Location of a Leyline Essence Node



A stag radiates powerful magical energies - in the hopes it will lead them to a node of leyline essence to be mined to provide a consistent supply of the materials required to sustain the tower keeping them from death - Various expedition members track this creature.

Beginning with the motley crew of Ali, Cassandra, Gallow, Marrok, Mudoro, and Suzy, they proceeded to follow the direction and path of the creature whose trail they had scouted out. Their mission, complicated with the layer that the creature of their chase must not die was challenging, especially given the native fauna whom it attracted and seemed strangely defenseless against.   It was lucky then, that with Suzy in the party - her natural senses allowed her to follow the creature with seeming ease. monitoring it's surrounding area, they quickly moved to intercept the creature - with the powerful mustering from Gallow and Marrok, they rapidly sniped down the vast majority of enemy creatures whilst Mudoro and Cassandra ran interference amongst their foes to stop them from closing the gap.   Though any attempts of engaging in close combat with this party could only truly be described as a dream for once Suzy was entrenched the only thing that could get her out of it was a very logical tactical army, of which these creatures assuredly were not, allowing for the party's clever approach of guarding the staglike creature whom they were following.   This was not entirely uneventful however - as passing through a field of rocks in the sky, the party encountered a series of frorgs - a mainland creature akin to a frog, that would hop along the islands and attempt to consume it's prey, and with sheer numbers they were able to cause a temporary chaos amongst the expeditionary members by swallowing Ali and attempting to run away with the good doctor.   Yet it's escape was only a fantasy, as it drew the swift ire of the other expedition members, and could not stand up to the combined arrow and firepower of Gallow and Marrok, quickly dispatched with Ali recovered by the reliable Mudoro.   Taking a short break to rest from this encounter, they would regroup and then proceed to once agian follow the stag-like creature, whose carelses nature drew an increasing ire from the various party members; at least until it approached and entered a cave with no visible entrance, which resulting in them once again using Suzy's talents to discover the magically hidden path inside.   Once inside, the party discovered that the structure naturally had flowing water inside of it, acting as a moat of sorts around an island which radiated a powerful energy - their true objective here; the stag offering this site unto them almost as a form of repayment for their protecting of it, as the creature was seemingly aware of whom they were and their purpose in coming and willing to make this sacrifice.   Worth noting, is that with his task complete, Gallow would take a break and float amidst the waters of this hidden cavern, whereupon he would become more familiar with it's strange properties, as it melded with his own mythic capabilities but also permenant absorbed into his skin resulting in a mutation from his undead ghoulish form into an unliving creature whose ties to the pure negativity from which he had been born had become detached, with a physiology making him almost akin to a natural born creature of the negative plane.