Makara Takanashi

Exile, Former Empress, The Crimson Huntress, Free Agent of the Court of Six Makara Takanashi- Khan

Biological parent of Shio Kuu Takanashi

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Makara has a petite and slender physique, with curves and muscles that show her agility and strength. She is in good physical condition, trains regularly, and maintains a healthy diet. Makara has a high tolerance for pain and injury, having endured many battles and hardships. She has a fast metabolism and a robust immune system, allowing her to adapt to different environments and resist diseases. She has a long lifespan and can manipulate time and space to slow down her aging process.

Body Features

Makara has a mix of Human and animal features, as she is an Eläin who can shapeshift into different forms. She has a light and warm skin tone, hair color, eye color, fur color, and clothing color. Makara has long white bunny-like ears, a fluffy white tail, and sharp claws and teeth. She has a scar on her left hand, where she cut off her own hand to free herself from a spirit that possessed her. She wears a prosthetic hand made of metal and magic, which she can use as a weapon or a tool.

Facial Features

Makara has a beautiful and expressive face, with a small and cute nose, a complete and soft mouth, sharp and pointed teeth, a long and flexible tongue, a small and round chin, a smooth and graceful neck, a pair of ears, a pair of eyes, a pair of eyebrows, a pair of eyelashes, a pair of cheekbones, a pair of cheeks, a forehead, and a pair of temples. She has a fierce and intimidating expression, as she can glare and snarl at her enemies. She has a gentle and friendly expression, as she can smile and wink at her allies.

Identifying Characteristics

Makara has some distinctive features that make her stand out and recognizable. She has a tattoo of a phoenix on her back, which symbolizes her power and rebirth. Makara has a piercing on her right ear, which she wears as a sign of rebellion and independence. She has a necklace with a clock pendant, which she wears as a reminder of her mentor, Shijian, and her teachings. She has a symbol branded upon her right shoulder, which she wears as a mark of her allegiance to the Court of Six.

Physical quirks

Makara has some habits and mannerisms that reflect her personality and mood. She has a habit of tapping her fingers on any surface, which shows her impatience and restlessness. She has a habit of biting her lower lip, which shows her nervousness and uncertainty. She has a habit of cracking her knuckles, which shows her readiness and confidence. She has a habit of playing with her hair, which shows her boredom and curiosity.

Special abilities

Makara has some abilities and powers that make her a formidable and versatile warrior, and she uses them for various purposes. She has a shapeshifting ability, which she uses to change her appearance and form into different animals and people, a magic ability to manipulate time and space, such as slowing down or speeding up time, creating or entering demiplanes, and teleporting or dimension-hopping, a martial arts ability, which she uses to fight and kill with stealth and skill, such as sneaking or ambushing, striking or dodging, and parrying or countering.

Apparel & Accessories

Makara wears clothes and accessories that suit her needs and desires, and she adjusts and modifies them according to her situation and mood. She wears a white and orange kimono, which she wears as a tribute to her husband Shiro and his culture, a black and red cloak, which she wears as a disguise and protection, and a belt with various pouches and pockets, which she wears as a storage and a convenience, a pair of boots with blades and spikes, which she wears as a footwear and a weapon.

Specialized Equipment

Makara carries equipment and tools that enhance her skills and abilities and uses them for various purposes. She has a pair of shuriken, which she uses as her primary weapon for throwing and slashing; a pair of daggers, which she uses as her secondary weapon for stabbing and cutting; a grappling hook for climbing and swinging; and a smoke bomb, which she uses to escape and hide.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Daughter of Fang Khan and Fauh'Woon Khan. She spent several years training in a demiplane out of time preparing for the world. The lack of interactivity with the general populous has left her pretentious and generally contemptuous to others, including her family. Shijian did give her occasional glimpses of the outside world, which led to her growing more attached to Shijian than her own family... leading her down a less savory road and a similar rogue/ninja-like combat style. Nature vs Nurture indeed. SHE JUST WANTS TO BE DIFFERENT. YOU JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND ME, MOM.   These negative feelings attracted a spirit that possessed one of her hands and occasionally communicated.


