

Varies drastically, much of the current population consists of refugees from all over the world. Humans are a notable population, as the royal family consists of pure-blood humans.




Betoros's Military is used primarily for the purpose of defence, rather than offence. In the past, this army was used to repel hostile nations. Its most recent use left its forces ravaged by the global calamity.

Industry & Trade

Sedon, and the Kingdom of Betoros as a whole, is wholly self-reliant.


Advanced fantasy, magical, Steampunk


Items with a value <= 36,000g have a 75% chance (per week) to be found without effort. 4d4 random medium magic items with values that may exceed 36,000g are available within this settlement per week (new set each week). 3d4 random major magic items with values that may exceed 36,000g are available within this settlement per week (new set each week). Items with a selling value >130,000g cannot be sold publicly within this city, though personal transactions allow for this.

Guilds and Factions

Betoros Royal Family, Adventurer’s Guild


Sedon was founded during the birth of the Kingdom of Betoros. The kingdom of Betoros is a testament to its founding member's will. Said to have existed since the dawn of time, this ancient kingdom has developed and maintained itself thoroughly through the ages. Betoros society drives itself through willing adaptability and magical heritage.

Points of interest

Sedon Palace, Adventurer’s Guild HQ, Maidenhall, Maiden’s Market, Maiden Docks (west, central, and east), Maiden’s Beach, Forest of Beginnings, Sedon Ridge


Common residences have cobble foundations with wooden skeletons, further reinforced by plaster.
More prominent buildings incorporate artisanal masonry as their primary component. Decor varies greatly on the individual. Public spaces adhere to a generic aesthetic, but are often spruced up based on their location or any ongoing events.


Sedon rests on the coast of Betoros on the mouth of Sedon River. Much of its western territory consists of plains. The northern portion of Sedon becomes hills. East of Sedon is a dense forested area. Along the eastern coast of Sedon, a mountain range begins inclining.



Natural Resources

Of note: iron, lumber, produce, livestock
Founding Date
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization