Shio Kuu Takanashi

Exile, Former Princess, Outsider Shio Kuu Takanashi- Khan

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Shio is in good physical condition, as she has trained her body and mind to endure and overcome hardships. She is agile, flexible, and strong and can move swiftly and stealthily. She is also resilient and can heal quickly from wounds and illnesses. However, she also has some scars and injuries that remind her of her past and her pain. She has a scar on her chest from where she tried to remove the cult’s brand and some burns and cuts on her arms and legs from the rituals and battles that she participated in. She also suffers from some chronic pains and aches, especially in her head and her back, that sometimes affect her performance and mood.

Body Features

Shio has a petite and slender body, with curves and muscles that show her agility and strength. She has smooth and lightly tanned skin, with scars and marks that tell her story and pain.

Facial Features

She has heterochromic eyes, one blue and one red, that sparkle with intelligence and emotion. She has a small and cute nose, and a full and soft mouth that often forms a frown or a smirk. She has white hair with crimson highlights, that falls to her shoulders and frames her face.

Identifying Characteristics

Shio's distinctive features make her stand out and reveal her origin and nature. She has snowy white fur fox ears with blood-red tips that twitch and move according to her mood and attention. She also has a similar foxlike tail that swishes and curls behind her.

Physical quirks

Shio has some physical quirks that make her stand out and express her personality. She has heterochromic eyes, one blue and one red, that reflect her dual nature and her mixed heritage. She also has white hair with crimson highlights contrasting with her lightly tanned skin and showing her affinity for blood and fire. She often bites her lower lip when nervous or angry and sometimes twirls her hair around her finger when bored or thinking. She also has a habit of tapping her kunai against her thigh when she is impatient or restless and sometimes covers her mouth with her hand when she is surprised or scared.

Special abilities

Shio has some special abilities that make her a formidable and unique character. She is a Shinobi No Mono, which means she is a ninja, a spy, an assassin, and a saboteur. She can infiltrate, deceive, eliminate, and escape quickly and efficiently. She can also use some ninjutsu, secret techniques involving stealth, illusion, manipulation, and evasion. She can also use some genjutsu, which are mental techniques that involve hypnotism, suggestion, and confusion. She is also a Sacred Fist Warpriest, which means she is a warrior, a healer, a leader, and a devotee. She can channel her faith and will into her fists and feet and use them as divine weapons. She can also use some ki, a spiritual energy flowing through her body and soul. She can use her ki to enhance her physical and mental abilities, such as speed, strength, perception, and intuition. She can also use some chakra, which are focal points of her ki that correspond to different aspects of her being. She can use her chakra to activate special skills like healing, sensing, or transforming.

Apparel & Accessories

Shio wears a lot of blood-red and white, as these are the colors of her cult and her culture. She wears a white hooded cloak that covers her body and conceals her weapons. Underneath, she wears a blood-red tunic and pants that are tight and comfortable. She also wears a white belt that holds her kunai and some pouches with various items and tools. She wears white gloves and boots that protect her hands and feet. She also wears a blood-red scarf that covers her lower face and muffles her voice. She also wears accessories that have some meaning or value to her, such as a necklace with a pendant that belonged to her mother, a ring with a symbol that represents her father, and a bracelet with a charm given to her by a friend.

Specialized Equipment

Shio uses two kunai as her main weapons, as they are versatile and effective. She can use them for stabbing, slashing, throwing, or blocking. She can also attach them to a rope or a chain and use them as a whip or a flail. She is skilled and proficient with her kunai, and she can wield them with both hands or switch them between hands. She also has some other equipment that she uses for her missions and tasks, such as smoke bombs, shuriken, caltrops, lockpicks, and grappling hooks. She also has some magiShio uses two kunai as her primary weapons, which are versatile and practical. She can use them for stabbing, slashing, throwing, or blocking. She can also attach them to a rope or a chain and use them as a whip or a flail. She is skilled and proficient with her kunai and can wield them with both hands or switch them between hands. She also has other equipment for her missions and tasks, such as smoke bombs, shuriken, caltrops, lockpicks, and grappling hooks. She also has some magic items that enhance her abilities, such as a cloak that makes her invisible, a ring that makes her silent, and a charm that makes her lucky.c items that enhance her abilities, such as a cloak that makes her invisible, a ring that makes her silent, and a charm that makes her lucky.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Who is Shio?

Shio was once an obedient member of a religious cult. A follower of a dark god and a religious fanatic, but that is of little importance now. What matters now is that she somehow found it in her to free herself from the blind servitude and saw the error of her ways. Many innocents died by her hand - sacrificed on an altar or slain in raids. Brainwashed, drugged, or simply confused and misled, she has committed crimes so heinous she could hardly ever ask for forgiveness. Nevertheless, Shio left the cult determined to seek a new life. Will it be a life of virtue in pursuit of redemption or a lonesome journey of an embittered and broken individual trying to escape their past? Left only with sleepless nights as burning questions haunt her: Why did she join the cult in the first place? What made her see through the veil of cult indoctrination? How did she manage to escape?
  Marred by this cult, she carries a scar from the attempt at removing the cult's brand upon her otherwise untouched skin.
  Her past still haunts her in her dreams. She often wakes up screaming or does not sleep at all. This has filled her with melancholy. She is constantly afraid.
  Dark cults trifle with powers that are beyond their understanding or control. Those fools must be stopped.

