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Kaaz Pirshala (KAHZ peer-SHAH-la)

Character design by ReeSell, story and personality by orphidor

Kaaz Pirshala

Kaaz is a shy, gentle child who has seen a lot throughout his short life. He is closely bonded to his fathers, Espen and Zeheda Pirshala, even though he's recently been growing tired of their rules and constant advice.

Physical Description

Body Features

He's on the skinny side, with lanky and imbalanced limbs due to the fact that he's still growing.

Identifying Characteristics

Due to a benign genetic condition occasionally seen in @sou, his hair is graying prematurely.

Mental characteristics

Personal history


Kaaz's birth parents were the type of people Espen Pirshala, his soon-to-be adoptive father, arrested often. The family was generally looked down upon because of their tendencies to involve themselves with pickpocketing, drug sales, and other petty crimes. Kaaz never got used to seeing his parents led away in cuffs, but Espen took pity on the child and always comforted him as best he could.   The parents' confidence eventually got the better of them when Kaaz was eight years old. They double-crossed a drug lord and were murdered for their mistake. Kaaz, despite being spared, was emotionally shattered. When Espen arrived to investigate the crime scene, the weeping child threw himself at the man who had shown him kindness and refused to let go. The two were eventually separated when Kaaz was taken to a safe house, but he refused to eat or speak except during Espen Pirshala's visits. Out of concern for Kaaz's wellbeing, the lieutenant soon volunteered to let the child stay at his and his husband Zeheda's home until permanent housing arrangements could be made.   Despite Espen's lack of confidence in his ability to care for a child, he and Kaaz quickly formed something akin to a father-son bond. When the day arrived where an opening in a foster home became available, neither wanted the boy to leave. Instead, Espen and Zeheda began the process of adopting Kaaz as their own. They officially became a family shortly thereafter.

Gender Identity

Thus far, Kaaz has not questioned the gender he was assigned when he was born.


Being a child, Kaaz is not yet interested in sexual topics, but he's had innocent crushes on other boys before.


Kaaz is currently undergoing the childhood education that is considered standard in the city of Drusai.

Intellectual Characteristics

His intelligence types are kinesthetic, linguistic, and intrapersonal.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Kaaz seems to have an unusual level of difficulty with reading and writing. He needs to read slowly, sounding out each individual letter and piecing words together, often mistaking one word for another with similar spelling. When he writes, he tends to flip letters or misspell words. He receives tutoring, which he generally hates.

Likes & Dislikes

Loves animals (especially dogs and rabbits.) Likes woodcarving and cheese. Dislikes history class and spicy food. Hates blood and arguing.


He maintains good hygiene, but tends to leave his belongings scattered around his and his parents' home.


Halvati Pirshala

Father (Vital)

Towards Kaaz Pirshala



Kaaz Pirshala

Son (Vital)

Towards Halvati Pirshala



Current Status
Current Location
Year of Birth
334 AB 16 Years old
Parents (Adopting)
Current Residence
Black, wide and childlike
Used to be black, but is now graying
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
4 feet 3 inches
80 pounds
Related Plots
Known Languages
He knows the language most commonly spoken in Drusai and the unofficial form of sign language that one of his dads, Zeheda, uses to communicate.

Character Portrait image: by ReeSell