Rebca Chambers

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    13 /5

    21 /10 1800:00

    Artist Rendition of Rebca Chambers Dragon Slayer, Healer of the weak, Herald to the Mother of all
    Artistic creation

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    13 /5 800:00

    13 /5 1100:00

    Rebca Chambers' birth
    Life, Birth

    Rebca Chambers is the son of two adventurers who retired after the rest of their party was lost, and took in their former allies children, raising them as their own. Chambers took vows into the church of Sarenrae, and after a relatively mundane couple of years of study, joined the crew of the Eidolon's Promise. Unfortunately, soon after there was a small incident...

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    22 /7 800:00

    22 /7 1600:00

    The Eidolon's Promise.
    Disaster / Destruction

    Rebca Chambers had spent the year before joining the Promise working on Windsong who was under a man no one could understand called Seamus Surtova of Brevoy. The captain was rarely on the ship of the Windsong, where oddly it doubled as a Pharasma. Rebca taking speaking lessons from Finnegan Badd as well as learning trade doctor on a ship. Occasionally being tossed overboard whenever he stopped paying attention to the halfling while he was being taught. This was fun for Rebca who learned how to swim even if the ship was in motion since Finnegan had no tact.
    When Seamus Surtova of Brevoy would interact with Rebca who had a horrible stutter it was mostly hand signals since he couldn't understand a word the monstrously tall, supposed human would say. The man taught Mr. Chambers a few tricks of the sailing trade as well as some other tricks with a sword.
    Rescuing Uccello from seagulls because that fey Trush, who only spoke in a language Rebca couldn't for the life of him understand either, had some type of death grudge against them. But that was the captain's familiar, and he really didn't want to deal with the consequences of when or if Uccello died on his watch.
    This came to a sad end when Seamus was announced dead by the first mate of the Wingsong. This was a somber day for the entire crew and for a 31 day they held an Irish funeral. No one on the crew was sober the entire time. After the 31 days of basically a rowdy obnoxious party Finn sold the boat to a lady called Mel and her paramour Mordred the white.
    This prompted Rebca to find a new job with smaller river boat called the Eidolon's Promise. This is about when he started to rent out the Dockhand apartments since the boat would not voyage as often as the Wingsong nor had the room to keep the crew onboard while in port. When he started out, he would mostly hang out with Rowan Teakwood and Balabar Bitty a wayang of great skill. He would often take meals with them among other things. He learned he was really bad at poker and often would lose his shirts, shoes and pants. However, being a healer of some skill and eventually showing he knew how to keep books within about a year he became first mate of The Promise. A rather big promotion for someone who had one of the worse stutters in the pirate cove.
    So, here comes something confusing for the poor man, they were taking on extra crew because the darkness of the sun's disappearing was a problem. The new crew was a decent mix of people, A man in a wheelchair, which Rebca wasn't sure how that person would be useful in protecting the ship. He did voice this opinion to The Captain of the Eidolon Promise, Whitbeard, but was ignored. A wolf girl who seemed to have a bad attitude and hate boats. The smallest and most wholesome goblin he had ever seen so of course she was also talked to Captain Whitebread about not being taken onto the ship for protecting them. Which also fell on deaf ears. Then some weirdo in a mask that he watched for a bit and accidentally tied the mast into a mess while attempting to get somethings loaded up. He then watches a blue haired man wearing weird blue ceremonial robes that look like his goddess' robes but wrong somehow but also wearing silver fetters and manacles and honestly, he stopped questioning the weird when the captain hired a man in a wheelchair. His confusion increases when the one in fetters and manacles and the mask one come and help his untangle the mess he made of the mast with an odd technique, and he learns the masked one's name is Kane. When The fox girl helps load, she introduces herself as Shinoa, the goblin very innocently helped the fox girl and instantly introduced herself as "Me Havera." Stephan, who was the wheelchair man's name, was easy enough to get, once the man in chains, Havera and Shinoa loaded everything. He was kicking himself when the chained man never said his name remembering Fey existed and it was possible the man was wary of the fey.
    Next thing for Rebca was darkness, as he was hit by something heavy below deck, he didn't know the ship was even being raided with how fast the crash happened. The next thing he even remembers is the chained man carrying him off the ship and sitting him on a nearby rock as the group began to decide how to deal with him. Stephan in his wisdom suggested that they kill him. Shinoa suggested leaving him behind. The unnamed man insisted they didn't just leave him behind. Which then Havera and him begin making one of the shoddiest carts Rebca had ever seen. The unnamed one just apologized for not having better as Kane and Shinoa set his leg. She is grumpy and thinks being slowed down will get them killed faster.
    So, after they stop at a river that was made of Acid which the Blue haired man tried to fill his watersins with and apparently, they find out about the curse, Rebca is pulled via the cart by Kane and the one wearing chains. Which is strange and usual since one is a Necromancer and the other can barely walk without tripping one would think. Rebca certainly thought about it as he couldn't do a hell of a lot else. Rebca and the rest find out that boy in chains doesn't have a name around the time he's trying to work out what to do with Shinoa. Stephan who thinks he's smart says he knows what to do. He doesn't but no one else seems to know either. Eventually they head towards one of the marks. He doesn't know why they are going toward things that move on the map until the party again talks in front of him like he's not there. Funnily only the kid he's still sure should be falling on his face every 20 seconds treats him like he's a person and engages his opinion. Even though Chambers has no clue how to proceed still feels nice. Something tingly in his stomach and some warm and fuzzy feelings start toward this man. Also his foot is numb and screaming at him.
    The stag was pretty, he almost missed the unnamed ones look of despair and then resolve and wondered what that meant, before he was left by a stone while the group went into a scary bunker. Shinoa and unnamed one had a massive argument. "You didn't have to kill her." Was heard with Shinoa scoffing, "It was kill or be killed and she shot first." So, it seems the not yet named one ran off. This when he sees the weird guy in the wheelchair actually walk and no one says anything, and he is kept on the shoddy cart. Almost like no one else thought of it, but Kane who seemed kind of out of it and pulling away from the group after talking about necromancy as if it was a good thing and rest going no and should kill all who practice that magic, did make him crutches which was nice.

    It was about a half a day before the one who ran away returned to the group with two people an angel, he thinks is named Rowan and he introduces her as such. There was also a dick of a Tengu that was following him around. The tengu's name was Shalluk. Around this time Havera was upset that unnamed one still hadn't shared his name and well she almost cried when she found out he had none. Rebca heard her name him, "Sebastian." Thus, it became his name from then on. It wasn't long though til it seemed Stephan was annoyed by the tengu's antics. Around this time, they had found a store with stuff to eat and drink not great, but the cost was stupid. The tengu robbed the place and they had to run from security bots mainly cause the man behind the counter wanted souls as payment. Sebastian chains were cut, and he seemed to walk weird without them. But it wasn't long until Rebca witnessed Stephan mind melt Shalluk. The blood and gore were sickening, and fear of Stephan had created a seed. Sebatian tried his best to help Shalluck but it was too late. Shinoa made a snide comment about Shalluck's death that most of the group ignored.
    So, between, the party ignoring Rowan and him and Sebastian, Havera and others of the group other than Stephan who would stay in his chair as they traveled, and they would stop for camp occasionally. Very Occasionally. So while this happened he would talk to Rowan about food since well living on Rations make people miss actually food. He also talked a little about sailing with her but she didn't seem that interested in that aspect. He found out her real name. But no one ever calls her that so he sticks to Rowan despite it reminding him of a friend he lost. But soon the conversations turn to boys. He talks a lot about Sebastian. Like a schoolboy crush. Things like "Why he isn't noticing me? Why is he so hot? Oh, he's sleeping her and almost falling off again. How does he grapple someone three times his size?" It got to the point Rowan tried telling Sebastian which apparently didn't work much. But they talked a lot about this and other things. Seemed Sebastian noticed the staring and thought he had things on his face or smelled bad or something. Rebca was a little crestfallen at that, but that didn't stop him from sneaking looks and talking about him.
    Next stop the party decided to go two different ways for dealing with the Necromancer who had the next mark they had, Rebca learns that the one who had it was a friend and group that came with Rowan which honestly no one else bothered to look into. They discovered him in a half-life and Sebastian became almost comatose with fear, in way Rebca had never seen anyone else fear undead. The earth shattering screams where deafening. Havera eventually after much debate with herself killed the undead creature and was distraught. Rebca wound up comforting her a lot. The poor sweet thing. After the creature in a half-life though Sebastian would sleep more nearby on the cart. Mostly whenever Shinoa was trying to start fights with him and the rest of the group Stephan would mostly ignore it. Kane however never returned to the rest of the group. It was generally assumed he made an alliance with the man with the vampire cows.
    Well, they soon come to an obstacle that was hard to maneuver the shoddy cart and Rebca is checking on his broken leg as he tunes out another argument. He only comments since no one seems to have told Sebastian who didn't see he tells the man that Stephan can walk. Turns out the reason he was still in the shoddy cart was cause Seb had no idea, he proceeds to dump Stephan out of the cart and well his mind is attacked, and it starts to melt. His eyes bleed and everything. He does say, "Go ahead kill me Stephan you do we both die. Cause we are both marked by the island." He seemed convinced of this and Stephan believed it and sat back down. So, infatuation with this man grew. He was willing to die to help him, this should have been a red flag.
    So, the next stop he is left outside with Stephan who scares him, Rowan whom he likes, and Havera. Shinoa and Sebastian go into the Azoan ship. He just talks to Rowan while Havera thinks she is a murderer and is trying to recover from the pain of taking a life even a half-life. She is truly an innocent soul, Stephan is jsut talking about how he hopes the little slave boy dies on the ship. Well, Sebastian and Shinoa come back with slaves who have no tongues, so communication is hard with them, but Rebca knows common sign. He finds out they are horribly treated for having magic and were forced to obey the crazy lady so did the guards. He is secretly glad the ship burnt down, and only mindless people were hurt. Sebastian however has apparently decided after Shinoa calls him a murderer, that Shinoa is right and places on a set of fetters. Slightly jealous thinks Seb like the fox lady. Rowan literally just says, "Oh Seb..." Which the boy still weirdly never really answers to at least in Rebca's mind.

    Another fight between Shinoa and Sebastian happens at this point he could almost time them like clockwork. Sebastian however in a huff and clearly in pain runs off again. Shinoa is mad he just runs off and they debate about who is going to get him since they need him to unlock the damn gate. Rebca who has crutches and feels a bit more stable to actually walk at this point uses them and heads off with Rowan. This leads to more talks and surprisingly less stress, turns out listening to people argue all the time and never agree is exhausting. The rest of the group take the cart and use it for something not important what that was he has forgotten. However fining Sebastian wasn't hard as he had decided to run north. He was hiding and crying in a cave of weird white glowly moss. He said that they were exactly like Elysian constellations of stars which Rebca had never seen in his entire life. It looked like weird white pretty moss. Sebastian insisted nothing here was real and just inside of his head, which kind of made Rebca mad, and in a panic, he decided on something he also had never done before. "I'll prove I am real." He also was trying to figure out how a world and situation this shitty would have this man think this was a dreamscape. Also, he was feeling all kinds of butterfly like emotions. He did the only thing he could think of and kissed the boy. Fireworks on his tongue. And he wasn't instantly Rejected. So, one of the few good things that happened on this shitty island they still needed to get off of. So, Sebastian agrees to come back with to get Rebca and Rowan at least off the island. Which made Rebca want to shake some sense into him. But on the way back Rebca watches Seb break a demons nose at the store they had been at earlier and free several stores. Sure, he robs the demon store to do so, but that's details Rebca glosses over and they ran away from the security bots again.
      They return to the group once more. They are heading toward the last of the marks and Shinoa starts her shit one last time with Sebastian which everyone in the group is sick of even Stephan calls her unreasonable since, "The slave boy has been the most useful in getting the others." But Sebastian just says he'll go to the map and threatens to not to antagonize Shinoa which gives Rebca a headache... Slapping the shit out of him and screaming is put on the table, and maybe the fox girl too. He vaguely remembers get along shirts with his brother Cambian and knows those don't work. Knowing Sebastian can take care of himself mostly, he follows Shinoa and the rest to talk to the last marked holder. She has a clan of Kobolds and is ready to have her baby soon, that is clearly baking in the oven. She bonds with Shinoa and agrees to come with, and everyone goes and eventually meets up with Sebastian near the map. So, once they all stop fighting long enough to actually put all their hands on the puzzle they can cross the bridge, easy right. No of course not. The first lesson for Chambers is that even when something seems easy it never is, they walk and are able to make it halfway across when they see ghost like creatures around them and suddenly only the ones who had the marks could leave. Rebca watches in horror as he is stopped by this crazy lady that might not be able to be convinced to let him go. Fear mostly bubbled about being left behind and he watched as the person he really liked seemed to debate on leaving him behind. He felt like crying when his channel die nothing but make the lady laugh. He began praying and ignoring her when he hears Sebastian ask what she would take in exchange for letting him pass, relief and surprise washed over him, and his hero worship grew a little more. Sebastian lost a pound of flesh and soul to let Rebca come with. The rest of the group well did already leave and sort of abandoned the two on the island. But Sebastian stops by the monster creature and talks to it and makes something that sounds like a promise. Rebca did not know Celestial yet and they both left hand in hand and found themselves back on Aurelia and the group went their separate ways quite quickly, agreeing that they wouldn't talk about the island at least to each other again....

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    14 /8 200:00

    20 /8 1400:00

    Life as an Adventurer begins
    Population Migration / Travel

    The two Suns of Aurea had not returned yet when they got to Aurelia again. They were pretty lost on the way toward Aurelain so they did the smart thing a lot of Adventurers do not do attempt to find someone to give them directions. So, they stopped at a town that due to the darkness that had been gracing the place, had been left abandoned assuming that they evacuated. They stopped at the nearest tavern in the town and looted the bar for food and Rebca got to try Sebastian's actual cooking it wasn't great. The alcohol was nice to get rid of that taste. However, as they were sheltering a fun effect of Aur itself took place. All the mirrors shattered, and Sebastian had blocked the man from getting the brunt of the damage. So now with a broken leg and bleeding cause a mirror didn't want to stay intact, he healed the two of them. Well after a while the two of them got bored and explored the tavern. They found a strange summoning circle in the basement that smelled like booze. Sebastian stole the brewery book in Aquan and terrain which at the time he couldn't read yet. Not being able to find more information they went back up and cleaned up the glass and the dust and slept in one of the booths before moving on.
    Eventually they came to a clearing and were outside of town and met with the Archdruid who gave them directions. However, she would not fix the broken legs without a price. Sebastian and Rebca wound up owing her three favours and the leg that was currently attached to him. She cut the leg off at hip and then regenerated it. Rebca put on a brave face but the pain of regrowing a leg was one of the worse pains he felt so far. it wasn't very pleasant thing, and he didn't want to appear weak in front of his crush, so he only mildly screamed. Sebastian then carried him to the Glided Rose and took the man to his room and made him comfortable while he recovered. stayed at the rose learned Sebastian really doesn't know how money works. Loses his Then Sebastian threw Rebca a bone, mostly due to his hero worship and after a long make out session, Rebca lost his virginity and told this to the former slave. He also asked Sebastian to escort him to his childhood home to see if he could see his family.
    So Rebca started to tell Sebastian more about his family as they move to the house, a nice place with a yard near the edge of the city of Aurelian. It was empty and abandoned much to Rebca's disappointment and surprised. THey were followed by a creepy halfling who had broken in during the darkness and took advantage. Rebca found a note and was informed where they went, they had evacuated for safety like much of the city had if they could had. There were two back packs left on the beds, seemed Rebca shared a room with Kiesh, Cambian, Arnu and Danfel at least that was explained. Well, Cambian was the oldest and didn't live at home either and had a bag left for him in case he needed and Rebca had one too. He was packed a bunch of adventuring gear and basic stuff to survive the fact that Aurelian was a nightmare dystopia more than usual. The one thing that seem to mean the most was the liquid glass sword that his father Hannibal had probably packed in his bag when his mother Sirena wasn't looking. It felt rite of passage and he felt different. Maybe a little more grown up getting the sword. The pair opted to leave Cambian's bag behind thinking he could get it if he needed it later.   They spent the night in the house and Rebca cried a little as he packed his family portrait and other knickknacks, as the pair go and find Chambers a job that makes sense to take.

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    1 /9 1200:00

    7 /9 00:00

    Wyrms rest to Rosilia escort mission gone wrong
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    Sebastian and Rebca met up with Brünte Morelt, Stephan and Kura in response to an add from merchants seeking caravan guards. Despite the slightly creepy vibes they generated, the party agreed to help. However, in their excitement not one of them check or questioned why they were invited inside of the carriage. It was nice and roomy and had snacks. Then it was suddenly too dark to see in the extremely large carriage that was a trap. This of course had pissed off the man with the Elk because he wanted to kill whoever tried to sell everyone into slavery to the Drow. The majority of the group left Brunte to fight the entire caravan when they finally all escaped. Rebca stayed to help and healed Brunte and Alces. This started a debt that Rebca at this point had no idea he had incurred. Brunte believed every healing attempt was Rebca saving his life. So, a loyalty started at this point that would carry on for many a mission. Eventually, after Brunte was satisfied with the blood debt he felt was earned, he left for the forest and the rest of the group decided to investigate. So, they traveled the tunnels to the armpit in the underground to the Drow city called Rosilia. It was a grand city light up by glowing mushrooms and had many fancy Victorian castles and buildings, a very interesting city, that is clearly run by evil tyrants on a council. Slavery and other unsavory things are very legal here, owning undead is also perfectly fine if you have a permit. They don't like undead being raised so that practice is done outside the city.
    Well, they wander into the city without a lady to escort, luckily Rebca looked enough like a woman at the time that if he said nothing people believed they were escorted. So stephan wanted to check out the markets and went and bought a pretty women slave of the dhampir which prompted the boys to ditch the man in the wheelchair. They did this by ducking into a nearby tavern. While in the tavern Rebca saw a woman he'd known from a crew he'd sailed with was brought out and was to be eaten for the Drow's entertainment in the tavern. Something Rebca couldn't let stand and Sebastian despite being terrified of undead backed him up. However, he wasn't too much help when the vampire used his fear abilities after getting the lady to run from the vampire.
      The Sun Cleric of the Dawnflower did eventually kill the vampire and then used the first healing spell he ever did on Sebastian who shrunk to an adorable size. However, the Oracle did not share Rebca's enthusiasm for 'Pocket Seb' as Rebca called him at the time. This man was still having trouble answering to what Rebca thought of his name but chalk it up to weirdness of not having one. The healing spell however did not have the desired effect and Sebastian had to heal himself with negative energy as he had been corrupted and partially turned into a vampire himself. This is also when Sebastian gained the ability to only ping as dead to the deathwatch eyes which couldn't be cured but Rebca knew of a way to cure the partially turned vampire Sebastian and they headed for one of his goddess' temples.

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    11 /9 1100:00

    14 /9 1800:00

    Unbalancing the scales
    Disaster / Destruction

    Sebastian was struggling when they returned to the surface, mainly with an unimaginable hunger, he was also half terrified of himself due to his fear of undead. Rebca had shown him a mirror and he had no reflection. Rebca knew this wasn't a good thing and if Sebastian waited much longer or gave into that hunger, he was feeling, the man would become fully undead as a thrall. Rebca decided he had lost enough that week with his childhood home being empty and boarded up. He took Sebastion to the hamlet where one of the grand temples were for Sarenrae was being repaired by her Herald, Khors, the light of the dawn. The powerful oracle agreed to help, but the spell he used nearly killed Sebastian, leading the younger man to leave. Well after Sebastian insulted the entirety of the clergy which hurt Rebca more. He was still devote to Sarenrae and liked her ideals.
    After watching his first lover be almost killed by Khors purifying fire and running off he thought it would best to get him before something killed him, Aurelia wasn't a friendly place. Soon he comes to a crowd of people muttering and whispering. HE had a feeling of dread in his stomach, thinking he was going to find his lover dead. No, however it was much worse.
      As the two Suns rose for the first time in a year, Chambers ran, although he wasn't really sure where he was going. He was, he knew at heart, not a smart man. It was just how he was, and if the odd joke flew over his head, well, he had other gifts. But when it came to situations like this, where he needed to think, he really, really wished he'd gotten his brother's smarts.
    Sebastian would probably go somewhere familiar. It wouldn't be the school - he hadn't seemed comfortable there, too many choices - and he wasn't sure if the Rose would count after pervy ghost girls had stuck their heads through the wall. Especially now they knew it meant Stephan was somewhere around there, too. He was really starting to dislike that man.
      His train of thought was derailed by the crowd, and he stopped to see what was going on. There was a lot of murmuring, and he caught Talida's name. Shit. Had she come for that deal they'd made? He hoped she wasn't mad...
      Pushing through the crowd with murmured apologies, he stopped and stared at the heads on the stakes. Living saplings, grown from the ground. Vines wrapped around the heads. But...
      "Mum?" he asked. Chambers couldn't hear the crack in his voice as he focused and realized why the head looked so familiar. And the next..."Lise?"
      It wasn't real. Couldn't be. He turned to look at the last one. "Dad...?"
      The world stopped making sense. Everything was wrong. Everything hurt. He wasn't smart, Chambers knew that. And he had no idea why he was kneeling down. Why he was crying. Why he was screaming.
      Because none of this could be real.
      He couldn't lose Sebastian.
      Then his sister.
      His father.
      His mother.
      Not all at once.
      ...could he?
      His father Hannibal had broken a deal to the Archdruid, and the result was vine covered, severed heads of his father, His mother Sirena and his oldest sister Lise. There was no mystery as to who had killed them, either - the Archdruid Talida was not subtle. Hannibal had made a deal, to stay in Aurelian and be her butcher. When he fled the destabilized city it broke the deal. Brunte, Havera, Irony and a couple of others came to comfort the man she sent Kanna and Brunte to go find the one person he asked for, Sebastian. While she took him to Deadeyes grove for him to get his bearings once more. He was half out of it as people comforted him as they waited for Seb to be brought to the grove. When he was found and escorted back to Rebca. Seeing how distraught Rebca he was held his hand and comforted him. Telling him he would find a way to make it easier.
        Funeral complete, the pair and Havera went to Anfortas after arranging for Rebca's family to be taken care of, where Rebca's home was, to give him time to rest and recover.
      Now, Rebca had seen...Powerful creatures take powerful actions. Rebca Chambers saw his lover - his first - burned by Sarenrae's fire usually burns people who aren't quite redeemed yet. And then he found his parents. Their heads on pikes, covered in vines. He almost lost all his faith, then. He began to think the dawnflower had hated him. At this moment it made more sense, to his mind, that he must have done something wrong for all that to happen. He blamed himself first. Not Talida. Not Sarenrae. Himself. Because if it was his fault, maybe he could fix it.
    His faith started to waver like an uncovered lamp, waning and growing as emotions ran through him.
      Still there was much to do under Rebca's instructions Sebastian and Havera found Finnegan Badd the Pharasma's worshipers are those closely aligned with both burgeoning life and terminating death. His vows were always strange to the Redemption cleric, but he still came to hold the funeral at Rebca's childhood home it seemed fitting, to have the pyres there so they could rest peacefully in the place they loved so much, and one grew up in. Rebca would have waited for the rest of the family but most of them were still in the grove and getting word to Peliu and Cambian was difficult at best. Not wanting Aur's naturally occuring undead to force the three Sarenrae worshippers into that kind of fate they rush a little bit.
      Next steps for the distraught Cleric were to get his sisters and brothers who were not killed. He was in no state to do it himself, so he placed out a bounty. He hoped he was doing enough; he didn't feel as though he was. Finnegan had located them in the Archdruid's labyrinth and trees at the waterfall Labyrinth refuge to the fey.
      Rebca was worried about Selie, Kiesh, Danfel, and Arnu due to how his family was left and none of them had any protection being below adult age.

