
The ultimate weapon of the Syntheian people. Born from a long process known as Sharding, these weapons are unparalleled on the island of Syntheia. Only the greatest warriors and High Princes possess these mighty tools of combat. These rare blades possess several unique properties known only to these blades themselves. A Shardblade is known to never rust, dull, or break(as far as anyone has seen).

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Shardblades are the result of a long crafting process known as Sharding. After the weapon and the Shard become one, the wielder gains access to power unlike any other. Weapons made by purple Shards glow the royal color of their shards and likewise with the rarer yellow Shard. This weapon takes upon the mystical properties of the Shards they bond themselves to. Cuts by blades bound to purple Shards induce a chilling effect on the victim, dropping the body temperature of the effective region by a significant amount. Wounds created by these blades take longer to heal on humans(will see about other races with other players and Bonga), and the blades themselves possess the same regenerative effect as the Shardbound armor. Blades made by the yellow Shards create the opposite effect as their purple cousins. Wounds caused by these blades create a scorching effect on their victim as though the blade itself set the victims wound ablaze.   Bonded Shardblades (bonding article coming soon) can be "dismissed" into the form of intangible mist, and "summoned" back into their normal form after 3 heartbeats by the most proficient of wielders. One cannot be forced to resummon their blade, and only through death can a dismissed Shardblade be forced back into it's normal form without the wielders conscious call for the blade.

Manufacturing process

Blades must be crafted to perfectly hold a Shardcore made from Astral Shards. Furthermore, the Shardsmith must tend to the weapon on a nightly basis, ensuring the Sharding process


Mark the mightiest warrior or ruler in the Kingdom of Syntheia.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Current Location
Owning Organization
The number that presently exist can be counted on two hands.
About 1.08 kg. Varies from blade to blade.
Raw materials & Components
These weapons are created from blades bound by Astral Shards. Within a blade, specially crafted by a Shardsmith, the Shard based core of a weapon begins to "infect" the weapon, changing the properties of the once steel blade to match that of the Shard itself. This process is commonly known as Sharding. This process takes about four months to complete and the blade must be consistently attended to by the Shardsmith.
Shardblades can only be crafted in the Shardforge in Eos where Shardsmiths use specially crafted tools to create their weaponry.
(The Shardblade wielded by Karsten Helios)


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