How? Why?

Being born to a free-agent cultist isn't the most ideal situation. Shio is no stranger to this. However, to learn more about Shio, we must first learn about her mother, Makara.
  Makara was a misguided child, lured by promises and opportunities with veiled control and evil beyond anyone's understanding. Names were never spoken or only referenced in hushed tones; she gained close ties to, even befriended. Her ascent wasn't pretty, but it was certainly noteworthy. Shio's mother spent centuries building a following, not siding with any cult but building a rapport with all of them, an empire of depravity.
  After several hundred years passed, she came across a man who, much like her father and grandfather before him, sought to put his name everywhere. A genuine man, but a vainglorious man, Shiro Takanashi, a samurai. He was quiet, reserved, and gentle when he spoke to those he cared for and cared about, but when the call to battle came, it was like a paradigm shift; his whole persona became fury, hunting for glory, making sure all had a reason to remember his name. He wore his banner proudly and stood atop the highest peaks when he could to make sure those around could see him.
  These two meetings were comparable to two cresting waves crashing into each other. They absolutely hated each other. They butted heads at every turn. It was a competition. A fever. Impassioned. Years, no decades passed as they grew to the point of respectful competitors rather than enemies until, in a sudden moment of desperation, a hand reached out and helped the other rise to his feet after a great battle ended in defeat. Makara saw a man she respected. She saw a man she loved. A new bond formed after the fight, and they spent not a second apart. Shortly after this, the Eläinian ritual of marriage came to pass, and Makara Takanashi was written into the ages.
  Makara's allegiances and alliances stood firm; her cultist ideals did waver some as Shiro fought against them and opened her mind to the truth of it all, but as their child was born, some of those ideals that influenced fell upon them as well. Shio was born. Their child was inheriting a legacy more extensive than she could plausibly ever know, but just as things began to grow and build for her and she was beginning to grow up, everything was stripped from her and in a sudden unfortunate situation…
  She found herself somewhere new. Somewhere foreign. A place she'd never seen. A world she'd never heard of. Her life would never be the same.
  Shio stuck to what she knew. As an Eläin, she was trained to be self-sufficient and resilient from a young age. She lived off the land and fell into what she knew. Unfortunately, what she knew was how to live, how to survive, and how to integrate herself into what felt like home…
  She found herself within a room of robed figures with a bloody kunai in her hands, standing over a pleading man as if the time between had all but been a fever pitch, and she suddenly saw through it all. She saw her actions were not her own. {Clang, Ka-clang, clang} The blade falls to the stone floor of the sacrificial chamber and splatters blood on her legs. She steps back. She does a light bow and walks away.
  It wasn't unheard of for a member to suddenly need to walk away for a moment or turn away from a sacrifice. However, the leader would question her later and potentially face punishment for impeding the progress of a ritual...
  In the moments following her exit from the chamber, she came to the conclusion that she no longer wished to be part of this.


Shio did not receive a formal education but learned a lot from her parents and her cult. She learned how to read and write in several languages, use various weapons and magic, perform rituals and ceremonies, and survive in harsh environments. She also learned some history, geography, and mythology from the stories and legends that her cult told her. She is curious and eager to learn new things but tends to be skeptical and critical of what she hears and sees.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Shio has accomplished many things in her life, both in her original world and on the Mainland. She attempted to escape from her cult and start a new life. She achieved to learn and mastered various skills and abilities, such as combat, magic, survival, and stealth. She made some friends and allies who helped her and supported her. She overcame some of her fears and challenges and grew as a person. She found some happiness and peace despite her past and her trauma. She discovered some truths and secrets that changed her perspective and understanding of the world.

Failures & Embarrassments

Shio has experienced many failures and embarrassments in her life, both in her original world and on the Mainland. She failed to save her parents from a mysterious fate; she could not fit in with her cult and the society around her. Shio was unable to prevent or undo the atrocities that she committed, and she failed to escape from her past and her guilt. She is embarrassed by her appearance, heritage, actions, and emotions. She often feels ashamed, insecure, and unworthy of happiness or forgiveness.

Mental Trauma

Shio suffers from severe mental trauma as a result of her experiences. She has nightmares, flashbacks, panic attacks, and dissociation. She struggles with depression, anxiety, guilt, anger, and self-loathing. She has difficulty trusting and connecting with others and isolates herself from the world. She also has a distorted sense of reality, morality, and identity. She sometimes doubts her memories, beliefs, and choices, and she sometimes questions her sanity and humanity.

