The Skiffer

Discovery, Scientific


A group of adventurers move to explore a location in which some creation of the Eläin is purported to exist. Buried underground, it's design and purpose will shortly be discovered by the curious expedition members.

One might argue that Tess was a shut in, and they'd be making a very good point. Despite being a member of the expedition and handling her fair share of logistics the amount of reading she went through was extensive, only rarely leaving her office to directly interact with others, as her simulacrae would allow her to hop between locations with relative ease.   One of the fruits of her labor however was that she had discovered through the location of something known as a jadetech skiffer, something she personally believed was some sort of vehicle capable of transporting a small crew of elain above the clouds, a fascinating prospect, as her preliminary research on the topic of the Aetherian sea meant it likely had some ability to cloak itself and those on board from the increasingly dangerous monsters.   The adventurers that first went to the location where she had supposed it could be found would find themselves encountering a small cave entrance hidden in the land, appearing about as notable as a gopher's den, which resulted in some initial hesitance before they slid down the rocky chute and entered a strange "building" made out of metal.   The floor beneath them was warm, and distantly they could hear a soft trilling noise, as if some sort of alarm were going off in the distance of the ship. Quickly arranging themselves and leaving the piles of trash and rubble which had gathered at the entrance,   Once inside, they would encounter a variety of biomechanical creatures, some made entirely of jadetech, some only partially composed of the components. Yet, their reaction to the adventurers was simple - attack and kill, or realistically; 'attack and be killed' as Marrok would snipe and kill the various creatures, under the steely defense of Ferrous and the ingenious traps of Suzy.   However, amongst the creations and items present within these walls was a customized weapon. a strange type of gun which Suzy deduced was capable of accepting being charged with jadetech energy and creating massive impacts over extensive distances - a rifle which fired using magnets and electricity.   This was not the only discovery they'd make within this ship however, as they'd also encounter a control system for the ship itself, and while it's functions - as Suzy discovered were irrevocably damaged, Meaning it could never again be made prepared for flight, it still appeared to have a secondary function. Where the core of the ship had been purposed towards maintaining a demi-plane inside of it.   Apparently, this device had once been a great tool in scouting, as it's extradimensional storage allowed it to store entire buildings, or rooms within it's core, and then transport it elsewhere, or simply gather an ever increasing maze of various items that it had traversed over.