Shiro Takanashi

Shiro Takanashi

Biological parent of Shio Kuu Takanashi

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Shiro Takanashi is in excellent physical condition thanks to his rigorous training and lifestyle. He has a muscular and athletic build, with a height of 6’3 and a weight of 200 pounds. He is agile and robust, capable of performing impressive feats of combat and endurance. He has no significant injuries or illnesses, but he does have some scars and bruises from his battles and adventures.

Body Features

Shiro Takanashi has a fair complexion with a slight tan from his travels. He has gray/white hair, which he keeps long and tied in a ponytail. He has gem-like eyes, a rare and striking feature of his Aasimar heritage. He has a well-defined jawline and a straight nose, giving him a handsome and noble appearance. He has a lean and toned physique, broad shoulders, and a narrow waist.

Facial Features

Shiro Takanashi's calm and confident expression reflects his personality and attitude. He has a warm and friendly smile, which he uses to charm and disarm his allies and enemies. He has a sharp and piercing gaze, which he uses to intimidate and challenge his opponents and rivals. He has smooth and clear skin, with no blemishes or wrinkles, except for a small scar on his left cheek, which he received from a duel with a rival samurai.

Identifying Characteristics

Shiro Takanashi has some identifying features that make him stand out and recognizable. The most obvious one is his banner, inherited from his adoptive father and carried with him wherever he goes. The banner is a large rectangular piece of cloth with a black background and a white dragon symbol. The banner represents his name, his order, and his honor. Another identifying feature is his wakizashi, Shiro No Chibi-Tetsu, a legendary and unique weapon he acquired from the mythical black dragon samurai. The wakizashi is a short, curved sword with a black blade and white handle. The wakizashi has magical and powerful properties and is a symbol of his glory and fame.

Physical quirks

Shiro Takanashi has some physical quirks that reveal some aspects of his habits and preferences. One is that he always wears his sword on his left hip, even when not in combat or in danger. He does this because he is left-handed and finds it easier and faster to draw his sword from that side. Another physical quirk is that he always wears a red scarf around his neck, even when it is hot or humid. He does this because he received the scarf as a gift from his mother before she was killed, and he considers it a lucky charm and a reminder of her love.

Special abilities

Shiro Takanashi has unique abilities that make him a formidable and remarkable warrior. One is his Aasimar heritage, which grants him some divine traits and powers. He can manifest a radiant aura around him, which enhances his physical and magical abilities. He can also heal himself or others with a touch or unleash a blast of light that damages his enemies. Another unique ability is his mastery of swordsmanship, which allows him to wield his wakizashi with skill and grace. He can perform various techniques and maneuvers with his sword, such as slashing, parrying, thrusting, or throwing. He can also infuse his sword with elements like fire, ice, or lightning to create other effects and advantages.

Apparel & Accessories

Shiro Takanashi wears a traditional samurai outfit consisting of a kimono, a hakama, and a haori. His white kimono has a black dragon pattern on the sleeves and the chest. His hakama is black, with a white belt and a red scarf tied around his waist. His hair is red, with a black dragon symbol on the back and the name of his order, Kokujin, on the front. He also wears a pair of black sandals and a pair of white socks. He accessorizes his outfit with earrings, a necklace, and a bracelet, all made of silver and adorned with gem-like stones that match his eyes.

Specialized Equipment

Shiro Takanashi carries two specialized pieces of equipment with him wherever he goes. The first is his banner, which he inherited from his adoptive father and brings with him wherever he goes. The banner is a large rectangular piece of cloth with a black background and a white dragon symbol. The banner represents his name, his order, and his honor. The second one is his wakizashi, Shiro No Chibi-Tetsu, a legendary and unique weapon he acquired from the mythical black dragon samurai. The wakizashi is a short, curved sword with a black blade and white handle. The wakizashi has magical and powerful properties and symbolizes his glory and fame.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Before The Fall

