Session 6 Report

General Summary

We started the day off meeting Cher and Night Poutine, who returned to join us on our assault on the kelpie menace, referred to as bad greens by Grot and Grop. Night Poutine was still intent on leashing Grop for some reason, and he wasn’t having any of it, and it led to some slight infighting while the gobbos were introduced to the wonders of caffeine, thanks to Tangent for brewing it at our campfire and Night Poutine deciding to allow Grop to pour coffee on himself. Grot thankfully knew to at least drink it instead and wound up devouring the pot. Afterwards Tangent asked Grop and Grot to get eggs from a nest in the nearby trees, and they managed to liberate a good number of them, with the rest not quite surviving the fall. Grop thought about trying to secure a prize from the beehive, but that seemed like a bad idea without any of the tools to prevent the bees from attacking him. During this exchange I took the time to look over a Kelpie skull, and determined that they vary from being roughly on par with us, to fairly well outmatching our party in strength, but I decided that we might still have a chance if we could catch them off guard.     Once we wrapped up Grop went over battle plans with us and we decided to scout our their encampment before we assaulted them since our information on their lair was limited, and the estimates for the number of kelpies was at least the size of an entire goblin tribe. Once we arrived at the beach, we saw there was a fairly large force of kelpies, but most of them were sticking to the water. Moon planter suggested we should try to set traps and lure them into the traps, and he set the first few, though we found that he wasn’t very sneaky, and decided to let Grop handle the trap placements. Once all the traps were in place, Grop tried to make a loud ruckus to lure the kelpies in, though they didn’t go much further than the water’s edge, at which point they put Grop under some kind of trance and tried to lure him into the water, at which point all hopes of trapping them were off and we rushed into battle to save Grop. I personally stood against the kelpie giving orders to the others, and provided moral support for the others while they worked on saving Grop from the kelpies influence, though we were still struggling when Grot announced they were taking the kelpie’s box and fleeing, and all of the kelpies except the leader started to move to attack Grot, so we decided that since this box seemed so important to them, it was worth more to escape with the box than to try to continue fighting the kelpies head on. Tangent managed to silence a large group of kelpies while Night Poutine played much better music than their singing, which prevented us from coming under their spell again, and we managed to make it out successfully. After the battle we discovered the box actually had a significant quantity of aetherstone in it, as well as some other loot, and it had the phrase heatfang in draconic scrawled onto it, apparently after it was already created.   Moon Planter managed to recover his traps without any trouble, and we made our way back to bleakburn to return the aetherstone in time for the festival.

Rewards Granted

750 gold for the end of month, and Aetherstone collected, and a chest of goodies

Character(s) interacted with

The kelpies
The Bannermanes
Tangent Field
Night Poutine
Dayspring Temper
Moon Planter
Cher Nobyl
Report Date
20 Oct 2020
Primary Location