Morndinsamman Pantheon

The Morndinsamman (a dwarven term meaning "shield brothers on high" or "high dwarves") or Moradinsamman is the group name of the dwarven pantheon.  

Myths and Legends

Although typically counted as part of the Morndinsamman, the two Duergar deities have been banished by Moradin, making them members-in-exile (in contrast to the Drow deities, who are no longer considered part of the Seldarine at all).   Occasionally associated to the Morndinsamman, but also exiled from it, is the Derro god Diirinka, an intermediate god of magic, knowledge, and cruelty, as well as his mad twin brother, Diinkarazan. He is considered to be the son of Moradin and Berronar Truesilver; however, details are scarce.


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