Meave Drewitt Wilt

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    27 /8 100:00

    22 /7 00:00

    Artist Rendition of Meave Drewitt Wilt
    Artistic creation

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    27 /8 2100:00

    27 /8 2098:00

    Meave arrives
    Life, Career

    Her first memories were darkness and screaming as Meave is ripped from her mother’s protecting embrace. She was taken from family and love and into the shadow of a death cult of Zyphus. She was filled with knowledge of all kinds at the threat of death. They have tortured her over and over and over again to close to death, and then healing her back up to full. They taught her basic sword fighting but not enough to escape with. They always kept her underfed and not letting her get a proper nights rest. They taught her basic arcana magic. On her 18th birthday she was set away in silence as the cult sets up a ritual unknown and unheard from her. They learned early on she has keen hearing. She was dragged out of her cell by her hair into the ritual. She felt the fire heat and smell of smoke that masked the sticky smell of fresh blood. But she felt the puddles was she walked in barefooted. The leader threw her into a circle unseen to Meave. He started chanting and offering Meave as a vessel to hold a portion of power of the death god. The leader getting close to the end of chanting grabbed her long blonde hair and slowly slide a dark pulsing purple blade onto her neck. She felt like if she didn’t do anything she would die. The cult underestimated her magical abilities and didn’t look for the aptitude for psychic magic. She felt a spirit called out to her to raise out a hand. So she did, an ectoplasmic Terbutje cutting deep into the leaders neck killing him. Meave now alone in a chamber of death and a broken ritual panics a little and trips over the new body. Itzpapalotl (obsidian butterfly) the spirit linked her weak power to the blind girl’s soul urges her to run and kill the rest of the cult. Meave stumbles around and her hands landed onto the black blade filling and talking over the first voice in her mind. Giving her a massive headache and staggering her, Veles coax Meave to just run away from such a place and out into the world. So Meave ran Out of the cave the cult had made their own and into the portal to Aur

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    28 /8 200:00

    28 /1 00:00

    Peter Pan was right, growing up's a waste of time

    So Landon, Meave, Flannigan, Beranash, Alternate and Shinoa all meet up at the vegan abomination bar where Finnegan was trying his best to actually pretend, he was an upstanding citizen of Anortas and not just a pirate who was ready to ship out at moment's notice. He was warning everyone who gathered not to order the food, the drinks he made were pretty strong as they waited for their employer to appear.
    Not long into the wait the Vegan place was destroyed for the first time and a man who called himself Peter arrived.
      It seemed he just needed to get a crew, and everyone was instantly hire on which was not suspicious at all. The rules on the ship was odd. Move in twos don't run around at night and ect. Shinoa went off alone and was attacked by the Shadow. She then decided to throw a fit and say that what Peter said wasn't something to take seriously. She sat the rest of the boat ride really angry despite the fact Peter Pan who was the employer literally spelt that out for her.
    Then after a bit of being attacked by the shadow they decided it was time to check out the cargo they were carrying. Most of the group believed it could be illicit, maybe people. They opened the first box and it was pure magical essence. Which the Hellknight in training instantly closed up, since the magic fog isn't something to mess with. The 2nd crate held something more interesting, exact replicas of the toys that each and every one of the group played with when they were children. This put Flannigan in a tailspin due to the matching music box. That is when they confronted the fey reaper and found out they were working for Peter Pan himself. The mirrors exploded randomly, and everyone was badly damaged by the mirror before they got passed the second star, the suns at the time because no constellations were in the sky yet. Landon healed Meave the first time without permission due to being unconscious and was asked not to in the future.

    Fun part of the dreamlands once you enter them with your body, you take on the appearance of your soul. Meave soul was a damaged Justice both her sword took on there full apprentice and spent the entire time in the dreamlands bullying her, Flann was battered knight, Landon took on a black dragon form, Shinoa stayed the same, Berenash had extra shininess and Alternate took on his true form a Fetchling which clearly freak him out entirely. Attitudes changed as they landed in mermaid cove, Alternate meet Captain Hook on the docks and had a wonderful conversation with her.
      Flannigan jumped into the lagoon and danced with the mermaids and glimpses of his true soul was seen a few time during the exchange.
    Landon was throwing a hissy fit and was plotting with Shinoa on how to kill Peter Pan because that was a great idea.   Berenash did things?   Meave was whisked off with Peter to fly and have a happy memory as she did not many and the dreamlands take that if you use pixie dust.

