Nadilli's Freedom

Political event


Though they had been freed, the Natura Morta had another request to make of these expedition members - in that a long time ago, in order to prevent an active war with the Saltieunni, they had sealed away one of their own, alongside the artifact that had chosen them.   Yet, as the will to fight had been sparked anew with them - it was now time to have them freed.

Though their assault had temporarily lapsed, the Saltieunni had come back in full force in order to asser their threat and dominance to these adventurers, and had brought the greatest war beast available to their species.   Long ago, had the apex of the saltieunni become so overpowering and threatening that they had overwhelmed the creature that had meant to serve as the guardian of the land. Corrupting it and changing it from guardian into weapon, and using it as a method of transport.   THeir elites, they would drop upon the expedition members in an attempt to overwhelm and kill them, and though this assault would fail, they would no doubt try again, and again. Testing the limits and the boundaries of which they could use this weapon, and not draw the aggression of the local diety within the area.   Yet, this was surely an act of overconfidence by which the adventurers could retaliate though later actions, but priorities had them completing their first task, and entering the series of tests and chambers by which the Natura Morta had kept their greatest.   Though the Natura Morta were not large in number - in fact, as day by day had passed, even the Expedition site had a larger population than these natives, they were creative engineers and problem solvers. Relying on working around a problem, as to approaching it head on.   This strategy was effective for the explorers, especially considering their combined intellect and problem solving made it easy for at least Suzy to directly move throughout the halls and entrap the magic traps within various scrolls and papers.   Within these walls, were at least a few enemies - as well as a horde of goblins whom reacted with initial hostility towards those that came into the area, taking them for a source of fresh meat, though they would be convinced and tricked otherwise by Marrok who - in his no-nonsense way, calmly informed them that they were idiots, and should simply go back to sleep.   A request which they followed, leaving a clear path to the prison - one surrounded by a chain of rebounding lightning bolts whose rebounding energy made it such that it would be almost impossible for any one person to disable the trap on their own.   Yet, an Anti-magic and a trap-smith were two who were well gifted to disable such a trap and methodology of keeping the Green Rage - Nadilli, imprisoned. Though her imprisonment had been to prevent her from enacting her ire upon the Saltieunni, she would promptly take great joy in planning her revenge upon these enemies. Sparking Ferrous's mind with great joy for the task at hand, and mildly unnerving Marrok with her requests for his precious ale tankard.