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Halvati Pirshala (hal-VAH-tee peer-SHAH-lah)

Content Warnings: Drug Abuse/Addiction, Parental Death

Character design by ApotheosisAdoptables, story and personality by orphidor

Lieutenant Halvati Pirshala

Halvati has always been a grave and solemn person. He comes across as cold to many, but once someone gets to know him, he's kind and loyal. Despite the fact that he isn't very talkative, he's well-respected as a lieutenant of the Drusai City Guard due to his devotion to upholding the peace and his respect toward others.   His Mental and Physical Facets are stronger than his Emotional Facet.  


Espen Pirshala Moodboard

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Halvati is fit, but not in a heavily-muscled way. He’s short and compact while still remaining nimble.

Facial Features

He has strong facial features, including a defined nose and high cheekbones.

Identifying Characteristics

His teeth are clean but crooked and he has several moles across his face. His forehead is marked with a healing tattoo from the headaches he got when he was a child.

Special abilities

Halvati's Boon allows him to know instantaneously when someone doesn't believe what they're saying. The ability is accompanied by a feeling of pins and needles running down his spine.

Apparel & Accessories

Even on his days off, Halvati wears clothing in a rather formal style. He typically wears shirts and trousers in a style common to the middle-class in the large mid-southern cities of Tasawa. He always wears a silver ring set with a blue stone on his left hand (a gift from Zeheda to commemorate their years together.)   During his work hours, he wears a breastplate, metal hip protection, and armor across the lower legs. He also wears the symbol of Drusai, a four-petaled flower, on a sash around his waist.

Mental characteristics

Personal history


Being the second-born twin to his original parents, Halvati was adopted at birth and raised by a pair of fathers, as is often Suktu custom. His youth was loving-yet-turbulent because one of his parents was heavily addicted to bitterbranch, a drug commonly found among the citizens of Drusai. That father ultimately died as a result of his addiction, leaving Halvati with a deep-seated hatred of all intoxicating substances.  


In his late teens, Halvati met a mage-in-training named Zeheda, who almost immediately set his sights on courting him. Halvati wasn't receptive at first. He feared allowing Zeheda to get close. It took months, but Halvati eventually relented to Zeheda's charm and slowly began to fall in love.  


The two ultimately married a few years later. Zeheda, who had decided a few years prior to specialize in magical cures for long-term illnesses and the alteration of a person's sex characteristics, helped Halvati transition into a body he felt more comfortable with once he was confident enough in his own abilities.  


Halvati was ultimately promoted to the station of lieutenant within Drusai's City Guard, a position which carried more responsibilities, though he was willing and able to take them on. One of these responsibilities included investigating major crimes that took place in the city. It was during the course sorting some paperwork that Halvati began to suspect that several unsolved, seemingly-random murders had key things in common, indicating that they were committed by the same person He is now convinced that someone in Drusai is getting away with regular killings of innocent folk.

Gender Identity

Despite being born female, Halvati was always more interested in masculine clothing and roles, something which his parents kindly accepted. He eventually came out as transgender in his early teens and socially transitioned shortly afterwards. He draws confidence and fulfilment from his identity as a man.


Halvati is attracted to other Suktu men.


Standard Drusai childhood education.


At around the same time he met Zeheda, Halvati had officially entered into basic training in order to become part of Drusai's City Guard. He performed well in training and received high praise in his first few months as a guard. He absolutely loved the job and realized very early on that this was what he was meant to do for a living.

Mental Trauma

Finding his father deceased after a drug relapse altered Halvati's mind forever.

Intellectual Characteristics

His intelligence types are linguistic, logical, kinesthetic.

Morality & Philosophy

He believes that laws exist for a reason and should be followed under all but the most extreme circumstances. Despite his distant appearance, he has empathy for others and wants those who act in society's best interests to find happiness and have their needs met. When someone breaks the law and harms others, he believes it is his duty to correct their misdeeds and restore order.

Personality Characteristics


A desire to preserve order within society at large and keep harm from befalling innocent citizens is one of Halvati's drives, along with the need to protect and provide for his family.

Likes & Dislikes

He loves his family and law and order. Likes dogs and poetry. Dislikes selfish behavior. Hates chaos and intoxicating substances, particularly bitterbranch.

Virtues & Personality perks

He has a tendency to devote himself completely to his goals and is rarely known to give up on something or someone. He loves his son, husband, and single still-living father very deeply and is extremely loyal toward them.

Vices & Personality flaws

Two of Halvati's most glaring flaws are his lack of humor and his mistrust of others. He tends to take things literally, so when others attempt to joke with him, they are almost always met by a vaguely-confused stare and a single arched eyebrow, which usually results in a few moments of awkward silence. Gaining his trust is often just as difficult as getting him to laugh. Despite the fact that he always approaches others with respect, he has a tendency to assume the worst in people despite repeated proof to the contrary.

Personality Quirks

His resting face is stern, which can sometimes intimidate others. He tries to make an active attempt to soften his expression around others, but regularly forgets.


Obsessively clean, both in matters of personal hygiene and his most-frequented surroundings.


Family Ties

's family is one of the most valuable things in his life. He gladly puts their needs before his own, sometimes to his own detriment. Zeheda is truly his "other half," being one of the few people he's comfortable opening up to and visibly relaxing in front of. Kaaz is his pride and joy despite the fact that he didn't raise the boy from birth. Espen is also close with his surviving father and regularly confides in him.

Social Aptitude

While not particularly charming or conversational, he has a talent for gaining the respect of most people he interacts with due to his honesty and quiet politeness. Even those he arrests or cites may hold some level of respect for him because he doesn't put on airs and isn't cocky. (Those individuals might not particularly like him or enjoy what he does, but many do listen to what he says.)


He's usually conservative with his movements and speech, preferring not to fidget or say anything unnecessary unless he's around his family.

Hobbies & Pets

He owns two female working dogs, one black and one white, respectively named Lucky and Parsnip (they are nearly as big as he is.) He enjoys reading and analyzing poetry in his spare time.


Speaks in a flat affect that comes across as cold to many. Tends not to speak loudly, but is capable of doing so if necessary.


Halvati Pirshala

Husband (Vital)

Towards Zeheda Pirshala



Zeheda Pirshala

Husband (Vital)

Towards Halvati Pirshala



Legal Status


Halvati Pirshala

Father (Vital)

Towards Kaaz Pirshala



Kaaz Pirshala

Son (Vital)

Towards Halvati Pirshala



Wealth & Financial state

Not particularly wealthy, but he, Kaaz, and Zeheda have enough to live fairly comfortably.
Current Status
Current Location
Date of Birth
29th of Winter's Start
Year of Birth
315 AB 35 Years old
Zeheda Pirshala (Husband)
Current Residence
Assigned female at birth
Black, heavy-lidded
Black, straight, cut slightly above shoulders
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale with moles
4 feet 2 inches
83 lbs
Aligned Organization
Related Plots
Known Languages
The Universal Tongue and Zeheda's Sign Language

Character Portrait image: by ApotheosisAdoptables
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