      Berenash, Flannigan, Landon, and Shinoa found out due to Meave pointing out the happy memories where being stolen every time they used the pixie dust. So, they set to investigate how does Peter get pixie dust and found that Peter Pan would take a pixie and grin them into dust.   So, after a bit the pirate skirmish starts, and everyone comes out extremely wounded and battered. Landon heals Meave without permission. This is when Meave started to insulted him for doing so in a PSTD flashback. Landon in his infinite wisdom tried to healed them more and got a sword to the throat in which case he told her he should of left her to die. Which caused Peter since Flann was busy trying to help Berenash out and was far away, to challenge Landon to a duel. He even offered to tie his hand behind his back to make the duel fair. Instead of taking Peter up on it, they refused three times and begged for their life. Shinoa at this point tired of Landon's double speak and decided that Landon was on their own.

      So after a long while and defeating the pirates which was participating in childhood games whether or not it was safe or dangerous. They traveled away from Neverland, and deeper into the river of memories. Bergelmir, also known as the Mother of Memories, the giantess who created Sandro the massive turtle island out in The Sototomn Ocean or as the sailors call it the timeless blue. Everyone returned to Anfortas into the Vegan as they had awakened from a dream.   The only things different is Landon had earned a mark of cowardice written in Greek on his forehead. Meave and Flannigan had grown closer and started dating. She got less headaches due to her sword, Shinoa got a kitten that wasn't there before that could fly, it was quite beautiful. Berenash got his name returned and a lesson not to give out our name. Alternate got a pirate boon 'cause he decided to be a pirate during the games.

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    13 /7 1200:00

    21 /8 00:00

    Stole the Zoya and traveled to Elysia
    Criminal Activity

    Having been told 'no, don't go to Elysia' Damian de Silvia immediately decided that going to Elysia was the only thing he could do. When a ship, the Zoya, known to have captured other adventurers and taken them to strange plane arrived in Anfortas, Damian, Meave, Max, Seras and Sukarma took the ship by storm. The captain was defeated and hurled onto Aur's soil, as was most of the crew. Eventually, only a dozen or so sailors, free and now ex-slave, remained on the ship with the former 2nd mate in control.

    Damian knew how to sail, and thankfully, kept enough crew to work out how the device that allowed the ship to sail to Elysia worked. The Zoya made it across with no problems, and resupplied on a small island. A giant eel also murdered a creature trying to flee it? The party didn't bother checking.

    Sailing into port, the party found the harbour barricaded by a large horde of undead guarding the harbour. While Damian went into town, freeing the ship's crew with a frankly unreaonable amount of plantinum, and then bought the entire shipping company with a bit more, Meave and the others decided fighting the horde was...wise.

    It was not.

    A few moments after the battle began, with the adventurers being forced back towards the Zoya, Cassidy de Silvia, master of the port and owner of the horde, arrived. She made it clear there were two make good on the damages done, or to serve as replacements for the undead killed.

    Meave chose to pay almost her entire supply of gold just as Damian returned. The lich clearly believed the witchwolf one of her progeny - a distant, very stupid progeny - and Damian refused to accept it. She departed with an invitation for Damian to try and kill her at his leisure.

    The party headed inland, and encountered a group of slaves being punished by being exposed to the elements on a hilltop. They rescuded them, and went to the town, where they intended to kill the owner. He was, however, using magic to pass his wounds off to his family. After distracting him Meave and Max were able to work out how break the magic, with Damian using his antimagic abilities to snap it, and it went as well for the owner after that as you'd imagine.

    They were told by the slaves, now owned by a local club owner, that the new owner was over the mountains. They were...less than willing to traverse them themselves, although there was an oracle there as well. The party decided to follow the trail, and disovered the mounts were more of scab covering an open wound on the Thousand Young that was Elysia. The creatures...antibodies? For lack of a better word, chased them off. Sukarma attempted to read the creatures mind, and went a little...insane.

    The found the oracle, and got the answers they needed...but at a cost. By twisting fortune, fortune would eventually twist back, making there luck worse in the future. But still. Answers were found, and an item Damian needed to pay a debt located - twin swords containing the essence of a sun and moon.

    They arrived at the town where the new slave owner was, and...caused chaos. Damian climbed the walls, and then murdered all the mattresses he could find. The party decided to take shelter in a house of ill repute with a good reputation, much to the awkwardness of everyone, and talked to one of the slave owners serving people who moonlighted there.

    Damian killed more matresses, and then accidently bought the brothel.

    Going to meet the owner, they found an odd immortal with no desire for slaves whose mattress was, when they arrived, full of people.

    And then Damian'd.

    He assured them that he had no desire to harm his new possessions, and would even free them once it was safe to do so. And buy a new mattress that evening.

