Shard Bonding

The lengthy process of Bonding ones shards. After a Shardblade is created by a Shardsmith, a wielder can go about the process of bonding their weapon. This process takes at the minimum a year, and on average two. To bond a blade one must equip a Shardring with the matching Shard of their newly constructed blade. Consistent training and use must be maintained to progress the Bonding Process and in time, one will have Bonded their blade.   There are several levels of bonding:   1:The form almost every Shardblade wielder achieves, this is the level that allows them to Summon and Dismiss their blades. A handful of talented Shardblade wielders report hearing whispers later in their lives.   2:The level of bonding Fevius Helios achieved during his pilgrimage in 1BSC (1164). Reaching this level of Bonding allows one to communicate with the (creature name here) within their Shard as well as locate their blade (almost) anywhere in the known world. With this greater level of understanding, one is able to potentially reach the ultimate benefits of Bonding a Shardblade. There is only one known instance of this level of Bonding in recorded history.   3:???


This "ritual" allows for Syntheians to Bond their famous weaponry.


Mist can be seen seeping off the Shardring at night under the stars and while the wearer is asleep.


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Effect Casting Time
On average two years, at the fastest, a single year.
Applied Restriction
The Shardring must remain on the Bonder at all times or the Bonding Process is hampered and will take even longer.


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