  When he was very young, a group of evil Samurai assassinated his family. He was left for dead, with no realistic way of defending himself, until he was found roaming the streets by a very big and intimidating-looking yet extremely good-natured samurai. He gathered information from him, confirming what happened. He took Shiro into his care, spending the next decade training him to become the ultimate warrior. He surpassed his master by the time he reached adulthood.   As a child, Shiro spent most of his time growing up around another Samurai. He learned to show dignity and honor in all things. He shows nothing but the utmost respect for other brave warriors.   Even in all his solemnity, being that he's still relatively young, he isn't afraid to have some fun in celebration of a long, hard-fought battle. He sometimes gets lost in the moment's thrill, pushing himself too hard for his allies or focusing too heavily on his enemies.   His adoptive father recently passed away, so he carries his banner and last name in support of the Order and pushes forth, fighting in his name for the honor. He continues to roam, helping those in need, paying his adoptive father's good deeds forward while still searching for the evil clan who killed his parents so long ago.   With him, his friend and battle partner for life, Zariel stands by his side.


Shiro Takanashi received his education from his adoptive father, a master samurai and a member of the order of Kokujin. He taught Shiro the art of swordsmanship, the code of honor, and the history and culture of their people. Shiro also learned from other members of the order, who helped him train and improve his skills. Shiro was a diligent and talented student who surpassed his father and his peers by reaching adulthood.


Shiro Takanashi did not have formal employment but devoted his life to pursuing personal glory and fame. He traveled the world, seeking challenges and opportunities to prove his worth and reputation. He fought against enemies, helped those in need, and participated in tournaments and duels. He also joined forces with other heroes, such as Zariel, to face more significant threats and achieve remarkable feats. He earned respect and admiration from many but also made enemies and rivals.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • He won a sword fighting tournament, defeating several skilled and experienced opponents.
  • He inherited his father’s banner and joined the order of Kokujin, becoming one of their most respected and honored members.
  • He acquired the legendary wakizashi, Shiro No Chibi-Tetsu, formerly held by the mythical black dragon samurai, and used it to perform amazing feats of combat and magic.
  • He met and befriended Zariel, a kind and adventurous traveler who became his loyal and trusted partner and friend.
  • He discovered the truth about his parents’ deaths and avenged them by slaying the evil samurai who killed them.

Failures & Embarrassments

  • He failed to save his father from a group of dark figures who attacked and burned their tent and had to mercy kill him to end his suffering.
  • He was captured and tortured by a rival samurai clan, who wanted to steal his wakizashi and his secrets, and Zariel and his allies had to rescue him.
  • He accidentally offended a noble lady by mistaking her for a servant and asking her to fetch him some water. He had to apologize profusely and offer her a gift.
  • He lost a duel to a young, arrogant swordsman who mocked him and his banner. He had to swallow his pride and admit his defeat.
  • He fell in love with Makara, a cultist leader who manipulated him and betrayed him, and he had to fight against her and her followers.

Mental Trauma

He developed post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after witnessing his parents’ and his father’s death and had nightmares and flashbacks of the events. He developed survivor’s guilt after escaping from the torture chamber and blamed himself for not being able to protect his allies and run sooner. He developed trust issues after being betrayed by Makara and became wary and suspicious of anyone who tried to get close to him or offer him help.

Intellectual Characteristics

Shiro Takanashi is intelligent and curious, and he likes to learn new things and improve his skills. He has a good memory and a keen sense of observation, which help him in his quests and battles. He is also creative and imaginative, allowing him to develop innovative solutions and strategies. He enjoys reading books, especially about history and mythology, and he likes to challenge himself with puzzles and riddles.

Morality & Philosophy

Shiro Takanashi is a moral and honorable person who follows the code of the samurai and the order of Kokujin. He values courage, loyalty, justice, and glory and strives to uphold these virtues in his actions and decisions. He respects his allies and enemies and does not lie, cheat, or steal. He believes that his destiny is to achieve fame and renown and that he has a duty to help those in need and fight against evil.


  • He does not tolerate cowardice, betrayal, or dishonor and will not associate with anyone who displays these traits.
  • He does not like to be mocked, insulted, or challenged by anyone unworthy or disrespectful, and he will not hesitate to defend his honor and reputation.
  • He does not approve of cults, dark magic, or evil deeds and will not join or support anyone who practices or promotes these things.
  • He does not like to show weakness, vulnerability, or fear, and he will not admit or ask for help unless absolutely necessary.