    Satisfied, the party continued towards the autction with the swords, and were ambushed by an undead carnival. Defeating the creatures, including the elephant, they were able to reach the auction house the day before it opened.

    Once again, Damian resolved the situation by buying the auction house and the slaves therein with the last of his platinum bars, and now in control, were able to intercept the goods to go on sail and steal them.

    They escaped back the port with there loot, and returned to Aurea. The Zoya's ability to travel the planes was depleted, and now sails the seas near Anfortas.

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    8 /8 1200:00

    8 /8 00:00

    Time Heist: Asmodeus' Vault
    Religious event

    With the ingredients for Sarenrae's survival being collected, one was still missing: a secret no one knew. Rebca Chambers, Sebastian, Brunte and Meave were sent to try and find it. There were two locations for such an item...the vaults of Abadar and Asmodeus. Out of spite for the actions of the Mort, Rebca Chambers chose to literally go to hell.

    Initial attempts were a bit of a struggle, as the sherrif Catena was nowhere to be found, but Sebastian had a great idea: A time travelling Inevitable drug dealer he happened to get his stuff from. His boyfriend was thrilled to learn about his habitual drug use.

    Still, the creature was able to send them to a time when the vault of Asmodeus was less vulnerable, less guarded...and at the small cost of a page of history. The day Aroden died. That was...probably fine.

    The Inevitable transported them to a time before Asmodeus had taken control of the vault, into a central area where several passages led off. The direction they needed was blocked, but could be damaged. It did cause a slight sonic...component to it's response, but at Sebastian's order, Brunte unleashes his fury.

    The result broke the barrier and nearly liquidised the party, there ear drums and eyes going...pop, among other things. Some time later, the cleric was able to mostly put people back together, and they continued.

    Thankfully, the creatures set to guard and curate the collection were also not immune to sonic damage, and a sole angel, familiar to Rebca, Sebastian and Brunte although much younger than they had known. was left in charge of the collection. With a little explanation, he agreed to help them, giving them a secret and a page to pay off the Time Thief, and then froze them in stone for the next 5000 years.

    Upon awakening by the same angel, now much more ancient, Sebastian was convinced to trigger a device which saw one of Aur's moons...dissolved. The same one Rebca, Brunte and Sebastian had visited - and destroyed previously.

    The same ones there past selves, plus a past Meave, was now on.

    Thus was the timeline restored and dopplegangers removed...

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    1 /12 1200:00

    7 /12 00:00

    Heaven Wars: The Raid on the Mauretania
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    As the war between the celestial powers, with a little help from the infernal ones, began in earnest the Council of Eight in Anfortas were warned of a problem. A vast iron ship was seen powering towards the shore. With so much of Anfortas' resources tied up in the war, it was decided to send a group of adventurers to do what they could to stop the iron dreadnought, but if impossible, they to return with information so a more organized strike could be made.

    Flannigan Wilt, Meave, Jeong, Horse Beef, Kai, Xirce and Fermi were dispatched on a small, fast vessel with very hidden holds, and sent to stop the problem.

    Even getting there was a challenge, however, as the events had caused the sea to be even less friendly than usual. The first challenge was the corpse of a dead wrecker crab, with a group of people on it doing...something. The Paladin Jeong decided fire was the answer, and the group were forced to follow. Thankfully, it turned out the small cult was in fact working on turning the massive beast into an undead assault weapon on Anfortas.

    A massive storm struck next, and the group used there skills to keep the ship safe - Flannigan and Meave worked below decks fixing holes, Xirce used his skill as a sailor to help wrestle the ship through, and Fermi...was a cat. Just catted the whole place up.

    They struggled from the storm into the mists, and encountered a ghostly vessel. The spirit of young man played a mournful, enchanting sound on strange pipes, which Flannigan used his bardic abilities to counter, and the two sides met. Horse used his abilities to move and teleport to launch a single wizard assault on the ghost vessel as the spectral crew assaulted the ship, but in the end party was succesful, Flannigan claimed the pipes, and there ship finally made it to the target - a vast, iron, smoke spewing vessel named the Mauretania.

    They were able to board the massive ship, and there ride withdrew to the side, finding it...odd. Old seeming, corroded, but covered in chairs and luxuries. Fermi, being a cat, decided that rushing over somewhere else and investigating alone was...great. Just swell.

    Inside, the entered the nursery, and found an attendant, who tried to keep Xirce on the grounds they were small and clearly a child. They spoke only English, it seemed at first, and acted very...strangely.