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    14 /9 2200:00

    14 /9 2300:00

    Thread of Realty
    Geological / environmental event

    So Rebca Chambers was summoned to Azoa forcefully with some true name magic. Talida had a job for him and a few others who were druids, divine casters or even psychic casters. She was gathering them, and she knew his name as well as the fact she was owed three favours due to his leg. He was quite terrified of her at the thought he could be summoned against his will on her whims. She however said the other one was impossible to summon due to not having a name or being dead.
    Rebca being goo at the red flags spotting argued he had a name and became pretty upset that his boyfriend might be dead. She didn't seem to care one way or another and had her assistant take him and others to the leyline sight. Khors, Damian, Chambers, Scrios, Jed, Cheech were all placed in respective spots in the circle that she had set up as she did not travel through the shadow plane to get to Azoa. With a crying Rebca who felt alone in the world cause not only had he lost his parent he thought he lost the person that was helping him through the emotional turmoil. Cheech was like don't "Cry Man." And tried various ways to get him cheered up. Damian was being himself and it wasn't much help. The ritual took most of the day and when they were done everyone who participated could be killed by a sharp poke of a twig. Damian was angry and wanted to rip out Talida's throat but instead just told her off and she said something and got him to back down. She then disappeared leaving everyone to figure a way off a continent teleporting didn't work on.
      Damain who had gotten there by 'burrowing' Carnival's air ship invited everyone for a ride. The distraught Rebca was offered Zhug mushrooms, Yellowcap Mushrooms, and Psilocybin Mushrooms which he agreed too so did Khors, Scrios, Jed. Damain took some but had a problem being able to digest them so stuck to babysitting and Cheech well he is always high on these. Well, they made Rebca a little looser and he was a bit happier. Jed and Khors went on some sort of weird trip and Jed starting spoting off theories. While this happened happy drug addled Rebca told Jed why he didn't like Talida which prompted Jed to want to duel the women which sobered up Rebca pretty quickly. Damain eventually dropped them all off where they needed to go, and Jed start to prep for the duel he was going to have.
        Rebca found Sebastian at home cleaning the apartment they both lived in. It was more spotless then Rebca ever could get it. He was relieved but this is when he realized the reason Sebastian never answered to his name is because he never accepted it as his name. He would stop using it for a while after a misunderstanding between him and the other man.

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    15 /9

    22 /9 00:00

    Utopia: struggle with faith
    Celestial / Cosmic

    After the tragedy in the town square of Aurelian, Rebca was recovered enough to travel back to where he now lived, The Dockhand Apartments. It would take a week to get there, and he brought along with him Havera whom wanted to make sure he was ok and Sebastian the man who promised to help make life a little easier for him. A nice gesture and well Sebastian didn't really have a place to live it was revealed so instead of thinking that through Rebca gave him a place to stay until he got on his feet or broke up with him whichever happened first. Well as things go the plane apparently had decided after the sun debacle that the residents had enough trauma especially with booze and alcohol being purified into nectar, juice and water. Utopia had been starting to toss up doors no one could open until the party started inviting the entire plane of Aur to it. No one knows who hosts these stress relieving parties just know that they open up every time, suffering has been prolonged too long.
    The doors to Utopia, unlike last time, were all the same - not to say they weren’t unique.
    The doors were all bronze-inlaid cuts of marble with what appeared to be some sort of grand epic conveyed through a mural - of a man facing adversity after adversity in order to save his wife from the bottom of some sort of endless river that spiraled out through the planes of existence itself. The doorknob was an extension of the carving - the man’s hand as he was reaching out to grab his wife; so detailed and realistic that it was almost like he had dipped his hand in bronze and put it upon this mural himself.
    Grasping the man’s hand and in turn opening the door did not lead to the same massive mansion as last time… instead it led to the entrance of a maze, which was surrounded by a wheat field that stretched endlessly into the horizon.
    A massive maze: the walls, ceilings, and floors of the hallways and chambers of this section are entirely covered with uncountable bones of every description. Beyond it, the realm is easily as large as some planets, and employs confusing twists of all sorts of architecture, geography, and metaphysics. Within it was many terrains including cities' worth of tightly packed streets, entire mountain ranges crisscrossed with winding paths, plains with jagged protrusions of bones, vast warrens of underground tunnels, impassible swamps, twisted rivers, and impenetrable forests.
    Although seemingly gloomy in nature, the entire thing was coated in this beautiful aura of golden light and God rays, shining down even through solid stone, wood or bone to enrich this maze with a glorious golden overtone.
    As partygoers approach the entrance of the maze, they are greeted by minotaurs! Each wore a white suit or dress with a black onyx pin that looked somewhat similar to a minotaur, no weapon in sight but they still seemed demonically powerful. Powerful enough to even cow demigods (pun intended), if there were enough of them. The minotaurs acted as guides to the many beautiful sites within the massive maze as well as the security and as servers.
    Of course, it wasn’t just minotaurs that seemed to wander the maze. There were Mariliths, Vilsteths and Glabrezu with their own sets of Dretch assistants, Medusi, Lamias, Sirens, Harpies and many more ‘monsters’. They were partygoers in the same way that you would be if someone hosted a party in your house, their naturally harmful abilities - like a Medusa’s gaze - suppressed by the golden light. Even they did not seem to wish the wrath of the Minotaurs or what they represented upon themselves, so they, begrudgingly, left each other and the others alone.
    The food and drink were always extravagant at these Utopia parties, this one being no exception. All sorts of breads paired with olive oils and honeys, roasted vegetable and meat skewers, so on and so forth. A few dishes that stuck out were the roasted halloumi cheese and basil skewers, lamb kofta served with this delicious cucumber yogurt sauce, and for the more adventurous… this boiled pork and blood soup with the smell of vinegar and the sea. Of course, there was no beef.
    The drinks were primarily wines of all sorts, red wines, spiced wines, warm wines, cold wines, non-alcoholic wines… even wine popsicles that wouldn’t melt, no matter how long they stayed in the golden rays of the sun. There wasn’t a restriction on drinking or eating this time, so there were some drunk and rowdy partygoers… much to the somewhat dismay of a certain god. But this was the way of the Symposium.
    Beyond the normal restrictions of this demiplane within Utopia, there was one more: No flying, teleporting or other forms of extraneous movement was allowed within the maze itself. This meant leaving the party required you to find another minotaur, or perhaps someone who knew the maze, willing to guide you back to the entrance.
    The theme of the party itself was quite interesting: The mysterious host had parsed each invitation, which were these ten-pound marble slabs, with only two words; 'Great Deeds'.
    Each person had on a different quality of outfit - ranging from the mundane with mute colors (such as a sundress or togas) to the extravagant with vivid colors.
    Each outfit had aspects of the wearer’s life and deeds personified upon them - great warriors often had the color red and metallic plates as part of their outfit, musicians had a variety of colors depending on their choice of music and had a musical note motif, farmers had more earthy colors like red and green with ensembles like potato flowers, etc etc.
    One thing to notice was that you could always pick a deity or demigod out of a crowd, not just because of their outfit, but because each outfit had a similarity; a laurel wreath that would rest around their head, or heads if they had multiple.
    Chambers looked down at his simple white suit with white shirt, dark tie and a gold and navy cummerbund. His ash blond hair was kepy back by a matching bandana, and his shows were cream leather. This was the outfit that theme of great deeds chose for him when they went to Utopia. His date and counterpart Sebastian clothes changed from a beige simple outfit to a nicer simple black suit, the tie is also black, and he looks as if he's either dressed to be at a high Victorian Gothic party or a funeral. His earrings change however as well into several pointy fun bits. Added bonus maybe due to the planar effect or because he was thinking about it when they stepped through a nice set of finger-less gloves and mauve fingernail paint seemed to appear on his hands. It was hard to tell but Rebca liked it and lead Sebastian to the dance floor where the two of them participated in a few party games and condoling with each other in The Honeymoon Stage of this relationship, where the rose coloured glasses were still on, and they were getting to know each other. They avoided Talida for the majority of the party as she was a sore spot for Rebca still and they were there to enjoy and try to forget the grief they both had experienced. Sebastian taught Rebca a few traditional elysian dances including belly dances, and in turn Rebca taught Sebastian a few himself, mostlly they were having fun.
    Then they saw Sarenrae, Shelyn, and Desna dancing above one of the many food tables and learn that it was near impossible to return to their home worlds a major relief to Sebastian, but the reasons weren't entirely clear to Rebca yet.
    Of course, he couldn't speak seeing his goddess and eventually Sarenrae took Khors to the side to have an important conversation. Desna was kind enough to take Rebca and Sebastian to the butterfly atrium on Utopia which was a little quieter. Not before the cleric got a kiss from his goddess.
    When he said this, which was after she compared his hair to phoenix Ash, "Uh. Always figured not knowing doesn't make getting it wrong, uh, right. Still wrong. Still a lie? Even if you don't know it. Still something you gotta fix. Say sorry for."
    She offered free advice which he never heeded, "No, getting something wrong for not knowing is never something you have to fix or say sorry for." She will laugh and place the butterfly that landed on her on Chambers head "If you did then you'd have to be Iroiri and he's boring."

    He also got to know the siblings lost in the Archdruid woods were safe and unharmed. Which gave him some room to breathe. When she went to talk to Carnival, her herald.
    Sebastian revealed his own stupidity and Desna had revealed that he was still nameless.
    Wel, Khors then came to the Atrium after a while because he believed he needed to fix his mistakes right away. Well, this was the first of Seb's stubborn streak he saw, and Seb chewed out the more powerful Solar and Oracle, and in response Khors got angry and pinned the former slave to the wall, which did not work how he planned but it did force Sebastian to at least show compliance. Rebca does tell Khors to go away, and Khors listens to his surprise. They then decided to enjoy the stars of Utopia and talk of dreams big and small until they left early cause they keep running into the people they disliked.
    However once back home on the docks of Anfortas being ever insistent on getting himself redeemed in Chambers' eye in his infinite wisdom, apologizes again and reveals he is the reason Rebca's family was given to Talida. Which makes him struggle even more with his faith, how could his goddess choose someone like this as her herald. It wasn't completely gone yet just everything became harder. In his garden however The Dawnflower sends him a message in the form of her flower the tiger lily which carries him some more hope in her and he decides he doesn't have to put his faith in Khors. However, Khors insists that he should call on him and he will do a favor if he needs it. Something Rebca leaves in his back pocket.

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    26 /9 1200:00

    2 /11 2100:00

    Whispers of a Ghost from someone Else's past
    Discovery, Exploration

    Finnegan had needed crew to sail The Silver Grave a small war ship to a place called Kelatira. He had heard of an island with one too many undead shambling on it and other Pharasmites on the island had been calling for help to quell the undead. He sent out a missive for a competent crew. He also personally invited Rebca who looked like he could use a good easy job to get his mind off things. Well, the day comes, and he gets Solis who isn't bad, Heather who also can sail pretty alright Brunte who well was strong enough and Fergus, who wasn't a sailor and had never been on a ship before, He was however a guard from Aurelian and had some skills and able to follow orders pretty well, Then Havera who had no luck with being on ships so far. Also, a young unnoticable man named Cinna. So along with Finn's regular crew of other clerics of the Lady of Graves they set off, the launch was easy and nothing seemed to go wrong. However, the group hit a pretty bad storm. They were lucky to survive it when Finn crashed the ship against the shore of what looks like a massive mess of white bone, scattered along the shore, one is a massive looking white claw machine looking skull which looks like the spine pointing out of the waters. Nearby is a large rounded white bone are scattered around the same size as a megalodon shark. After a while you will notice the ship had become basically driftwood and scatted among this bone yard on shore. Finnegan was badly injured and had hit his head, the other crew on the ship had been thrown overboard either at sea or too far away for the group to do anything about it. They didn't know it yet, but they were on another world called Elysia, on the plane of Sha'tar.
    They attempted to figure out what they could when they found a beach house. Finn was severely injured and couldn't do any of his spells which was great for a psychic caster. They went inside and found what looked like someone of Finn's religion. They offered to heal the party and the group started to discuss what to do. Finnegan was not in any condition to travel so they decided to leave him behind with the 'pharasmite'. This wasn't the wisest of decisions. Mainly because the man was the way home.
      Then came the rice field and the house. Oops, it was a house with slaves. This made Rebca uncomfortable seeing all the blond hair and blue hair people being too close to what his lover at home looked like. He started to get suspicious of where they were, and the parallels to what Seb had told him about his home world got him thinking before he was the first to now where they were. Solis had fisted an angel and used what was later called a use of 'Breaker of Bonds'. Angel had caused a Solar to arrive and burnt the house to cinders. But the party had saved... Abigail the niece of the Suneater. The angel Theorgail also would owe a favor to Solis afterwards and somehow this because Rebca and Fergus' fault the house burnt down.
    It was around this point they decided that leaving Finnegan behind was a problem. A big problem as they probably left him in a trap, but the group hoped that wasn't the case and started to walk back towards the Whale Boneyard Shore as someone affectionately called it. Well, they came across some forested trees and an man tied to a tree that was on fire. Most of the group other than Solis and Brunte the wisest of the group at this point wanted to free him and so they did. After the fact they found the man was a vampire a very old and powerful one named Alaric. They fought but the Vampire didn't want to kill the people he just saved so he escaped in gaseous form. This annoyed only Rebca.
      Well not long after that they heard rustling in the trees. They found a beastfolk, He wasa darker sort, and his grey eyes at the time showed fear, the black ears on top of his head indicated he is a beastkin of some type and the black and white striped tail seems to indicate a type of cat folk, his hair is kind neat actually white and black highlights. He was in an arabinan dancer outfit. The colours are blues and there was gold jewelry all around his ears have earrings decorating them as is his belly button and tongue had similar decorations. His right hand had a slave mark shaped similar to the holy symbol of the dawnflower but more sinister. This man had tripped a few times and they decided to kidnap the slave as a guide, which proved to be hilarious as he pants Solis several times. Just to prove he could with a spell as well as any way he could with a dirty trick. Rebca started to talk to him on the way back and the slave called him a slave chaser. Which meant the only reason Rebca was even with his lover was because he wanted the thrill of a physical relationship with a slave. This made Rebca start to doubt why he was kind and in a relationship with Sebastian. Eventually when they got closer to the Whale Boneyard Shore, and they were fighting small, jeweled crabs that shone in the sun he escaped from them. Fergus did not damage the crabs because he used a sap and the gods watching this on wizard tv gave him the title of Captain Sap Crabs.
    The next one is a bit of a headache. They came upon a well and started to rest. Havera being superstitious warned people of magic water. Heather drank the water and she was frozen for a few seconds. When she came back this happened: Sarenrae suddenly falls from the havens like an Icarus who flew too close to the sun. A herald will move to take her place. Desna and Shelyn can be seen crying.
    Rebca being a cleric of her looked up in distraught and distress as shock overcame him. Fear, sadness, grief and the feeling of the world falling down around him. Fergus drank the magic water next. When he came back from his mild coma, Constructitorium the biggest pain in the ass for expanding westward is gone a flash of light and the massive mobile tower, constructed of varied materials: Flesh, bone, stone, gold, clockwork, adamantine, mithril, and more. Its thousands of legs, moving and twisted force the horrific tower across the ground at a snail's pace clawing anything even the dust and sand of the earth into a massive maw made of adamantine teeth which was also immune to magic cause fuck anyone being able to do anything about it, appeared nearby. It was no longer on the continent of Aurelia. Fergus captain sap crabs, tried to wish the goddess back and the wish granter said that was out of his power. Havera, Brunte and Solis were not going to mess with the well after that. They just couldn't risk another thing happening that might be bad like the goddess dying or the abomination of the tower appearing and being a problem.
      Rebca eventually takes a drink from the well himself and this happens to him: He appears in the space between. The creature in front of him, was an abomination, he recognized it as there is no better way to describe it, was Arwassa, He likes to shout at people in the hills silently. The great old one with a lot of power. The creature could be described as having a humanoid torso but with tendrils instead of limbs, and a short neck that leads to a toothless, featureless mouth. It asked one question, "What do you wish?" Chambers blinked, and considered. "Uh. I wish to know. How to revive Sarenrae? How she can be brought back. Uh. Please. I still need her." A bright light will surround the Teifling and is seems ship in the bottle song will play while this happened, and he gained the knowledge of how to revive any god, but it could only be used once. It burns a bit due to his bloodline. His blood will boil entirely. He was warned that his blood would hurt a good-natured soul, the world would see him as an evil soul. He also became smarter when he needed to recall something about religions.
    Well as they traveled on some of them happy, some of them numb from the pain of losing something else important to them, Rebca mostly livid at Heather, they found a farm. The farm was oddly empty expect for one small thing, the animal pens had humaniods and outsiders chained up in it. Brunte and Rebca sick of the way people are treated here manage to steal quite a few, by steal; they freed them from their bonds, and Brunte adopts his first of his many children, a Dvati named later as Barry and Barri. The rest of the slaves they freed ran away as soon as they could. The rest of the group found out the orchard held the souls of everyone ever born or made a slave on Elysian soil. Rebca was kicking himself after wards because he could have taken Sebastian's soul and vowed, he would if he ever returned. Cinna had gotten soul apples to plant and protect as they grew into souls, and he was the one to give Rebca the information in his fey rhyming ways which Rebca deciphered.
    Then they finally made it back to the place where they left Finnegan, only thing Finn and the supposed Pharasmite were not there, instead, A migo. Solis had decided to stay outside as soon as he saw the Migo not wanting to be privy to those consequences. The Pharasmite, turned out they weren't a Pharasmite. This made the party kick themselves. The car salesmen like mi-go gave them a deal and it was a trade for information or anything they wanted on the table. Since he was selling weapons and other things to anyone willing to trade. Cinna would step outside not wanting to deal with another like him, knowing how those consequences go. Rebca having already decided he had traded enough only stayed to make sure nothing went wrong with the trade which of course required brain surgery. Heather lost the memory of wishing the Dawnflower dead and it working to gain two new arms ones that a Glabrezu would be jealous of... Gold-plated Glabrezu arms... which are just big crab pincers. Havera lost the ideas on how goblin skull bombs are made and even what they were. She was innately aware before being a goblin and they tend to be inventive. Fergus forgot he wished the constructinarium to Kelatera and Stan didn't change that, but he did change the one Suzie had causing this:
    Time Paradox! A war has broken out in the heavens over the death of Sarenrae at the hands of a seemingly possessed Ragathiel.   Stan S. Stansman then true to his word and honor of being a salesmen then would gave them a general direction to go because they paid for it. Most of this wasn't worth the cost to get it in hindsight.
    Abigial much to Fergus' frusteration was growing closer and closer to Heather and they started sharing a bond and much to Rebca's chagrin she was thinking of Heather as an actual hero. She even went as far to call his fallen goddess a sun witch and let Heather know she actually killed Saranrae again. As this went on, they came across jeweled crabs that seemed to have evolved their tactics since they last saw them, and they were welding saps. Brunte rather then killing them tossed them away and thus they lived to sap another day. Fergus was rather upset that they were doing his fighting technique.
    On their way to Fort Shiatia, the capital city of Kelatira, of the world of Elysia on the plane of Sha'tar, they passed by the village again. Brunte, Cinna, Fergus, and Havera had moved ahead to find the children when they found Alaric devouring the adults of the village, but Solis stayed with Rebca to fight the vampire. It seemed that Alaric had no reason to kill Solis or Rebca and was just getting petty revenge on the village and he hadn't even touched the children other than to lock them away in a schoolhouse, so they didn't see their parent being eaten and murdered. Rebca learned he wasn't as strong as he thought in fighting undead and they called a weird truce since Alaric said technically he owed them for saving his life. Solis got a date and a promise that Alaric would provide a ship. Rebca got the promise that in a year they would have a proper duel where the cleric could actually try to kill him. Seemed fair enough and amical. With that they gained a weird enemy ally. This would prove useful enough to get home.
    Well not long after they finally made it to Fort Shiatia, the capital city, everyone had to give blood to enter. Giving a blood sacrifice to the gods seemed like a normal occurrence much to Rebca's disgust and displeasure. Once inside they saw children being sold for coppers and other horrible things, they were ill prepared for the party in the capital building itself and none of them were used to no doors and just beads in archways. The party had plenty of people there being used in one way or another and it looked degrading not to mentition the slaves serving people were barely clothed. While the rest of the group mingled Rebca and Solis found that catfolk that messed with them earlier and pretended to rent him for a few hours. When they did Rebca and Solis got disguised as nobility and a bodyguard. Solis became the noblemen merchant Stephen Duncan, Rebca his Sword, Ignis. They met with one of the most awful beings in Elysia and it was clear she only keeps things alive for her own entertainment. Her throne was a human slave who could barely keep her up, she had an angel hanging up behind her and bleeding and many others on a wall the two couldn't see. She was unreasonable is putting it nicely. So, they took Abigial and went to find someone reasonable to talk to which was hard considering where they were.   However, they met Rahu the suneater she saw Abigial and started to play dodge the fire ball a game Abby seemed to know very well. Much to Rebca's horror. He took her place though after an hour of Solis smooth talking and wheeling and dealing. She seemed happy enough with her kin back. Little did the pair know that she could smell Rebca as one of her kin and was interested in his good nature, seemingly bypassing what the wish had him seem like. But she willingly gave them Finn's dead body and let them and the rest of the group leave, but that was after Solis bought the catfolk whom got branded through to the soul with the initials SK. Solis named him Cleo as such because he wasn't gonna hey catfolk feeling it was rude. The cat took the name rather well and wasn't quite happy with his new owner seeing as he was rude and pants him a lot earlier.
      Well, they finally made it to the dock city where Alaric's boat was which was nicely named the Midnight Cruiser, but they had one more obstacle to deal with, the entire port was covered in undead, and they had to fight their way through. Good thing this time they rested between, and they fought for what seemed like two days and it was two whole days, they were bloody tire and worse for wear when, Solis, Rebca, Fergus Captian Sap Crabs, Heather Cinna and Brunte. They just had one task left and it was Revive Finn, Rebca was ready to call on the favour of Khors but before he could Solis used the one from Theorgail, who asked the man if, he was sure. Solis had to think about it before he committed to using the favour and Finn returned to life shortly after that, not entirely happy with the man. 
      Then they returned home everyone a little less whole then when they went onto the ship for a nice easy job of killing undead.

