Tall City Head Council
The head council of each tall city is comprised of an odd number of individuals with special knowledge in trade, law, economics, public works, and other important aspects of life in a large city.
Those who are part of the Head Council are experts in their field, which include things like the education of the city's children, its trade with other regions, its waterworks, and its own internal relations.
Those who wish to join the Head Council must be above 30 years old. Though they are typically Suktu, there are no rules or restrictions regarding race.
The appointment of a new Head Council member involves a public ceremony where the title is officially conferred upon the person.
Much of what the Head Councils do on a daily basis is mundane. They are the ones in charge of making decisions, both large and small, on behalf of the city.
Grounds for Removal/Dismissal
If a Head Councilmember is convicted of a major crime, they're usually dismissed. Petitions among the people may also be grounds for removal from this position.
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