Berronar Truesilver

Berronar Truesilver is the intermediate deity of safety, home, and family in the Morndinsamman. The Revered Mother is the matriarch of the dwarven pantheon, exemplifying the gentler aspects of dwarven character, such as mercy and generosity, while still demonstrating their iconic pragmatism and determination.



Berronar appeared as either a 6 feet (1.8 meters) or 19 feet (5.8 meters) tall dwarf with a brown beard braided into four rows. Berronar had the power to take the shape of an aged dwarf (of any sex) or even a short and stooped human crone, and when in this lesser form, none, whether mortal or god, could detect her divine nature or powers.


Berronar is a kind and caring goddess with strong maternal love for all dwarves (and even dwarven allies) who values compassion, tradition, fidelity, and family. With a merry disposition and hearty laugh constantly at the ready, Berronar's skills of persuasion are such that she can usually bring two foes to understand one another and set aside their differences. The Revered Mother is gentle in speech and ever-forgiving of her children, divine or otherwise.

At the same time, the indomitable Mother Goddess never wavers or despairs in the face of adversity or loss. She can be strict and even fierce when the situation warrants, and will go to almost any extreme to protect the dwarves.


The Revered Mother acts as an authority figure for the other dwarven gods and she uses her skills in negotiation and her calm demeanor as a way to keep the pantheon unified when tensions rise. Traditionalists of dwarven culture claim that without these qualities the Morndinsamman and perhaps even the entire dwarven race would not survive their slow decline. This decline finally seems to have reversed with the coming of the Thunder Blessing in the 14th century. In this new age, the Revered Mother gives council to Faerûn's most trusted orthodox dwarven clerics as a way to aid Moradin in charting the dwarven destiny.


Berronar's clerics were known as faenor, which translated as "those of the home". Faenor served as the guardians and protectors of dwarven clans. They archived the lore, traditions, and family histories of the dwarves. By acting as teachers and healers, they aimed to further the good health and good character of the dwarven race. Serving as the moral compass of the dwarves, they could be very conservative and they did not tolerate foolhardiness and controversial ideas in young dwarves. Their patience was definitely taxed by the number of twins from the Thunder Blessing.
  In the rigid church structure, every cleric knew their place, and every clan's church was built to look alike. This was done so visitors from other clans knew exactly where they fit in. Berronar ran her church like a strict, but loving mother.
  Rarely did faenor follow alternative paths, and the few who did usually became fighters and dwarven defenders.
  Despite recent events, the number of dwarves who turned their back on Berronar and Moradin was steadily growing, believing the couple led a too-conservative philosophy.


The faenor prayed for spells at dawn. They organized many mundane rituals for the dwarf communities, but were best known for their marriages. Their reputation in organizing marriage ceremonies was so widespread that even some non-dwarves asked a faenor to conduct their marriage rite. Each year, offerings of silver were made to Berronar, usually coupled with a small white flower so as to show appreciation for Berronar's motherly love towards all dwarves. Midwinter Day
  Midwinter Day was one of two significant holy days for the faenor. On this day, they held fantastic celebrations below ground. Midsummer Night
  Midsummer Night was the second significant holy day to the faithful of Berronar. This night they organized celebrations above ground. They also invited members of friendly neighboring communities and travelers, rarely non-dwarven though.


Berronar was too focused on the dwarven pantheon to give much attention to outsiders, but she was on friendly terms with the lead goddesses of friendly races such as the elves, gnomes, and halflings. She worked closely together with Sharindlar to promote love among the dwarves. The Mother of Safety generally ensured that a relation formed became a healthy and loving marriage, while Sharindlar oversaw the earlier courtship. As an ideal wife to Moradin, she was one of the few he trusted completely. Clangeddin Silverbeard and Gorm Gulthyn were friends, but she was reserved towards Marthammor Duin, Dugmaren Brightmantle, and Deep Duerra. She hated the orc, goblinoid, and giant deities nearly as much as her husband did.
  Berronar grieved for her failure to compromise with the dark cousins of the dwarves, the duergar and derro, though in truth there was nothing she could have done for them.

Berronar Truesilver

Intermediate deity

Basic Information

The Revered Mother
Mother of Safety
Matron of Hearth and Home





Lawful Good

Intertwined silver rings


Safety, Honesty, Home, Healing, Records, Marriage, Faithfulness, Loyalty, Oaths

Favored Weapon
Wrath of Righteousness (heavy mace)


Dwarven defenders


Community (Family, Home)
Good (Friendship)
Healing (-)
Law (Legislation, Loyalty)

Favored Aspects

White flowers in bloom

Earth elementals
Guardian nagas

Clear gems


Manifest- ations
A silver aura
  Weak earthquakes



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