The Wild North


The Northlands of the continent are frozen, difficult to survive in and well known for an impressive giant population. Still, there are those who not only live there, but thrive there.   It's relatively uncommon for the more Southern population to go up into the frozen mountains, and not just because of the cold. Wild Magic is in abundance in the area, and most spellcasters find out, the hard way, that they're usually successful repertoire of magic is not at all reliable.   Surprisingly, many of the natives prefer it that way, having developed a deep distrust of magic in general. Others have harnessed other means of casting, and rumours of ways to cast successfully without danger abound.

The Day of Stars

Surprisingly, the devestating effects of the Day of Stars had relatively few impacts on the Wild North. The mountains to it's south that it off from the Aurelian Basin and the Tutquesa Ramas sank, being replaced with large bodies of water, and the island of Brunswick suddenly appeared in the heart of the continent.

Of course, it's possible other, stranger changes have taken place in this vast land that simply haven't been found out by the south yet...

Aurelia Post Day of Stars
Following the massive shift of the Day of Stars the continent of Aur looks...a touch different.

Notable Locations

Brunswick Isle: One of the more bizzare parts of the Day of Stars was the Hellknight Enclave of Brunswick Isle was transplanted into the middle of the north. The island's dead magic properties remain, meaning the wild magic of the area simply...fails...when it reaches the island's borders. This is of great interest to the few locals in the area.

The Wyrm's Throat Pass: One of the few still existing passes, the Wyrm's Throat was massively restructured and most of the small taverns and locations in it damaged heavily or destroyed. Still, the storms it is infamous for has been lessened in frequency, if not in danger - Wild Magic weather is never fun to deal with.

Mt Gwalchmei: This massive mountain is all that is left of the southern mountain range as the rest has sunk into the ocean, bar a small section far to the east. Even though it still sits on the Aurelian Basin, many still count it as part of the northern continent.

Articles under The Wild North