Angela Langley

  • 99

    16 /8

    16 /8 00:00

    Artist Rendition of Duchess Angela Langley
    Artistic creation

  • 99

    16 /8 2112:00

    16 /8 2112:00

    Angela arrives in Aurea
    Life, Career

    She was origonally sent in by the Technocratic Union to retrieve a missing Doctor from the Progenetors. A clone of Angela from that organization she i vastly different to the women she was sired from who had a cybernetic eye allows for vision in IR, UV and color with tracking overlays and she's got a chip in the back of her neck that's part of her Man Machine Interface port that blocks out psychic attack attempts and makes her invisible to most passive scrying   as far as the cybernetic arm goes? It's... a prosthetic arm. Depending on which one she uses it's got neat functions but generally they're not weird functions or overpowered, just... cool looking like one that's made of berillium bronze just so she could show off

      The Angela of Aurea was grown in a tube and looks and acts entirely different to the women she was cloned from. She failed the mission she was originally sent to complete.

  • 99

    17 /8 1200:00

    24 /8 1200:00

    Rabbit Raid
    Military: Battle

    Angela was a small-time necromancer and Sorcerer during this utter destruction of the city of Aurelian. She helped in quite a few battles against the Rabbits that clearly were not made for this world. This fight probably is what started her journey to find greener pastures out of Aurelian. Especially when the geese bombers happened and other large artillery fire. Being too weak to really do much at the time otherwise.

  • 99

    1 /9 1200:00

    2 /9 200:00

    Restaurant at the edge of the universe
    Life, Relationship change

    Angela met Demis at this restaurant during a time two wild Catfolks had attended this. They came here on a proper date to get to know each other better after a mission and a romance blossomed from here. They say about a year or so later Angela and Demis had the Arch Druid Talida one of Angela's greatest allies marry them in a nice ceremony. The hand fasting was a nice touch and Talida had gifted the couple a ring of three wishes.

  • 100

    1 /1

    2 /1 00:00

    Cultural event

    Celebrated the new year with the fireworks and other things before having to go fight the dragon. The fire was new to Nikolay and Angela. It was a hard and long fight for the two of them. Needless to say they parted ways soon after. The first and last time they were in the same adventuring party for the dragon event that marks the new year of Aurea.

  • 100

    1 /9 300:00

    1 /10 300:00

    Becoming Duchess
    Diplomatic action

    As her relationship with Demis progressed and she was found not to be marring the women for her title, Angela through many trails earned her right to be on the Wryms Rest Council a powerful necromancers city that was thriving in trade. She became a steadfast ruler under Dr. Perry and a few others that had dubbed themselves team evil. She was relatively happy in her position and used it to her own and the cities advantage.

  • 100

    4 /10 2230:00

    5 /10 200:00

    Signing a treaty with Talida
    Civil action

    It is a well-known fact that Talida the arch druid would kill undead on site. Angela who was a good friend or as good of a friend as someone could be with the reclusive person who wished to never be bothered. They negotiated a territory with Talida so she wouldn't come into the city until a fall of the city was foretold. This was agree on and Talida readily agreed to the terms and they both stayed in there own lanes a while.

  • 101

    15 /8 1200:00

    16 /6 100:00

    Curing the Black Water
    Plague / Epidemic

    Geeg, Jed, Mel, Selene, Fenix, Elvira, Ein, Angela and Carnival travelled to Azoa, having learned that the cure for the black blood infection could be found on the strange, frozen continent.

    This would probably have been easier if the group had been a somewhat more cohesive whole, but there was some tensions.

    In addition, Azoa itself was found to be something of a nightmare. Spellcasting was considered a dangerous crime, races who used treated poorly, and cannibalism was a societal norm - often using the first two groups as a way to supply food.

    With dissenstion in the ranks, Carnival very wisely suggested they split into two groups to locate what was needed to make a cure, including information. After some trial and error, and meeting the witch Oros and the alchemist Samuel of House Cedrol, finding out the cure needed unusul versions of peach, sugar potion, mint, rosewater and the alchohol of the pharoah.

    Despite the chaos in the group, and having to rescue both Oros and Sam several times - each - the party was able to get a peach from the druid's grove, wine from the Black Pharoah's temple, the rose water and the mint.

    They also rescued Oros from the capital dungeon and Sam from his way to being executed, as Angela used her form as Starfire the Red to accidentally found a new minor religion.

    They found the last ingredient they needed, a bite from some...interesting gnomes, the blood mixed with the rest and used to cure Mel, Jed, Geeg, Fenix and Selene.

    A brief meeting with the legendary Remy the Stout also saw a Whitecloak Fortress...levelled and the survivors of the recent rebellions rescused. Angela made sure the surviving Whitecloaks...did not.

    Goals achieved, the party were able to return to the Windsong and left the horrible place, with Oros, Sam and Ein remaining behind.

    Additional timelines
  • 101

    16 /8

    22 /6 00:00

    Wanted Poster
    Criminal Activity

  • 102

    1 /1 1200:00

    2 /1 0-1:00

    Life, Achievement/ Win

    Angela during this New Years event was providing support via Alchemical warfare. She dealt mostly with Drakes and Dargons and pitted them against an undead army. She also used her own Draconic malice in order to keep many at bay. She was herald afterword for her great work.

  • 102

    10 /3

    10 /8 2020:00

    Stealing a Space ship
    Criminal Activity

    She went back to Azoa this time with a blind boy named Silias, Mel, and a few others went on an expedition. they wanted to help the resistance and her current following for Star Fire the Red. She with this group went to see if they could use the weapons of Azoa and quickly found out their heritage wasn't compatible with most of it. However, they did managed to salvage and repair and steal a massive spaceship, which she then used to help with the war efforts in Azoa. However, she felt it was too powerful for her to use she hid it away somewhere on Aurelia.

  • 103

    1 /1 1200:00

    2 /1 0-1:00

    Life, Achievement/ Win

    She was directly involved in the downfall of the Dragon this year. She helped strategically make sure the flaming menace was put down with one of her Allies known as Talida, Nikolay, Asher, and a few other Adventurers using the quell energy was it's downfall. She laughed when Nikolay fired the shot that put it down and he walloped in excitement.

  • 103

    25 /2 1500:00

    25 /3 1500:00

    Namgung's betrayal

    Due to being betrayed by Namgung, she set up a death trap for the korean fox lady that resulted not in her death, but the sacrifice of half of her soul using the Dark Lady Talida as an intermediary to settle the blood dispute. As Angela put it, A Life for a Life.

      This is how she had conceived her son a secret from even her wife. Which would later lead to issues with her wife.

  • 103

    23 /7 1400:00

    23 /8 1600:00

    The War for Azoa
    Military: War

    With the problems in Azoa growing ever stronger, and the chaos of the situation between the resistance and the remaining government forces, the resistance turned towards a reputable source of additional forces - adventurers from Aurelia, transported aboard the Windsong and the Walpurgisnacht.

    Early waves were generally successful, with significant damage to the White cloak forces at the site of the landing, and a skirmish against the Azoan air forces seeing fireballs and flammable dirigibles being an exciting combination.

    The third wave was the first to encounter some issues, with Demis of Wyrm’s Rest going down during the fight against several significant robot units which seemed to have an unusual, infernal power source, but the machines were successfully decommissioned.

    With the final push, the old hands of Mel, Carnival, Geeg, Ein, Khors and Jed, joined by Revan and Nikolay for the attack on the two main objectives, with brief side trip to the house of Baba Yaga, where Oros and Sam were waiting. Carnival and Khors had been preparing for some time and were able to remove the device keeping Sam in his mind, with Khors removing it in real life and Carnival taking it out in his mind. It wasn’t easy, and the man was reticent to return, but it was eventually done.

    The group rallied and headed to their first target, the military high command of Azoa. Guarded by a significant number of very large mechs, the party chose to sneak in while disguised, breaking into a slave auction, and causing quite a lot of chaos. Nikolai opened and closed the roof, several times, drawing the attention of the mechs outside. Geeg animated the cages of the slaves' doors, making them rips themselves down and protect the former occupants as they used a Gate spell to get them out. Revan used his shadow magic to assassinate, as an invisible Carnival sniped. Mel summoned a massive storm, and Khors used fire and light spells to bring attention to himself and cause havoc.

    As the Azoan high command and their bodyguards fell, the arena began to fill with water, and eventually the party left what was left of the place to flood, their images captured by the strange devices in the building.

    Revan decided that he’d had enough, and Shadow Walked back to the ship, but the rest pressed on. An encounter with Azoan mimics was…educational. Sam was acting very oddly, as well, even by his standards.

    The party reached the capital, and found it guarded by the latest in Azoan tech, war machines and air ships. With all due consideration, the party decided to steal one of the two large airships, turning its advanced weapons on the other ship, war dirigibles and annihilators on the ground, causing havoc - but the ship was rapidly torn apart. In addition, it was crewed by slaves, and it was a struggle to overcome them and get them off before the ship came apart, but they did.

    The other ships were…less fortunate.

    And Sam, in a strange new form, was crushed to death as he brought down one of the other vessels.
    Nikolay was reunited with his daughter, The Countess. Jed courted her in the aftermath of the war.

    When the dust settled, the machines were defeated and the resistance took the city, with Oros left to mourn. Ein was crowned as the new king of Azoa. And Oros mourned.

  • 103



    Questions Unanswered
    Cultural event

    Searching for answers on various subjects, Oros took Ein, Carnival, Geeg and Angela to the Orelic Library.

    Angela was searching for answers regarding her newborn son, Miles, and his...unusual origins, which were simple enough for her to find.

    Geeg sough information on the Fingers, and the Watcher, and ways to return to his home and patron. He was able to succesfully find at least a start, although it was...unclear.

    Carnival, Ein and Oros sought information to revive Sam, and the strange world those from Azoa were trapped in. It soon became apparent, as they travelled from afterlife judgement hall to another, that the strange tower they'd seen in the Dreamlands was another of those realms.

    Oros, who had been coping with Sam's death by continiously errasing his memories, was eventually lost in the libraries wandering halls. By the time Carnival found where he had gone, the Witch had already ended his own life, and his body recovered by Khors.

    Ein...did not take it well, and tried to enact his plan to destroy the tower in the Dreamlands. He was never seen again, leaving Azoa without it's king.

    Hurt and exhausted, Carnival took the Walpurgisnacht and fell back from Azoa, leaving the continent to it's own devices...for a time.

    Additional timelines
  • 103

    30 /11 100:00

    30 /11 100:00

    Wryms Rest destruction
    Disaster / Destruction

    She had received various warnings from Khors and other oracles that the volcano was bringing an elemental demon lord that would bring his armies and erupt and destroy Wryms Rest keep. She came up with a few plans and was promptly ignored by the other council members. She attempted to negotiate with Brightpollen's embassy Mr. Happy which wasn't very successful. In order to stop it she became desperate and saved 2/3rd of the populace by touching a variation of the star stone in the hold of the cityship and the result was that she lost all of her magic essentially making her a living human golem. Following the destruction of Wyrms Rest she and the other refugees made their way to Anfortas for temporary quarters. This is when Demis had found out about Angela's son Miles Prower Langley, whom was about a few months old at this point and time.

  • 103

    24 /12 1200:00

    26 /12 1200:00

    Everyone Hates Folca
    Plague / Epidemic

    The demonic harbinger, for reasons best and only known to himself, decided it was a great time to visit Aur.


    The creature appeared near the small town of Silence, where a group of adventurers notably led by Damian and Pride were able to bypass Folca's defenders and drove Folca in an attempt to flee. He lept into a strange, horrible, musical contraption which he drove...into a wall.

    It exploded. He died.

    Sadly, this was not the end. It seemed that the old Herald who would deal with Folca was...Folca himself, and rumours appeared that he was somewhere else, too - beneath Rosilia. Even the drow hated Folca, however, and taciturn blessings to a party going to wipe the greasy monster out were given.

    The group, including Miz'ri, Seras, Meave, Pride and others, encountered the creature beneath Rosilia, where had completed his horrible vehicle and attempted to escape. The party seized some of the other vehicles present, gave persuit and attacked. Eventually Miz'ri used the Pants spell on the vehicle, gunking up it's wheels and sending it careening through a wall, where the the remains of Folca were eaten by a spider, and then an Azoan nuclear grenade tossed into the mess.

    Finally, Folca's demense - a strange, automated toy factory - appeared on Aurea. No one liked this idea at all. Angela, Flannigan, Jed and others were transported by Carnival to the island, where Folca's guards were once more talked down - even they hated the creepy creature - and the harbinger was chased through his own factory.

    Which killed him, along with an unwholesome amount of damage.

    And then it was blown up.

    And then hit by, as far as anyone could count, at least one lightning bolt from every deity with a presence on Aurea. His worshippers - all three of them - were equally vaporised at the moment of there masters death.

    Seriously, no one liked Folca.

  • 104

    1 /1 1200:00

    9 /1 00:00

    Pheonix Dragon: Rampage of Anguish
    Disaster / Destruction

    Celebrated the New year, by doing behind the scenes works. Mostly fighting Drakes and Dragons that became too aggressive due to the affect that the Phoenix Dragon has on others of it's kind. Some even offered refugee aid as well as healing services during this time of strife.

  • 104

    7 /3 200:00

    8 /3 200:00

    Founding of the crossroads

    She with Stephan, Miz'ri and one other went on an expedition to find a new area to set up the towns. It was nowhere near the Volcano, but it was a natural good place for farming, trade and other things making a town would need one hiccup was it was the middle of a rusted Artillery field, surprising not left by the Rabbits from an earlier invasion and battles. She had to replace a couple of council men due to them being not up to her ideals. She then set serval missives to get her son from Demis and have her wife come to the new castle and settlement.

  • 104

    12 /3 500:00

    12 /5 599:00

    Learning to live without magic

    It was then she bent her personal fortune to founding a new citystate of Crossroads, paying for an expeditionary adventuring party and purchasing all of the land, becoming once again a Landed Noblewoman, becoming the Landlady of Crossroads by holding all of the land deeds to prevent a commercial takeover of the citystate like what happened in Aurea a few months prior. During this time due to her utter lack of magic ability   During this time due to her utter lack of magical ability, she retrained as a scout sniper specializing in intelligence gathering and long-range sniper support for any adventures she joined. She personally developed the world's first bolt action rifle and currently owns the only extant example of the new firearm.

      She spent a lot of time being a mother and trying to get her wife to join her in the new settlement. However, the child and her wife not having magic seemed to be a problem for Demis.

  • 104

    10 /4 100:00

    11 /4 100:00

    Life, Publicity

    Due to some mishaps and continued ignoring of Angela and her feelings. Angela and Demis eventually will see each other one last time in the Aurelian Courtroom. Angela and Demis dissolve all ties. One caveat with Talida being the one to marry them, a fey ritual wedding they could not ever see or hear of each other again and the magic despite Angela being a golem effected Demis right away.   A sad end to a relationship that started out very well.

  • 104

    11 /4

    12 /4

    The Cunningham Estate Ball
    Cultural event

    The reclusive Lord Eduard P. Cunningham announced his return to Aurelian society after a prolonged interlude of solitude with a grand soirée, an impressive party and the highlight of the social calendar for the year to come, surely?

    And, to begin with, it was. The great and the good of Aurelia attended, representatives from Eralis and Rosilia meeting with the surface's finest, and drinks and dancing flowed.

    But at the edge of the party a strange figure lurked, untroubled by the staff and rarely noted by the party goers - Dr Perry. When the time was right the doctor took the stage, and in a ranting, rambling manner, explained that there host was a foul necromancer, a liar and a cad - and to prove it he unleashed the undead horde stored within the flying manor.

    A new moon rose as the skies darkened and undead flowed into Aurea. Many were lost as the undead swarmed, with greater losses prevented largely by heroic intevervention from the guests, but the damage was done - the undead had been unleashed.

  • 104

    15 /6 1200:00

    15 /6 1200:00

    Sean Victor Langley
    Life, Relationship change

    Miles Power Langley a kitsune child that is being raised by Angela had started to ask for a sibling to play with as he was getting to the age where those questions start. He was a playful sort and she heard of an Aasimar who needed help and was in a house that was using a bell that could only hurt angel kind. The other issue was that he was living in a angelskin house. She with Rebca Chambers, and Pari saved the child from the home and somehow didn't burn it down. She also obtained a will that was written for Sean who will inherit all of his father's titles, money and properties when he comes of age and his father dies. Angela is now raising him and Miles in the Crossroads. Sean seems much happier now and is starting to actually talk now.

      Miles Power Langley Artist Rendition 

    Sean Victor Langley Artist Rendition

  • 104

    15 /8

    16 /8

    Stopping a Ritual
    Era beginning/end

    When rumours of a strange cult taking people from the streets began to spread, Angela recruited Carnival and Meave to help her investigate the strange building.

    It did not take long to discover the strange building was a front, the people in charge running experiments turning the people that joined into undead creatures and thralls.

    Angela, the most familiar with the group and there way of dealing with things, led the way, breaking into the labs deep below the surface and defeating one necromantically charged vampire and convincing a second to retreat.

    With this, her test was complete.

    The Test of the Starstone was a prolonged one, for her. It had tested to see what a woman of magic would become when stripped entirely of her magic, and it found her worthy.

    As the building began to crumble around the group, Angela's magic - and far more - flowed into the newly forged goddess. Her first act was one of duty, protecting the people who had aided her in her journey.

    Once they were safe, she left her rifle - now marked with her symbol - and instructions to take it to her people at the Crossroads, as well as asking Carnival and Meave a favour, to protect and aid them when they needed it.

    And with that, Starfire the Red was gone.

    Additional timelines