Session 18 Report

General Summary

Shabaka's Log

  What a wonderful day, oh what a wonderful day. Everyhting went without a hinch and when we get back to HQ we'll have tons of goods news about Dakilai And the sarcasm ends there, but was it eventful to say the least.   I just made my way to that damn shoddy motel, and Cher being there, showing signs of overused whorsing. As I was just about ready to put another day behind me, Cher and I accidentally eavesdrop on some guards, with them conveniently talking about a trading boat sailing away from shore. Hint: It was the one Moon Planter and Grot are on.   We make our way towards the dock, scheming of ways to catch up to the boat and be there in case they need our aid. That what almost made this night an ironic tradegy for us as we've walked into a trap.   Soon after making our way to the pier, the only option of embarking that we saw was some rickety, old, wooden boat. As we were debating on even using it, somepony came out of nowhere, couldn't mind his own business and started questioning. He also brought a crew with him, effectively gettiing the jump on us.   Cher tried to ward them off by telling them she's practically property of Buckback. That earned her yet another glob of discharge. Even when Cher tried to persuade these incredulous goons that the boat is in danger of being taken over by the new hire, even with the explosion on the ship emphasising her point, these buck dancing fools came to a great conclusion: to murder us of course!   But hey I'm writing this log here so that idea went so well, right?   Though they had the jump and the advantage in every damn way over us, a little death by explosions here and an illusion so godawful it melts the brain of another there and the rest run off like the cowards they truly are. Truly the great criminals of our era.   Although we've stopped two of the potential escapees, one just up and got away. Though Cher could of used Fireball to keep him down, we decided not to for there were innocents surrounding him by then, which would put their lives at risk.   So Cher tied the 4 would be murderers, dead and alive alike, and tried to wake up the baddies that were still breathing, but failed. She suddenly flips the script and decides that taking their lives would be the best move, though they were effectively detained.   She didn't have the balls to do that herself so she attempted to order moi, yours truly, to do the act like as if I'm her personal servant.   Fuck that.   Thankully we were interrpted by Kara's entrance, with a special gift for us: The runner we allowed to escape.   Huh.   How convenient.   Too convenient.   Though I'm highly suspicious of the Kara character, frankly the course action would be for me and Cher to talk with Kara to find some answers about this shitty situation.  

Tangent's Log

  I was regretting my decision to crawl in through the porthole and hide in a barrel. As I was waiting what felt like years, I heard a splash from outside and I saw a Kirin lowered to the water. Though it was at the limits of my range, I cast Water Walk on the poor soul. Wait... is that Fireheart? They're so far away it's hard to tell. After that, I heard sounds of steel on steel and yelling and decided to venture up-deck. On the floor above, Fireheart was casting magic against the pirates. I came up to her to cover her flank. I touched her with my paw and cast Enlarge Fey on her, which made the ship start tilting to one side. Oops! I adjusted my balance (I am a cat, after all) and we took down the enemy forces one by one. We made it up to the top deck and reunited with Moonplanter and Grot, which took out three enemy mages by themselves. We then scoured the ship for incriminating material, and put the unconscious sailors into one of the lifeboats tied up. We went downship to open boxes and loot the contents. We went through the Captain's chambers, and got the rest of the paper. It was at this point, Moon Planter informed us of his plans to light up the ship on fire and deal a blow to Buckbeak. Grot used the gunpowder she found in boxes and used a detangled rope to make a fuse. We prepared the final lifeboat and set fire to the fuse while we rowed away to shore outside of town, far away from the docks and Buckbeak's reach.

Rewards Granted

Documents from the ship, A loose end caught, and a Buckback likely angered

Missions/Quests Completed

Buckback's ship was destroyed

Character(s) interacted with

The Kara Priest
The Bannermanes
Tangent Field
Moon Planter
Cher Nobyl
Report Date
19 Jan 2021
Primary Location