Birds of a Feather

Diplomatic action


The Chromatic Harpies have become strangely agitated, A certain mesenger mentions that there once was a powerful magical item that was once lost within this area and speculates that it might be owned by the harpies, and although they are far from the Saltieunni's lands, the disruption of the dragon's breath caused by slaying their deity might have caused some strange change within them.

The amicable encounter with the Expedition members - even if it was in shared interest results in discourse within the people of the Eläin, for while they were not Xenophobic by nature, it was a well known fact that alliances were temporary and a friend the one day, would often be an enemy the next.   With the combined preachings of temperance and patience they were however willing to risk a chance with the newfound peoples. Strangely, among their peoples, they had an unusual volunteer, for whilst she had always been willing to perform military matters, diplomacy was something she was less fond of. Yet, she seemed strangely excited for the task.   Though this excitement would be somewhat dampened, as even after arranging for a group of the expedition members to fulfil the request of her fellow Eläin she discovered that their group might have lacked the one whom she was perhaps more keenly interested in.   Responsibility was the burden she wore most carefully however, and thusly she would perform her duties with precision. Though the harpies were known as such, they had long since born within them the bloodline of an Eläin, and thus - even though they had long since been reduced to bestial intelligence, would still be called by a horn that would resonate with their bloodline.   The horn, being a temperemental thing however, required cleansing of spirit and focusing of will, which thus required the warmaiden to direct the adventurers to a holy site, of which purification would occur. One which would double as a test and an evaluation.   The simple favoring of discussion and communication even against a species that was hostile and rude to them was something worht noting, for while the Eläin did not despise a culture that leaned towards violence as the method by which they resolved their problems, it was always encouraging to have the race instead consider diplomatic methods, even as the mainland sought to remove such a nature from the creatures who lived on its lands.   Such, the explorers used words and wit to temporarily befriend those who owned the holy site, and received opportunity to purify themselves within it's waters, and connect wit hteh heart of the Eläin connection, soemthing known as "the dragon's breath" a way of attuning and controlling magic adn essence within a creature.   After having obtained a deeper connection to their spiritaulity, they were thus cleansed, and could potentially blow the horn of the mountain, which they would do and with Dawn's persistance, and Aki's assistance, blow upon the horn and summon all harpies who had guarded their queen.   From this, the adventurers would enter harpy's muddy dens, and deal with the remaining guards who would not leave their queen's side, robbing the treasure of the muddy dens, but also encountering the crystalline artifact which had both empowered the reproduction of the Harpies, as much as it had enfeebled their mind.   Examining it, and aided by Aki, Suzy and Pennie were able to devise a creation which would entrap the corruptive energy of the crystal and improve the method by which the energy was harvested.   Such a change would thus result in a shift within the intellect of the harpies, and thus return the intellect and mind back to their queen, who had spent countless centuries sleeping and unaware of the changes in her environment. Though these adventurers would only see this change in weeks to come.   With her observations complete, and favorable however, the warmaiden would then return to her people with her judgement and experiences in hand. offering it back to them, who judged these explorers favorably and offered them entrance into their town above the river's waters.