Chiaroscuro Gray

Detective Chiaroscuro Gray

Detective Chiaroscuro Gray is a fetchling private investigator in downtown Atramentum.  

Early Life

Born in 1883, Chiaroscuro grew up in the shadow city of Mutnemarta. While he was still a child, his mother was killed by the Velstrac, which resulted in his Father turning to drink and dying of alcoholism. Chiaroscuro and his older brother, Caravaggio were in an orphanage for a bit. Chiaroscuro got caught up in petty crime as a teenager, and his then-girlfriend turned him into the police, landing him in the slammer. He wrote to his girlfriend from jail but she never wrote back.   Chiaroscuro then moved to Atramentum, where he planned to become a champion fencer. He met Joy Piccante and they set up Grayjoy Private Investigators, although were not making enough money to be full time detectives. At some point Gray discovered that the fencing ring he was competing in was rigging the fights for the sake of the betting racket. Gray exposed the racket publically, landing his manager in prison. His now-former coach tried to kill him but was shot by Joy, who had had the forethought to bring a gun to a swordfight. This ended Chiaroscuro's professional fencing career but raised the profile of Grayjoy Private Investigators to the point that they were able to make it a full-time gig, and even hire the gnome Sal Friday as a secretary. At some point Gray and Joy became romantically involved.  

The Sableton Case

In 1914, Grayjoy Private Investigators embarked on CASE 106: the Sableton Case (or the Seven Pieces of Silver), the low point of Gray’s detective career. The case involved an occult serial killer who was using his victims in eldritch rituals. Despite the supernatural elements of the case, Gray’s partner Joy was ironically killed by a mundane .44 magnum, wielded by the man they sought to apprehend.   In the aftermath of the arrest, the perp was sent to the chair to fry, but it turned out Grayjoy's investigation and the subsequent arrest and death penalty had been the criminal underworld's plan the whole time.  

The Occult

The Sableton case turned Gray off investigations into the occult for the next five years, and even now, despite his friendship with occult expert Axel Webb, who is always eagerly available for consultation into the eldritch and arcane, Gray avoids magical investigations wherever he possibly can.


Chiaroscuro Gray


Towards Joy Piccante


Joy Piccante


Towards Chiaroscuro Gray


Chaotic Good
Current Status
Private Investigator
46 years old
Joy Piccante (Lover)
Golden yellow
6 ft. 11 inches
RPG Information