A Distorted Space

Metaphysical / Paranormal event


A strange shimmering in space has been found, but it evokes the thought - if a creature drawn upon a piece of paper has a second sheet of paper overlayed on top and now can move between them, then has its world now doubled? If history were laid over top of the now, what happens then?

"Though I have come far from the lightless seas, my life has been a sightful sea, I have traveled across a land so bright, with stars alight. I have drank with gods and mortals alike, and brewed brews of lightning, fire and ice. Where I rest now, I have kept the things I feared and valued most. My brew, and my worst enemy."   Such an inscription was found upon a tombstone laid deep within this frigid realm, as a brewmaster's spirit had long since lasted here in order to share his delightful brew, and to protect the world from the creature he had trapped beneath the ice. That being a particularly ancient version of the Munavri's fated foes - an Alghollthu.   Though the adventurer's raid upon his tomb destroyed the most of his brew, and slew his guardians. The method of recreating it whether through arcane or physical means still exists in the hands of Marrok Blackcrag and Alexsander Tsudzurao.   Through the destruction of his special brewcasket, the spirit has been released back into the empty void that once consisted of Pharasma's realm, and the relentless evil of the Alghollthu has been unleashed back into the world of the mainland, the only restriction that still binds it is to bestow a wish and request unto the party that released it.

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