Session 92 Report

General Summary

Wicker's Log

Things have REALLY been picking up since we left Stratham. First the ash, which was like a warmup for snow. Then REAL snow. And now I’m even getting to make presents! First I got to give one to Ophie, with a letter of all things, and then Ping Wing came to me asking me to fix a shield, well in the spirit of the Odyssey season I decided to spruce it up with that special Snippstone ruminant touch! I didn’t realize the shield was actually for Stocks though, and it wasn’t as personalized as it could be but he still appreciated it. Happy Travels! When we got to Barnsley another ship approached us and told us the port wasn’t taking in air ships, something about the storm being too heavy but really it was barely snowing! Then he started telling us about a ship that had left Barnsley but they got word it had been lost or something? They wanted us to go look for it for them in order to let us actually dock. It took like another day or two of travel but we finally found some driftwood and a definitely broken ship in the water! We could see ponies on them as it was sinking. Ophie and Tangent went down to begin medicating while the rest of us kept watch from the ship. But they weren’t alone! One of the ponies in the water got snatched right up by a giant, evil snapping turtle! Tangent kept trying to see if he was okay but I don’t think anyone really could have helped in that case… Still, ponies needed our help! I activated my winged boots and was able to prance over the water and provide plenty of help from above without getting wet, it was great! Ophie kept getting chomped at though, but she managed to keep herself up while ponies were shooting cannonballs. CANNONBALLS! As they started blasting the turtles to smithereens I used a stone wall spell to make a staircase so Stocks and one of the shipwrecked ponies could escape to safety. Great thinking Wicker Wind!   It seemed to be that one unfortunate casualty, but we saved as many as we could otherwise. We took the ponies back to Barnsley and they were ready to welcome us in. When we set down Swift asked about some Aetherstone and the bannermane there to greet us told us about a lot in the northern continent surrounded by really big and bad monsters. We were also able to drop off Lucky and gave our goodbyes and wished him luck. He’s going to start his new chapter and we’re going to continue ours!
The Bannermanes
Ophie Panacea
Wicker Wind
Tangent Field
Electra Pleiades
Belle Hop
Report Date
07 Aug 2022