
The first to move into the gated area of Charity a town that was full of nobles in mostly title and filled with a disparity of wealth due to this, which was why the Hellknight order of the Godclaw was able to impose martial law when they moved in. This was directly after half of their order was sent directly to the Hell by Alfred for breaking the rules he had set down in Anfortas. They viewed his mercy on the Freeport as a sign of weakness and decided to impose law on Charity. The next group to flock hearing about this new town and city was the Order of the Rack. They had decided the man appointed the master of blades was too kind and a detriment to the orders of Hellknights as a whole. They soon flocked to this new town where martial law was encouraged for safety. They believed Knight Wilt showed a severe weakness and lapse of judgment for not being harsher. Well, Alfred didn't become the lictor of the order of the Chain and only lictor of Aur, because he was stupid or wool was easy to pull over his eyes, he sent the order of the gate and the order of the chain over to make sure those two orders were kept in compliance of his rule.

Aurelia Post Day of Stars
Following the massive shift of the Day of Stars the continent of Aur looks...a touch different.

Laws of Charity

  • No one's to be outside in the streets beyond the hour of 10 pm, doing so will result in severe punishments. Curfew ends at the hour of 8 am.
  • If a crime has taken place in your residence you have 72 hours to investigate the issue on your own before a hellknight order will be called in to give swift justice.
  • Stealing will lose you a hand, if caught.
  • Goods and Services may be bought between the hours of 10 am to 5 pm no earlier or later and the 6th day no goods or services can be sold.
  • Goods include Slaves, they however must pass inspection before being bought or sold, this process takes 3 to 4 business days.
  • Slaves are bound by their Master but their Master is also bound to them. Mistreatment of a person in bondage this way will result in the property seized. However if treatment is found to be just the Slave will be punished twice when mistreatment is reported.
  • The contract of master and slave must be overseen and written by a hellknight, to make sure the contract details everything for the master's rights as well as length of service which can be up to the end of the Slaves life.
  • Runaway slaves will be returned to their masters to complete their contract if treatment is found to be just, they will receive 30 flogs with the whip on top of punishments provided by contract.
  • Some criminals if found guilty of high crimes such as fraud, money laundering and destruction of property will be inspected and sold into these contracts of slavery.
  • Anyone found without work will be given it, if they are found unsuited for the work given they will be exiled.
  • The gates are only open from 9 am in the morning to sunset, they will stay closed at sunset until 9 am regardless of emergency.
  • The high crime of murder will have a trail and if guilty an execution in town square in 5 days time will commence.
  • Treason against the knights is highly prohibited. For the crime of Treason we will let the gods sort it out.
  • are permitted with a permit, all applications for each created must be done in triplicate, and approved before the process is started and completed. Failure to comply will have those assets seized and the master and creator will be used for hard labor til a time seen fit for the crime of fraud.
  • Table of Contents