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    2 /11 2330:00

    9 /11 2400:00

    Reunion with Sebastian
    Life, Relationship change

    Rebca returned to the Dockhand apartments after returning to Anfortas. He was emotionally drained and exhausted. But when he came back, he didn't have to clean, his home was spotless as Sebastian had returned a few days before and was waiting for Rebca to return. Sebastian had trouble looking him in the eyes and well Rebca wasn't in the mood to talk about what happened. He was still grieving the loss of his goddess and he needed more comfort than Sebastian could offer on the subject when Rebca told him Sebastian gave him the devasting opinions. Looking at the tiger lily in his garden caused him pain as well. That was the last gift she probably gave before she died. He was a bit mopey and his lover deciding the talking about it wasn't going to work took him outside.
      They went on several dates during this time. Small ones like going to nice places and Rebca saw how hard it was for his partner to make choices or even integrate properly into society as a free person, but Rebca didn't mind too much and thought some of it was adorable other things annoyed him because he didn't quite understand. He didn't hold these habits against the man, but he probably should have a little. 
    This is when Sebastian was taken to meet Finnegan and Astra and some of the rest of clan Chambers. Sebastian was so shy, to the point he looked no one in the eye, and Astra pulled Rebca to the side and warned him how hard dating a slave whose only been recently free would be. If he was sure the Badd's would support him and try to ease the transition, but she did give him the warning that he had choose hard mode for his relationship. He said he was sure, and no comment were made again unless Rebca asked for advice if needed. 
    Well after one of their dates it rained in Anfortas a normal rain. Sebastian took Rebca's hand and lead him in a dance, as well as splashing int he puddles, something so simple and lighthearted, Rebca felt slightly better afterwards, they laughed played and dancedr like a new couple who were trying to enjoy each other. Sebastian didn't have the ability to dry like Rebca did and well afterwards got very sick. 
    Rebca would nurse him, and Sebastian showed him how fearful he was of healing. He tried to escape the healing no less then 12 times before he eventually got better. But Rebca literally had to fight him back to bed for trying to clean while sick or do anything other than rest. This annoyed him to no end, but he eventually adapted.    Gold funds started to get low again, which even with how Sebastian spends money shouldn't have happened. Rebca attempts an economic lesson which doesn't stick. But Rebca should have been suspicious of the funds being that low. Since only two things in Anfortas make money run away that fast, prostitutes which Rebca wasn't ever gone long enough for that to happen or drugs. Rebca, why aren't you suspicious yet.
    Well nonetheless the two of them take another adventuring job.

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    3 /12 1200:00

    12 /12 1600:00

    Earl of Phantomhive
    Financial Event

    Rebca and Sebastian show up at the manor and meet up with Sciros, Stephan, and Meave who Flannegan had introduced them at the Rose. Stephan had the wheelchair modified magically to move itself, which got Stephan some looks. Rebca had decided ignoring this guy was just a better option. Rebca also had stopped calling Sebastian by his name and was trying lover which wasn't getting desired reactions form the man. They had just had a fight about taking jobs that were too dangerous or stupid to take and Sebastian had stolen a cup filled with ale still from the Glided Rose. He never did return the cup. Rebca recently went through his bag and stuff again...
      Rebca apologizes to both Meave and Stephan for them being loud and arguing and hoping they hadn't disturbed them with their arguing just being polite. However, Stephan almost revealed at this point that Rebca's lover had been sick in a backhanded backwords way leaving the poor man confused. That is when the demon butler answers the gate and lets them inside. Sebastian adopts a completely different demeanor then Rebca is used to seems more subservient. Which entirely thrilled about, not really, he was not very happy about this change in demeanor.
    The butler lets them know what was going on with the Lord of the Manor who had been missing for a week, there was a few guesses and Sebastian was nominated to go upsairs and talk to the lady because he was being a meek subservient person and the butler seemed to think that would be the least upsetting person to talk to the delicate flower of a lady. This was after Rebca watched the little shit steal tea and pour it in the stolen cup.
    So Stephan, Meave and Rebca sit in the parlor and have tea and snacks talking about fairy tales of all things while Sciros had decided to leave to investigate the driver. Meave's homeworld had a different Snow white then Rebca and Stephan even knew. It had more parallels to sleeping beauty then Snow White.
    Sebastian found out nothing more about the noble other than what everyone already knew or so they thought about the fact he was in massive debt.
    This is when they met Meriden that surely Bastard. He is the driver for the lost lord, and he was going to take them to where he last dropped his lord off. One problem Sciros had started a fight with the man, and he was still causing a problem. Well, Rebca's lover had smoothed things over enough with the driver in order for them to get into the carriage and Seb sat with the driver while everyone else crammed into the carriage with very little room. Rebca was a little miffed at his boyfriend for this action and was playing referee between Meave, Sciros and Stephan at this point. Soon they found themselves at The Dragon's Piss Tavern.
    Then Sebastian went off and got some information on where the Earl was. He paid with it by getting his mark remove via soul magic. His hand was bleeding and he seemed to be in immense pain which he couldn't lie his way out of. Rebca sad and upset by the lying and not being let to heal the problem. This was not the first lie, nor would it be the last. 
      They met Meriden outside and he had won really big and wanted to to share his winnings with everyone expect Sciros. Sebastian not understanding why he got hit in the face with gold refused to take it. Rebca suggested he should invest the rest of his winnings and the man came back with maybe he would start a taxicab company. He did and it was successful. Since Sebastian wouldn't take the fucking gold which frustrated the poor cleric since he had to save coppers for his entire adult life.
      They soon came to a mage tower and were told the Earl should have been inside. Rebca had a bad feeling about the place, no one listened to him about it. They went in got trapped by gargoyles. So, they went about trying to solve the puzzle which was get the right gems so gargoyles would let them leave. So tehy enter the first room and Sebastion gets instantly stabbed by the bone devil which caused Rebca to be extremely angry at the bone devil and Seb was dying. Rebca decapitated the bone devil and got the gem. The next few gems are much easier to find. Then well Rebca actually gets drowned by demonic algae. The man he is dating decided to rescue him from it and then drowns himself. When Rebca is finally able to get Sebastian out of the damn Algae they got the final gem. 
      So, returning to the gargoyles they attempted to get everyone out, including the Earl. Well Sebastian had a fake gem in his hand and was left trapped which was tested by switching gems with Rebca, and for the first time for the entire job Sebastian doesn't act weird and attacks the gargoyles that everyone almost died too.
    This is where Rebca had learned when Sebastian backed against a wall, he will choose violence.

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    2 /3 1500:00

    6 /3 300:00

    Words are Weapons; those weapons force them on the run
    Life, Publicity

    So after the long job, Rebca with Sebastian and Meave who couldn't see and was still blind went to the Rose where the pair had been staying for a bit. They started to talk about things that were going on in the relationship. They started to fight cause the both of them were fed up with things. Rebca had not understood why Seb was in a mood to fight everything nor why he would refuse to take the gold the driver gave him.   This got heated rather quickly. Well Sebastian decided to yell at him about what he knew. The fact Rebca Chambers had the knowledge to bring back the recently deceased goddess Sarenrae. In a crowded bar. Word spread rapidly. because well you do something in a crowded bar it no longer a secret.   Well, this smart decision was apologized for later, but little did they know, as this was happening Stephan had decided to protect Chambers from a powerful deity much to his one detriment. Rahu the Suneater had found her way to Aur. She then started to hunt Rebca, since he wouldn't tell her where Rebca was she hunted down his family, first she stole Cambian from Rosilia and then next Peliu, she sent out the message anyone knowing where Rebca Chambers was she be grateful and pay handsomely to get him to her. So Sebastian and Rebca went on the run. Sebastian dyed Rebca's hair rose which didn't work as well as it should of. Everyone still recognized the man. Frustrated and scared he voiced the opinion he should rescue his family more than once.   Sebastian had another idea. He summoned Khors and sent him to make sure the Clan Chambers and Clan Badd were kept safe, However this was after Danfel had already been picked up by her, so they kept running and others went hunting The Suneater back.   Sebastian and Rebca went to get help as well from Ragathial and The hummingbird which neither of them were able to help him without getting the information, as the conditions of the wish indicated if he told them then he would not be able to revie her so they went on running.

      An angel had captured him to drop him and pick him up and well this was why Rebca became terrified of heights. It wasn't a fun time even after Rebca was rescued from the turmoil by Brunte of all people.
    Brunte stuck with the pair throughout their running days. He made a promise to protect the cleric. He felt it would finally get him out of his life debt but that would be something else of a hole to actually get out of.   Khors however eventually lost the rest of the clan and Astra died trying to protect the clan. Khors was severely injured and well, Rebca had trouble forgiving Khors and himself for his clan being kidnapped and tortured but everyone had said to not let their sacrifices be in vain and just go to her.   Artist portrayal of Rebca Chambers in disguise:  

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    20 /3

    22 /3

    Raising Support in Aurelian
    Political event
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    28 /3

    30 /3

    Fight Between Sebastian and Heather
    Military: Skirmish
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    2 /4 1500:00

    5 /4 2300:00

    The Vow of Ownership
    Life, Relationship change

    They were both taken by the Archdruid Talida to be kept safe while they were waiting on word to see what they would be going after next on the list of Resureccion since the free states really were the only ones helping and Talida in the interest of balance stated the faction. She sent them and Brunte to garden and fix up the damage The hummingbird and her armies had caused to the only place other then Anfortas mass producing food for everyone on the continent.   Rebca saw the sword of Everbright in the waterfalls pond and he decided he didn't want to try for it. It was bad enough he was struggling with his faith and had the information of how to revive her in his head with a song called Ship in the bottle playing nonstop he really was something that was a dull roar in his head. Sebastian didn't care for other reasons.   Sebastian then suddenly snuck off into the labyrinth maze. Rebca sneaking off soon afterwards. They started to explore the maze that constantly changed. they learned more about the Archdruid Rebca would have rather not seen. He did see how she was even with the bodies of the dead of her enemies and allies as they moved through. They found two outsiders on separate sides that were very wounded and Rebca had used some of his skills to help them, not entirely sure why they were being treated here, but Talida had proven she was able to keep balance of things very well, seemed to be her lifes work. 
      He had started to accept maybe Selie should be taught by her when they came across what seemed to be his sister, mother and fathers actual bodies, she had sent a message with an illusion and all the feelings bubbled up again and Sebastian decided to steal the bodies in a bag of holding so Rebca could have a real funeral later when things calmed down with his family later. The weird thing they were kept perfect and immaculate with Talida's own sisters. Rebca didn't understand and started in his usual I am upset way to seek comfort.
      Sebastian tried to explain with his limited knowledge and from his own perspective. Well, he says something that set off Rebca more instead of what it was intended to do. The reaper oracle had some trouble with the souls being used like that and vomits, maybe some old memories of his as well. Well, Rebca started to hate Khors and Talida quite a bit more after this.
      Eventually trying to be romantic, he says something that set off magic, of the oldest kind. 

    Chambers looked at him for a minute, then sniffed and wiped his eyes. "Yeah? Well. Tough shit. I ain't. Not given up, not giving up. Gonna drag your pretty behind out of darkness, if I gotta. Gonna get that fuckin' apple, too. Get that debt paid off. Gonna drag you, kickin' and screamin' if I gotta, to a afterlife where you'll actually be happy. When we work out which one it is. Ain't lettin' no fuckin' darkness have, uh, you either. So you wanna give in? Sure. I ain't yet, and I ain't gonna. It ain't havin; you. You're-," he stopped, and looked down. "Sorry. Almost said somethin' real dumb."
    "Say it." Sebastian was watching Rebca with those purple eyes.   Chambers looked up, staring into his eyes. "You sure? You wanna hear, that? From me? I...means, something different, here. Still. Those words. You gotta have heard 'em before. Don't...want to hurt you. Like. Blue clothes."   "Say them Rebca." Eyes are leveled   Chambers took a breath. "You're mine. Not letting darkness, old memories, old gods, have you. None of them. Mine. And I'm yours."

    Wel there was a hint of sparks of magic as well as a surge and it took a bit before Sebastian answered with "Uh yeh... Erm I like being..." Turns crimson as he speaks "yours..."

      unfortunately, this caused more magic around them and well Sebastian became Rebca's and the deal was unequal and unequitable the things the two of them were working on.  Rebca now owned Sebastian the one thing he never thought would happen and soon the effects would be seen. They could fast heal when near each other and other benefits that were nice. But now Sebastian would have to fight off anything that would be considered an order from Rebca and the way, the man talks well even statements could be seen as orders.    This of course is things they would need to deal with later and Sebastian would hide from Rebca as long as he possibly could.

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    13 /4 200:00

    20 /4 00:00

    One small step; one massive explosion

    During the Heaven and Hell war, Rebca was tasked with the resurrection of Sarenrae. Part of the ritual required Rebca to gather the essence of a Moon - although due to some miscalculations... part of the party was split across three different moons. Rebca, Brunte and Sebastian ended up on the brightest of Aur's moons, Luneria. There, they discovered that a massive piece of Aur was missing... and what laid inside of the core was naught but darkness. Soon after, they met a Devil in disguise known as Lady Xaphan - who seemed to have some sort of jurisdiction and control over Luneria. So, she agreed to give the Essence of Luneria to the three... if they were willing to strike down her twelve brothers.   Twelve brothers, later discovered to be Greater Pit Fiends, all who were corrupted by The Collector's will during a trade between them and the now late Dr. Perry. In this task, they gave them a choice of items to aid in this venture... and they chose Lady Xaphan's broom.   Broom in tow, the three ventured across the moon of Luneria to the side that never reflected the sun... crossing the threshold and finding themselves in the middle of a massive Necropolis. In a desperate attempt to save themselves, the three harnessed the power of Lady Xaphan's broom - or attempted to, anyways.   Due to a missfire, the broom - later discovered to be one of the closest suns to Aur turned into a staff by Dr. Perry - exploded, torching the dark side of Luneria, burning the necropolis of rotted meat and aged bone to naught but ash. Unknown to the three, pieces of this staff were embedded into their bodies in the explosion, nearly killing the three. After this, the three returned victorious to Lady Xaphan - who would give them the Essence of Luneria and cause the moon to start to fall from the sky, hurtling towards Aur. She also left them with a promise; she would get back what was hers, eventually. The three ended up shifting to the Shadow Plane of Aurelia, finding it having been long abandoned by all but a single priest. The priest gave the three shelter in his abandoned church that was made out to a god who died in tragedy... eventually allowing them to return to Aur. The three later discovered this old man to be the Fallen Angel, Tabris - who was one of many who aided in the three's later adventure into the past...

    Additional timelines
  • 103

    22 /2 1400:00

    25 /2 1400:00

    The brillant plan; kidnapped by cat god instead
    Life, Relocation

    The grievous injuries to both timelines of Rebca are also the same for his Clan:
    Arnu was gifted his Oracle curse, by the Suneater, ironically his mystery is winter as the women truly enjoyed fire.
    Cambian lost his leg, in one very painful way. It was unable to be regenerated due to how it was removed, which he doesn't speak of.
    Lefran lost her left arm, because of her choices of using arrows against the Suneater.
    Peilu lost his mind. Nothing psychical as far as the clan knows. But it's guessed he was psychically and emotionally manipulated by Rahu.
    Danfel no one can see his scars unless he removes his shirt seems so no fire for him small blessings, also the mental scaring made him an alcoholic not a functional one.
    Keish won't speak and has grievous burn scars all over his body, the worse are on his back.
      So, this story differs somewhat due to time shenanigans. Sometimes it starts off with a normal day at the Glided Rose the whole family reunited with each other after and celebrating the banishment of the Suneater. A few red birds alight on the roof and sing their songs. When that happens Danfel and Keish die, their hearts explode in their chest with 50 other patrons causing a panic. Sebastain and a large group of healers start trying to miniate the damages. Sebastian even pays to get Danfel and Keish revived.

      The other start to the story is Sebastian and Rebca are camping, and Kiesh is seen first running away and directly into Rebca's arms scared and whimpering while badly hurt, his skin still bubbling. He doesn't say much put points him toward the woods. Well, this works well when Lefran rains arrows on them, to keep Rebca from actually walking into a trap. Well, when Cambian shows up in the tent much to Seb's surprise not Rebca's and tells him whats going on. Rebca decides to go fight Rahu the Suneater meeting an injured Arnu, and an unconscious Peliu and getting more enraged like the noble idiot he is. Well, He actually gets pretty far and sees Danfel being held up by his neck as arrows are shot at her.

      The story is the same at this point minus the small details. The Mort with their playful clear form appears with the red yarn of fate being played with which slightly distracts Rebca from either packing or what he sees of what is happening to his brother and family. They don't like something because both time Rebca refuses to listen to reason and are instead whisked away to a Cat Cafe in the Ethereal plane. Both have a raging Rebca who quickly gets to see that it's pretty hopeless to try to leave.

      He is then followed around by a beautiful blue munchkin cat. She talks to him and comforts him. The cat speaks in abyssal that he later finds out that only he could hear. Her eyes are a pretty red and she waddles on her tiny legs. She leads him to the springs where the cat's fish so he can try to bath. Well, Havera and Sebastian literally spilt realty as Rebca was about to take the bath since he was pretty sure he was a prisoner of the cats at this point.

      Both of course are marked with a pretty gnarly and terrifying mark of the Endless Labyrinth. Which make Rebca pissed at Sebastian. One of the only times Rebca didn't just instantly forgive him for something his boyfriend had done wrong. The yelling was deserved.

      Well Sebastian after a bit gets overwhelmed by the Cat God and tries to leave forgetting his manner and how to be a good guest not that Rebca ever saw it that way. They both are placed in a circle and unable to move, torture for someone who was starting to think he was a person which was largely due to Rebca's hard work.   The Mort made Sebastian beg and eventually Sebastian broke down and they were released and Rebca in a rage tried to kill the god of cats. This ended with them luckily not dead but back in the Rose. Both timelines.
      Rebca also got the abyssal blue munchkin kitten that was waddling with him, whom he named the princess and little shit Iris, who would become his familiar when he decided to give up being a cleric and switched to being a shaman.

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    8 /8 1200:00

    8 /8 00:00

    Time Heist: Asmodeus' Vault
    Religious event

    With the ingredients for Sarenrae's survival being collected, one was still missing: a secret no one knew. Rebca Chambers, Sebastian, Brunte and Meave were sent to try and find it. There were two locations for such an item...the vaults of Abadar and Asmodeus. Out of spite for the actions of the Mort, Rebca Chambers chose to literally go to hell.

    Initial attempts were a bit of a struggle, as the sherrif Catena was nowhere to be found, but Sebastian had a great idea: A time travelling Inevitable drug dealer he happened to get his stuff from. His boyfriend was thrilled to learn about his habitual drug use.

    Still, the creature was able to send them to a time when the vault of Asmodeus was less vulnerable, less guarded...and at the small cost of a page of history. The day Aroden died. That was...probably fine.

    The Inevitable transported them to a time before Asmodeus had taken control of the vault, into a central area where several passages led off. The direction they needed was blocked, but could be damaged. It did cause a slight sonic...component to it's response, but at Sebastian's order, Brunte unleashes his fury.

    The result broke the barrier and nearly liquidised the party, there ear drums and eyes going...pop, among other things. Some time later, the cleric was able to mostly put people back together, and they continued.

    Thankfully, the creatures set to guard and curate the collection were also not immune to sonic damage, and a sole angel, familiar to Rebca, Sebastian and Brunte although much younger than they had known. was left in charge of the collection. With a little explanation, he agreed to help them, giving them a secret and a page to pay off the Time Thief, and then froze them in stone for the next 5000 years.

    Upon awakening by the same angel, now much more ancient, Sebastian was convinced to trigger a device which saw one of Aur's moons...dissolved. The same one Rebca, Brunte and Sebastian had visited - and destroyed previously.

    The same ones there past selves, plus a past Meave, was now on.

    Thus was the timeline restored and dopplegangers removed...

