The Dreamgate Network

What is it

The Method by which travel between The Mainland and The Isle of Betoros is possible. If you traveled from one area to the other, you did so using the Dreamgate Network as the Veil blocks all other methods of transportation.   Currently there is only two portals, but a vaster network is possible as more Mainland settlements are formed.

How does it work

The key to the Dreamgates function is on the Beteros side. A Planetarium artifiact of Desnian origin acts like a beacon as it connects to the dream plane on its side, The Mainland portal finds this beacon's light and latches on. The portals then open for but a few minutes in order to conserve power, they are otherwise kept in a dormant state which is easier to reconnect to the dream plane than if they were trully off.


The Beteros side portal is fueled by a mysterious flame held by a few special individuals. Originally only Iris Everthorn and Tallo of The Belledona Association held flames capable of fueling the device, but since then a few apprentices have emerged with some ability to hold a spark of their parents flame. A normal fueling can keep the portals operational in their standard parameters for up to a month at a time.   The Mainland side portal is unfortunately much more expensive to maintain. The primary power source of choice is Ley Line Crystals, a useful stone that is very important for reclaiming The Mainland. Its not normally found in large amounts, and a great deal of time is dedicated to keeping a healthy supply of them.

The Plane of Dreams

Rather than directly linking to each other like a standard portal, they instead connect to a seperate portal in an intermediary Dream Plane. The travellers will then walk across a floating stone bridge, past the giant butterfly perched on the massive crystal, and to the portal on the other side.   The plane is known for having a split sky, half a marvelous night sky, and half a mess of pigments. The line between these two is known to slowly move over time, with the line moving too far in the chaos side concurring with tempestous periods where the Dreamgates are forced to go dormant for weeks at a time.   It is important to note that this is a peculiar nonstandard Dream plane with unusual properties. Research into its exact nature is still ongoing.

Herald of Desna

Resting on a giant crystal is the presence of a colousal Monarch Butterfly, believed by the Desnians to be Desna herself exerting her power on the Dreamland in order to allow for continued safe travel. Approaching the Crystal and the Butterfly appears to be nigh impossible, with perspective moving as fast as one approaches. For whatever reason, it seems content to watch as travellers cross the realm.    

Current Dreamgate Locations

Treddleton   Lighthouse by Sedon