Astral Shards

A rare material that finds it's home only among the Syntheian mountain peaks. The Shard has properties unique to the planet itself, strengthening the user and maintaining durability and sharpness to match even the most well crafted of normal blades. When bound to armor, warriors gain a higher tolerance to pain. The energy flowing through the shards allow for the wielder to perform feats seemingly impossible for a normal human. For a warrior, these shards are a godsend. The shards that make up the material come in rich, glowing purple shards and in much rarer cases, yellow shards. Armor and weaponry made with these shards have a regenerative effect, repairing themselves over time. Through constant use and increased proficiency one can "bond" their shard based weaponry and become able to "dismiss" and "summon" their Shardbound weapons at will anywhere. This is only possible with Shardblades, weapons crafted specially by Shardsmiths in the capitol city of Eos . This effect is typically created through shardbound rings. Armor can not be dismissed nor summoned and must be equipped like any other set. Shards have unique properties that only come through the Sharding process conducted by Shardsmiths and one can only access the most impressive effects of the Shards through years of practice and Bonding.   Physical contact with the shards that make up the ore can change a mans eye color to match the glow that comes off the material.   In the strict caste society of Syntheia, only the highest ranking Light-Eyes have access to this material due to their rarity, and the effect the shard has on a holder.


Material Characteristics

This material comes in the form of rich purple shards. They glow under the light of the moon and are easily discerned from other minerals found in the mines. The size of the Shards can range from 4 inches to a foot long. The material cannot be shaped and must be implanted in specially made weapons and armor.

Physical & Chemical Properties

To feel an Astral Shard would provide one a feeling of cold. Contact with these shards change the color of the holders eyes to match the glowing purple of the shard. The shards are smooth and dense.


The Shards cannot be crafted into a full set of armor, jewelry, or swords themselves. Their contact with sets of specialized armor provide never before seen enhancements. Contact must be maintained and thus armor and weapons must be specially made to hold shards. Only Shardblade can take upon the full composition of a Shard and only through Sharding can these "alloys" come to existence.

Geology & Geography

Origin & Source

The Shards come from fallen meteorites that fall only in the Inlustris Mountain Ranges

History & Usage


On an expedition led by a young Fevius Helios into the Inlustris Mountain Ranges caused the discovery of these shards in the year -2 BSC. After their collection, his unit discovered the capabilities of what they had before them after having the shards crafted into jewelry to mark the event. Fevius had his men equip their weapons and armor with these shards and led his men on a conquest like never before seen. From 0ASC on, every High Prince had a set of Shards, and any more they gained were either earned themselves, or traded between their peers. Of every resource on the island, shards are the definitive final piece of worth for any Light-Eyes. Shards became the light at the end of a seemingly endless tunnel for every miner, warrior, jeweler, and nobleman.


Discovered by Fevius Helios and his expedition. Used by the Starlight Conquest Forces in their conquest of Syntheia.

Everyday use

As gems in weaponry and armor. They are rarely ever used in everyday life.

Cultural Significance and Usage

They are a rite of privilege for the highest ranking Light-Eyes and the absolute luckiest Dark-Eyes.

Industrial Use

Shards work as cores for weapons and armor. In other forms, Shards can be used as magical focuses.


The material must be properly cut by one of the seven trained Shardcutters found in the capitol city of Eos. There are benefits from using the shards in their raw form, but they are much fewer than a cut gem.

Manufacturing & Products

In rings, enhanced weaponry with the gem as a signet, and in armor made with Shardcores . Shardcores are used for Bonding one to their blade.


None found as of yet.


Trade & Market

They are not traded. There is no legal market.


Stored in the homes of the High Princes and the extremely rare few Light-Eyed generals and high ranking warriors.

Law & Regulation

It is illegal for Dark-Eyes to have access to these. It is illegal to trade these on the market.
Extremely Rare
Go lick a diamond and insert that taste here.
Glowing Purple or Yellow
Boiling / Condensation Point
Can not boil and does not experience condensation.
Melting / Freezing Point
HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT. Does not freeze.
Common State


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