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    6 /9 1500:00

    6 /9 1799:00

    Seeking help

    After Rebca talked to Dr. Lily about his concerns with Sebastian's drug use he was given this advice to get him sober and better: “In my opinion and to be blunt. He is tons of messed up. It is very clearly abused to a point where he thinks it’s just normal. His self-worth is not existent. He seems passive about everything but his homeland and people who mess with souls and that’s the only time I felt something from him. He lies to not make any big waves. He tries to hide and walk away from his problems. One of the big problems is that he thinks the stuff about being worthless below everyone is true. It’s not a lie to him, he sees it as the truth. He feels not like a person most of the time. He doesn’t understand basic emotions, but I feel like he can learn based off of his love for you. The fact he would lie to you, I would say right now your relationship is very toxic and unhealthy."
      "Before Sebastian can believe in his ability to set boundaries, he may need to be taught to trust judgements, feelings, and perceptions. He definitely has not learned that it is okay to say no, nor do he know how it feels to have personal and physical space honoured. You should help Sebastian to set healthy boundaries and to know that he or she will be respected. You should set expectations; you can honour the strength and courage of Sebastian by having high expectations for him. Emotionally May interfere with thinking; therefore, it is important to set reasonable goals and to provide the support needed for him. He May feel powerless to control much in his environment. If you want him feel a sense of control, you should give accurate information and build trust. You should let him express his feelings through art or music will also help Sebastian to feel less controlled by pent-up emotion. Sebastian doesn’t have much of an identity. Sebastian have been abused in ways that met a person in power needs and denied his needs have little sense of a personal identity. You can help by pointing out his strengths. Statements such as “You are a hard worker,” “You are a good person when you help someone with a problem” “people like you because you are fun to be with” will help Sebastian understand how others perceive him. You can also help him by asking him questions and help him form a position or opinion on something helping him be less passive, examples of that would be helping him with his interests and having him make choices even if he is uncomfortable. Sebastian has little self-esteem. You can help him learn that he is valued, accepted, and capable by making an environment that plays to his strengths which you should know what those are seeing as you are living together. Value his differences and listen to him as well, and that will naturally start to build up over time. Sebastian has very little sense of belonging. He thinks he did something wrong, and he is wrong which he may not be consciously aware of. Because he has had to keep a secret from everyone, he assumes there is a reason for himself to be isolated from others. That same secret can be spotted on his hands for the world to see. This leads to my last suggestion to help him. You said he has earned his secrets however using drugs states that he has not actually earned the right to keep them. Keep in mind there is a difference between not wanting to share and keeping something from someone. You are the most important person to him with this as I assume he does not have much of a support group. You will need to get him to branch out to create one. Because He would not have n learned to listen and trust his inner self, he focuses on pleasing and meeting the needs of others while neglecting his own. He will feel unworthy to interact on an equal basis with others and will fear rejection which is part of why he lies. So, you will need to push him a bit to step out of that reaction. I will come back once a week to talk to him next sessions will need to be one on one, I understand adventurers have varying schedules you will need to tell me good times since he will not be ready yet to."
    "If Sebastian ever gets too unstable or suicidal, please call me and I’ll take him to my asylum and help him from there. I don’t like getting more in patients but sometimes it is what is needed to get done. Finn can teleport you there. He helps out whenever he is hiding from his wife.”   However, Rebca had trouble processing this well and didn't set up another time with Lily after this session. As he had his own thoughts and issues that he was working out with Finnegan Badd as Lily had thought it would be a conflict of interest to treat both boys.
      Finn appeared since at the time he lived down the dock from the Dock hand apartment's after a sending from Lily about his stuttering being from anxiety and probably needed some sessions to help him through some things. He worked thourgh some things with Finn which helped the man a lot. They just talked. he was worried baout the drug use and other things, Finn told him he could say plenty on the subject if he was coping with it. Then came the issue of the mort rebreaking Seb and Finn offered the idea that Rebca may be too wrapped up in Sebastian and should find a way to separate himself a little from the man.   However, the met of the issue seemed to be the fey bond which Finn had little knowledge about and Sebastian having to follow accidental orders was causing Rebca a lot of pain. That and the fact he felt he had failed as a cleric of the dawnflower and was thinking of giving up the faith.   This is what the conversation was:   "Well... Why do you think you're worse? Cause yer not careful with your words? Sailor look at me. Not one man alive has ever been careful. Why do you think we are the ones that are lulled in by a siren song? Fucking hell, creatures with ways of words are designed to fuck over men folk. So tell me how are you worse? Have you beaten him? Have you cut his skin and had pleasure doing so? Have you actually forced him into doing something he doesn't want?"   "...don't think so." He made a face. "Uh. Skin...broken. Sometimes. Kinda...rough. Sometimes. Uhm, me too. Sometimes. But. Uh. How can. Mm. Know?" He looked down miserably. "He got almost no, uhm. One. Else. Here. What if...did. Ordered? Something he didn't want? And...he never said. 'Cos. Doesn't understand. Own worth. Still. Doesn't think. Proper person. What..." he stopped, and sobbed. "What if he thought was how should be treated? Used? And never said." Chambers sniffed, looking pale and ill. "What if...too caught see?"   "Then you correct it. Can't change the past but you sure as hell can move forward. Also its called communication... I take it your doing the dumb teenager thing... Finn stands up and walks over and wipes the tears falling on Chambers face "The we don't talk but are dating and fucking thing. Yeah my oldest does it too. If his mother finds out he'd be married off to that girl so fast. Rough sex isn't bad.. You too taking care of each other after... Before care too?"   "Learnin', care, aftercare," he sniffed. "And. Uhm. No. Do talk. Communicate. But, uhm." He gestured to his stuttering self. "Not, always. Mm. Well." He sniffed again.   "Well, Rebca you aren't stupid. A little slow but not stupid. I have book on before and after care..." Pulls it out places it on Rebca's lap "Got it for Thomas but you seem to need it more honestly. Talk to him before fly off the handle assuming that you did anything wrong. I know it's kinda your default cause of the way you are... Anyway out of curiosity if yer not a cleric what did you switch to?"   "Shaman," he murmured. "Life Shaman. Still, uhm. Wanna heal. And...yeah. Instinct. Run. Punish self. But...selfish? Isn't it? Just...doin' what I think I deserve. Not, uhm, thinkin'. 'What does person I hurt want?' Been selfish. Need to not, uhm. Comprend? Concern? Compound. Compound error."   "Yeah so you have the same mindset you're worried that Sebastian has."   Chambers shrugged a little. "Never claimed wasn't fucked up too," he sniffed. "Know. Uhm. Not healthy. Not best. Better? Got...real broken. Real bad, for a bit. Convinced. Everything was, uhm, My fault. Wish backlash. Whole time travel-death on moon seemed to stop it? But. Uhm." He swallowed. "Ugh. Feel sick..."   "Sounds like that part is a we need to talk. Well feeling sick is normal when faced with a moral compass problem sailor... Kinda fucking glad it's not a Rebca needs to relearn to speak. More of a Rebca has had shit pile on him til he has almost broken himself. The siblings and suneater not your fucking fault so stop blaming yerself yer siblings sure as hell aren't, most are doing fine. Actually, they are all doing better than fine. I ain't gonna tell you to stop the ritual cause yer half right on the idea of all hells breaking lose if you stop. Continuing isn't a good option either. But if the universe decides to bring her back bad just remember you thick headed Sailor, you did the right thing." Pulls out a bag "Vomit in that easier to clean up."   "Almost?" he said. "Almost. Okay. Better than, um. Broken." He sniffed. "Know. Couldn't stop Suneater. But. Uhm." He paused for a moment, thinking, and went, "Okay. Uhm. Yeah. Ritual? I. Uhm. Yeah. Don't...see better choice? For me." He made a face. "Uhm. Don't think I can, um. Pretend. Not my fault. If it does, uh. Go wrong. Had chances. Choices. Started with my choice. Kept going, my choice. Finishing? My choice. Can't...pretend. Claim anythin' else. Know. There's danger. Choosing again. My family. My friends. My lover. Them first." He sniffed. "Feels...wrong. But. Not wrong?"   "When you break a vase repair it with gold or silver and it gleams prettier. That's what you should be doing. The gold and silver is learning from yer mistakes. Yeah, didn't say that one if it goes wrong wouldn't be partially your fault. But breaking doesn't mean an end. I broke once... My face was marked with the word betrayal cause of something I didn't do. Travelled with some fucking idiots and managed to prove I didn't do the thing that I was accused of... I broke down in the middle of the abyss. Not the best time to break when yer in the middle of not only saving yer world but are fighting a heaven and hell war when yer own wife accused you of cheating." His halo decides to go off "OH for fuck sakes." Turns it off "I also chose my wife and my first born over that world and I would again."   "Hope. Uhm. I'm that strong." He looked at Finn. "You guys. Came here. Did you, uhm. Ever find out? How that shit? Ended?"   "Our world... Well, yes, Astra and I were portaled over after. The world went back into balance. Weird for a world that is mostly water. A lot of the fighting was in the Chasm's below the sea. I crashed no less then 13 boats during that entire war... Kors, Ryuk, Neoth and Catherine Two paladins, a summoner and two dumb as bricks barbarians. I had a goose during that war... It's when I found my faith however.... Stopped doing summoning of devil creatures and others.... We won but the cost was actually pretty great... Lost many. War sucks Ryuk and Neoth lost their names during to fey... They eventually got it back how Neoth was a paladin still baffles me."   "Some gods seem, uhm. Less chosey? Especially in war, maybe." He took a breath. "So. Any, uh. Advice?"   "My advice, feel and live Rebca no matter how it turns out... You still have people who not only love you but will do almost anything for you. Don't take everything on your chin. Sometimes even doing the right thing is actually the worse thing after everything is said and done. Remember you are whatever you feel is strongest to you. The reminder that I am just a halfling got me through. Find something that feels like you and hold on tight to it. Also remember being selfish isn't the worse thing in the world. Sometimes you have to be." Pats the Shamans knee "For gods sake yer not less strong than anyone after all you've been through a lesser man would have broken entirely. So yeah, you don't see beyond your nose sometimes but yer strong enough."   "Hope so." He considered. "Don't feel it. Can't see it. Tired. Hurtin'. Tryin' not to make mess. But. Everyone else believes. Think I'm just me. But trust loved ones. Friends. Family. You guys, um. Seem to think. I'm better? So. Y'know. Gonna keep trying."   "That's kinda what strength is Chambers. Now go talk to your partner. I am sure you have plenty to talk about. I'll put a Sentry up. So, if you do anything stupid. I will know. Not a person minds you a thought form creature.... I will come around probably once a month unless you get worse. Seems to me just normal Anxiety could be wrong not infallible." Pats the Blond's leg "Read that book." Takes his leave after casting something the air changes.   Chambers considered his choices for a few moments, looking at the stairs. He nodded solemnly, walked to the kitchen, and then threw up every bit of squid squid into the sink. "Fuck...hrk..fuckin', urrrk, tentacles...won...rrrk!"     Clear of evil sea food, he washed his mouth out with water and went back, picking up the book and glancing at the stairs.   "Hrk! No! Fuck you stomach, not gonna be coward!" Ignoring his rebellious guts, he softly climbed the steps and knocked on the bedroom door.   He then found Sebastian in the bathroom rearranging soaps, and they had a long conversation about everything. Not everything was well communicated but they set up the ground rules for the rest of their relationship at this point and time using the book Finnegan gave them. There safe word was Squid.   Then for some reason being bright teenage boys they decided to go garden in the nude. They got caught by the neighbor and Sebastian ran away through the window leaving Rebca to be yelled at for several hours by the landlady for just being nude in public and how they were not the copper ward before Sebastian rescued him inside, pretty sure she had been waiting to lay into Rebca for the loudness he exhibited when him and Seb slept together, it was enough to fill several noise complaints.

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    15 /12 400:00

    17 /12 500:00

    Heavan War Verdict: Being really dumb is valid defense
    Civil action

    Meave and Geeg decided to help Nethys with the defense of Ragathial who had murdered Sarenrae and tossed her body out of Heavan.   On the prosecutor side was Flannigan and on a side that was sure to win. The case was solid and seemed airtight on his side. It seemed justice for the fallen goddess could have been served.   Rebca Chambers was called to stand as a witness to the wish he didn't really see and Meaves side seemed to be losing so Nethy's decided to glitterbomb the entire court room as if that would get the jury on his side.   Flannigan had made many compelling and strong arguments against the former Emperil lord. He even got Ragathiel to admit he killed her during the tubberware party where Abadar was trying to sell tubberware to the other gods. Quite a debacle as The lady of graves was called on to the stand as well as Abadar and some other prominent gods of the Patheon who were said to be there.
      Then Ragathial was called to the stand a whim of Nethys and that's when he admitted to killing her and said he would do so again. With one last glitterbomb Nethy's would fled for his life and start to be on the run. Crazy bastard leaving glitter that would still appear no matter how much cleaning the people there did. The biggest surprise of the century when the Jury consisting of Gorum, Tari, Brightpollen, and Magrim came back with a verdict of not guilty for Meaves and Geegs hard work. However, Meave received no credit despite being the one who actually had Heather's written testimony on hand. Which collaborated Rebca's really poor testimony that made some people more confused then having clarity.
        Wizard Tv released this as a press release: Transcripts have been released from the proceedings of the cosmic court hearing where Ragathiel was tried for murder: He was found not guilty after appearing as a surprise witness at his own trial at which he had initially refused to appear as defendant, then giving testimony that he did it very much of his own accord. The jury seems to have felt that he could not be held culpable because he was merely the tool of the outer god Arwassa who appears to have caused the circumstances in which the murder occurred to come about due to a wish cast at a magic well by Heather Greenberg, and because he was too dumb to know what he was doing, at least that was my understanding.     It is said there is now a term for being let off for being too stupid to crime and it called being Ragathieled

    Additional timelines
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    25 /12 800:00

    31 /12 1200:00

    When Day And Night Became One
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    During some of the last days of The Heaven and Hell War, Sebastian, Chambers, Brunte, Galroth and Sukarma climbed the Mountain of Gwalchmei - being able to avoid the fight on the ground thanks to The Archdruid Taldia smuggling them partway up the mountain through the Druid Circles and Portal Oaks that lined the forest that straddled the base of the crystal-inlayed mountain. From there, they made their way to the top. The first obstacle in the way was Lady Xaphan, who was tired of waiting for the return of what she claimed as her staff - the pieces of which having been embedded into the bodies of Sebastian, Chambers and Brunte during their stint on what was once Luneria. When her amazing attempts at diplomacy failed, the party attempted to engage in combat with the lady - finding instead that she was an illusion. In her stead, the party ended up having to fight... themselves? Rather, the resurrected and scorched corpses of Sebastian, Chambers, Brunte and Meave. It was a drawn-out battle, with Sebastian falling dead to the floor after he killed himself with Death Magics.   Sebastian was, luckily, later resurrected by his soon-to-be husband, Rebca Chambers. But met with a strange entity on the other side of Death - one who returned his soul... in exchange for his eye. The entity also held his soul in its hands, and he exchanged his love for Rebca for the soul in hopes of keeping the man from going back to Elysia for it. Sebastian actually just handed him the unwanted thing when he returned.   The next obstacle upon their path to the summit was actually an old friend, Tabris The Chronicler. He had aided the group multiple times in the past, once in the far, far past... And he decided to aid the party again. This time, he fulfilled a promise made five thousand years ago - to grant the last ingredient required to resurrect Sarenrae.   Eventually, they came upon the summit of The Cursed Mountain... and The Ritual began. The Essence Of a Sun, The Essence Of A Moon, Her Body, Her Soul, An Aspect of Her Power and A Secret, Lost To Time. All were put in their correct places - some more painful than others... Then, in a Flash, The World Changed.   With a powerful flash that shook the continent and cleared all clouds from the sky came the dark orange flames that shot straight up into the sky - leaving what appeared to be a massive crack in some sort of invisible, glass-like exterior that surrounded the planet and its moons... which quickly sealed back up. Both suns peered from the opposite ends of the planet, stuck in a limbo between evening and night - coloring the world in purples, oranges and yellows like the sky itself was on fire.   The entire mountain was flash-fried, trees smoldering, and animals left in cinders. The crystals that were once part of the mountain were superheated, shattering and impaling the earth around it.   What stood before all was not a goddess of temperance or forgiveness. No longer was she one who preached compassion and peace. No, the blade that dripped fire like freshly spilt blood spoke of other virtues. Gone was the Goddess of Redemption, forever.   With wails of fire and the sound of steel upon bone was born a new goddess.   No longer was she Sarenrare, The Dawnflower.   She was now Sarenrae, The Evening Sun.   The party survived but watched as Sarenrae left to plot an attempt on the life of Dispater, in revenge for her death at his Son's, Ragathiel's, hands.   Despite the speculation of the then formed Free State council, she did not assist in the Heaven and Hell war - having caused the Free States to rely on their own strength and capabilities... which ruined the landscape, the economy and lead to a great famine. After this, no one trusted Atticus or any of his plans ever again.

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    31 /12

    3 /2 00:00

    Apathy is a hell of a drug
    Life, Milestone

    Sebastian went alright he was done with the mission and was missing his collarbone and teleported away from Rebca and left him on his mountain. Then Sukarma and Galroth left Rebca on the mountain to deal with his missing spine only Brunte stayed and then once Rebca asked carried him to the nearest person who could cast Regenerate by riding Alces. Rebcca passed out from the pain after asking Brunte to take him to be healed. They find Drystan who was in the middle of warzone and dealing with Revan shit as the Heavans and Hells are pushed off the lawn of Aur.
    Drystan a bit concerned on how they lost the upper spin and Brunte lost the lower part of their body doesn't ask any questions probably a wise decision.
      Rebca then went back to Anfortas for about a week and painted the stars on the ceiling of the Apartment and then he hid the soul apple in the garden. He was there hoping Sebastian would return and dreading he wouldn't.
    Seeing Sebastian not coming home he would wander off to the Bar with no name to find Rowan to help with getting Sebastian the redemption he said he was trying to obtain. He then sends to her to get her to meet up with him. He needed help finding out things, about the people Sebastian had a lot of guilt about the Azoan ship on the island they had met Rowan on. Lots of crying happens and trying to explain things that happened on the mountain which some gets lost in translation. He then goes on to explain before Sebastian was messed up by the mother of all he wanted Redemption and if Rowan would help and she readily agrees to help.
    She goes back to the island and investigates for him and sends him some information on the guards on the ship and the crazy captain lady. He then decides what is redemption worthy for his ex-lover.
    He was able to learn about some of the previous victims of Sebastian. Marial Leso had no next of kin, so Rebca donated money to the slave rebellion in Rosilia in his name. Hiraim Lellso Rebca paid to resurrect. Kiresto refused to return, and so he paid his sister instead.
    He found the number to the Wizard TV station on the back of the card he got for the Gnoblin. He was then told that it was fine, that the Gnoblin was alive. They then demanded that he appeared on a Realty TV show. Not knowing what the fuck that is declined and decided not to deal with that kind of crazy.
    He then starts to sell blood that is still boiling Asura blood coursing through his veins so it's quite useful spells and components. He starts this after he figures he can't really afford to redeem his ex. So, he sells it a lower than profit margins because he doesn't know how much his blood is actually worth.
    He would have remembered that Sebastian had killed people at the Saranrite temple and found out it was taken over by cultist. He wasn't stupid enough to engage these people. So, he went to go find the merceries who were involved with the temple at the time. He was then captured branded and abused by these people who intended to sell him to the Drow. He then got dragged out of his cage at some point and was told to heal and instead he cleanses with fire and decapitated most of them and his cat unhallowed the area so they couldn't move on because she was livid and wanted full revenge. He starts listening to the cat more after this, he then buried the information that he was supposed to be bait for Sebastian for some ritual to release the Great old one in the Saranrite temple.
    Still, despite the suffering, he got what he needed, and was able to resurrect Jessie Khop, and supported him in becomming a herbalist. Zadkiel, most likely a former bandit, he chose to pay damages to his victims.
    As soon as he can get a hold of acid, he burnt off the Drow slave brand and kept going as he then spiraled into depression harder than he had before with no one by his own choice due to refusal to talk to his family and was ignoring Cambian's regular sendings, to pull him out of the spiral. Rebca Chambers took an unreasonable quantity of drugs, at the cost of his life. A previous pact with the Hummingbird meant that Rebca didn't die quite so easily and found himself instead at the Red Pyramid the war goddess had used during the battles between the Heavens.
    Meanwhile, Meave and Crobe were investigating the same ruins now the Hummingbird had withdrawn and found the broken shaman despondent in the ruins. They convinced him to go with them to expore, and found a few treasures of note around, before attempting to return to Aurelian.   Unfortunately, the weather had other ideas, and an especially vicious sandstorm blew in. Crobe, thanks to his druidic skills at shapeshifting, escaped but Meave and Rebca were forced to use the exciting spell Anywhere but Here.   The pair found themselves floating on the plane of Elysium, on the River of Memories. Rebca used the water to restore some memories taken away from him previously, while Meave used it to find out about the mother she had never met.   Finally reaching shore, they followed a strange melody to an Azata...the mother of Sebastian. Rebca was...not inclined to deal with the woman who had abandoned her child on the nightmarish plane of Elysia to a life of brutal slavery and abuse, but she chose to heal Meave's eyes, allowing the young woman to see for the first time in her life. Meave decided to continue wearing her blindfold, however, so the first thing she would ever see would be Flannigan.   The pair followed new sounds, once the Azata had vanished, and found themselves in a scene of battle. There, they met Silas, a warrior of Gorum who had confused the Lord of Iron by dying in honorable battle with a tree, a good death in theory by a baffling one in reality. They found that those from Aur were generally disliked, but after an evening of gambling and storytelling, Silas was able to help the pair return home.   So, in one of the many many ignored sendings from his brother Cambian he finds out that Sebastian hadn't returned home because he was working at Adira Valdas. The strange part of the sending was it was short and Cambian looked like he had been through a blender.   He was utterly heartbroken by this news and well he thought he couldn't die and decided that he should just go back to adventuring again. Thinking he could be sad and useful at the least.

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    10 /3 1800:00

    12 /3 1800:00

    Introduction to the Dandelion Asylum
    Criminal Activity

    Dr. Lily White of the famous adventurer's asylum called the Dandelion Asylum, she needed adventurers to help rescue Sindri, Remy the Stout's daughter. Apparently, some Drow had the bright idea to kidnap her. This would have been a big issue because when Remy the Stout remembered her there would be hell to pay for everyone involved when he was lucid. The adventurers who answered the call for discretion were, Rebca who was very cold a lot colder than he usually was, and less confused, a one hundred and eighty from his former self he even looked a bit different. Geeg who wanted to help. Stephan who came with his slave and new ghost phantom which may have been inappropriate for the job. Rebca started being an absolute dick to Stephan who actually decided not to retaliate because he was only doing so because he was angry at the world. That and probably due to being in mostly polite company.
    Sebastian who stayed in his female disguise as he came by and Heather who had her golden claws out and happy to see everyone. She asked for drugs and Sebastian actually not caring that they were on Alysum grounds sold her some and let her take them in front of a Bluebell a drudger who works as the admittance consoler at the Asylum. Heather was handed paperwork quicky for admittance for a drug problem and well Sebastian was reprimanded right away as Lily could see through his disguise easily.
    Rebca had heard Sebastian was in Rosilia, it's not clear if he presented as colder to protect himself or if he felt a twinge of pain seeing his ex-even in a female form. Rebca was reminding himself he was here for a job and if he needed to, he would be able to get Sebastain to talk to him afterword's, he doubted it would be needed. So, they got a tour of the place and were shown a reading room where Remy liked to sit. There’s this art up on a wall and there’s a hole where Remy jumped out of. This is when Rebca saw Peliu for the first time in a couple of years. Rebca had thought he was at Acme doing well. Apparently, he had been lying to the family, so they didn't know because he was embarrassed about being in the Dandelion. The man was filled with anxiety and fear after the Rahu Suneater incident that he couldn't handle school.
      Well soon after that they decided to take the job if only to avoid a global disaster. Mainly because Remy is well known to be a walking apocalypse, they headed out Sebastian already in disguise and Heather not donning disguises. Rebca asked Geeg to polymorph him into a lady drow and Geeg went as a pet kobold. He even went into Rebca's purse after getting ready. With his newfound I want to go to oblivion attitude he was really really good at playing a Drow, if that Drow also had slight valley girl energy. This was of course after they were given information on where the slave auction Remy's Daughter Singri was being sold at narrowing it down to two possibilities.
      They decided on going in as one of Vivian's daughters since they were rarely seen in public and if they needed to make up a name the Drow men wouldn't check for fear of being punished, that and Sebastian since they last met was in deep with the armpit underbelly of criminal affairs. Going to the slave market, Rebca and his handmaiden who was Sebastian at the time got taken into the councilwoman’s box. Where they raid it of all of the drugs and everything. Rebca because he wanted to die and go to oblivion and thought he couldn't and Sebastian because he was hopelessly addicted to the stuff.  Heather, Geeg, and Stephan were waiting on the regular auction floor when Heather got bored and killed some people to get into the backstage area. Well Sebastian afterwards seeign this went and helped murder a bunch of Drow as well, probably the real reason he was her using death spells and the like.  Around this time Heather released a ancient wyrm gold dragon and caused a lot of confusion and chaos because she thought it was fun. 
    Well eventually the group found the dungeons which Sebastian decided not to go down.  He claimed he was overwhelmed by memories and smells and the lingering souls... Rebca didn't really believe this mainly because he was having trouble trusting Sebastian due to the rose collared glasses about the man having been painfully removed when they revived The Evening Sun. 
      Nonetheless Rebca lead everyone else down and went looking for the Dwarf women. Which wasn't hard since she was the only dwarf being sold. They free her almost paying a cost of a limb or two cause Sindri was protected by Remy’s last invention of a clockwork bear. After calming it down, they all ran off to where teleportation works and brought everyone who went down into the basement to Lily's office. Sebastian however had not joined them much to the teeth gashing of Rebca. Who then decided he wanted to go find the conniving asshole of a man and give him an earful or three. he decided to do so under the guise of getting him the payment he earned.

