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Mirri Nihala (MEER-ree nee-HAH-lah)

Character design, story, and personality by orphidor

Mirri Nihala

After helping his brother Ani through the heartache of a lifetime, Mirri decided to devote his life to something he'd previously only dreamt of: the documentation of various dragon breeds, especially those native to the Tanglewood. Other scholars' mild disdain for him and his brother bothers Mirri slightly, but he doesn't ultimately let it affect him in his pursuit of their goals. His role in the duo's research is to ink the line art and intricate scale patterns of the dragons they encounter.   Mirri's Mental and Emotional Facets are stronger than his Physical Facet.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Mirri isn't the physically strongest or toughest person, but he's still capable of following Ani wherever his brother decides to wander within the Tanglewood.

Body Features

Mirri is rectangular in build and has an average physique.

Facial Features

His chin is pointed and his nose is bold. He usually wears a thoughtful, though slighly tired, expression.

Identifying Characteristics

His face and arms are covered in freckles. His hands and forearms are marked with bite marks and scratch scars.   After Misibe left him, a grieving Ani cropped his hair in accordance with Suktu hair symbolism. Mirri did the same out of sympathy because of his closeness to his brother. Since no further negative events have taken place, he is currently growing his hair out again.

Special abilities

Mirri's Boon is the ability to sedate non-intelligent creatures, so long as he is both speaking to and touching them. This ability comes in handy during his and his brother's search for dragons in the Tanglewood, though it can be difficult to get his hands on the dragons in order to use the ability.

Apparel & Accessories

Like many adventurers, Mirri is fond of bright colors. He typically wears a blue coat and dark baggy pants, both of which are embroidered with cloud patterns.

Specialized Equipment

He wears a pair of gauntlets to protect his hands from the sharp teeth and claws of the dragons he handles.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Mirri's youth was fairly quiet. He grew up in Verante, where he spent most of his time tagging along with his older brother, Ani, and training the dragons that infested their neighborhood together. As a child, he dreamt of studying dragons as his job, but the adults in his life told him that it would be a dangerous and unreliable career.  
As Mirri's brother got older and his mental issues began to form, the two grew even closer than they were in their youth. Mirri was always the one who could soothe Ani in his depressive states and talk him down when he became overly active. Of course, Mirri's words and actions alone couldn't completely ease his brother's issues, but they certainly helped. Unlike many, Mirri didn't resent Ani for his seemingly-irrational behavior and mood swings. He'd made a vow to stay by his brother's side and he intended to keep his word.  
When Ani met a man named Misibe and the two fell in love, Mirri was initially extremely pleased that his brother had found someone who respected him. That quickly changed when Misibe grew distant, then left Ani, who ran to Mirri for comfort. Mirri was the one there with his brother as he went into a deep depression that lasted for several weeks. Mirri was also the one to suggest that they take a trip outside of Verante to search for dragons. Ani wasn't enthused at first, but he quickly warmed up to the idea once he started seeing new types of dragons he'd never witnessed before. Soon enough, he was almost back to normal. Recalling his childhood dream of studying dragons, Mirri started drawing the little creatures and, in order to give Ani something to occupy himself, asked him to paint the colors of the dragons over his line art.  
Current Day
Ani ended up loving the artistic collaboration between him and his brother so much that Mirri simply kept it going. Each time he drew a new dragon, he passed his work over to Ani so he could paint it. The pair ended up finding so much fulfillment in this new routine that they decided not to return to Verante. Mirri and Ani knew that dragons were very common in the Tanglewood, so they purchased the Junkheap and made their way to the forest. They remain there to this day, seeking out undiscovered breeds of dragons and further documenting the ones that are already commonly known.

Gender Identity

Mirri identifies as male, but doesn't mind if people call him "they."


He is attracted to men and women, though his preferences lean more toward women.


Along with a children's education standard to Verante, Mirri has acquired further self-education in subjects such as history and the sciences.


Ani and his brother aren't officially employed, but they do collaboratively create drawings and paintings of the dragons they've seen, which they then sell so they can buy the necessities they require.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Thus far, Ani and Mirri have filled exactly half of a large tome with drawings and information about the dragons they've encountered. Both are extremely pleased with this achievement.

Failures & Embarrassments

Mirri feels a strange sense of shame regarding the fact that he wasn't able to shield Ani from the heartbreak Misibe caused. Logically, he knows there's nothing he could have done, but something inside him still says it's his fault he wasn't able to protect his brother.   Other scholars tend to look down on Mirri and Ani because of their youth and their lack of extensive formal education. This does bother Mirri, but he tries to keep it from occupying his thoughts too much.

Intellectual Characteristics

His intelligence types are spacial, interpersonal, and naturalistic.

Morality & Philosophy

Mirri is moderately trusting of others and enjoys performing acts of kindness because doing so feels good to him. He is the type of person who gets satisfaction from holding the door for another person and seeing their appreciation.

Personality Characteristics


Mirri and Ani share the same goal: to study and document as many dragons as they possibly can, then publish their findings for the world to see.

Likes & Dislikes

Loves dragons and drawing. Likes cats and pressing flowers. Dislikes feeling looked down on. Hates being cold.

Virtues & Personality perks

Not only is Mirri an talented artist, he is incredibly patient and gentle. He has a way with people and animals who are undergoing some form of stress.

Vices & Personality flaws

If given the chance, he will talk a person's ear off forever without realizing that they've become uncomfortable. Ani is used to this and only listens with half an ear.


His hygiene is excellent. He takes pride in being well-groomed.


Mirri Nihala

Brother (Vital)

Towards Ani Nihala



Ani Nihala

Brother (Vital)

Towards Mirri Nihala




Ani and Mirri have been close ever since they were young. Though they had their arguments and various other disagreements, they were always quick to make up and resume life as usual.

Current Status
Current Location
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Year of Birth
327 AB 23 Years old
Ani Nihala (Brother)
Current Residence
Blue, heavily-lidded
Brown, wavy, cropped short above the ears
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light-medium brown
4 feet 7 inches
83 lbs
Known Languages
The Universal Tongue