Tutquesa Ramas

For as long as Aurelian has been present, the desert areas to the west have been almost impossible to explore. A massive, terrifying mechanism, all but impervious to magic and heavily resistant to martial attacks, destroyed any life that attempted to explore the area. It was theorized that the area may, once, have even been something other than desert - not even a blade of grass was allowed, as long as the mechanical structure remained. Why did it hate all life? What was it's goal? Why was it even there? Even these simple questions couldn't be answered as it blocked access to them as readily as the desert itself.   Until, one day, it wasn't there anymore.   No one's sure where, exactly, it went although there were rumours that one of the Aurelian Guardsmen who worked for the sheriff, Fergus, was somehow solely responsible for the thing vanishing. Whatever the reason, however, the desert was now free to explore...

That was, at least, until the Day of Stars arrived. The small in-roads from the Aurelian Basin were wiped away as the pass to the west - and the mountains they ran through - vanished. In it's place a deep sea ran around the entirety of the Neutrobian desert, cutting it off from both east and north.

By the time anyone for the Basin had a chance to check, they found the desert was almost entirely gone. In it's place was a lush, dense rainforest filled with an abundance of life - far more than should have been possible. Ancient ruins were surveyed from the air as well. The android camp still remains present and active, although how they are adapting to the sudden change is less clear. The now seperate continent once known as the Neutrobian desert became known as Tutquesa Ramas.

Aurelia Post Day of Stars
Following the massive shift of the Day of Stars the continent of Aur looks...a touch different.

Notable Locations
  Sanctorum: The first attempt to establish a permanent settlement in the area, the town was founded with the purist intentions, but was unable to maintain the defences needed to survive the dangerous desert. Theoretically, the ruins of the city are still present, somewhere...but whether they are buried on the coast or have slipped beneath the oceon isn't known.   Western War Temples: During the war between Heaven and Hell, the Left-Handed Hummingbird Huitzilpochtli led the forces of the heavens, and set her headquarters on Aurea in the desert. This strange pyramid city was the hub and heart of her camp.
Unlike others, the Turqoise Princess withdrew her forces in good order, and there seems to be little left but the stone structures...but who knows what might be beneath the surface?

Foundry Zero One: This android settlement has been present for several years, quietly researching and gather resources. It's unclear exactly what state the Day of Stars has left it in.
Table of Contents
Map of Aurelia
Notable Locations


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