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    20 /3 1900:00

    21 /5 2300:00

    Rescuing his Damsel
    Civil action

    Down in the red-light district, in Rosilia, isn't quite what someone would expect when they go and visit. First it has no vulgar displays of people hanging around lamppost or on the streets calling out to passers for business. Most of the brothels are made of some gemstone or another just to show off the wealth of the city. Some of course are also traditional marble, it was quite the culture shock to Rebca due to their redlight district in Anfortas being more traditional in the sense of a redlight district. Most the well-known ones that are also quite prominent have their names in gold inlays. Outside of Adira Valdas has a few vampires coming and going and the occasional drow. All the cliental of the brothel had some waiting outside as well for carriages and perhaps are on the way for other entertainment. The rumor is which at the time Rebca had heard is Adira Valdas doesn't keep prostitutes that are enslaved which makes it exotic in a way and would get a few of the richer clients coming for the thrill of a fully willing participant in their debauchery. Inside is just as extravagant, the red satin over the chairs inside, probably to hide the blood if a client got a little too rough, but rather than the usual seediness of most brothels even in a Drow city, it has more of a high-class bar feel, seemed to be more fun. The bar had a black garnet tabletop was and the bar seems fully stocked. It seems more like a fancy date place more than a brothel, which was probably the fantasy it was trying to portray. This place caters to any and all genders and all races, as it seems to be a hot spot for even tourist to the city. Rebca arrived at Adira Valdas, he was ready to fight Sebastian or cause a scene. Anything really to get the man's attention. Malachi was behind the bar watching the sex workers in case anyone of their clients, got a little too much for one of them and the fact Rebca literally threw Sebastian's cut of the Dandelion earnings on the table, seemed likely he would have to step in. Sebastian handled by being like Rebca I work here, can you not start a scene, and I am not leaving for anywhere mid shift. Since Rebca had gotten it into his stubborn head that because Sebastian agreed to return to the island where they first crashed during their time on the last job, they did he could just go at any point. Sebastian did some hand signals to indicate he had it handled and Rebca was led up to the apartments up the stairs of the brothels that were apparently provided for the prostitutes, they passed a few of the pay by the hour rooms as Sebastian got his keys out and got Rebca inside.   Inside the room is a small square. One wall is almost entirely mirrored closet doors with gold-toned frames. There is a recess at the end of the closet seems to have been made into a sewing nook. There is a sewing table minus the machine looks like he took steel wool and varnish thinner and re-finisher to it to melt the old, ugly varnish. There are some hanging cherry medicine cabinets over the table for making things with some plastic bins filled with material stashed underneath. It looks rather nice, only bit of personality here it seems.   The wall next to it is mostly doors. There is the door at the top of the staircase and the door to the upstairs bathroom. The bathroom is accessible from living area which isn't big. Seems to be missing a kitchen, not a surprise.   The next wall is a fake green dressing table with two ‘traditional style’ nightstands, painted them turquoise and topped them with a piece of marble. Hanging above is a beveled mirror over the nightstands and added some globe lamps for mood lighting obviously only turned on if he decides to trust a client enough to bring them here, doesn't look like he brings anyone here, however, clearly seems to be his own space. It’s hidden in the corner behind the door. He seems have books stashed on the shelves underneath.   The bed is a classic, heavy-duty brass-bed style frame, powder-coated red, topped with a ridiculously tall mattress. The bed positioned at an angle, so it projects into the room. Behind the bed, a selection of masks - some ornate and feathered. The duvet and pillows are big white and puffy some have ridges on them. The themes of red, white, turquoise, orange seem to be a favourite of the owner here… There is a red quilt folded at the foot of the bed. He has a black area rug on the floor, it's soft.   The dresser is this big, monstrosity that has been painted it turquoise, gilded the carving where appropriate, and been distressed the whole thing. The piece is very well made and probably was worth something.   On the dresser are two matching mid-century lamps with lighted bases, a maple wooden square jewelry box, assorted candles, perfume bottles, the biggest difference between when he lived with Chambers is the fact his clean laundry seems to live on top of the dresser.   Above the dresser is a large, framed painting of romance, clearly not picked by Sebastian either, it used to sell the illusion of date if of course he brought anyone up here. It's pretty one of a couple sitting next to a pool under a cherry blossom tree. lateral blinds in the two windows have nice bamboo shades, if someone wanted to see the city in its glory would just need to move them up. The walls are rental off-white. The floor is dated laminate.   After convincing Sebastian to leave which was actually easier once up the stairs and after Sebastian had changed into less revealing clothes and He pulled out a black appointment book and they ate. This was of course after Rebca had went through everything. The only awkward part of this is Rebca had to share a bed with his former lover. Sebastian fixed his shoulder and stiffness. He felt like he was being teased and it hurt a lot emotionally. Sebastian didn't notice this of course and actually slept. This is when Rebca decide to snoop around more. This was of course after he found out that Seb was letting Vampires feed on him and treated his scars too. Well after Seb went and gave his boss his book, he came back with a warning which caused Rebca to hate and dislike Malachai. But armed with the knowledge Sebastian would have to return after the island he resolved on getting Seb out of Rosilia and putting off the trip for as long as possible. He also was planning on killing the owner of the brothel for what he was currently led to believe when he had a chance.
    Chambers plundered most of the apartment and packed him up, then he meets Sean the blond witchwolf who was studying at Acme briefly apparently Sebastian had given him a client called Khors. It was more of a chance meeting because Sean had just gotten off shift as the pair were leaving. 
       After that Cambian saw them leaving and yelled at Rebca for not answering sending spells and then agreed to give Rebca information on the owner of Adira Valdas if he came and worked for Miz'ri and him freeing slaves. Well soon after they started to leave the Armpit and were chased by an unknown entity. This scared them both and Rebca cast anywhere but here to escape.

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    21 /3

    21 /3 00:00

    Meeting Freyr in Yggdrasil
    Religious event

    A dwarf with pigs was following the two out of Rosilia which it was clear to Rebca Sebastian only agreed to come along due to the fact he told the man, that he would find a way to get him to the island the two of them first met on.  They were resting in a tunnel or more arguing about something stupid, and Sebastian had threatened to go back to Rosilia when a creature of some kind had started to track them. Afraid due to the creature that live in the underground and the armpits they tried to escape and nothing they did seemed to be good enough to run away so Rebca casted Anywhere but here on the two of them. Hoping that they would at least be out of the armpit out of danger.   Of course, when they landed the bickering and fighting continued due to Sebastian being the most stubborn man alive. Something that Rebca threw in his face when they landed on this branch that pokes into reality in the maelstrom. This forces a portal open to a different world, with limited options the two adventurers started to climb the tree and found themselves in the world the portal the tree forced open.   It is found that inside of a tree that spans 9 different worlds. While in the tree, they heard loud angry barking. They ran off for safety and Rebca felt a call from the tree to more upwards to where it was brightest and felt light. Splitting off his stubborn ex. He jumped off into what seemed like endless light cause he’s the smartest. Looking behind him is just a smiling big squirrel barking happily in a mail man costume with the name tag Ratatoskr. He ended up into Alfhime. Then wound up taking a path around to some super-hot and physically bright elves, he met up with a blonde haired mostly naked man who was being treated like the ruler of these lands. Even Rebca notices this unnaturally hot man and is actually suspicious of him, figuring out the man is a god he finds himself a little angry at being a pawn and a plaything to the gods again. He does voice this opinion and is lucky Freyr isn't the type like Odin is to smite as soon as there are insults. He seemed to sympathize with the man's emotions.   Freyr gives Rebca three key points of information that he didn't have before, where Shub-Niggurath took Sebastian's love for him. That if he truly wanted to rebuild the love it was possible, but it would take time and effort but getting the soul of his former love would be easier. 
      He also revealed the reason why Rebca's Fey bond still worked, and he would always be Sebastian's master if he didn't break it or fix it. Then it seemed Freyr was telepathically talking to his sister Freya. He seems dumbfounded and let it slip that Sebastian was trying to die by taking on the whole cost getting the both of them to Aur. Rebca surmised it as dangling hope like a game in front of him and it hurt. The pain of hope felt the worse at this point to the man.

      When they return to Aur, they are placed outside of Anfortas and stiff breeze could kill the man Rebca still loves and doesn't really want to be near at the same time and has to use his skills to actually get Seb able to take that voyage to island that Rebca believes will give Sebastian that redemption Rebca believes he wants. Even if it's not completely true. Because despite Rebca's words seems he was still hanging on to some sort of hope even if he wasn't admitting it to himself.

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    22 /3

    22 /3 1900:00

    Scientific achievement

    Rebca Chambers, who wished to learn more about his yet-to-be husband - shared his woes to a monk named Solis. Solis postured that their adoptive father, Finnegan Bad, could peer into Sebastian's mind - allowing Rebca to get a better understanding of the ex-slave.   After collecting Sebastian while out on errands, Solis took the now unconscious ex-slave to Finn's house - meeting with him, Rebca and Astra. Ambushing Finn with his idea, Solis 'convinced' the psychic to allow them to go into Sebastian's mind and look through his memories - though their mental projections had to go through the Dreamlands to do so.   Once there, Rebca, Finn and Solis ventured through Sebastian's mind and memories - finding that the ex-slave had a darker past than what Rebca expected. With Solis taking notes, the three wandered the halls for a while... Solis splitting up to from the group to look at some of the more... locked away memories. Until Sebastian's mental defenses, empowered by Dreamland energy, threatened to eliminate the three.   Solis, in a gambit, realized that he could just kill Sebastian by touching any surface in the man's mind - then threatened to do so. This gave the three the chance to exit the ex-slaves mind. Solis then gave Rebca the notes of everything he saw and wished the two good luck on their relationship - after reawakening Sebastian.

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    30 /3 1200:00

    10 /4 00:00

    Pandemonium of anothers past

    Rebca and others are stolen from Anfortas to Elysia. Everyone is marked and wakes in a memory erasing and modification facility where the names usually get erased and slaves are modified to a master's whims if any. Brunte had a small feather with an arrow through it, which seemed to be a warrior tattoo of a sort, Rebca Chambers had a music note that seemed to be upside down that was a dandelion, Havera had a paw print, Ash had treble cleft with a heart in it, Loki had a cat sitting on the moon watching the stars, and Gudbrand had a butterfly with a rose through it. Rebca and Ash went into a panic. Brunte wanted to kill everyone who entrapped them. Gudbrand wanted to know who marked him so he could fight them. Havera and Loki were mostly confused and being innocent beans. Ash and Rebca recognized the marks, but Ash had the names and let people know that they were sold and now slaves on Elysian soil. Brunte was owned by Cassidy De Silvia who was a lich and a powerful Lycantrope. Rebca went pale as he was owned by Warren one of his boyfriend's masters who was also one of the princes of Keletira. Havera was own Jarrad Closter, he was well-known as a nasty rice farmer. Loki's was owned house of Wyndall they would buy slaves to play house, were very kind owners, couldn't have children of their own, and would wait till the slave was fully integrated into the family to release them, making them a Wyndall heir. This is weird even by Elysian standards. Ash got owned by one of his competitors, thing about the Thornclair company is that they would fix or spay their dancers and they didn't treat their dancers well. The owner of Thorclair company being a man named Alexander Goodell. Gudbrand had a pretty awful fate if they hadn't wakened before they went through modification procedures and was to be in the fighting pits of Occul on Elysia, and Ravenor Wright didn't care what happened to his slaves as long as they put on a good show.
    They all had their memories intact as they woke up in this horror shop and hadn't gotten any procedures, they were all slated for. One issue none of them had their familiars or Animal companions.
    The hospital upstairs after everyone decided they would escape and get themselves freedom once more. Every with a familiars or Animal companions felt they were outside of the building. It seemed like a worse, the fake glittering gold letter was a nice touch:
      If you don't wish for your cattle to breed, please remember to spay and neuter them.   This became their first priority except for Gudbrand, who was insistent on finding people to fight. The facility was mostly empty, and they did kill some of the nurses which they found out later were marked like they were. Opps.
    As they were exploring the facility, they found a young vampire who had already gone through the procedures to be owned by Randal Thronclair including being fully fixed. Ash got relatively pissed off because stage lights would have hurt him and Rebca was dealing with he's undead, but he is a child problem, seeing as he was trained to kill undead on sight.
      Due to the horror show, they saw and some of the undead being created there, the group burnt the hospital down to the ground after rescuing their animals from becoming meat rations and jerky.
      After that Rebca uses the sending spell to Sebastian and finds out he was on a job for the Zoya shipping company, and the important thing Seb was at home not somewhere in the gods forsaken plane of Sha'tar and they weren't due back for another week. Then they had another problem they didn't have any of their gear and it was probably stolen and four days away.
    After burning down the hospital there was a mighty honk, Rebca also had a panic attack, hiding behind Brunte. Willow meets up with his first friends before meeting the party he goes over and picks up the little baby goose looking confused at Rebca's reaction.
    After some walking and talking. Gudbrand Prince of all Sayings quadrupled down on just killing everyone and everything just outside of a town. Willow also starts calling Ash and Rebca his parents while getting closer to Brunte because he can speak Alko. Ash and Rebca treat Willow for hay fever because he was violently sneezing blood staining the bedsheet and protecting him from the sun. Willow happily eats grapes because he was hungry. And the party starts the long trail of trying to convince the young true vampire that he is a vampire.   While in town they met Retribution, who was keeping the town safe. Gudbrand had a time meeting up back with her doing some light sparing and everyone getting some rest. Loki started teaching Willow Common and teaching him sign language which everyone, but Gudbrand and Havera helped with. Gudbrand only wanted to kill the kid and Havera couldn't speak with him. Retribution told the party everything Ash already told everyone again but apparently more clearly because it was understood. Also learned that time moves differently here than on aur where time barely works. Also learning how they even got to this plane by the oldest tricks in the books that Zoya did to the party, a shipping job, funnily Rebca, and Brunte had fallen for a similar trick before. Ash got picked up by the tail and lectured for being a selfish little dumb brat and put onto the couch by Retribution. Rebca holds the goose to help with his depression. Then Ash tells this story in hopes Willow will get some sleep: ” The story starts long away. Long before Quilopth ruled the world. In those times things were freer and brighter. And one day, an Azata drew a crowd with their beautiful, wonderful singing. They sang out all kinds of songs, but in the crowd, they noticed the Faultspawn watching and listening and loving everything they heard. The music always drew the ear of Unionthe who watched from the shadows. After the performance, the faultspawned told the angel, “I am a leader, I am a ruler, I am a king. Do you wish to join me? No one with hurt you or your freedom.” The angel looked backed a little taken aback by this offer. He hesitated until he remembered the love and passion that the tiefling showed when listening to the music. Unionthe listened and watched this happen from the shadows and made a clever horrible plan. Unionthe waited for the perfect moment to strike, they waited a couple years for the two to settle in. The tiefling, the faultspawn woke up one morning and his angel wasn’t there. But he didn’t worry, Azata are known to wander. But by lunchtime, the faultspawn found the letter that Unionthe planned for him to find. His lover the Azata has been taken. To get them back, the faultspawn needs to play a game in the mountains where Unionthe has made their home. So, after lunch, the tiefling left as soon as possible ignoring everyone who was telling him to forget about the Azata. After the hard long journey to the mountains, he was greeted by his Azata, his lover in a cage. Without thinking he rushes up and tries to open the locked cage. Unionthe was in the shadows waiting to strike, once the faultspawn turned his back. Unionthe knocked him out. “Let’s now play a game, let’s see who can last the longest. Unionthe make and did horrible unspeakable tortures on the lovers. But neither of them faltered to the pain. Unionthe finally made a mistake and both of them tried to run away. But they were easily cornered by Unionthe. With their backs to a cliff, the Azata slipped and almost fell but was saved by the Faultspawn. But the tiefling couldn’t stop Unionthe from pushing both of them down and to their deaths together in their embrace.”
      Rebca scolds Ash for using images with blue hair Azata and blond-haired faultspawn because it was too close to him and Sebastian in his eyes. Ash then insisted that no that is actually what they looked like, in the famous play and in the historical story that made them a star constellation on Sha'tar. The worry about Willow's ravishing hunger starts to settle in for Rebca and Brunte went to watch the fight between Gudbrand and Retribution. Gudbrand came back up entirely unconscious and Retribution asked the others to heal him. While the rest of the group made sandwiches for Willow, Rebca was fighting with the idea that an undead kid could be innocent, while still wanting to detonate him.
    Brunte and Gudbrand disappear for a sparring match with Retribution around this time. After the fight and healing Gudbrand, as the sunrises. Iris steals some turkey and Rebca has to chase the cat while Loki summons Vel. Gudbrand waves off the healer Rebca to heal himself praising Retribution for her fighting abilities.
      "Let me do the patching up here. My fight, my job." Gudbrand will heal both of them back up to pristine health before injuries.
    They leave the town to go to a bazaar that is a couple of days away. the market being overwhelming for Willow the kid goes quiet. Some of the party goes off to get food. Everyone skips most of the market as Ash goes to play with Willow in a field and Brunte notices something is wrong and yells for everyone's attention. Something was in the marsh of rice.   Around dawn, the party comes to a mighty fortress. They of course are pretty angry about the treatment of the slaves being trained there and want to fight it, and someone even suggests lighting it on fire. About dawn, the party comes to a mighty fortress. The party's first thought is to fight it. Brunte spots that the guards were beating the cattle and couldn't stay by and watch. However, using Alces' advice and strategy, they get the schedule of the guards. Striking when the guards were away from the cattle. The pens being poor quality, scaring a poor little emberkin boy, the party gets his trust. With the boys' help, the party of Brunte, Ash, and Rebca carry 10 cattle out and through the moat getting them back safely to the camp. Rebca and Ash help the cattle with medical attention they really needed. Due to it being Dawn Willow sleeps during the day:

    Rebca led them around until the party finds a deep trench-like area and found a stone slab with:
    How can I escape from the
      Waring and the fighting?
      How can I keep from the
      Suffering and the dying?
      I am lying here fighting
      The battlefield is far from home
      My people are dying around me;
      I have never felt more alone.
        I wish I could escape from the
      War and the fighting
      I wish I could keep from the
      Suffering and the dying
      I'm lying here thinking in
      Trenches and the mud
      I am stuck here thinking covered
      In my friends and fallen comrades' blood.
      The group had decided that this is the best place to rest up cause everyone, but the vampire was tired. Gudbrand being evergreen as usual complains that the party didn't do the fight fort full of soldiers and guards not seeming to realize that is 4 days back now. The whole party went how fucking dumb are you to the prince of all sayings. He then feeds Willow cause a starving vampire is the best idea while traveling with a party of wounded slaves. "World's an outer god. Dunno if I know which one? But hey, you wanna start fight god, we can getcha shovel..."-Rebca to Gudbrand
    As the party settles into the trench a thick fog seemingly from nowhere starts to roll in and cover what now looks like a battlefield, the party thinks they see spells going and swords clashing sounds as it rolls into the area. There are yells calling and explosions around the party. There were many reactions of shock and surprise but from Ash and Rebca who were like sure ok this is now happening.
    Now realizing that they did not find the best place to rest. Almost like there was a stone slab warning people not to go there. The party as a whole went fuck this shit and starts to leave or try to. Rebca made sure the new cattle were ready to go as well. Everyone who matters realizes that Willow was nowhere to be seen. The cattle easily got lost in the fog losing contact with the main party.   A horde of armour-clad spectral soldiers rises from all sides. seem to be fighting each other mostly with the party caught in the middle. Around the same time that Rebca calls out to the group that it might be a haunt.
    Rebca following back onto his cleric training and tries to channel energy and actually tries to parry forgetting that he is fighting a ghost. Ash tries open his charkas and be cool but is too distraught by Willow going missing to balance those emotions and energies in his body. Havera throws paperweights. Vels claws and does something to the ghosts. In the background, 8 cattle get ghosted as the spectral arrows and swords cleave through their weak bodies.   Feeling their backs against the wall. Having most of their attacks fail or not having the best of luck being heavily damaged. They used their super backup plan of using their brains knowing they will mostly like fail in thinking. Ash in a rare showing of smarts and shows the ghosts what they want. Ash casts a major image to weave the battlefield to show the ghost soldiers what they wanted. Ash gave one last final command to rest as they uphold their orders. the ghostly arrows and sword cleave into the illusion as ash makes the spell react to attacks. The soldiers went to rest for the last time feeling the truth in Ash's words.
    Everyone being surprised that Ash actually solved a puzzle, asked him what he did. Ash shrugs, it was just a good thing. Everyone was super tired from this and wondered what happened to Libra the guy who made the stone slab. Rebca and Havera had talked to him and found out some information about the plane of Sha'tar. The party rereads and come to the conclusion that he died just after he finished leaving a message onto the stone slab. Also, Ash lies through his teeth when he says he is rarely unbalanced to the point where his chakra fails him. Willow is asleep happily in a tent that Loki made.
      After resting up from "fighting" the ghosts, Rebca sends to Brunte cause he went out and hasn't come back yet. The party sent out the combat ordinated boys to figure out the town's layout, and culture, and get rations. When Chambers sent to Brunte saw the arena: the first thing that hits him is the smell. The stench of excrement, insect larvae, and stagnant water catches in the back of your throat. The air is thick with moisture and Rebca could already see the sweat beading on Brunte's and Gubbrand's brow. He sees Brunte's foot hit the wood and then he notices notice that above the marshy floor of the arena sits a series of thin wooden catwalks, casting a loose grid over the map. The arena floor under the walkways is covered in thick mud and dotted with fetid pools of brackish water. The dull roar of the cheers of the crowd are very loud as Gudbrand and Brunte fight Crocodiles are deafening. This is how everyone learned of the Harbour ward nearby that held a fighting coliseum. Ash, Havera, Willow, and Loki were rather glad it wasn't up in flames yet. Once they entered the town, they saw the grand arena since it was most of the town.
      Chambers pointed at the arena. "Well. Know exactly where our fighty boys went." Chambers says outside the arena.   Ash responds, "Yeah, they're both big boys. Let's look around." Entering the small town, the party goes to the arena because it was very easy to find and decided it might be best not to enter before sundown as that was the time limit Rebca had set. As the party is well known for their patience and not doing things before, they have all their cards, they go off to get more info and food. While pretending to wait, they get some info on those who own some of the party. By that, Ash and Rebca run into Ravenor Wright and Cassidy De Silvia, they stay hidden and listen into a conversation that the two are having and gather some much-needed information. In the background, Willow has burnt his hand and his teeth are getting longer as his insatiable hunger is getting worse. This is boding well for Rebca's sense of I must kill the undead instincts.
    While the Lich and the Aasimar with chains talk gets a bit violent, Rebca and Ash decide it would be best to return to the rest of the group. They, however, once more gather up and realize they are still low on supplies and so they spilt up one more time to get stuff in order to survive travel. Ash had disappeared into the clothing section of the market, which was rather large and vast, so Rebca started to wish for a locate dumbarse spell. Loki had gone off to get supplies like food and found himself in a nice bakery, when he returned, he looked rather sad. He gives Willow some food and he sees to get smaller fangs after, he ignores the raw meat that Loki gave him. He still didn't know the food he was craving was blood due to being a vampire. Loki Then leads Ash, Havera, and Rebca to a person that apparently protected Loki from some really bad people. The person was an Aasimar who had protected the cleric from being assaulted and was bleeding from being plucked due to protecting a slave. Loki really needed someone to help with healing which Rebca and Havera help with patching up Loki's savior. Gudbrand and Brunte finally leave the arena fights, both of which are no longer marked by their masters due to winning their freedom in the fights. The Prince of all Sayings gloats all over the people in this group, about how in order to be free all you have to do is be strong enough. Brunte wisely stays silent on the matter and refuses to talk about what happened in the Arena.
    As the rest of the group was sleeping and Rebca was being reckless, he went off on his own when he heard a scream nearby. Willow followed him in the night because going alone was never a good idea. Rebca tries to tell Willow to get Havera who isn't willing to leave Mama Rebca alone while Mama Ash is sleeping and Father Brunte was mediating. As the screams get louder and they think they are in the water, but it smells like iron and metal as they splash through. Willow removes his sheet as it is dark enough to not burn since the sun isn't out either. Soon they come to a little girl next to a dead whale that is bleeding out and she is sitting in the blood alone. She seems to be looking at the blood as she scoops it up into her hands. She lets out another bloodcurdling scream before going silent again.
    Rebca picks up the young vampire as the boy questions his mom why does it smell good in broken common. Rebca calls out the little girl, she just flicks out after she was called to. Confused about what is happening he detects what kind of magic is around finding strong necromancy and enchantment in the air. Not wanting Willow to be tempted more by blood Rebca starts to back up. He quickly figures out that all the exits have disappeared. The girl flickers in the blood pool letting out blood-curdling screams as blood starts to flow and fill up the pool. Willow's fangs elongate as the pair gets covered in blood cause Rebca is asking the wrong questions. The girl becomes Mlandoth and Mril Thorion according to the cycle surrounding these beings, they are a sort of cosmic yin and yang, whose meeting resulted in the creation of all things. Their joinings routinely create and destroy matter and entities. it is uncertain if it is a place, a conscious being, or an inconceivable maelstrom of unknown forces and properties outside the perceptible cosmos. This is the form they took in front of Willow and Rebca taunting the vampire to attempt to destroy Rebca.   The form she becomes:

    Rebca then panics as Willow gets more intoxicated by the blood. More and more worried that this might end badly for both of them.
    Willow being super hungry, Rebca washes off them with the create water spell and then casts life bubble on Willow hoping it seals off the blood smell. Being told to hand on by Rebca doesn't seem to help Willow much as he is fighting his own nature as the veins by his eyes pop out. Rebca starts to cast something to put the struggling vampire to sleep. Rebca tells Willow to tell him the stories he knows to distract the boy. Willow tells Rebca of Cinderella, Rebca has a hard time at first understanding cause Willow was stumbling over his words, but the story reminds him of what Sebastian has told him about a woman named Ella.
    Now that Willow has been calmed by sleep and wasn't trying to kill Rebca due to being put in the metabolic molting using a pearl to get the magic cost squared away. Veles pops into the scene as Rebca pick up the pearl, surprised that the spell worked. Veles helped Rebca get into the church from below in the caravan getting closer to escaping from this nightmare fueled place. So, Loki unbeknown to him is just chilling with Warren. Loki looked like he was having a good time with the conversion. Warren is a white hair monster with black chiseled charred molten lava skin with silver shards of sharp armour poking out of what seems to be his skin. He has straight red, devil horns, and silver bracers, his ears are pointed like a sharp knife. His eyes are purely blood red and he looks at both slaves with a hunger for sadism and a hunger for pain. Warren then sees Rebca he begins taunt as it takes Loki very long time to process that Warren is the one who owns Rebca. Warren will then for up to the pretty blond pirate and garbs him by the collar of his shirt and poof, he disappears, and casts time stop with Rebca in the spell.
    Time freezes around the two, time seems to go a little frigid as it stops, and Loki has frozen in his place and Warren seems to have decided walking deeper into the church is what he wants to do, and he pins the poor sailor to the wall. Rebca panics as he is pinned. Warren does promise that he will live it seems Warren is more interested in breaking the spirit of the shaman. Warren pulling out something from his hip. then pressing it deep into Chambers abdomen, it burns like fire and acid and freezes like ice as it is plunged in the sailor's veins. Rebca makes a joke, so he gets stabbed more. Rebca gets out his liquid glass sword to fight back and does so successfully. Both swordsmen do an amazing dance of clashing swords. Rebca gets cut more, Warren gets some cuts. When Warren is cut pretty deep, he has a creepy smile on his face, almost as if the sick man liked the feeling of pain. He doesn't stick around leaving Rebca in a timeless area. This causes a little more fear with the pirate.
    So Brunte, Ash and Gudbrand finally find the church, which takes them a little longer because Ashleigh got lost on the way to the creepy outer god church. Gudbrand hearing, Loki calling for Rebca, destroys the wall to the church when he could of went thought the open door, which everyone was inside the building. Well, Rebca just tells everyone what happened to him, since he is still very injured. He then tells every one of the Orchard and everyone agrees with the objective to get their souls back from the apple orchard. So, the first thing they do when they get to town, is trying to find a ship. Brunte and Gudbrand are leading the group in an attempt to get a ship for a voyage across the ocean. Rebca remembers and sees the ship of the vampire Alaric who owes him a duel and a life debt. Brunte and him go to negotiate passage without the man who fought a wall. They also get all their weapons and supplies as Alaric, goes and procures it for the group.
    The ship is rather comfortable, and everyone has almost forgotten they are marked. Rebca gets to sleep on a comfortable bed without having to warm it. Brunte popped Rebca's shoulder n. Loki pulls out the board games he bought at the port town. Alces is accused of cheating by Brunte when Brunte loses at the games, Willow gets to be a kid for the very first time in his life. Most of the party, is happy and feeling good about themselves and Gudbrand trains off to the side and continues to stay apart from the rest of the group. Loki and Willow learn how to play checkers with Rebca at some point. Around this point during the day so Brunte has kept watch over Willow to make sure if any threats were close, he could get the boy out starting to see Willow as his own son. But three days in the ship was visited by an Ancient Wyrm Sea dragon. Gudbrand threw a blast at the dragon. So, the dragon just threw a beam back destroying the ship. The party did their best saving the crew however in their rush they forgot that the captain was a vampire, so he died to the rushing waters of the sea. However, the party made it back to port super fucking pissed at Gudbrand and the bastard just shrugs at the party. Gudbrand even went as far as to say, "If the captain wasn't weak, he would have survived."
    Chambers looked at the armoured idiot with utter confusion and disbelief. "Right, well, if the mighty prince of all sayings can see way to helping with the massive fuck up he caused, would be appreciative! Please!"
    He continued to haul people out toward the lifeboats.
    When hearing Chambers call out Gudbrand let out a sigh as he knew that fighting now would probably kill him. Turning around he went to help put people in boats, though he had expected sailors to know how to swim. He did bark back though. "No one gets to tell me what to do! Not the fucks from here, and not you."
    "Pride has price," Chambers said, and channeled energy to heal everyone.
    Proud. Foolish." Brunte calls back. "Not tempered with humility. Bad mixture."
      "Need. Help. Why Gudbrand idiot?" Havera asks.   Loki pulls a wand of Cure light wounds. "L..Let me t..treat your wounds, n..not sure why h..he is L..Like that, i..i hate him."   Gudbrand looks at Brunte. "Is that supposed to be insulting? You say I'm prideful, I say damn right. That's my pride in the Saiyan I am. The mighty prince of the ultimate warrior race."   "You are a fool. Nothing more."
    Brunte responds to the prince disinterestedly.
    "Moving on. We cannot change what is done."
      "M..My sleepover is g..gone." Loki looks sad "B..But i am glad my f..friends are"
    The party has little trouble in getting the boat and all set up. The little trip was going very well. Gudbrand stayed in his suite below deck and never came back up. Everyone but Chamber and Ash stayed in the cattle area where they played games with Willow losing to Acles every time they played. Rebca and Ash had a fun time of being harassed by the crew because they were wearing chains of bed warmers. Rebca was glad they weren't iron. The first 3 days are uneventful as daytime slaves do get untied it's only at night they get tied to their stations almost as if the ship doesn't care if they drown. The swing of ship life seems to come easy to all. Rebca and Ash get sunburn from too much sun exposure. Only Havera seemed able to sleep much however at night. One of the many nights as Willow seemed to grow more and more attached to Brunte as a person actually calling him father in another world as they sail. Soon however there are crabs holding Saps crawling over the deck. "Dammit Fergus..." Brunte growls upon the mere sight of the crabs. "They've learned his ways."   "Wait, I'm not hallucinamalating armed crabs?" Chambers asked.   It was a quick fight and Brunte had decided to toss them over bored rather than kill the crabs as they weren't much of a danger. Ash and Rebca then exchange some of their services to a man on the ship, who taken a liking in a creepy way. He traded Rebca kissing Ash, while he watched for important information on the ship called the Zoya. A bastard of a seagull steals his seashells from him and Rebca has to airwalk to chase the seagull.
    Flying at full speed after the seagulls leads Rebca to a small island. His cat pops out to get healed and annoy Rebca. The cat walks off somewhere making Rebca to follow after. While talking to his cat the trees responded to him instead. The tree person offers to help rebca with his manicals. Rebca learns that her name is Ella. Chambers started spluttering. Rebca asks ella if she knew Sebastain like this "Short answer? Know an friend of yours. Blue hair. Aasimar. Kinda cute in a really dumb way." Rebca learned that Ella's wedding had to be canceled. Rebca remembers to ask if they are alone on the island. Ella told him that it is her island, and it is existing cause she wants it to because they are in a mindscape. He also gets his shells of sending back. Ella is very confused by the lengths that Chambers used to get them back. Rebca also learns she is basically that she is a prisoner. She escorts him out to the docks. So, he sends to Ash to tell him where he is.
    After calling his friends on the ship to let them know they were alright. He is greeted by a familiar red headed lady with fierce green eyes and in what seems to be a solder uniform. Rebca follow the scary Lich wolf named Cassidy De Silvia. She is rather angry about some undead he destroyed. He was caught talking to her gardener who was in irons when wandering onto her property which was an unlucky turn of events for him. He isn't able to pay off his debt with gold and he was not willing to make undead, so he offers her service. So, she marks him with her slave mark and tells him 30 years or when he pays off the debt. He leaves the lich wolf's home and heads off to the beach and see a great old crab break the ship Havera, Loki, Brunte, Alces and Willow are on. He secretly hopes that Gudbrand drowns but for some reason fate doesn't seem to kill the prince of all sayings yet. He then meets a man who is swimming in the water and has octipus legs in the water, he calls himself Marr. Rebca enlist Marr's help for getting survivors off the boat that just sank. Well seeing Rebca is now double marked and has two masters Brunte is not happy with that turn of events and decides he will fight her later, as the group tends to the wounded and Gudbrand stays quiet. Loki is excited because he is unmarked because his owner thought he was dead.

    Teh morning after Ash and Rebca have a rather important conversation.
    “Ah ok… remember the guy you made the deal with…. I’m sorry, I got distracted like the night after you left, saw Willow so when to talk to him. Ah kind of left what I was doing half done. Was almost pushed off. Then went back to what I was doing. The guy ah, kept on pulling my tail and then my hair and tail. I ah got dumb and said something dumb like if you’re after my tail so much why don’t you fuck me…. Ah then he pulled my arm behind my back………….”
    Ash still looks down. He is having hard time talking. Ash weeps at the end and haves a hard time finishing what was the ending, but you can easily infer what happened.
      "Oh. Well. Hrm." Chambers looked around. "Wonder if he's still nearby...did prepare that Fire Storm spell, just in case shitty ship limped into port." He took a breath. "Sorry that happened, Ash. Didn't deserve that."
      "Ah please don't tell anyone, not Willow, not Loki, not Brunte, no one. Already feel like I wasn't useful at all during boats trips. ah, just please don't. I ah trust you. If I can focus for 5 seconds, I would've pushed the guy off the side." Ash says.
      "...your choice, who to share with. Intended to ask cat to poison the fucker, if we ever did kiss. Use it as distraction." Rebca responds
      "He got more than a kis....." Ash just shivers a little stopping that thought there.
      "No charge. But. Well. Suggestion." He made a gesture to the mark on his leg. "Whole damned thing? Been a trek in Seb's shoes. Well. Footsteps, I guess, still ain't got shoes. My plan? When we get home? Second or third thing I'm gonna do is go, beg forgiveness for some of the stupid shit I've done. You just got to learn what it was like to be payment. Maybe think on that and go talk."
      Chambers snorted. "Though? Hell of it is? Don't think he considers what you did wrong. That would mean him havin' value beyond ability to fuck, for it to be wrong, and he refuses to see he has it. So. Don't expect much more than shrug and 'sure, no hard feelin's' or like."
      “I didn’t expect that. I just wanted someone I trusted to talk to. I’m sorry.” Ash just curls up into a ball.
      "Wasn't tryin' to make you feel bad, Ash, or woulda used works like 'deserved', which would be wrong, and bullshit of me," Chambers said softly. "Just givin' you somethin' to think on. If I can learn from this shit? You should too."
      “I know. Am learning, pain is still real. Goina have some time to myself. Please. Ah don’t want Loki to see me like this, ah hard to explain.”
    So, after they rescue the slaves from the ship, Brunte is getting tired of slaves being randomly killed as they adventure and Alces and him go and buy land somewhere and start sending them to that town with some gold to start their new free life. The town was called Antigonia, this town started to spread as a free town pretty fast. Only the freed slaves and those who supported them could go and live their lives and the legend had begun on Elysia.
    They find themselves walking in endless rice fields, they knew they were getting closer to Havera's master since he was a well know rice field owner. As they were walking, they got bitten by old one's spawn and it made Rebca who hadn't been shoes very sick. After healing himself and the others of disease and poison, Havera insisted when he had a chance, he should get shoes as this had almost killed him. They then go to an empty house and decide to break in where they steal clothes, food and supplies and Ash forces shoes on Rebca. This is where Rebca is tricked by an illusion. Brunte adopts the evil dog chihuahua on a pile of skeletons that was clearly a trap and names it Alces Jr.
    Ash leads Rebca, Havera, Brunte and Alces thourgh warm water with their weather warn skin, feels like being thriced burned. It seemed to leave each of their skins slightly flushed, and the scent of roses from the water followed them as the water rippled. Everyone's eyelids feel a little heavy as they travel even Brunte who doesn't usually get tired. The pain of the last fight with the snakes follows them. Soon they hear as they moved closer and closer to the capital city. The architecture is very ottoman and even the walls of the city seem to match a sultan's castle the favored colours seem to be greens, blues and purples. None of the buildings here seem to have doors instead its archways with beads over them much to Rebca's and Havera's confusion.
    Once everyone is inside Ash's dance studio called Sun Art. They decide it's best to rest up. Gudbrand and Brunte decide to make sure it's safe from hunting dog's slaves that hunt other slaves. Iris is pissed off by all the stray cats at Ash's house that Ash tends to feed. Willow sneaks out due to having a bright idea of talking to his owner for Ash and him. Brunte tells this to Rebca and then is escorted back to the Sun Art. Then Rebca and Ash walk to the Thornclair studio. They make a deal to free Willow which is honored, but Alexander refuses to free Ash at all. So, then they play cat and mouse with the man due to him being a powerful caster of illusion spells and anti-divination specialty, well it doesn't take Ash long to kill him in his anger. To Rebca's horror he watches as the mark changes and the dance studio slaves almost run due to their new master who will just eat them, they follow the party in hopes of getting a deal that doesn't involve being eaten by their new master.
    After that whole thing, the party runs into a bath house. Willow tries to hide his elongated fangs. And while the shaman is distracted by why there was a random bath Chambers gets too close and tries to stop the newly unmuzzled and compelled vampire from biting him and fails too and he will feel the fangs sink into Chambers skin Rebca yells out "ASH! GET YOUR DANCY ASS BACK HERE!" he bellowed as he avoided the bite but was grabbed. "C'mon Willow, it's me! Rebca! The one whose all lady-like! Snap outta it, kiddo!" spoken in alko. Stops Willow by casting hold monster and the boy gets tied up by the rest of the party. There is a fight about whether or not Rebca should kill Willow because the boy is now a full true vampire. Brunte basically states the boy did nothing wrong and protects him from the shaman. The bathhouse had magical influence on the poor vampire.
    Walking a bit further away with the guilt wrapped Shaman and watching Brunte keep Willow safe distance from things he can drain. They come across a portal to a grove with a small pond in front of it and fey entering and leaving through it. Marr was there swimming in the pond and relaxing. They all start relaxing. The 8-legged man smiles and makes a deal for things that seem to be junk to everyone in order to get them home. He tells them if they get back in a week, he will get them home.
    Chambers slumps onto a knee. "Gone," he told Brunte, checking his eye. "Must have run. During fight."
    "WILLOW!" Havera screams, pain in every letter.
    Ash just slumps, "I'm sorry chambers"
    "Gone," Chambers said again. "Ran. Not your fault. Wasn't. Hrrrm. Cautious." He checked the bite wound.
    Brunte relaxes slightly. "Good. He lives. "He turns to the Shaman. "You ok?"
    "I failed again. I'm sorry" Ash states downcast.

      Chambers looked up, the bleeding gash running from the base of his eye to his chin distorting the smile a little. "Yeah. Don't think I'm turnin', least. Keep wooden stake and fire handy just in case, though." He looked over. "Willow chewed through bonds in mouth. Went to check. Lunged. Bit. Drained. Full vampire, now."
      "No, He didn't finish." Ash in half shocke     "Willow vanish. How find Willow?" Havera asked   "First. Healin'. Pretty...bad shape." As well as the Willow bite, and other damage Chambers had acquired, the mark on his face and bite marks didn't look healthy. "Oh. Uh. Gather salts, too, please. Useful. When, uh. Spells back." He shivered. "Then, uh. Can try. Mist. Doesn't move fast? I dunno. Eyes might find 'em."
    Ash gives him encouragement
    "Listen to me, you are strong. you are brave. And you are loved by a bunch of idiots. We will help you out. Have you seen Alces? He's already crying missing you" -Ash
    After tons of talking Willow down a lot. Willow falls asleep exhausted.   Gudbrand decides to attempt to convince the party to kill Willow which goes down like a lead balloon with all the shit this man has pulled. Brunte is on his last straw with the man and say the next time he endangers the group or Willow he will deal with him.
    Chambers rubbed his face on the unwounded half. "Well. Almost home. Just get apples, get home, never seen him again. Can't sink shit on land, I hope."
    This is when some banter between Loki, Ash and Rebca start up about mocking the gods, it's pretty friendly as they run into the next thing on their journey in Elysia.
    After the Willow calming down, they continue into the forest. Rebca is the to notice they are being shadowed by Obitu. Instead of blasting them, the party actually talks with them. Somehow, they convinced (they bribe) the undead to lead them to the rice farmer who owns them. As the party follow the dead but not dead creature through the small woods to another farmhouse with a man sitting on the porch with sweet smell of pipe tobacco filling the air, he's not sitting on any furniture as everyone approaches. After talking with the farmer, and those who were slaves were forced to strip down entirely. This left a rather lasting impression on Rebca. probably because he had to take off his shirt, revealing the vicious, puckered stab wounds on his chest and side that Warren had left, and slowly turned to show off his back and the acid scar there. He wasn't quite happy when he was forced to remove his pants. The party freed Havera. It takes more effort and more money to free Ash and the others. Leaving Rebca as the only marked one in the party. He also was relieved when the man was convinced not to just gate him 'home' to Warren, due to Loki lying and convincing the rice Farmer that they were a choir and Rebca was an important member Warren was letting them borrow for the time being.    
    After a day of walking, the party reaches a bazaar. First thing ash does was help out a cattle dancer with dancing. This leads to Ash offering to dance with Rebca. Ash more kind of yanked Rebca out to dance with him in the street but Rebca still agreed before the yanking. Ash tries his best to get the spotlight off of Chambers because he was getting gross looks due to being still marked as a slave. Ash for the last dance of the night he used some magic to make the street into a beautiful ballroom with an Orchestra in the background playing music. Trying to drown out the crowd so Rebca would dance more freely without worry. It doesn't work out as much as Ash had hoped and Rebca has a slight panic due to being touched when he didn't want to be. While there after dancing, Ash buys a portrait of the Elysian constellation of the lovers, which is also a famous Elysian play. He gives this as a gift to Rebca as both a thank you and to prove to the pirate that he wasn't lying about how close Rebca and Sebastian look to the main characters of the legend. Rebca get the flying kitty blanket thinking about Sebastian and his love to be high up.
      The lovers:
      They stayed at an inn with a bath house, the floor of the room scared Rebca to no end and they rested for the night. It was like a cliff and looked very realistic, but it was just good art. So soon after they had awakened, after about an hour of travel, the group comes to a large farmland as you get to the orchard. This farm seems odd plenty of pens and the like around. However, it seems something is more off then the lack the fact the pens are empty in their entirety. The farmhouse is small, but the land is vast. They seem like they would raise animals and there is an apple orchard on the land. The wooden gate is swinging open and there is a large red barn here. Same feelings as before those who were here, feels empty.
    After talking about the guardian of the orchard, the Demiurge appears out behind the party. A woman who moved extra slowly and seemed move as if age had stiffened her. She had half white and black hair and seemed very young despite her movements Her eyes were and echo orange that saw through most souls, but no one was sure if she could see. Her horns seemed long and curved in an upwards in a fashion like a dragon and her ears poke out of her hair half like an elf, but they were rounded at the end instead of pointed like a blade. She seemed to be in mourning outfit that barely covered her. But her beauty matched her age. Asking for their soul apples back and more important to Rebca is Sebastian's love. Gudbrand just tries to force his way into getting his apple back and Demiurge showed off why she is the guardian. The party goes out to find the apples. After that now the hard part happens is the payment of said apples. First thing Rebca wants to trade away was his love only to be told that it isn't pure enough for the souls or the apple with Sebastain's love, maybe it would be equal to the blue one. Ash gave away a lock of his hair to get his apple back. Gudbrand trades the memory of what he had for breakfast for his soul. Ash pays for Havera's silver apple with his love for Loki and Chambers. At some point Gudbrand got Havera's labyrinth's mark because he pissed off the guardian. Rebca offers a treant to get the gold apple. Chambers sighed, and took off his necklace, unthreading the broken ring that meant so much to him and trades that over for the heart apple. She however doesn't take the necklace just the rings. Havera offers up her dream of flying for the dark purple apple. And then gets scolded for offering so much and gets escorted out. Rebca offers up a memory of little houseboat that meant something dear to him gaining him a green apple. And lastly Rebca offers water from the Styx for the red apple. Gudbrand eats his apple and gets ready to leave and Rebca furthered the Life debt Brunte believed he owed. They watched as she made all the things they traded away while Gudbrand continued to try to force the demiurge to basically take off the Labyrinth mark. Which she ignored. She also told him if she so chooses, he could be erased. The group leave with what they came for.   Ash's soul 

    Rebca's Soul

    Brunte's soul

    Gudbrand's soul

    Havera's soul

    Loki's Soul 

    Willow's soul

    Sebastian's love for Rebca Chambers

    After a tearful goodbye and giving Willow his golden apple soul, he warned them the apples were very addictive. He also gets an ax throw at him by Gudbrand and Willow resolves to become as strong as he can like his adoptive father Brunte not like Gudbrand the bully. The group return to Marr who looked like he hadn't slept in an entire week, and they get sent home.

  • 104

    2 /4 600:00

    2 /4 2300:00

    symbol of courage,love and horror
    Life, Relationship change

    Rebca returns home after being kidnapped and sold into slavery in elsyia. Having returned very excited to help his ex. After his ex gave up his love, Rebca being the stupid and stubborn good boy he is, he got his own soul, Sebastian’s soul and Sebastian’s Love apples that looked like a beating heart. Rebca shows off his spoils of war to his at first uncaring ex. Sebastian in a rare burst of emotions said no to Rebca about eating the apples and broke a mirror in frustration. Rebca dugged in his heels and decided that this was the one of many hills to die on and gave an order to Sebastian to eat it. Sebastian begged and pleaded to not do this but ended up failing to the vow the both of them had yet to fix, and eating the apples as ordered. However later he would explain why he didn't wish to eat the apples, much to the horror of Rebca due to his own actions.

