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Food Dehydration

Written by orphidor

Though their worldviews and personalities are vastly different from each other, both the Twolligs of the Middle Realm and the Nalkarn of the Lower Realm share the tradition of using dehydration to preserve their food.


The Twolligs dehydrate herbs and berries. The Nalkarn dehydrate anything they can get their hands on, especially meat. Both benefit from the lightweight, portable nature of dried foods.


The Nalkarn lay their ingredients on flat surfaces like large rocks and rely on the eternal sunlight of the Lower Realm. The Twolligs create collapsible drying racks they can set up in the sunlight while they watch their flocks.

Social Impact

Few besides the Nalkarn themselves are aware of their own existence, so most races have never tried Nalkarn-dried foods. Even if they got the chance, many would be offput by the odd food sources of this indiscriminate race or, at worst, made sick by the carrion-quality meat the Nalkarn are able to ingest. The Twolligs, on the other hand, often trade their dehydrated products with other races, particularly the Suktu. Their sun-dried herbs are especially desired by Suktu healers and chefs.
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This method is extremely common among the Nalkarn and Twolligs.
One reason why the two semi-nomadic races use this method is because of its simplicity.
Dehydration may be one of the oldest food preservation methods because of its simplicity. Inventory records detail the presence of dried foods early in the Age of Balance.
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