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Written by orphidor

One of the largest, densest forests known to exist in the Middle Realm, this enormous expanse of trees is full of wonders and dangers, many of which are undiscovered or unknown by any living intelligent creature. Though the forest and its contents can be beautiful, the flow of magic present here is highly potent and unpredictable.


The ground elevation within the Tanglewood does not change much aside from a few mild hills or the occasional lowered streambed. The soil is dark and rich from centuries of organic material decomposing on the forest floor. Many fresh, clear streams wind through the forest, sometimes feeding into larger ponds or disappearing underground. The trees arch far above the forest floor and only let small amounts of dappled light through their lush canopies.


Beneath the dense tree canopy, the forest is generally cool in temperature, even during the summer.

Fauna & Flora

Densely populated by enormous old-growth deciduous trees, numerous strange and beautiful plants, and a huge variety of unusual creatures. Dragons are very common here.
Image from Donald Giannatti
Forest, Temperate (Seasonal)
Vehicles Present
Location under
Included Locations
Characters in Location