Makara received a rigorous and unconventional education from her mentor, Shijian, a mysterious and powerful figure who taught her the secrets of magic, history, languages, and martial arts. Makara learned how to manipulate time and space, access and create demiplanes, speak and write ancient and modern tongues, and fight and kill with stealth and skill. Makara also learned how to use her shapeshifting ability to disguise herself and infiltrate different cultures and factions. Makara’s education made her a formidable and versatile, detached and arrogant warrior.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Makara achieved many feats and honors in her life as a Queen and as a free agent. Makara became the Queen of the Eläin clan by marrying Shiro Takanashi, a samurai who admired her strength and beauty. Makara ruled the clan with an iron fist, expanding its territory and influence and enforcing its laws and customs. Makara also became a free agent for the Court of Six, a mysterious and influential organization that hired her for various missions and tasks. Makara completed many assignments for the Court, such as assassinating enemies, stealing secrets, sabotaging plans, and recruiting allies. Makara earned the respect and fear of many and the nickname of the Crimson Huntress.

Failures & Embarrassments

Makara also faced many failures and embarrassments in her life, both as a Queen and as a free agent. Makara lost her throne and her clan when she was betrayed by her husband, Shiro, who accused her of infidelity and treason. Makara was exiled and hunted by her former subjects, who despised her for her cruelty and corruption. Makara also lost her hand and her reputation when she was possessed by a spirit who corrupted her mind and body. Makara was forced to cut off her hand to free herself from the spirit, but the damage was done. Makara became a pariah and a fugitive, shunned and hunted by many.

Mental Trauma

Makara suffered from mental trauma as a result of her experiences and choices. Makara was traumatized by the betrayal of her husband, Shiro, who broke her heart and trust. Makara was also traumatized by the possession of the spirit, who tormented her with visions and voices. Makara developed a paranoid and cynical personality, trusting no one and expecting the worst. Makara grew a violent and sadistic streak, enjoying the pain and suffering of others. Makara became a broken and bitter person, haunted by her past and fearful of her future.

Intellectual Characteristics

Makara had a high and varied level of intelligence, as she was a master of many fields and disciplines. Makara had a keen and curious mind and was adept at learning and mastering new skills and knowledge. Makara had a different and unique perspective, as she could use both her Human and animal logic and intuition to solve problems and challenges. Makara had a cunning and creative mind and was skilled at devising and executing plans and strategies. Makara had a charismatic and persuasive mind and was good at influencing and manipulating others.

Morality & Philosophy

Makara had a twisted and selfish sense of morality and philosophy, as she was a follower of a dark god and a religious fanatic. Makara believed that the strong should rule over the weak and that the ends justified the means. Makara valued power and glory above all else and sought to achieve them by any means necessary. Makara cared little for the rights and feelings of others, and she treated them as tools or obstacles. Makara had no loyalty or compassion and betrayed or abandoned anyone who crossed or failed her.


Makara had no respect or regard for the taboos of her race or other races, and she violated them often and openly. Makara disrespected the traditions and customs of her clan and other clans, ignoring or defying their laws and authorities. Makara dishonored the sacred and holy things of her race and other races, and she desecrated or destroyed them. Makara abused the gifts and abilities of her race and other races, and she used them for evil and selfish purposes. Makara offended the gods and spirits of her race and other races and blasphemed or challenged them.

Personality Characteristics


Makara is motivated by her lust for power and glory and her hatred and revenge. She wants to regain her throne and clan and destroy her enemies, especially her husband Shiro, who betrayed her. Makara also wants to prove herself to her mentor, Shijian, who taught her the secrets of magic and time. She also wants to serve her dark god, who grants her strength and blessings.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • She is savvy in magic and martial arts, as she can manipulate time and space and fight with stealth and skill.
  • She is savvy in languages and history, as she can speak and write ancient and modern tongues and know the secrets and events of the past and the future.
  • She is savvy in disguise and infiltration, as she can shapeshift into different animals and people and blend in with different cultures and factions.
  • She is inept in diplomacy and empathy, as she is arrogant and cruel and does not care about the rights and feelings of others.
  • She is inept in loyalty and compassion, as she is selfish and treacherous and betrays or abandons anyone who crosses her or fails her.
  • She needs to be more inept in humility and moderation, as she is greedy and ambitious and wants more power and glory than she can handle.

Likes & Dislikes

  • She likes power and glory, making her feel superior and satisfied.
  • She likes blood and pain as they make her feel alive and excited.
  • She likes Shijian and her dark god, who makes her feel respected and blessed.
  • She dislikes Shiro and her clan, as they make her feel betrayed and humiliated.
  • She dislikes the spirit and her hand, which makes her feel corrupted and tormented.
  • She dislikes the other gods and races, as they make her feel threatened and challenged.

