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Lower Realm

Written by orphidor

The Lower Realm is one of the three primary Realms of Athanya. Its energy is chaotic and violent, imbued with elemental power and pure, blinding light. It is primarily associated with the Physical Facet.   Energy that flows from the Lower Realm into the Middle Realm can be harnessed in the use of Turmoil Magic, a variety of spellcasting that relies on elemental chaos to create havoc and destruction.


The geography of the Lower Realm is just as chaotic as the energy that flows through it. Waterfalls flowing in reverse, islands of solid earth floating waywardly through the atmosphere, and spires of razor-sharp rock reaching miles into the sky aren't uncommon sights within this realm of bizarre and unpredictable magic. Oftentimes, the geography changes over the course of a few days; mountains crumble, rivers flood then dry up completely, and crevasses appear where there was nothing but flat land before.


The environments found in this plane are so extreme that, were a creature from another Realm to stumble into even the tamest of its ecosystems, they would be subjected to a horrific death within a matter of hours or even minutes. The most noteworthy environments found in the Lower Realm include the gargantuan acid rainforests, the scorching salt deserts, the blinding ice flats, and the ever-burning volcanic wastes.

Ecosystem Cycles

Since there are no seasons in the Lower Realm, the plants and animals that live there experience a constant state of summer. Each species has adapted to the variations in climate that do occur, such as random periods of rainfall or dust storms.

Localized Phenomena

The Lower Realm is the only place in all the Realms where conflicting environments can share borders with each other. Its climates are so scattered and random that a person could explore a section of rainforest, part of a salty desert, and a frigid expanse of snow in a single day.


The temperature here is always swelteringly hot, except on the ice flats which are bone-chillingly cold. The acid rainforests are suffocatingly humid, while the volcanic wastes and the salt deserts are acutely arid.

Fauna & Flora

Few but the hardiest creatures are able to survive the extreme environments of the Lower Realm. Some of these creatures include camels in the salt deserts, goats in the volcanic wastes, elephants in the acid rainforests, and insects in every biome. The most heavily-populated environment is by far the rainforests, which (despite their acidic nature) host a variety of amphibians and reptiles.