Personality Characteristics


Shiro Takanashi is motivated by his desire to achieve glory and fame and honor his adoptive father and his order. He wants to prove his worth and reputation to the world and himself. He also wants to find and avenge his parents’ killers and protect his daughter, Shio, who was transported to a different world. He is driven by his passion, ambition, love, and loyalty.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Shiro Takanashi is savvy in swordsmanship, combat, magic, history, and mythology. He is adept at using his wakizashi, Shiro No Chibi-Tetsu, and Aasimar powers to perform amazing feats of skill and energy. He is also knowledgeable about the history and culture of his people, as well as the legends and myths of the world. He needs to improve at diplomacy, stealth, technology, and emotions. He needs to improve at negotiating, sneaking, using modern devices, or expressing his feelings. He is often blunt, loud, stubborn, or aloof.

Likes & Dislikes

Shiro Takanashi likes fighting, reading, traveling, and celebrating. He enjoys engaging in battles and duels to test his skills and challenge his rivals. He also likes reading books, especially about history and mythology, where he can learn new things and improve his knowledge. He also enjoys traveling the world, exploring new places, and meeting new people. He also likes celebrating his victories and achievements, where he can have fun and relax. He dislikes cowardice, betrayal, dishonor, and cults. He hates anyone who displays these traits and will not associate with them or tolerate them. He also dislikes anything that threatens his honor, glory, or loved ones, and he will not hesitate to fight against or destroy them.

Virtues & Personality perks

  • He is courageous, loyal, just, and glorious. He follows the code of the samurai and the order of Kokujin, and he upholds these virtues in his actions and decisions.
  • He does not fear danger or death, and he will face any challenge or threat with bravery and confidence.
  • He is faithful to his allies and friends, and he will not betray or abandon them.
  • He is fair and honorable, and he will not lie, cheat, or steal.
  • He is glorious and renowned, and he will not let anyone tarnish his name or his reputation.

Vices & Personality flaws

  • He is courageous, loyal, just, and glorious. He follows the code of the samurai and the order of Kokujin, and he upholds these virtues in his actions and decisions.
  • He does not fear danger or death and will face any challenge or threat with bravery and confidence.
  • He is faithful to his allies and friends and will not betray or abandon them.
  • He is fair and honorable and will not lie, cheat, or steal.
  • He is glorious and renowned and will not let anyone tarnish his name or reputation.

Personality Quirks

Shiro Takanashi has some tics and quirks that reveal some aspects of his personality and habits. One of them is that he always taps his sword’s handle with his fingers before drawing it to prepare himself and show respect for his weapon. Another tic is that he always clears his throat before speaking to get attention and express his confidence. A quirk he has is that he always sleeps with his banner and his wakizashi next to him to feel secure and connected to his father and his order. Another quirk he has is that he constantly hums a tune that his mother used to sing to him to remember her and calm himself.


Shiro Takanashi has a good sense of hygiene and tries to keep himself clean and presentable. He washes his face and hands every morning and evening and regularly brushes his teeth and hair. He also bathes at least once a week or more often if he is dirty or sweaty from his travels or battles. He changes his clothes and his socks every day, and he washes them whenever he can. He also frequently cleans and polishes his sword and banner and checks them for any damage or wear. He does not like to smell foul or look messy and thinks hygiene is a sign of respect and dignity.



Shiro Takanashi did not have a formal reign, but he did have a lot of influence and authority in the world. He is one of the most respected and admired members of the order of Kokujin, and he has a close relationship with the leader of the order, who considers him a son. He is also one of the world's most renowned and feared warriors, and he has many allies and enemies who recognize his power and skill.

