Freeing the Natura Morta

Diplomatic action


After a chance encounter with a Natura Morta named Seraphina, the explorers become aware of the new race that shares the territory with them. Seraphina, first encounter with Anise ends with a promise to inform her own people of the potential allies, yet upon her return - she finds her people under attack by the Saltieunni.   The surprise attack effective, she finds that her people have entered isolation and are trapped. Their leyline slowly being corrupted and putting the lives of her people entirely at risk, Desperately, she turns to the explorers to help free her people.

The battles faced by the explorers were challenging - groups of Saltieunni warriors spread throughout the areas would find and attempt to harry the expedition members, with the addition nad mutation known as the "shellscraper"; creatures enhanced with the ability to draw arrow shots unto themselves, whilst released a barrage of attacks. Making them effective at protecting larger more important targets, and temporarily delaying Marrok's overwhelming assault.   But the expedition members were more than prepared for this matter, slaughtering the creatures and entering the cave system in which the saltieunni could be found - though they'd quickly find a strange constructions, as while the Saltieunni had attempted to sieve place away from this place of power, there was a sevonfold seal that protected the location.   Each location being protected by it's own riddle of emotion - the Saltieunni language having no words for them - would prove an effective guard against the crablike creatures whilst allowing a natura morta who'd innately understand them to release them, though the expedition members, intuitive as they were steadily and easily disabled them.   The creative of the expedition members was boundless, from Alexsander's creativity and originality in taming the test of Orange, with Marrok's magic mug helping further please the guardians. Or, Anise's passion and energy in resolving the purity of drive in red. Pennie's kindness at the sorrows of blue, and Ferrous's stalwart nature at the tests of the peaceful green.   The compounded brilliance of these members adroitly and adeptly cleansed the various rooms, and spared the Natura Morta from having their lives drained from them. Thus establishing a grounds of favor in which the Natura Morta would not soon forget the reliable nature of their newfound allies.