  • 104

    3 /4 1200:00

    7 /4 00:00

    Magic breaks causing panics
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    It has been about eleven days of silence since the failure to rescue the Phoenix Dragon from The Collector. As a result, dragons continue to flood the continent from all over the planet - with them and their kindred continuing to lose control of themselves. Many do not seem too worried; The Collector hardly ever has reached his hands beyond The Great Forest. Many have seen this development as a good thing, no more Phoenix Dragon means no more rampant death and destruction every year… well, at least less.   Though few - very, very, very few - know this means nothing but bad news - very, very, very bad news. And they were right.   Then, at the very beginning of the 12th day - mere minutes after the passing of the 11th, the planet lit up. A pillar of fire engulfed part of The Great Forest - hundreds of meters in width and extending past the sky and into space itself… only just stopped by the barrier surrounding Aurea and its moons.   But there is something that did happen. Far, far, far above the planet of Aurea, a crack formed in reality itself. It was small, but it stuck out like a ten-day old corpse in a swimming pool. The dark purple sky was almost like a pane of glass, with a crack that led into deep, endless darkness. Almost immediately, specks of black begin to fall from this small crack and onto the planet. This crack only seemed to have lasted for but mere minutes before the sky would fold onto itself… mending the hole and leaving dark spots on our reality, like a scar unto flesh. It wasn’t hard to identify where this pillar originated from - Talida’s Grove. It did not take long for the people to send scouts out there… only to discover what was expected. Nothing. No ash, no ruins, no trees. Not even a waterfall, hill or cave. Just a flat, gray expanse of burnt dirt in the shape of a perfectly flat and round circle. With no trace of the Archdruid, Talida, to be found. With no Archdruid or Master of The Ley on the continent of Aurelia, there was no one to repair the damaged Leyline.   Immediately, the effects could be felt. Magic, possibly across the entire planet, began to flicker and writhe. The portal in the center of The Arrival Square in Aurelian began to wink in and out, ever so slightly. The effects of the damage were subtle, but noticeable. Anyone who knew anything about magic knew it would only get worse if nothing was done.   As soon as magic began to malfunction, the most powerful social representatives of and around the continent begun to meet; once again preparing to deal with these new, horrible developments.
      This is what all of Aurea knew, when magic broke the first time. Rebca had ran to see Astra, Arnu, Selie, Abigial, and Kiesh. He meets up with them as Finn was seeing them off to Elysium. They were calling it a vacation, but Rebca knew it was for their safety. Seeing them off as a tearful goodbye and we will see you again Finn and him stayed behind. Rosilia had closed their borders during the dragon debacle with the Pheonix dragon so getting to Peilu and Cambian and his family was impossible. But they weren't the only ones with the idea to run off plane. Plenty of people panicked when magic broke and started sending family to safety.
      This of course was made even worse when a bunch of adventurers not associated with Rebca at the time summoned Khors to get answers on how to kill Grimglop and rescue the Archdruid. This grand idea caused an extreme strand with the leylines and with everyone trying to run off plane magic broke more.
      When it broke more planar travel off of Aur was impossible and everyone trying to escape where sent back. The majority of them arrived in the Arrival square of Aurelian which at the time was a thriving city. Well true to the law of the plane and due to the panic of the people sending children to safety the mess started. Children can not survive the portal and if they are sent through, they become slushy of bone meal, guts, blood and viscera. This of course made the healer panic a bit and ask his boyfriend who enjoyed breaking the sound barrier by flying to take them. What would have taken a week did not. Brunte had come to investigate, Pari was there attempting to help, a couple of dwarfs were there healing and setting up tents as well to help if they could when Rebca arrived, Crobe as a small hoppy mouse came a revived some people as well. Meave was there shortly but soon was taken by her knight to help him atone for his failure.   It was not long for Rebca and many to have a bunch of kids around him as he got the majority of them back. Some didn't want to return but you can't force that. Pari had stolen a halfling child slave and wasn't returning them to Rosila. Sebastian took if on himself to not listen to the frustrated Rebca and return children to the Hamlet and Aurelian. Brunte stole a little girl who decided he was the best at tea parties.

    Rebca then almost left without Sebastian with a gang of children to Anfortas. This is when they both returned one to the meadow. The house they returned the kid too was made of angel skin and it really made Rebca uncomfortable sending the poor boy back. But even Finn said his hands were tied when asked about it. Sebastian didn't want to help. So Rebca resolved to get people to help him rescue the kid at a later date. Mostly after he had a place to send him.

  • 104

    1 /5 1200:00

    3 /5 1200:00

    Sean Victor Langley
    Military: Skirmish

    A young angel kin Aasimar who needed help and was in a house that was using a bell that could only hurt angel kind. Rebca had to leave him there temporarily with his mother who was a spoiled human. Most the group knew she was only living the way she was because her husband needed an heir and she had provided. The other issue was that he was living in an angelskin house. Rebca was ill equipped to handle a child and well Sebastian had told him under any terms would he help care for one. So, when he found someone suitable who agree to adopt the child, he set out to Rescue Sean. They went in and were easily able to take the cowering child. However, Angela asked Rebca if she could take him an raise him. He readily agreed since she seemed better than who was caring for him now. Heather and Pari came along, stopping Heather from right out killing the women was the hardest part of the mission and Pari hated the use of flesh golems as security and didn't steal anything from this Meadow Ward home.

    The only reason they didn't burn down the house is because the women who was hurting their own kid for their own gains would get nothing if Sean died or disappeared. It is said Sean is happy and starting to talk now under Angelas gentle care. He is training to be a cleric of Starfire the Red. His brother Miles a white kitsune enjoy each other's company and truly think of one another as brothers, in every sense of the word.
      Artist rendition of Sean Victor Langley 

    Additional timelines
  • 104

    21 /5 1200:00

    22 /5 1800:00

    Fey Marriage, Equal Partners in the eyes of the Fey

    Sebastian and Rebca went out flying on the flying cat blanket. Rebca eyes were closed because he was afraid of heights. Still where they went was a surprise so using Rebca's fear wasn't the best. Rebca wasn’t really happy in where they landed. The waterfall labyrinth holds bad memories and fey and the Archdruid who Rebca isn’t on good terms with or that’s what he thinks. The owner of the druid grove was out so Rebca relaxed a little.
    They walked and talked while trying hard not to get lost promising not to tell Selie if they do get lost. The talking had moved from subject to subject since they had a lot to talk about. From how life and death are connected and those kinds of balance. And the labyrinth responds to the talks as it changes with the subject matter. At one point as they get more and more lost and played with by the labyrinth itself. The labyrinth is a magic item that has an ego and is very intelligent.
    Eventually they rested since, it was a long walk and some rest, Rebca watched Sebastian grew black gunmetal colored wings much to Rebca's surprise and awe. They are beautiful and looked painful. Sebastian woke up and it took convincing from the Shaman that he actually had a set of wings.
      They continued walking more they finally got on top the topic of how to fix their fey oath. Again, the labyrinth answered giving them tons of dancing autumn fey and Rebca panics his way out of there. They found a cottage on an island.
      Outside of the cottage was a beautiful old lady who was dressed in animal skins. Most weirdly for Rebca he felt a similar aura of protection that he only felt from Sarenrae like gently sunlight brushing against one’s skin. The woman leads Rebca and Sebastian inside of her cottage. Briefly passing three rooms, one that was filled with tools and materials like a workshop. The second one is a well taken care of infirmary. And the last room was one of a scholar filled with books and a cluttered desk of important papers. Walking pass that into a little kitchen and a living/sitting room.
    In there, Rebca asks the old lady about herself and why her cottage is in the grove. The lady answers those questions with that the archdruid has kindness in her but not for free. And then Rebca asks for help with undoing his mistake with the fey bond between Sebastian and himself.   Being prompted to sit down, Rebca sat down and so did Sebastian. The old lady guessed what needs to be fixed she gently touches the incomplete fey bond. After studying the red thread, she says she can make it more equal. In exchange they help with the famine that is going on. She leaves the room so she can go get her sister to actually fix the bond.   Coming back inside the room is a similar looking old lady. She holds herself differently and more strongly. She makes the deal more reasonable cause they can’t stop a famine so they should donate food they bought recently to workhouses and orphanages.   They went outside to see a bunch of yaks with wagons. They talked a bunch about who they should send cheese and wine too. Sending it to tons of different workhouses and orphanages but Split Silver. The yak happily goes off to the workhouses and orphanages.
    Seb takes a breath and looks the ocean waves in Rebca's eyes a while "Rebca Chambers.... I am not really ready to go back... I don't think it matters where in the grove it is completed or which fey over hears the vow... I said I wanted to unshackle you from this burden and I truly intend to do so... Breaking it's not what either of us want... Is my assumption, but it's my turn to be an ass anyway..." He stops and looks down at his feet "As much as I drown, seems you keep pulling me out of it... If I am yours... To keep from darkness and other things you can come up with that you think are bad for me... then you are mine, to keep in the sunlight and wake up too... Forever..."
    Those words would repeat in Rebca's head for a while.   Which he clearly wasn't ready for and well Rebca had to take back a comatose not ready for this Sebastian as they go through the Elm tree that's connected to Magorath's Magical Assembly shop in Aurelian. Rebca decided that a night in the Rose to help Sebastian recover was due.
    The vow was a hell of a lot more equal and changing of nature would change both of their nature as they were now considered married according to the Fey.

  • 104

    10 /6 2206:00

    10 /6 2210:00

    Kensington Gardens
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    So once again we find Peter on the docks of Anfortas this time, royally pissed off that him a powerful fey and a reaper of souls cannot travel back to the dreamlands. He spent days making it a problem that Astra sent out Flannigan, Rebca, Meave and Heather to go fix the problem. Peter basically said he stop being a problem if he could get home. Peter gave them an offer if they helped him return regardless of what happened to the party itself. Rebca however got his surname stolen and wanted that back. He wasn't happy with Heather, whose whole name was taken away. Meave and Flannigan got married by the fey by making a vow in front of Peter who bond their souls together.
      They then took the Jolly Rodger to Brunswick isle where they found Finnegan Badd in a jail cell he could easily walk in and out of the locked bars. This bit went on a few times. Then Flan, Rebca and Meave connected to the ley line who was a massive dickhead. Heather connected and reconnected twice. Everyone else got drained halfway. But Heather made a deal and being both a divine and Psychic caster she was a sufficient enough sacrifice to keep the leyline stable for a short time. It was a temporary fix. But the group also got Talida's true name as well. Not that they shared with the world. Rebca and Meave weren't heartbroken but shocked as the stars appeared in the sky. Flannegan who saw Heather as a great friend and Ally took it harder than expected. He even cried as they were sailing away towards the dream lands before jumping off the Jolly Rodger. Flannegan did get his shield of darkwood and green wood a piece of the ship that Peter used to sail. This mix is extremely rare, and he was lucky enough to get the ever healing wood for his shield.   It still felt somber as they returned to their lives without the force of Choas known as Heather. Sometime later Rebca found out his partner also took the lost of Heather Greenburg hard, even if they were basically Frenemies, apparently if she had survived, Sebastian would have asked her to be his best man.   Flan gained the title of the knight of dreams during the excursion and Meave agreed to never work with Peter Pan again as long as they were alive.

    Additional timelines
  • 104

    1 /7 1300:00

    1 /7 2200:00

    The Candy Dockward's Annual Dance Competition
    Sporting Event / Competition

    Being set in the Candy Shop district and Rebca was dragged to the dance competition by Ash. Rebca made some mistakes in the singles round and didn’t win. Ash didn’t win either however it is hard to best body horror that Shushik masterfully showed off. Cheech tried to dance by jumping and Chong copied his buddy by jumping as well. But their crowd ate it up. In doubles Shushik and her water bear just confused out the gate as they started off the round. Cheech and Chong jumped happily together. And then Ash and Rebca pulled out some fire with a quick step winning that round.   Last round was elimination round, much to Rebca chagrin they started with a traditional Elysian song, and the Tardigrade didn’t wiggle well enough and gets cut. The next song was a K-pop song, the little lizards having an amazing time with the crowd and people dancing to their song. The one who was eliminated was sadly the Dino because he jumped on top of the crowd trying to mosh pit.   Next song was an often heard at the liquid core when it wasn’t in hell. And Shushik wasn’t able to wiggle her way into the judges' hearts in this round.   The next song was kind of forced by the crowd itself as it was a popular sea shanty. Honebana got a very strong drink and threw up right in the path of Rebca and he slipped and fall right out of the competition.   Next song was a popular partner salsa. Everyone who was left dancing very well. Ash was also however some asshole tripped him. Getting the dance teacher cut.   The fey of the candy shop somehow got in charge of this rounds music and chose a popular unseelie song. The druid monk who probably heard this song tons of time from the current archdruid at the time, got cut joining his Dino pal in the crowd.   And for the last one the DJ lost track of the genre and played something not weird but hard to pin down. Well, Honebana beat out the elf bard Pirona winning the elimination ground.    Rebca had won from the competition a Dancing long sword, an anytool that was pink and glittery, 3 snap leaf tokens, a bead of force, 2 old law whiskey, scarab of protection, and 10 harlot sweets. He finally had an anytool even if it was a warcrime.

  • 104

    11 /7

    12 /7

    The Cunningham Estate Ball
    Cultural event

    The reclusive Lord Eduard P. Cunningham announced his return to Aurelian society after a prolonged interlude of solitude with a grand soirée, an impressive party and the highlight of the social calendar for the year to come, surely?

    And, to begin with, it was. The great and the good of Aurelia attended, representatives from Eralis and Rosilia meeting with the surface's finest, and drinks and dancing flowed.

    But at the edge of the party a strange figure lurked, untroubled by the staff and rarely noted by the party goers - Dr Perry. When the time was right the doctor took the stage, and in a ranting, rambling manner, explained that there host was a foul necromancer, a liar and a cad - and to prove it he unleashed the undead horde stored within the flying manor.

    A new moon rose as the skies darkened and undead flowed into Aurea. Many were lost as the undead swarmed, with greater losses prevented largely by heroic intevervention from the guests, but the damage was done - the undead had been unleashed.

  • 104

    13 /7

    31 /7 00:00

    Plague curing at Deadeyes Grove
    Plague / Epidemic

    As the eternal night continues to roll on, a fog as red as blood was spotted rolling in from the south - like a rolling forest fire consuming a dry knoll eating and burning up anything in its wake. The fog stretched out so tall and was so dense that at a distance it felt like part of the continent was eaten by a red void - forever lost in the rolling red. First taken was The Hamlet and The Mines of Torag - not even The Darklands was spared from the nails of this red beast - with the rest of the continent soon to follow as the fog spreads further and further north. Small concentrations seemed to appear, almost randomly, across Aurelia.   Those who found themselves lost in the fog found that the air tasted like old copper, or gold and iron - heavier than air and making it hard to breathe as it filled the lungs. Any attempts to discern directions, both mundanely and magically, would seem to fail; Compasses seemed to spin erratically, and the Know Direction spell would give no result. Light of all kinds would seem to extinguish itself, either smothered by the dense and wet air or eaten alive by the darkness of the eternal night. Although the worst effect of this fog was not the ease of getting lost or the lack of easy breathing, it was what hid deep inside of the belly of this massive red beast.   Anywhere the nails of this fog tore into, undead would begin to rise from the claw marks. From the recently deceased to those long dead and buried, all would rise once again as vicious, violent creatures as red as the fog itself - as if they were being puppeted by the rolling red itself. Unlike normal undead, these vicious bastards were quick and carried a disease just as vicious. A disease that, upon study, seemed to be a sort of advanced version of Zombie Rot - those succumbing to the disease or dying in any other way while infected will soon rise as one of these powerful red creatures. Worse, the fog seems to empower the undead that lingered within it. In response, those who lived in The Hamlet, at least the ones who could swallow their pride and abandon their homes, fled to the north. It seems that not even were-creatures are spared from this disease. Upon hearing the effects of this rolling fog, druids across the continent began attempting to impede its movement by altering the weather and cursing the terrain - which worked, but it was only a temporary solution that would not hold forever. People began to bury graveyards in stone or fire, hoping to keep their dead at rest.   There are too many infected, not enough healers. Too many undead, not enough warriors. If nothing is done, soon the continent… mayhaps the world… will fall to the endless night.
      After the manor fell and Rebca and Sebastian spent the night? They weren't sure as the fog covered the lands at this point getting the living out. They then attempted to head to Sebastian's House called the Garden's thinking that would be the safest route, what they didn't count on was the fact the fog had a teleportation effect built in and wound up anywhere else. Eventually facing undead and fighting them, which meant Rebca was doing most of the leg work, Sebastian caught the Zombie Rot plague. So, they attempted to get home faster and wound up at Deadeyes grove. Where they met up with Thomas. Rebca had put on antipalgue gear and got to work trying to get as many fixed as he could. Due to the lack of clerics and healers however mass graves soon piled up and daily pyres were happening due to the amount of those dying and becoming undead. Sebastian at some point in the confusion had escaped, but he was nice enought to use the shell of sending they both had to tell Rebca that he was home safe. He of course wasn't treating himself, so Rebca petitioned some of the deadeye cleric and Thomas to be allowed ot treat Sebastian at home where he was too valuable of a healer to risk. However, in a wave of undead attacking Ole Deadeyes grove Rebca himself caught the Zombie Rot plague and stayed healing till a time when more healers and Paladins found their way to the hospital. Figuring that they were mostly stable he left and eventually found his sick lover and started to heal him up. They spent the rest of the zombie Armageddon planning what they would do once it was over, and Rebca heart would flutter as Sebastian would suggest things for a wedding that he still needed to purpose for.

  • 105

    1 /1 1200:00

    9 /1 00:00

    Pheonix Dragon: Rampage of Anguish
    Disaster / Destruction

    Participated in the Phoenix Dragon New Year event. Letting the Dragon be captured by The Meat. This wasn't a failure on himself as he had hoped the more experienced Adventurers could help fix it. Major thing he really did was heal at the battlement camps as people came back in waves. Reviving a few here and there.

  • 105

    10 /1 1400:00

    12 /1 1400:00

    Dockhand Apartments burnt by Dragon fire
    Life, Career

    So this was a mild and fun evening in after some long exhausting few months. Rebca and Seb were teasing each other as couples sometimes do. It was lighthearted for the most part and Rebca said the words that always tempt fate the worse. "What is the worse that could happen?"

      Everyone knows Fate loves a challenge so it responded as soon as Rebca was able to get Sebastian to get what he really wanted him to do a crazy Bronze Dragon not only made sure the fun was left unfinished, but it called down a massive electrical storm and attack them while they were in bed. First it shocked the building causing it to collapse ontop of people still inside. Then the lighting set the building on fire. Sebastian and Rebca being practical decided to rescue the others who resided in the building out. They then turned over the people to Pearl the 'Guard' on watch.   So off they went to kill a dragon. They manage to meet up with a dragon disciple monk named Remy who just killed a baby red dragon who was just causing problems as well. Remy didn't seem too shaken up by how easy that fight was for just him. So the three of them went and fought the crazed Bronzed dragon. It was a rough fight for the two of them and Remy came out unscathed and feeling powerful. Rebca was distraught about losing his home. Sebastian went and paid for them to stay at the Bar with No name for a few days while they sorted out their living arrangements.

      To get Rebca's mind off of the issue Sebastian decided it might be nice to treat Rebca to a place that is known for their steaks and in order to do that they would have to cross the meadow ward to get to The Dairy. So, they meet up with some protesters against the used of magic. Sebastian was curious and was actually asking questions to get an understanding. The White cloaks were very happy to answer.

      Rebca now this entire time had been wisely staying away from the White cloak Fanatics and was making their wait time shorter by getting their name in to be seated. He had heard children had been going missing and well when he came back his boyfriend was collared. Now when an antimagic collar is placed on someone with outsider heritage or is an outsider they have maybe an hour before they will die, by the time Rebca returned he was watching him die in front of him. Well Heather just happened to be walking by with her theme song going so it wasn't hard to enlist Heather help get rid of the docked ship from Azoa. Rebca, however was able to disable the anti-magic collar after a while of watching Sebastian hold his neck and struggling on the ground.   So the boat itself was strangely heavily guarded. But Sebastian was pissed off that they charged up to it. Despite Rebca telling him to go home and rest and that Heather and he could take care of it.

      Well, it didn't take long to get rid of the White Cloaks. They fought with laser guns and other tech but unfortunately the small group proved why magic was considered evil to these particular Azoan's. But the horror to come since they decided on not automatically burning down the ship right ways but took the next logical step for a pirate was to loot it.   They found a mess of blood, guts and viscera. Entrails and other things small fingers and toes clearly showing what was happening to the children that were going missing for a while in Anfortas. Well, Rebca went to work repairing the bodies, Suzie helped Sebastian wanted to put them to rest. Well despite Rebca, almost vomiting he convinced Sebastian to take them to be revived by Carnival. The majority of the children that were in the mess, a few didn't come back deciding their life was better in the afterlife. This made Rebca question some things a little more. He started to volunteer at the workhouses and Orphanages as a cook, sitter, and healer after dropping the ones that wished to come back at Izzy's orphanage.

  • 105

    15 /1 1200:00

    31 /1 1699:00

    The Gouda Intentions
    Construction beginning/end

    After the Dockhand appartments burnt down, Rebca begins to build the houseboat he wants to name it the Good Intentions but when he goes to the shipwright to register it they are very hard of hearing and Rebca nervously stutters so it gets misnamed on the side of the boat and on the Anfortas registry as the Gouda Intentions. It is something he saw in Sebastian's head in his dreams. It was also what they have been talking about for a long time.
      The Gouda Intention was a simple ship, her long, narrow hull painted in a dark green and copper scheme. The inside of the ship had been converted into a comfortable home, with two guest rooms beyond the master bedroom, a kitchen, infirmary, and work room. The living room is notable for a large part of the floor being made of liquid glass, able to repair the damage and wear it suffers. Still, a large part of hold was still present, allowing her to transport goods or be used for storage as needed.
      Since Rebca made the living room too fancy for Sebastian to sit down on the couch they had to give the Couch to Solis.

  • 105

    25 /1 1400:00

    28 /1 1400:00

    Dandelion mark of Warren removal
    Scientific achievement

    Sebastian had a worry about the fact Rebca had a mark that matched the one on his heart and he himself was quite curious if Solis could actually remove a mark after the man such a claim.
      So, during the New Year Event Sebastian and Rebca sought Solis out in the healing tents and battlement area that was pushing back dragons so that more powerful and younger adventurers could help fix the Pheonix dragon issue with his Aura of aggression that literally makes all dragons angrier and more aggressive on the plane of Aur. Rebca was mostly around healing wounds by magic and mundanely and Sebastian was testing out his new wings and flying around and using tree branches before he spotted the man.
      After a short talk between Sebastian and Solis, the three of them go off to a few tents near the edge of the battlement tents set up by the archdruid herself.    So Solis is able to break bonds, however it has a drawback to it if the persons whose bonds he is breaking are opposed to his nature. Well Seb and Rebca at the time both were, had this been an earlier encounter with Solis Seb may have not been. 
    Sebastian gets his mark removed first and he is the most diometrically opposed in nature to solis and when the Suneater's mark is removed Sebastian lets out an unhallowed unearthly scream that would make nose hairs curl before they are grown. Solis lost his body for a few hours. Good thing he regenerates fast. 

