Isle of Betoros


Misty plateaus, craggy ocean cliffs, tropical coastal areas, lava deserts, and fern and bamboo forests, in addition to the often snow-capped peaks of the Sedon Ridge Mountains.


Because of Betoros' isolation and tropical climate, it is very biodiverse and there are many endemic plants and animals on the islands. Many of these species are engendered by the growing overpopulation of Sedon


Since Betoros is located in the tropics, its climate is mild and summer highs are usually in the upper 80s (31˚C) and winters are in the low 80s (28˚C). There are also wet and dry seasons on the islands and the local climate on each island varies based on one's position in relation to the mountain ranges. Windward sides are typically wetter, while leeward sides are sunnier. Tyber has the second highest average rainfall on Astralaria.

Fauna & Flora

Betoros is one of the most ecologically diverse in a single location. It holds 27 of 38 Holdridge Lifezones, making it the single most habitat rich place on Astralaria. Their beauty unsurpassed and their fragility equally so. The Kingdom of Betoros is committed to supporting programs that protect their verdant beauty for generations to come.   Agriculture is a major component of the local economy. Since the first settlement on the island, a tremendous variety of food and ornamental plant life from many parts of the world was been introduced. Food plants grown commercially or in backyards for home consumption include sugarcane, pineapple, papaya, banana, mango, guava, litchi, coconut, avocado, breadfruit, lime, passion fruit, taro, and tamarind, Nearly all varieties of common garden vegetables are raised on the island, and flowers abound year-round. Since the influx of there has been a slow but steady growth of diversified crops, including coffee, macadamia nuts, ginger root, and seed crops. Sedon and Wrinkle Town have ranches, with the majority concentrated on the outskirts of Sedon, where the ranching tradition dates from the earliest children raised on Betoros. Foreigners taught Betorosians how to manage their herds, beginning a tradition Betorosian cowboys. These cowboys still run their ranches in much the same way today. Livestock raising, together with some lumbering and commercial fishing, are other important sources of income. Nearly half of the commercial fish catch is tuna, especially yellowfin.

Natural Resources

Betoros has no important mineral deposits; its only natural resources are its climate, water supply, soil, vegetation, and surrounding ocean, as well as the rock, gravel, sand, and earth quarried for use in construction and landscaping.



Betoros has surived longer than any other civilization known to the realm. As such their culture is a mosaic of many others; some of which have not withstood to passage of time.  


As with the arts, those of the culinary variety are affected similarly. Having its capital, Sedon, being situated upon a coast, seafood makes a noteable apperance in this category. Sedon, specifically, has a wide variety of cuisines. Many of which are, elsewhere, lost to the ages.  

Customs and Etiquette

Following the trend of far ranging influences, Betoros would be considered as a whole rather lax. While exceptions are made, such as interactions with the Royal family or practicing mutal respect, there aren't any norms beyond common sense to be respected. Simply be kind to one another, and respect your rights to be treated as such.
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Astralaria World Map

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