    Withdrawing, the problems became more apparent. The vast vessels crew and guests were now under the thrall of the Gidim, Posession Devils. The 'people' fighting them didn't care about there bodies, there wounds, there hurts - only causing more. And each body was innocent, giving certain moral...issues.

    During an attack Flannigan and Meave were each seperated from the main group. Flannigan learned that the ship's captain was still present, and unpossessed - his skills too needed to do so. To try and resolve the issues, he decided to use his magic to...ring the entire vessel like a gong.

    Meanwhile, Meave had entered the boilers and engines of the ship. Her skills allowed her a rudimentary knowledge of the steam powered system, and she believed she could destroy it...but there were a lot of Gidim engineers and workers here. So many. The blind girl chose to press forward, helped by the fact the Gidim were not trying to stop her, but take her - the idea of stealing fresh flesh appealed to them.

    It was, thanfully, at this moment that Flannigan caused the ship to sing. Meave, although reliant on her ears, powered through and destroyed two of the ships boilers, blowing a hole in the side of the ship and forcing her to a standstill while the Gidim began repairs.

    Meanwhile, Fermi had been moving through the vessel, causing problems and, well...being a cat. He discovered a heavy cannon of some kind bolted to the upper deck and decided this was a problem he could deal with. By firing it.

    When that didn't break it as he hoped, he tried again, loading the shell backwards. And then...hitting the shell. With another shell.

    Eventually, that worked as intended, and the catfolk and cannon exploded. Somehow, Fermi - singed and irritated - did not die, and continued to explore.

    The rest of the group was able to recovene, with the party finding Flannigan and then Meave finding them, and the exploration continued. They say...several odd sights. Despite the state of the ship, the ballroom was full, endlessly dancing Gidim-possessed passengers swaying and dancing. They found a small shop being run by an underpaid demon.

    And eventually, at the same time as Fermi, they found the captain's cabin. The man was broken, a wreck forced to live in his closest, but he'd learned some infernal and was able to communicate.

    With the ship damaged and a source of information obtained, the group decided it was time to not be here. As they withdrew they saw something, a shadowed shape that landed on the rear of the vessel.

    There escape wasn't quite perfect, however, and as the sun rose and they used a life boat to get to there vessel, the Gidim launched one last, laughing assault - launching shells and there own spirits at the adventurers. Kai was possesed, and attempted to sneak aboard as a sleeper agent, but was found out and purged.

    Succesful, the group returned to Anfortas triumphant, the Mauretania taking no further part in the war. However, the ship is still out there...

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    15 /12 400:00

    17 /12 500:00

    Heavan War Verdict: Being really dumb is valid defense
    Civil action

    Meave and Geeg decided to help Nethys with the defense of Ragathial who had murdered Sarenrae and tossed her body out of Heavan.   On the prosecutor side was Flannigan and on a side that was sure to win. The case was solid and seemed airtight on his side. It seemed justice for the fallen goddess could have been served.   Rebca Chambers was called to stand as a witness to the wish he didn't really see and Meaves side seemed to be losing so Nethy's decided to glitterbomb the entire court room as if that would get the jury on his side.   Flannigan had made many compelling and strong arguments against the former Emperil lord. He even got Ragathiel to admit he killed her during the tubberware party where Abadar was trying to sell tubberware to the other gods. Quite a debacle as The lady of graves was called on to the stand as well as Abadar and some other prominent gods of the Patheon who were said to be there.
      Then Ragathial was called to the stand a whim of Nethys and that's when he admitted to killing her and said he would do so again. With one last glitterbomb Nethy's would fled for his life and start to be on the run. Crazy bastard leaving glitter that would still appear no matter how much cleaning the people there did. The biggest surprise of the century when the Jury consisting of Gorum, Tari, Brightpollen, and Magrim came back with a verdict of not guilty for Meaves and Geegs hard work. However, Meave received no credit despite being the one who actually had Heather's written testimony on hand. Which collaborated Rebca's really poor testimony that made some people more confused then having clarity.
        Wizard Tv released this as a press release: Transcripts have been released from the proceedings of the cosmic court hearing where Ragathiel was tried for murder: He was found not guilty after appearing as a surprise witness at his own trial at which he had initially refused to appear as defendant, then giving testimony that he did it very much of his own accord. The jury seems to have felt that he could not be held culpable because he was merely the tool of the outer god Arwassa who appears to have caused the circumstances in which the murder occurred to come about due to a wish cast at a magic well by Heather Greenberg, and because he was too dumb to know what he was doing, at least that was my understanding.     It is said there is now a term for being let off for being too stupid to crime and it called being Ragathieled

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    24 /12 1200:00

    26 /12 1200:00

    Everyone Hates Folca
    Plague / Epidemic

    The demonic harbinger, for reasons best and only known to himself, decided it was a great time to visit Aur.