Contacts & Relations

  • Zariel, his loyal and trusted partner and friend, travels with him and supports him in his adventures. Zariel is a kind and adventurous traveler with many skills and abilities and shares Shiro’s passion and curiosity for the world.
  • Makara, his former lover and enemy, who betrayed him and tried to kill him. Makara is a cultist leader who has a lot of followers and resources and who practices and promotes dark magic and evil deeds. She is also the mother of his daughter, Shio.
  • Shio, his daughter, whom he loves and misses dearly. Shio is a young and brave Eläin who inherited some of his traits and skills but also had her own choices and experiences. She was involved in a cult, but she rebelled and escaped from it.
  • The leader of the order of Kokujin, his mentor and father figure, who welcomed him into the order and taught him many things. The leader of the order of Kokujin is a wise and powerful samurai with a lot of respect and authority in the world and who leads the order with honor and justice.
  • The order of Kokujin, his order, and family, who he belongs to and serves. The order of Kokujin is that of a group of samurai who devote their lives to the pursuit of personal glory. They follow a set of edicts that guide their actions and decisions, and they challenge and defeat an ever-increasing host of rivals to further cement their illustrious reputation.
  • The evil samurai clan, his enemies and killers, whom he seeks to destroy. The evil samurai clan is a group of samurai who practice and promote dark magic and bad deeds. They are responsible for killing his parents and his adoptive father, and they are also in league with Makara and her cult.
  • The new race of beings, his allies, and kin, who he helps and protects. The new race of beings is a group created by the blood-red comet and the dark-robed stranger, who gave them enhanced versions of their former selves. They are stronger, faster, and more resilient than the other members of their races, and they help to fight against the evil that threatens the world.

Family Ties

  • His parents, whom he loved and respected, but who was killed by the evil samurai clan when he was very young. He does not remember much about them, but he knows they were good and noble people who gave him his name and eyes.
  • His adoptive father, whom he loved and honored but who was killed by the dark figures who attacked and burned their tent. He remembers everything about him and considers him his true father, who gave him his banner and wakizashi.
  • His daughter, who he loves and misses, but who was transported to a different world by the blood-red comet and the dark-robed stranger. He does not know much about her, but he knows that she is his flesh and blood, with his sword and powers.

Religious Views

Shiro Takanashi is not very religious but has some beliefs and views about the divine and the supernatural. He believes there are gods and spirits in the world who have some influence and power over fate and events. He respects and honors them but does not worship or pray to them. He believes that his destiny is in his own hands and that he can shape it with his actions and decisions. He also believes that his Aasimar heritage is a blessing and a sign from the gods and that he has a special connection and purpose in the world.

Social Aptitude

Shiro Takanashi is sociable and polite and can interact with people and situations. He is confident and charming and can make a good impression and a lasting connection with others. He is also respectful and courteous and can follow the etiquette and norms of different cultures and groups. He is not shy or awkward and can express himself and his opinions clearly and effectively. He is also adaptable and flexible, and he can adjust his behavior and attitude according to the context and the mood.


Shiro Takanashi's mannerisms reveal some aspects of his personality and habits. One of them is that he always bows to greet or thank someone to show respect and gratitude. Another mannerism is that he always places his hand on his sword's handle when he is nervous or angry to calm himself and prepare himself. A mannerism that he has is that he always tilts his head slightly when he is curious or interested to show his attention and enthusiasm. Another mannerism that he has is that he always rubs his chin when thinking or planning to show his concentration and intelligence.

Hobbies & Pets

Shiro Takanashi has no pets, but he has some hobbies that he enjoys and pursues. One of them is reading, especially books about history and mythology, where he can learn new things and improve his knowledge. He likes to read in his spare time or when traveling or resting. Another hobby is traveling, where he can explore new places and meet new people. He travels worldwide, seeking challenges and opportunities and helping those in need. He also likes to collect souvenirs and memories from his travels. Another hobby is celebrating, where he can have fun and relax. He wants to celebrate his victories and achievements with friends and allies or strangers and acquaintances. He likes to drink, eat, dance, sing, and enjoy the moment.


Shiro Takanashi has calm and confident speech, which reflects his personality and attitude. He speaks clearly and loudly, which he uses to communicate and persuade others. He also says in a warm and friendly tone, which he uses to charm and disarm others. He uses formal and polite language, which he uses to show respect and courtesy. He also uses informal and casual language, which he uses to establish familiarity and humor. He speaks simply and directly, which he uses to express his opinions and decisions. He also says this in a complex and eloquent way, which he uses to impress and challenge others.


Makara Takanashi

spouse (Vital)

Towards Shiro Takanashi



Shiro Takanashi

spouse (Vital)

Towards Makara Takanashi



Shiro Takanashi

Friend (Vital)

Towards Zariel Vendolph



Zariel Vendolph

Friend (Vital)

Towards Shiro Takanashi




A Chance Meeting; An Unlikely Friendship

Waking up in a warm bed has long been a foreign concept to me at this point in my life. Nearly 50 years since I've slept in one. I can't even recall what it feels like anymore. The hard ground and whispering wind of the outdoors have become my home. I've spent the last several years caring for my father in his old age. His health deteriorates with each passing day. He still makes sure I diligently stick to a strict training regiment every single morning. This one is no exception. I collect my weapons and rations for the day. The tent's entrance lightly flaps around in the wind as I exit. I turn to look back at the tent and take a deep breath. "Guess I better get going," I say, solemnly, as I head out towards the forest to begin my training. Most of the members of my father's order try to keep to themselves and don't often take well to outsiders, but a few have come to know and befriend me and help me train, owing a great debt to my father over the years he has spent serving with them. There's even talk of me soon joining their order and living out the true life of a Samurai. My father has always told me I'm destined for something great. He says that I'm different than most and should take the unique blessings I received as a child, despite my traumatizing shortcomings that came only a short while later, as a positive sign from the gods for my future. "TING!" my sword's blade slams against the metal of my sparring partner's blade. I can go toe to toe with the best of them nowadays. I've even won several matches against my opponents recently. They host monthly sword fighting tournaments in a nearby town, and I actually won the most recent tournament! "SWWWWIIIIIIIINNG -- WHOOSH -- TING" our blades grind against each other as we pull them back only to meet yet again, but this time I am prepared and quickly go in for another swipe at a weak point, catching him off guard and sending him to the ground with a loud “THUD!”. I point the tip of my blade at him and smile, "that's 5 to 1, care for another bout?" I sheath my sword and grip his outstretched hand and pull him to his feet. He smiles, "I think that's enough for today, Shiro." he dusts himself off and continues, "you've excelled at your training, but I think it's soon time for you to go out on your own. There's not much left for you learn from me." he looks around at his long time friends and allies present for our session. They give him a nod and smile, then he turns back to me, “Shiro, there’s something your father told me to give you when I knew the time was right. We all agree, that time is now. Wait here.” He disappears into his tent and exits with something rolled up. He bows to me as his hands stretch out towards me with wrapped-up, cloth-like, material in hand. I take it and return his bow. As I begin to unravel it, my eyes widen, and a tear streaks down my face. A familiar sight. It's my father's banner. I begin to roll it back up. “Shiro Takinashi”, he says in a serious tone. As I begin to reply, he continues, “accepting this banner comes with responsibility. You must uphold its purpose and agree to follow our edicts.” I nod in agreement and say, “yes, sir” He smiles and begins to recite my duties, “A Samurai of the order of Kokujin devotes his life to the pursuit of personal glory. Even if such pursuit puts his own life on the line, the Samurai pursues legendary status and the fame and glory associated with such renown. Our Edicts are as follows, ‘The samurai must pursue glory for himself and those with whom he associates. He must strive to heap glory upon his name, no matter the costs. He must challenge and defeat an ever-increasing host of rivals to further cement his illustrious reputation.’” He scans over me and then looks deeply into my eyes, “Shiro, do you agree to these edicts?” Shiro, standing at attention, in a serious tone, “With honor, sir. I will do the order justice. I will bring glory to my name.” He smiles, “Then I welcome you to our order.” He walks over and gives me a pat on the back. He says, “Let’s celebrate!” and hands me a glass of ale. After a couple hours of drinking and talking, I make my way back home to tell my father the news. As I reach the crest of the last hill I see large wafts of smoke in the distance