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Written by orphidor

These unusual creatures quietly drift through the Higher Realm on long, slender legs, plucking foliage from high branches with elongated necks. The ruffs of silky fur on their chests make for the softest garments in all the Realms.

Basic Information


Quadrupedal, with long necks, legs, and tails. They have fluffy manes on their lower necks and chests, as well as long, curved horns branching from the backs of their heads. Every part of them is long.

Ecology and Habitats

They can find homes in all non-aquatic environments of the Higher Realm, including the forests and giant mushroom groves.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Entirely herbivorous, consuming whatever plants they can reach with the aid of their lengthy necks.


The stiltekka gather in herds of up to ten led by a matriarch.

Additional Information


The Gennuven keep herds of these gentle creatures for their milk and hair. Though they do not slaughter them, upon their deaths, their bones, horns, and hides are used for tools and instruments.

Facial characteristics

They have long snouts, wide eyes, and tall, pointy ears with tufts on the tips.

Average Intelligence

While able to remember locations, routes, people, and a few commands, the stiltekka are not considered among the intelligent races.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Their eyes are enormous to allow them to see in the near-darkness of the Higher Realm. Their senses of hearing and smell are excellent.
Average Height
18 to 20 feet
Average Physique
They're slim and slender in build. The bulkiest parts of their bodies only look large because of their fluff.
Geographic Distribution