    The creature appeared near the small town of Silence, where a group of adventurers notably led by Damian and Pride were able to bypass Folca's defenders and drove Folca in an attempt to flee. He lept into a strange, horrible, musical contraption which he drove...into a wall.

    It exploded. He died.

    Sadly, this was not the end. It seemed that the old Herald who would deal with Folca was...Folca himself, and rumours appeared that he was somewhere else, too - beneath Rosilia. Even the drow hated Folca, however, and taciturn blessings to a party going to wipe the greasy monster out were given.

    The group, including Miz'ri, Seras, Meave, Pride and others, encountered the creature beneath Rosilia, where had completed his horrible vehicle and attempted to escape. The party seized some of the other vehicles present, gave persuit and attacked. Eventually Miz'ri used the Pants spell on the vehicle, gunking up it's wheels and sending it careening through a wall, where the the remains of Folca were eaten by a spider, and then an Azoan nuclear grenade tossed into the mess.

    Finally, Folca's demense - a strange, automated toy factory - appeared on Aurea. No one liked this idea at all. Angela, Flannigan, Jed and others were transported by Carnival to the island, where Folca's guards were once more talked down - even they hated the creepy creature - and the harbinger was chased through his own factory.

    Which killed him, along with an unwholesome amount of damage.

    And then it was blown up.

    And then hit by, as far as anyone could count, at least one lightning bolt from every deity with a presence on Aurea. His worshippers - all three of them - were equally vaporised at the moment of there masters death.

    Seriously, no one liked Folca.

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    1 /1 1200:00

    9 /1 00:00

    Pheonix Dragon: Rampage of Anguish
    Disaster / Destruction

    Meave went ahead and attempted to stop some coin abominations before the strongest group went in after the creature. They got pretty close to actually being able to get the phoenix dragon back from Grimglop, unfortunately, the group she was with wasted too much time deciding what to do with the cage to really succeed. Helping lead to the failure of the entirety of the continent.

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    10 /1

    13 /1 00:00

    River of Memories
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Despondent after bringing back Sarenrae as the Evening Sun at the cost of his relationship, Sebastian's death having resulted in his feeling for Rebca being stolen by an outer god, Rebca Chambers took an unreasonable quantity of drugs, at the cost of his life.

    A previous pact with the Hummingbird meant that Rebca didn't die quite so easily, and found himself instead at the Red Pyramid the war goddess had used during the battles between the Heavens.

    Meanwhile, Meave and Crobe were investigating the same ruins now the Hummingbird had withdrawn, and found the broken shaman despondent in the ruins. They convinced him to go with them to expore, and found a few treasures of note around, before attempting to return to Aurelian.

    Unfortunately, the weather had other ideas, and an especially vicious sandstorm blew in. Crobe, thanks to his druidic skills at shapeshifting, escaped but Meave and Rebca were forced to use the exciting spell Anywhere but Here.

    The pair found themselves floating on the plane of Elysium, on the River of Memories. Rebca used the water to restore some memories taken away from him previously, while Meave used it to find out about the mother she had never met.

    Finally reaching shore, they followed a strange melody to an Azata...the mother of Sebastian. Rebca was...not inclined to deal with the woman who had abandoned her child on the nightmarish plane of Elysia to a life of brutal slavery and abuse, but she chose to heal Meave's eyes, allowing the young woman to see for the first time in her life. Meave decided to continue wearing her blindfold, however, so the first thing she would ever see would be Flannigan.

    The pair followed new sounds, once the azata had vanished, and found themselves in a scene of battle. There, they met Silas, a warrior of Gorum who had confused the Lord of Iron by dying in honorable battle with a tree, a good death in theory by a baffling one in reality. They found that those from Aur were generally disliked, but after an evening of gambling and story telling, Silas was able to help the pair return home.

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    10 /2 523:00

    10 /2 1100:00

    Ceremony under a crystal tree

    Flannigan felt he needed to atone for his actions pertaining to Grimglop. He took the failure personally, even if it was the fact that an ally screwed him and others over and could of been much worse than what actually happened. He met up with Meave once more and asked her to help him get the problems of the dragons being unpredictable more then usual as well as other evils that were a problem. As they were away the both of them eloped on the battlefield and in the passions of battle they were wed.
    When they returned from the battles that they were fighting, they asked Drystan a cleric of Desna and very much a hopeless romantic weretiger to wed them. They may have already been married but they wanted to make it official, and the perfect place was under the crystal tree Desna gave Flannigan. Which of course made Drystan bawl harder.   the vows:
    Do you believe in each other, the person you will grow to be and the couple you both will be together. With your whole heart, Do you take one another as my wife and husband, acknowledging and accepting your faults and strengths, as you do your own. Do promise to be faithful and supportive and happiness with freedom together a priority. Will you be each others in plenty and in want, in failure and in triumph. Will both of you dream, celebrate and walk beside each other through whatever your lives may bring? Do these vows bind you forever blesses by the butterfly whom embodies freedom, dreams and travel that if you shall break these vows you will make the amends as a true partner would?
    I, Meave Drewitt will dream and walk side by side with Flannagan Wilt as my husband forever. I will support him when he needs me and be faithful and most importantly have freedom that I only dreamt about together.

      "I, Flannigan Wilt, choose to travel and be free with Meave Drewitt as my lawfully wedded wife. I will protect and support her, through all times good and bad, and may we continue to dream together forever.     Drystan was and is one of the most dramatic clerics when it comes to wedding ceremonies and wound-up crying as they were officially married.  

    The tree still grows providing good and beautiful dreams to those who stay at the Eclipse eye in the Crossroads.

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    12 /3

    13 /3 00:00

    Haunting Portraits
    Cultural event

    The first portrait commissioned by Flannagan Wilt was to be placed up in the Halls where the Master of Blades are Hung in Brunswick Isle. The first one has a light but regale background fitting the station of a Hellknight as well as the image that Flann presents himself as, very hard to capture really in a painting but Damian De Silvia does seem to manage it almost easily as he paints. The pose that Flann is in for the portrait is a relaxed but professional pose, he has the helmet that most Hellknights wear off. He looks stronger in the photo due to the way Damain positioned him in the full plate ceremony Armour. The well-loved lyre in his hands somehow making him look scarier while still a protecter the contrast is really something the painting brings to life. The duality of the first painting really makes it uncannily life like. Flann's youthful face. Slowly the face starts to form his eyes seem kind. An protecter with a secret hidden behind those hazel eyes. It ties the lyre to the man and his armour. The completed protrait also had some personal touches like added shadows to the painting making it seem more and more real. Added touches to the regala and the symbol of the order of the chain. Flann despite his kind demeanor clearly being shown in the artwork also shows an intimidating protector air. The painting definitely surpassing Flann's expectations. The painting even has the well-loved groves that often are neglected in paintings, on the lyre.
      However, Flannigan whom loves his wife very much knew that she felt like she was just the Master of Blade's Wife. Flannegan the Hero's wife also commissioned a painting for Meave as well from Damian.
      The attention to detail is evident as the eyes are first drawn to the background, a flied of battle on that is kicking up some dust the star blanketing the night sky on the canvas. The banner of the order of the chain as if a war is going on draws the eyes next, then you can see Meave with Wall in their two fighting stances. Side by side. The weapon She has implanted in a stone in front of her. Then an entirely different sword being welded. Flann himself actually isn't the focus this time but he's there with his shield as a support to his wife whom is the paintings main focus. Looking at the painting you can see, taste and almost hear the sounds of the battle. The finishing touch is a demon that Meave has conquered with her husband looking proud at her accomplishments. The portrait truly captures a partnership, and the painting is truly an unique piece since it's rare to find a battle in arms of a husband and wife across the planes.   The paintings seem to be more than what they seem, but only time will tell if that is true. Damian De Silvia is an artist of great talent and Meaves battle portrait can be seen hanging in the Inn and Flannegan's Master of Blades portrait is hanging up in the halls of leadership of the Hellknights on Brunswick Isle.

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    1 /4

    1 /4 00:00

    Skincrawler Dragons are terrifying
    Geological / environmental event

    Vashda, Gunther, Luscia, Crobe and Meave decided once the red fog rolled in that the best idea was to climb up to a cave chasing down a dragon. However, when they got to the cave they found too late the terrifying creature was just a bunch of crawling spiders that like to slow feed on people and they went to the creatures layer in a bout of either insanity or a lapse of judgement. Luscia, Crobe, and Gunther were the worse effected by the fear aura that caused them to run away from the cave with massive amount of fear which probably kept Gunther alive.
      This left Meave and Vashda still capable of fighting the dragon. However, it pretty soon was just Meave running around fighting the thing on her own. Luscia whom was under the fear effect was the first to return to fight the creature. Luscia star knife had some trouble with the swarm of spiders despite it being a massive corpse of a dragon as well. Crobe was next to return from running and took it upon himself to try to heal the group to less of an avail. Meave almost had the dragon down when Gunther returned and killed the Skincrawler dragon. Meave wasn't happy. Meave will tell anyone who listens about the kill theft.       Vashda however had an extra toll place on her and was utterly scared of dragons from this day forward. She is quoted: "Worse than the spray bottle."