Intellectual Characteristics

Shio is intelligent, creative, and resourceful. She has a sharp mind, a keen eye, and a quick wit. She can solve problems, improvise solutions, and adapt to situations. She can also create, invent, and discover new things. She has a good memory, a vivid imagination, and a strong intuition. She is interested in learning and exploring and enjoys reading, writing, and drawing. She is also clever, cunning, and manipulative. She can lie, deceive, and persuade others to get what she wants or needs.

Morality & Philosophy

Shio has a complex and conflicted morality and philosophy. She was raised with a cultist worldview, which taught her that there is a dark god who demands obedience, sacrifice, and violence and that there is a cosmic war between good and evil, light and darkness, order and chaos. She also learned from her parents and her culture that there is balance and harmony in nature and respect and honor in life. She later realized that her cult was wrong and evil and that she had done terrible things that she regretted and hated. She now tries to find a new meaning and purpose in her life and to make amends for her sins. She is searching for truth, justice, and peace but is also confused, conflicted, and lost.


Shio has some taboos about her culture, cult, and personal preferences. She considers it taboo to eat meat, to harm animals, to waste resources, to disrespect elders, to break promises, to betray allies, to show weakness, to express emotions, to reveal secrets, to ask for help, to forgive enemies, to love herself, and to hope for the future. She also avoids anything that reminds her of her past, such as blood, fire, knives, altars, robes, symbols, chants, and names.

Personality Characteristics


Shio’s personal motivation is to find a way to redeem herself and heal from her trauma. She wants to atone for the sins that she committed as a cultist and make amends with the people that she hurt or wronged. She also wants to find out what happened to her parents and her original world and reconnect with her culture and her heritage. She hopes to find some peace and happiness in her life and overcome her fears and doubts.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Shio is savvy in many areas, such as combat, magic, survival, stealth, and espionage. She is adept at fighting, casting spells, living off the land, hiding, and infiltrating. She is also savvy in some academic and artistic fields, such as languages, history, mythology, writing, and drawing. She needs to be more proficient in some areas, such as social skills, emotions, technology, and etiquette. She could be more comfortable communicating, expressing, understanding, and relating to others. She is also unfamiliar with modern devices, gadgets, and systems and often needs to catch up on them. She is also inept at following rules, norms, and customs and often offends or annoys others with her behavior.

Likes & Dislikes

Shio likes some things, such as animals, nature, books, art, and music. She enjoys spending time with loyal, friendly, and innocent animals. She also enjoys being in nature, which is calm, beautiful, and harmonious. She likes reading books that are informative, entertaining, and inspiring. She also likes creating art that is expressive, creative, and therapeutic. She enjoys listening to music, as it is soothing, uplifting, and energizing. She dislikes some things, such as crowds, noise, violence, lies, and authority. She hates crowded places, which are stressful, chaotic, and suffocating. She also hates loud noises, which are irritating, distracting, and alarming. She dislikes violence, as it is cruel, destructive, and traumatic. She also dislikes lies, which are dishonest, manipulative, and hurtful. She hates authority, as it is oppressive, restrictive, and abusive.

Virtues & Personality perks

Shio has virtues and perks that make her a good and admirable character. She is brave, loyal, honest, compassionate, and determined. She is courageous and fearless, facing danger and adversity with confidence and resolve. She is reliable and faithful and stands by her friends and allies through thick and thin. She is honest and truthful, speaks her mind, and keeps her word. She is compassionate and caring, and she helps and protects those who are in need or in trouble. She is determined and persistent, passionate and dedicated, pursuing her goals and dreams.

Vices & Personality flaws

Shio has some vices and flaws that make her an imperfect and flawed character. She is violent, secretive, cynical, reckless, and stubborn. She is fierce and aggressive and resorts to force and violence to solve her problems and conflicts. She is mysterious and guarded and hides her feelings and thoughts from others. She is cynical and pessimistic, expects the worst, and trusts no one. She is reckless and impulsive, and she acts without thinking and consequences. She is stubborn and prideful and refuses to listen or change her mind.

Personality Quirks

Shio has some tics and quirks that make her a unique and quirky character. She has a tic of biting her lower lip when nervous or angry, and she has a quirk of twirling her hair around her finger when bored or thinking. She also has a tic of tapping her kunai against her thigh when she is impatient or restless and has a quirk of covering her mouth with her hand when she is surprised or scared. She also has a tic of scratching the scar on her chest when she is stressed or anxious and has a quirk of humming a tune that her mother taught her when she is happy or relaxed.


Shio has decent hygiene, as she tries to keep herself clean and healthy. She washes her face and hands regularly and brushes her teeth and hair daily. She also bathes and changes her clothes whenever she can, using herbs and oils to mask her scent and heal her wounds. However, she also has some hygiene issues, sometimes neglecting or forgetting to take care of herself. She occasionally skips meals or sleeps and eats or drinks unhealthy or spoiled food or water. She also sometimes wears dirty or torn clothes and sometimes has some dirt or blood on her skin or hair.
Current Location
Heterochromic, Blue Right, Red Left
White with crimson highlights
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Lightly Tanned
80 lbs.