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Silent City

Written by orphidor

A tall city located by a river in the Tanglewood, the Silent City is abandoned and devoid of almost any intelligent life. Its only self-aware inhabitant is Urrukka, the solitary Camua scholar.


Though dilapidated, the Silent City is equipped with extensive sewers, water supply systems, streetlamps, and roads (like every other tall city.) They are barely functional for the most part, though Urrukka has managed to restore most of what directly connects to the manor she inhabits at the center of the city. The rest has essentially been left to rot.

Points of interest

The eccentric Urrukka has taken over one of the larger buildings at the center of the city and is currently using it as her home. The structure is several stories tall, with a moderately-sized garden and a tower at one of its corners. Though it wasn't initally in the best shape, Urrukka has since nurtured its garden into a lush little sanctuary and furnished its interior with items stolen from adventurers she's encountered (and usually murdered) in the Tanglewood. Her pride and joy is the tower; now converted into a study, library, and observatory all in one, the place is now filled to the brim with books and intriguing trinkets. The fence surrounding the manor is fortified with rocks, logs, and sharpened spikes to keep unwanted visitors away. Urrukka has recruited a fair number of birds to guard the surrounding area and report back to her with news of any unusual occurrences at all hours of the day.


The closest thing to tourism that takes place in and around the Silent City is its occasional rediscovery and exploration by adventurers. This rarely goes well for them, since Urrukka is fond of luring adventurers into her elaborately-constructed traps and killing them, then stealing their belongings.


The city is located on a rise near a river that flows through part of the Tanglewood. It's on high enough ground that it isn't in danger from flooding.


The Silent City is located in the Tanglewood, a old-growth deciduous forest which gets rather cold in the winter and is slightly cool temperature-wise during the rest of the year. It doesn't usually recieve snow.


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