Virtues & Personality perks

  • She is intelligent and creative, as she can learn and master new skills and knowledge, and devise and execute plans and strategies.
  • She is charismatic and persuasive, as she can influence and manipulate others, and recruit and command allies.
  • She is courageous and strong, as she can face and overcome dangers and difficulties, and resist and defeat enemies.
  • She is adaptable and versatile, as she can change her appearance and form, and adjust to different environments and situations.
  • She is resourceful and cunning, as she can use her equipment and tools, and exploit the weaknesses and mistakes of others.

Vices & Personality flaws

  • She is intelligent and creative, as she can learn and master new skills and knowledge and devise and execute plans and strategies.
  • She is charismatic and persuasive, as she can influence and manipulate others and recruit and command allies.
  • She is courageous and strong, as she can face and overcome dangers and difficulties and resist and defeat enemies.
  • She is adaptable and versatile, as she can change her appearance and form and adjust to different environments and situations.
  • She is resourceful and cunning, as she can use her equipment and tools to exploit others' weaknesses and mistakes.

Personality Quirks

  • She has a tic of twitching her ears, which shows her mood and emotion.
  • She has a tic of rubbing her hand, which shows her discomfort and pain.
  • She has a quirk of collecting trophies, which shows her pride and vanity.
  • She has a quirk of talking to herself, which shows her loneliness and madness.
  • She has a quirk of praying to her dark god, which shows her devotion and fanaticism.


Makara has a low standard of hygiene, as she does not care much about her appearance and health. She rarely bathes or cleans herself and often smells of blood and sweat. Makara does not brush her teeth or comb her hair and usually has dirt and grime on her skin and clothes. She needs to change her clothes or wash her equipment and often wears the same dirty and torn garments and tools. She does not care about the hygiene of others and usually infects or contaminates them with her diseases and curses.



Makara reigned as a princess and eventual queen of the Eläin. She married Shiro Takanashi, a samurai who admired her strength and beauty and became the leader of his clan. She ruled with an iron fist, expanding her territory and influence and enforcing her laws and customs. She was feared and respected by her subjects but also hated and despised by many. She was betrayed by her husband, who accused her of infidelity and treason, and she lost her throne and her clan.

Social Aptitude

Makara had a low social aptitude, as she was arrogant and cruel, and did not care about the rights and feelings of others. She treated others as tools or obstacles, and betrayed or abandoned anyone who crossed her or failed her. She had no loyalty or compassion, and only cared for herself. She had few friends and allies, and many enemies and rivals. She was paranoid and cynical, and trusted no one and expected the worst. She was isolated and lonely, and lived in fear and anger.


Makara had a low social aptitude. She was arrogant and cruel and did not care about the rights and feelings of others. She treated others as tools or obstacles and betrayed or abandoned anyone who crossed or failed her. Makara had no loyalty or compassion and only cared for herself. She had few friends and allies and many enemies and rivals. She was paranoid and cynical, trusted no one, and expected the worst. She was isolated and lonely and lived in fear and anger.

Hobbies & Pets

Makara had no pets, as she considered animals inferior and unworthy. She had no respect or regard for the animal forms of her race and preferred to stay in her human form. She had few hobbies, as she was focused on her missions and tasks. She enjoyed fighting and killing; they made her feel alive and excited. She also enjoyed learning and mastering new skills and knowledge, as they made her feel superior and satisfied. She also enjoyed praying and worshipping her dark god, which made her feel respected and blessed.


Despite her lisp-ridden, nigh unintelligible speech patterns as a child, as Makara grew into adulthood, she had a distinctive speech, using various elements to express herself. She had a low and raspy tone of voice, as she spoke with confidence and menace that could quickly shift to a fast and sharp pitch when she said with urgency and impatience. She had a foreign and exotic accent that expressed her lengthy knowledge of a mix of ancient and modern tongues while maintaining a complex and unique dialect by utilizing words and phrases from different cultures and factions. Her speech bore no impediments, only clarity and precision.


Makara Takanashi

spouse (Vital)

Towards Shiro Takanashi



Shiro Takanashi

spouse (Vital)

Towards Makara Takanashi



Wealth & Financial state

Makara amassed a great fortune as a free agent for the Court of Six, a mysterious and influential organization that hired her for various missions and tasks. She earned a lot of money and rewards for completing assignments, such as assassinating enemies, stealing secrets, sabotaging plans, and recruiting allies. Makara spent her wealth buying and upgrading her equipment and tools, such as weapons, armor, magic items, and prosthetics. She donated some of her wealth to her dark god, who granted her strength and blessings.
Current Location
8420 AC 21940 AC 13520 years old
Shiro Takanashi (spouse)
90 lbs.