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    11 /4

    12 /4

    The Cunningham Estate Ball
    Cultural event

    The reclusive Lord Eduard P. Cunningham announced his return to Aurelian society after a prolonged interlude of solitude with a grand soirée, an impressive party and the highlight of the social calendar for the year to come, surely?

    And, to begin with, it was. The great and the good of Aurelia attended, representatives from Eralis and Rosilia meeting with the surface's finest, and drinks and dancing flowed.

    But at the edge of the party a strange figure lurked, untroubled by the staff and rarely noted by the party goers - Dr Perry. When the time was right the doctor took the stage, and in a ranting, rambling manner, explained that there host was a foul necromancer, a liar and a cad - and to prove it he unleashed the undead horde stored within the flying manor.

    A new moon rose as the skies darkened and undead flowed into Aurea. Many were lost as the undead swarmed, with greater losses prevented largely by heroic intevervention from the guests, but the damage was done - the undead had been unleashed.

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    10 /6 2206:00

    10 /6 2210:00

    Kensington Gardens
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    So once again we find Peter on the docks of Anfortas this time, royally pissed off that him a powerful fey and a reaper of souls cannot travel back to the dreamlands. He spent days making it a problem that Astra sent out Flannigan, Rebca, Meave and Heather to go fix the problem. Peter basically said he stop being a problem if he could get home. Peter gave them an offer if they helped him return regardless of what happened to the party itself. Rebca however got his surname stolen and wanted that back. He wasn't happy with Heather, whose whole name was taken away. Meave and Flannigan got married by the fey by making a vow in front of Peter who bond their souls together.
      They then took the Jolly Rodger to Brunswick isle where they found Finnegan Badd in a jail cell he could easily walk in and out of the locked bars. This bit went on a few times. Then Flan, Rebca and Meave connected to the ley line who was a massive dickhead. Heather connected and reconnected twice. Everyone else got drained halfway. But Heather made a deal and being both a divine and Psychic caster she was a sufficient enough sacrifice to keep the leyline stable for a short time. It was a temporary fix. But the group also got Talida's true name as well. Not that they shared with the world. Rebca and Meave weren't heartbroken but shocked as the stars appeared in the sky. Flannegan who saw Heather as a great friend and Ally took it harder than expected. He even cried as they were sailing away towards the dream lands before jumping off the Jolly Rodger. Flannegan did get his shield of darkwood and green wood a piece of the ship that Peter used to sail. This mix is extremely rare, and he was lucky enough to get the ever healing wood for his shield.   It still felt somber as they returned to their lives without the force of Choas known as Heather. Sometime later Rebca found out his partner also took the lost of Heather Greenburg hard, even if they were basically Frenemies, apparently if she had survived, Sebastian would have asked her to be his best man.   Flan gained the title of the knight of dreams during the excursion and Meave agreed to never work with Peter Pan again as long as they were alive.

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    15 /8

    16 /8

    Stopping a Ritual
    Era beginning/end

    When rumours of a strange cult taking people from the streets began to spread, Angela recruited Carnival and Meave to help her investigate the strange building.

    It did not take long to discover the strange building was a front, the people in charge running experiments turning the people that joined into undead creatures and thralls.

    Angela, the most familiar with the group and there way of dealing with things, led the way, breaking into the labs deep below the surface and defeating one necromantically charged vampire and convincing a second to retreat.

    With this, her test was complete.

    The Test of the Starstone was a prolonged one, for her. It had tested to see what a woman of magic would become when stripped entirely of her magic, and it found her worthy.

    As the building began to crumble around the group, Angela's magic - and far more - flowed into the newly forged goddess. Her first act was one of duty, protecting the people who had aided her in her journey.

    Once they were safe, she left her rifle - now marked with her symbol - and instructions to take it to her people at the Crossroads, as well as asking Carnival and Meave a favour, to protect and aid them when they needed it.

    And with that, Starfire the Red was gone.

