure but only for level 3 reputation - it will not have an effect below level 3 reputation, as shown on the ladder. As you gain reputation levels, new bonuses will unlock.
Guide, How-to


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