coming from the area my father and I were staying in. Terror and repressed memories begin to run over me and play back in my head. Time begins to seemingly slow down as I run at top speed, solidifying my resolve as I seem to feel no exhaustion from the run. What I see when I finally reach the tint can only be described as horrific. Several dark figures laughing maniacally as they shove a spear into my father, while he attempts to crawl out of the burning tent, as they kick him into the flames, I scream in anger and horror and charge at them with my blade. There’s no time to waste. They simply seem to fade out of existence by the time I reach them, their laughter flows into the wind. I yell, “Cowards!” and run to my father in an attempt to rescue him. His mostly charred and bleeding body is barely keeping him alive. He is barely able to let out a whimper of pain, but he seems to suddenly bolster himself and looks at me, knowingly, “S-Shiro… I…” he shows his discomfort and continues, “am… proud… “ he begins to well up, “your parents… they were… my family…”He begins to cough up blood and tries his best to continue, “They... killed... them…” He cries out in pain, as his ability to keep himself together has reached its end. He takes the tip of my sword and places it on his chest and barely lets out a breathy, “…” I give him a knowing look of grief and plunge the blade into him as I weep and scream, “No! Why?!” My tears fall onto my father’s now lifeless body. I wrap him up in a blanket and put out the remnants of the fire. Time and everything else around me seems to fade away. I slowly begin to feel faint, passing out moments later.
This morning was an exciting one for sure. I was finally on my way to Wushanko for the first time, I have wondered most of the world at this point, met so many interesting people. Now for a new adventure in a new place, full of amazing people and most likely people who need my help. After getting through customs and and the hassle of getting into a big city, I was finally in Wushanko with so many new sights and smells. I’m quite excited to try some of the cuisine from such an excotic place. I seek out an inn I was told would be best for me, an outsider. After I get a room and get something to eat I head to the town center to see if I can find a job board of some sort, or maybe a local clinic. I am able to get directions to a local clinic where i spend the rest of my day. While I’m wrapping up my day of work, mostly just little stuff until they know and trust me to do more important things around the clinic, I hear bells ringing and people outside shouting about a fire. I am the first out of the clinic and I look around in the sky for the smoke and as soon as I see where it is i take off at full tilt, thankfully I didn’t put on my armor so I’m able to run full tilt toward the fire. As I exit the city I see a group of figures running from the fire, but not toward the city like most would. I find this odd but there may be people trapped in the fires. So I take off for the tents, shouting for anyone and working my way through the flame. I see people stumbling out of the fires I come across a few that I'm able to pull out of the fire. Just as I move an unconscious body out of the immediate area I see what looks like a young man run directly into the worst of the fire. I quickly set the man down and rush off toward where I last saw the young man, (little did i know that this was the first time of many that I would charge into danger after this young man). After what feels like hours but if probably no more than five minutes I find the young man sprawled out over a badly burnt corpse. I quickly cast a few spells to create water on the nearby flames and on him, hoping to maybe rouse the him. Sadly it doesn’t do much to the flames or the young man. I pick up a nearby blanket that I was able to douse in water and wrap in around the young man and I go to pick him up but realize that this man ran in here to save this person and I can’t just leave this body here to be ravaged more by these flames and not get a proper burial, which hopefully will give this man some closure. I finish lifting the boy across my shoulders then grab onto the crispy body and put in underneath my arm and start to make my way out of the fire. I finally get a safe distance away and drop, all my energy spent, I finally collapse falling into the dark embrace of unconsciousness.

Wealth & Financial state

Shiro Takanashi is not very wealthy but only cares a little about money or material possessions. He prefers to live a simple and modest life, with only the essentials he needs for his travels and battles. He does not hoard or waste his money but spends it wisely and generously. He often gives his money to those who need it more than him, such as the poor, the sick, or the oppressed. He also sometimes uses his money to buy gifts for his friends and loved ones or to treat himself to some luxuries, such as fine food, wine, or entertainment.
21830 AC 21970 AC 140 years old
Makara Takanashi (spouse)
Long White and in a ponytail
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Very Tan