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    15 /8 1800:00

    16 /8 1300:00

    Song of ages
    Cultural event

    Meave Drewitt-Wilt, Ghorby and their companion Pepe, and Rebca Chambers all generously agreed to accompany Wall of Aurea (Flannigan Wilt) to the Winter Court of the Fey to uphold a bargain the latter had struck in exchange for knowledge on how to attain immortality. The bargain was impossible though Wall did not know this when he made it. The task: To write and perform a song for the ages, something to impress and bring emotion to the coldest outsiders one could imagine. The plucky group of adventurer-performers set about the task undaunted regardless, the bard knight Wall writing and composing a musical masterpiece. Ghorby, Meave, and Rebca all helped use incredible amounts of magic to sustain lifelike illusions to set the stage as Wall used his bardic powers to create an entire invisible symphony to accompany the visual spectacle. The tale was a harrowing one of loss and grief, but also a tale of love and triumph detailing an unknown knight and his loss of family, friends, world, and hope. In it the knight also gains purpose, love, and strength, turning the tragic tale to one of inspiration and love. The Winter Court watched with rapt attention, for the first time in untold years feeling moved by the creations of mortals. So enthralled were they in fact that scarcely any attempt was made to sabotage the play to the surprise of perhaps even the court themselves. In the end, the impossible was made possible and even the queen of the court recognized their efforts and granted each a boon. Ghorby, being wise and deciding to think on such an offer, accepted future favors to be decided later. Rebca asked for nothing more than to be a better healer, and was gifted a magic rod to accomplish this. Meave requested a magical suit of armor to better defend herself. Wall attempted to reject the offer at first, insisting the knowledge he had been given in exchange was more than a fair trade. At the queen’s insistence, he reluctantly acquiesced and gave the queen The Eclipsed Eye and a Star from the Chthonic god Nyx’s body to forge a legendary artifact, first of its kind on Aurea. From this union The Awakened Eye, Wall’s now rod of office and personal weapon was born.

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    31 /8 2145:00

    31 /6 2300:00

    Starting a War in Elysia
    Military action

    Before the War In Elysia between the planes of Aur and Sha'tar, one of the many Qlippoth Royalty - Warren, Son of Unionthe - had reclaimed an ex-slave from Aur, known as Sebastian Chambers. The fool's ego had betrayed him, using cut off parts of the ex-slave to tempt the Slave's husband, known as Rebca Chambers, to come to Sha'Tar and be led into a trap. However, Warren did not count on Rebca hiring five other adventurers to the cause; A powerful god-tormented psychic caster named Meave, a equally powerful psychic anomaly named Horse Beef, a Goliath Druid known as Cheech, a Elysian battle-hero named Brunte and finally a monk named Solis. The five adventurers tread acrost Sha'tar, cutting down anything and anyone that dared stand in the way between the two husbands - freeing slaves from Warren's control and even somehow subverting The Mother Of All in her own Woods while on the trail. Eventually they came to find Warren, whose attempted trickery and traps fell flat to the brutish strength of the five - quickly leading to his death and wiping of his memory from the annals of Sha'tar's history, leaving his demise as just a footnote for the events to come.   After finding and reclaiming the ex-slave, Rebca and the other four activated the once corrupted and broken Elf Gates that connected the spaces between Sha'tar and Aur. Although, this event had accidentally opened many other Elf Gates across both planes, whose destinations are not clearly apparent - perhaps leading to other planes than Sha'tar and Aur. One Elf Gate was found in The Eclipsed Eye, an Inn located in The Crossroads of Aurea - whose connection was directly to the town of Antigonia the free town.   Although war has not yet been awakened from its slumber, there are plans to resurrect the beast and unleash it between the two planes. The results and ramifications have yet to be charted out, yet all know of war's price and many wait on bated breath to see how many the beast swallows.

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    7 /7 800:00

    21 /7 00:00

    Meave retires
    Life, Milestone

    The birth of Meave's latest child has brought upon a new dawn over the Drewitt-Wilt household, where once hung an air of sternness and that looming potential of misery that hangs like a heavy cloud over the household of those who have willingly tied themselves to the other realm now instead breathes in a new air of peace and tranquility. It is not often those who follow the life of adventure get the opportunity to rest, have child or find peace. It is even rarer for one to embrace all three. Luckily, Meave has found that - both within her homestead and within her children. Though rumors of her wishing the same peace for her husband are quite evident for those familiar with the couple... but they only came from the quietest of mice on the edges of The Crossroads. No one dared to voice their opinion, lest they face a mother's scorn.   There were whispers that the retirement of Meave Drewitt-Wilt stemmed more than just the birth of her childe. Perhaps it was born from the oddity of the child's birth, perhaps it was because of the changes looming over the horizon... perhaps there was a hint of fear for the safety of her husband in the up and coming days... Though the whispers eventually died down.   If one was to pass by the home of the mother and her children, one may spy through the window two familiar swords resting on the mantle above the fireplace... As if they, too, have found some sort of peace.