Nalkarn Visual Arts
The Nalkarn don't often have time to create works of visual art, but when they do, they tend to make wearable pieces or markers to indicate the borders of their territory. Wearable objects of art often include body adornments such as necklaces, hairpieces, or even piercings. Territory markers consist of symbols meant to deter other Nalkarn from wandering too close for comfort.
Components and tools
Sharp pieces of stone, including shards of obsidian, are used to carve other stones or bone fragments. Sinew, scales, and scraps of hide or hair may also be incorporated. Bone needles are used to create piercing holes. Natural dyes are applied to stone outcroppings to serve as territory markers.
The wearable works that the Nalkarn create are not for any greater audience. They're primarily made for themselves and their wandering partner. The territory indicators, on the other hand, are created to discourage others from encroaching on their boundaries.
Image from Brad Weaver
Primary Related Location
Important Locations
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