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Ice Deserts

Written by orphidor

This shockingly cold environment found within the Lower Realm is only made brighter by the reflective ice coating almost every surface. The blinding sky is only occasionally dimmed by the snowstorms the vicious winds whip up. Even the Nalkarn find surviving here to be exceedingly difficult.


This environment is alternatingly mountainous and flat. The flat areas may seem safer, but in reality, they're riddled with holes and crevasses beneath the superficial layer of snow. These crevasses are extremely dangerous because they are very difficult to spot until a creature is right on top of one. Falling in can often be lethal because of their depth, sheer sides, and sharp edges.


The weather here is bone-chillingly freezing during snowstorms, but when the winds die down, the reflective snow can make the surroundings surprisingly warm.

Fauna & Flora

The Nalkarn (particularly those of the Arctic variety are the only intelligent race who can survive here for long. The only forests to be found grow near the mountains. Tough, fur-covered beasts wander the expanses of ice, feeding on each other or the scrappy plants that grow amidst the snowbanks.

Natural Resources

The trees and stones from the mountains serve as building materials for the Nalkarn, who need shelter to survive the snowstorms. The wandering herbivorous animals provide both sources of meat and fur for clothing.
Image from Jonathan Knepper
Desert, Ice
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