      After Sebastian's mark is removed is hard to convince Rebca to do so. But eventually it works out how Sebastian wants. Probably been easier if Seb just told Rebca that Warren could watch them through the marks, but he didn't. Also been harder to keep Rebca from insisting all be removed which Sebastian clearly wasn't completely ready for yet.  So, Seb sits Rebca down on a stone, and asks That Solis removes the Dandelion mark on Rebca's hand he seems very insistent on it. Solis feels he owes the two for other deeds and does, in return however Solis arm is blown off. The Dandelion mark is removed, Leaving Rebca's hand unusable for a time and him feeling severe pain on that hand. The fire burning him luckily doesn't leave a scar. 
      However, Sebastian thinks Solis way is too painful and opts to keep the other marks. He doesn't know quite yet that Rebca has the Mark of Cassidy De Silvia cause they didn't have time to actually talk about it before they decided on rushing to the next disaster.

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    10 /3 400:00

    13 /3 400:00

    Truly Earning The Title of Dragonslayer
    Military: Battle

    Brunte flaunted his title of Dragonslayer, having proclaimed that he killed five dragons - although at the time this wasn't necessarily true. One of a council of five powerful, corrupted dragons of Dahak overheard the boasting - telling the other four of a powerful self-proclaimed dragonslayer that lived outside of the protection of Aurelian.   And so, while Brunte and his sons had company - that being Pari, Sukarma and Chambers - over to talk about hunting down five dragons... the five dragons attacked his home; An Astral Crypt Dragon named Velstyrax, a Soap Dragon named Kobubblae, an Ethereal dragon named Fantasma, a Black-Scaled Red Dragon named Aswad-Ahmar and an Elemental Hydra Dragon named Rapscallion.   The four fought the council of five, each scarring the lands with their attacks and magic. Although a magical mishap due to local magical issues had lead to Rapscallion being teleported to the Arrival Square of Aurelian... where it caused quite a commotion. There were some casualties but quite quick, the adventurers were able to contain the ordeal and each claim a kill of the council of five - with Brunte claiming the hide of Kobubblae as a trophy.

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    5 /5 1200:00

    15 /5 2000:00

    into the armpit; Package for the slave revolts
    Diplomatic action

    So Rebca being angry about Danfel flighty teifling with a drinking problem. So Rebca found himself at the Bar with no name. Cleo was working the bar. Danfel was plastered. Cleo looked relieved someone had come for the belligerent one and Rebca knocked out Danfel in order to get his brother to corporate.
    He had a trail of hints that Sebastian was planning something incredibly stupid and Rebca wasn't going to like it. He found out from Cleo that Sebastian was planning on fighting Mordiggan. The most brilliant of plans. He also found out why Cleo hated Sebastian, which seemed not to match the blue hair man's story. Cleo seemed to believe Rebca's current lover had killed his sister while they were at the same slave merchant. The story didn't match Sebastian's not surprisingly. Andone of the last things Rebca found out about his lover is that he was planning on dealing with the alternative versions of his soul either by forcing oblivion or giving his other soul an afterlife. Both incredibly brilliant plans. In exchange for this information that Cleo had already given he asked Rebca to deliver a package to the mushroom farms. Cleo of course, had no idea what was in the package and advised Rebca not to look. Well since that wasn't something that needed done right away, Rebca dragged his drunk of a brother to his home and put him to bed.
      So, the delivery was to the slave revolt factions which Cambian and Serenity worked for. At the last minute, Cleo decided it was probably going to be dangerous gathered him a crew to go with Rebca.   Lucsia, Inu, Muten, and Chase were the motley crew. Muten was a pasifist which seemed strange that he was on a delivery job down into the darklands of Aurelia. Chase didn't talk much but had a gun. Inu was a creepy samurai person. Luscia was a lady with a star knife.
      So down into the tunnels they all go. They fought the strange spider monsters that exploded when they died, cause drow has a sick sense of humor. The maps of the underground are shit they went the strangest route to get to the mushrooms. They managed to break the laws of physic, realty, and magic by going down in a straight line. They found an entire army of undead dwarves in the thousands, so they went and found a different way. That went well because they found the dragon craven and well, they were children and it seemed to be a baby dragon daycare. They had managed to wake them up from nap time. Rebca used his social skills to get them passed alive and before dragon parents showed up to cook them.
      Eventually they got to the mushroom farms, and Miz'ri took package and opened it in front of everyone. It was a clockwork spy with all the information on Jonathan, House Iymvyll, and House Cormreael. It may have been outdated information, but it was more than the revolt factions had before and everyone got paid nicely from Miz'ri.

  • 105

    30 /5 1200:00

    11 /6 1199:00

    Promises Promises
    Life, Death

    So Rebca gathered up Pari the shipwright because he just got the boat, and he was gonna be damned if he was gonna lose it this new, Brunte so he could punch things, Horse because he wants to be a hero. He then goes and wakes up Sebastian who sees the liquid glass aquarium for the first time Seb can't sit down so Brunte being uncomfortable that one of his hosts won't sit leaves the room.
    So Rebca goes and covers the cool glass bottom that can see the bottom of the ocean and the response from his lover is to un-board it up and move the couch. Rebca does never work out how not to make that particular mistake again. Since it was a complete surprise and created utter confusion on how the couch made it alright to sit in. It was a strange compromise at the least. So, the plan was to keep protection from evil up on the ship so they could get people off easily which Sebastian voiced he didn't believe would work and decided that the plan was to get everyone through the ritual again. Since that would probably be the sane plan and let Rebca do the circle the island and do protection form evil as a backup.
    He starts doing the spells to keep the ship safe and then suddenly a worried sending from his lover basically saying he needed to get as far away from the island as possible as quick as possible, because the celestial stag convinced him that Rebca was in danger of dying, was sent. He was angry and did as he was told and got out of the area of effect, then was jumped by crazy captain lad. She possesses him after some undead hit him with Esoterum. He starts fighting her and trying to keep control.
    So, after a bit he was forced to watch Sebastian via greater scry, meet up with his alternative soul and then put that soul into a soul much to his shocked, he wasn't sure what was going on. Meanly crazy lady was not happy with the shaman spell list. She did like abyssal cat. But Iris wasn't happy her person was being possessed by someone that wasn't her, so the crazy lady got no good spell suggestions. Well around this time Sebastian took his first nirvana pill and some other drugs because he never just takes one.
    The ring came off and went into the delusion once it broke that he was in a storm on his way to Anfortas. He was acting was off, nothing was quite right and seemed, like Sebastian believed him and the blue hair one did not investigate further. Next thing that happened to Rebca was that the Steveamelaph showed up in order to attempt to protect Rebca and he was literally more terrified of Sebastian then the crazy Captain lady, proving he was the smartest person in the story. The demon kept her busy at least a day more than he expected. She then hears that Sebastian and company which is around the time Solis joined them, had killed the fey queen which was a major surprise to her, and she had to sped up her plans.
    She then dropped a crap ton of fire on the necromancer place and the minimum wage demon on the man's house. This seems to evoke a fury like hell had not seen from Sebastian, so they chase the bitch down.
    Basically, she got everyone onto the wreck of the Eidolon Promise, with the simulacrum Chambers there with the real finger but the rest of it was inky black so Sebastian knew that wasn't Rebca at all. Then the group went haha your trap is wood broke through, and Solis ran half a million miles and punched Rebca body to death thus ending her bullshit which sent him to hell. He has a fun scar over his heart.
    The causal damnation of his soul didn't last long but it was horrifying while he was there. He got to watch what he considered his past mistakes from when he was a kid to this point in his life. But he is revived by Miss Pari, but he is still stuck in his head and Sebastian in his infinite wisdom goes into a grief spiral not to be confused with the drug and rage spiral he was already in.
      So, the group goes off again to go find the marks and Sebastian goes off by himself stealing Rebca. He decides the smart thing to do is to get himself mark of the islands mark. Then Rebca hears him calling for him to come home. He left the shell of sending with the old couple. He does get him to come home. The leaving his head goes like: "Okay...with that out in world..." he locked his legs, fighting against the current slamming into his mental landscape as the storm did it's very best to stop him. Sebastian saw a hole in the world, for lack of a better word. A gaping void that devoured the ocean as the mental construct approached. Rebca began to sing, eyes still closed, softly, barely audible over the storm that raged and thrashed inside his own mind, but somehow Sebastian could hear anyway. "But there will come a time, You'll see, with no more tears. And love will not break your heart, But dismiss your fears. Get over your hill and see, what you find there...with grace in your heart...and flowers in your hair..."   The ship plummeted over the edge, and the Sending ended.   After he wakes up Horse, Rebca and go and get the small child who has the mark and returns to the ritual site, and they open the gate. But not the way people thought.
    They break the gate down and the bridge and fight the river. Sebastian becomes an immovable rod and grapples the river. It splits in half when Solis pulls on it and they killed the river. This was a thing Rebca witness and rubbed his eyes in confusion. This around the time Rebca had ased why he was using, and Sebastian gave a lie about not being able to handle all the bad things like traping souls and tossing souls to be destroyed in the river without them. Rebca still trusts him. So, Sebastian's lie is believed.
    his trust starts to break though... Well, they healed and free the Eidolon of the ritual instead of going with killing him. This is something Sebastian had promised. Thus, breaking the ritual and got everyone they could off the island. Rebca was told to go through which he again listened to leaving Sebastain and Solis behind.  The island explodes in fire and Sebastian comes back wanting to kill Mordiggian more his patron god. Well not kill perhaps but Sebastian is seen differently finally by Rebca for the first time in their entire relationship.

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    12 /6 1200:00

    21 /6 1200:00

    Tahazei's Fever dream
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Lucky hoped to find uncorrupted chickens to repopulate the living Aurean chicken population with. To that end he and chambers found out about a chicken plane and travelled there. Damian fell out of the sky into that plane to meet them as a result of a magical mishap. Unbeknownst to them, that plane was created by a race of super-intelligent disembodied sentient aliens known as the secret masters. In an effort to create the ultimate chicken they had created a plane filled with tiny sub-planes each representing a refracted image of chicken hood hoping to explore the concept space of what a chicken could be to help them develop their uber chicken. In one of these sub-planes, they were confronted with a family of chicken farmers; farmers who were chickens who raised tiny human men that birthed eggs. In another they found themselves on a ship of fox-humanoids who hunt the great whale-chicken leviathans of the seas, one of whom the captain swore vengeance on after it ate his leg.   That big chicken, known as Cluckers ate the captain and Rebca. Lucky decided to capture that big moby-dick chicken and make it his mount, which he did by beating it into submission with Damian's help. Then they went home   Lucky gets a massive chicken he names Cluckers. No one corrects Lucky that Cluckers is a female, probably a wise decision.     Note: This is why we don't run on Nitequil and pixie sticks Tahazei. We rest when sick instead.

  • 106

    10 /2 800:00

    14 /2 1200:00

    Returning the Gift of Vengance
    Diplomatic action

    Rebca, Sebastian, Brunte and Sukarma traveled to Starfall Island to confront Sarenrae and attempt to return the so called 'gift' given to the four of them, with Solis acting as a guide to and through the Island. They first approached by boat but had to dismount to get through the boiling hurricane that surrounded the island. This wasn't much of a challenge for the adventurers, each finding their own way to either subvert or overpower the hurricane.   Traversing Starfall Island was not difficult, given the fact that small Coconut Leshys - those who worshipped Sarenrae as a War Goddess - were willing to guide the adventuers to Sarenrae's side.   After going through Starfall Island thanks to their small guides, they found themselves at Sarenrae's War fort.   While some were successful in returning their gift in exchange for a Vow of Honesty, Rebca and Sebastian's own problems got in the way. Although they were unsuccessful in returning the gift - the two learned a bit about each other... something that at least aided their future relationship.

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    12 /2 1000:00

    15 /2 1800:00

    Advice from the Dreamland butterfly
    Life, Milestone

    Wall takes them to the Dreamlands to meet with Desna the butterfly goddess of dreams. the exchange went like this: "Oh, dear haven't seen such a wounded soul in a long time..." Densa stretches and   "Still a passionate soul."     “So, the Leyline didn’t keep the soul along with the magic. Interesting”   "It was... it was something, to be sure. She was always a volatile one. Honestly kinda suspected I'd die in a stupid fight she pulled me into one of these days... kinda funny how it actually worked out."   "She ended up here?"   "Half here. Yes, shared custody with a deamon lord deal. No, her magic is in the leyline."   “Sounds like a tricky. That makes sense, so when we tried to raise her back, she couldn’t because her body physically had no magic. Interesting” Meave thinks out loud. “It couldn’t support her soul since just living does need magic to work.”   "She did sacrifice herself for the greater good. Odd as that does sound."   “It was very odd. It wouldn’t be a sacrifice if she could come back.”   "Yep. Never saw it coming. Woulda... well, it's in the past now."   "Yes, you can only go forward. I do worry the massive amounts of magic so soon after might cause that issue to be worse... Chamber please closer. Wall... I worry of the collector schemes."   "I do as well. I failed horribly the last time I tried to stop him... and now I can't even plot to try and help undo his machinations because he watches everything I do." Wall sighs again, heavily this time. "I can hardly stand feeling this useless."   "Why can't you?"   "He can see all my actions, hear all my words. My involvement even in whispers of striking back compromises them. I can't even know if there is a plan, much less participate."   “Use your mind, doublespeak, use codes, use telepathy. Give him a false trail.” Meave suggests. “I have been thinking on that little problem.”   "I can remove that. My only caveat is when I need your shield for something that's to come you take it."   The shaman shook himself out of his thoughts and moved closer as instructed.   "You can?" Wall asks, seeming more suspicious than hopeful in tone. "These deals are never as simple as they seem... but I'll admit your offer is tempting."     "Yes, well I would rather see you protect the innocent then not able to and be oppressed yourself. Just means I'll call on you to protect innocence at a later time." Looks at Rebca as she speaks not Wall. That seems odd.   Rebca she knows something she cannot speak on and as her domains are she's still good at contingencies. Seems she's setting up help for something.   “I understand, hmm.” Meave just looks between the three talking with each other. “My knight, if you don’t take this offer, I might on your behalf. I like seeing you be free and not has some fat bastards put something on your soul. I’m guessing he can’t look easily onto my knight currently because he is in your domain.”   "Well then... if you can promise me, I'll be defending the innocent I'll accept. Besides, it'd do me good to get back out in the world." Wall finally responds, seeming cautious still but conceding reluctantly. "I can. "   The shaman looked over and nodded. "Somethin' commin' up. Getting ready."   She does some dream weaving magic on Flann.   Meave, she did as she said.   "Mrs. Wall. Is there anything that troubles you so?"   “I am generally ok. I am still getting used to my eyes and will be always plagued by powerless gods who feed off of my magic as I feed off of theirs. Oh, I only have a problem with a pure werewolf lich. I need to get at her phylacteries, they are a little tricky cause there’s 13 of them.”   "Hmm... I can't help with that much. But can tell you that one has one in a temple of Northot the one who should not be in the center of Keletira."   Wall appears to be making mental notes as Desna speaks on this.     "Thank you. I will share this with the puppy."   "Oh, dear my time is up. I look forward to your next visit." She blows each a kiss as the inn fades back into view.   The Bard relaxes a bit as they fade back to mortal lands and looks at his tree suspiciously. "Sure, hope you're not watching me too..." He whispers to it, barely audible at all.

    Additional timelines
  • 106

    18 /3 1200:00

    23 /3 1200:00

    A wink in a mothers eye
    Life, Supernatural

    In order to fix the curse upon Sebastian's eye, the pair of Rebca and Sebastian needed to find a way to get into contact with the Mother of All, Shub-Niggurath. The problem was that contacting The Dark Tapestry FROM Aur was a difficult task - but there was a solution the two discovered after doing some research. The wild magic storms that plague Aur's oceans were powerful enough sources of magic that they could be used to subvert the restriction of contacting The Dark Tapestry. The only problem was finding a way to do so. They needed someone that had a connection to the storms... and someone willing to do something quite reckless. Luckily, from living with Finn and Astra, the two knew that Finn had once killed an Air Elemental of Gorum named Kremla Khal, The Warrior of Winds.   Problem was that he was dead, and his soul had never passed on from Aur to the afterlife - luckily Rebca was a powerful enough shaman to call upon the Druid's spirit... with a bit of help from Astra, who gave the two Kremla Khal's ax - on the condition that Astra came with, knowing that the two were going to do something dangerous and stupid. And so, Rebca called Kremla Khal - who seemed more than willing to do such a dangerous job in exchange for his ax.   Now, the four traveled by boat to the storm - accidentally crashing the boat into a massive Ship wrecker crab that had been turned invisible by the Wild Magic storm. They were separated from Astra along the way but made it to a small island in the middle of the storm.   Using one of Ariadne's Threads from a Utopia Goodie Bag, the storm, Kremla Khal's spirit, and some funky fresh tunes played on both the thread and Khal's Milky White guitar, the two were able to form a bond between Aur (via the small island) and The Dark Tapestry.   The two crashed into the barrier, pushing through a weakened spot in the surface just hard enough to squeeze through the glassy substance and end up on top of The Barrier, inside of The Mother Of All's woods. There they wandered the woods, searching for The Mother Of All... It certainly wasn't a happy experience. Eventually the two found her, in her... true form. Rebca had made the mistake of looking at her, but luckily was able to keep his eyes.   After a bit of successful diplomacy, The Mother of All agreed to return Sebastian's eye... if they would do her two favors back on Aur... Build a Hospital in her name and sire one of her childe. When Sebastian's eye was returned, the two were shunted from Her domain and back to Aur. Egg and mission in tow...

  • 106

    1 /4 1200:00

    1 /5 1200:00

    Admitted into the Dandelion Asylum
    Life, Identity

    He just found out Sebastian was mainlining all the drugs several times a day, doing a great Russian roulette of drugs that could kill him. Rebca decided it be a great idea to drown his sorrows while he was spiraling out of control. He then met up with Ash who for some reason encourage this. Rebca had about 20 bottles of booze and Ash became concerned. Maybe giving Rebca more alcohol was a bad idea. He then got the best idea ever from Ash and Cleo that he if he could stop his lover from taking drugs he should see if he could get his drug dealer to stop selling them. Rebca was thrashed enough not to realize Cleo was joking and Ash was not known for his intelligence and was serious. Rebca was trashed at this point and thought, "Hell why not, makes sense to me."
    He was taken back and much to his brother concern. He did sleep most off his drunken stoper. He woke up and decided drinking more is best idea and went for another.
    Danfel was recovering alcoholic at this point and went well, I know that idea and I remember those puking noises. He decided to head down to Rosilia to fill out some paperwork for the Dandelion Asylum on Rebca behalf due to this nonsense. If Rebca ever made it down, he be involuntary committed.
    Well, that was after Rebca had shouted to the world he was going to fight an inevitable to get them to stop selling drugs. Since he was full of good ideas he went to the Copper Ward.
    He just screamed at inevitable incoherently and some of the Ward, were like he won't sell drugs to you without gold, bugger off. He screamed incoherently for a bit and the Clock man just went no. Rebca then wandered off and cried. He then kidnaped someone's pet Aasimar and walked around for a bit.
    So fast forward a couple of weeks after that, Ash comes for a visit while Rebca is trying to pack for something. He was going to visit friends and family hadn't seen in a while because he had a note from Sebastian that only said I am doing Solis Rehab. So, he figured he would go wandering for a while, while Sebastian was getting clean from all the drugs. He was making excuses for him in his head.
      So, Ash asked him for an escort down to Rosilia and Rebca agreed. So, when they got down to the Danelion both Rebca and Ash were admitted by Thomas Chambers-Badd. Well, Rebca had known Danfel had filled out the paper involuntary admittance he would have steered clear of the place. He was rather pissed off about, he didn't try very hard to leave and gave Thomas his things and was led to his room. Ash had wandered off at some point and got another person admitted to the facility and much to Rebca's chagrin Ash was his roommate. Sebastian had sent to him and found out where Rebca was. Told him all the escape routes and the Solis appeared and Rebca who was sulking but fine told Solis he was going to stay and not to worry maybe he'd get his head on straight.
    This did give him a chance to catch up with his brother Peliu who wasn't fit for the outside either and was doing pretty well while Rebca was a patient of the Asylum. He is questioning himself and Ash takes him to the asylum where he becomes an inmate with his brother Peilu he's lucky he isn't placed automatically in the Problem caster ward after he tried to teleport away, but he committed no violence like some adventurers do when placed into treatment.

  • 106

    15 /4 1500:00

    22 /4 1500:00

    Spear of Greed
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    So, this started out at the Dandelion Asylum. Zak was volunteering and doing arts and crafts in one of the group sessions. Jed was volunteering in the music room at the time where Rebca was learning how to play the Kremla Khal spirits ax. Meave and Flannegan Wilt were on the way to pick up Zac, Rebca and Jed to start on this venture to not only find out more about the spear that could kill Grimglop or uncorrupt him, but also find a way to get the spear itself. Most they really knew is that it was 5 coins in Dahak's layer and the High judge and Karzoug who used to own the spear, where both in the boneyard.
    There was another High judge whom they didn't deal with who could have been used as a bargianing piece to get the spear, but no one found him when they plane shifted to the boneyard.
    Rebca and Flannegan wandered the boneyard and found the Highjudge while the rest talked to Pharasma who wondered why these people who were alive were in her domain.
    Well, they made a deal with the High Judge to get an equally greedy and evil soul to judge and they would be able to Karzoug along with them to use him to find the spear. Well, it was someone's bright idea to metition the plane of Sha'tar and the planet of Elysian and Rebca was forced to break a promise he made by going to the plane. Rebca still a slave of De Silvia at this point in time warned every one of the horrors and treatment of people on the plane. Zak was readily horrified as he was the innocent bean on this quest. Flannegan and Meave wound up saving slaves, but Meave was concerned with Flann's cold and cruel demeanor once he decided that this plane's laws were so unjust, he decided to impose Hellknight law instead. This actually worked a lot better than most thought it would. Jed would sit in a bag of holding and play jam music most of the time doing halfling radio in the bag known as Sack of legal Seizures. A very useful Hellknight item Flann had due to becoming the master of blades of his faction.
    Well at some point Rebca, Jed, and Zak got separated from the group while Meave and Flannegan went and saved slaves. Rebca however, delivered Ella's baby saving the motherless and his mother. This will draw shubby's eye became her herald without his knowledge or consent. They kill some drug making squid creatures. Before the group meet back on the stairs. They moved up to the top of the tower and they are able to soul trap Prince Nicolas Charming and then plane shifted as soon as they could, but not before the eye of Unionthe was drawn towards them.
    They go back to the High Judge takes Prince Nicolas Charming and they got Karzoug's soul in exchange and only Rebca and Meave could hear him.
    Well after that they Plane Shifted to hell into Mephistopheles. Rebca had almost traded the Ambrosius Aurelianus cutlass to the Arch devil knowing he wanted. They then make a deal, but Zak came in clutch and offered a vacation to Alt-earth deal the archdevil takes it.
    Meave, Sukarma, Jed, Flann and Rebca got to rule hell for a week.
    Rebca was doing paperwork, and sorting, for ruling hell, none of the torture and punishment aspect if he could get away with it. He found something there a is a weird vault that needed to be checked every 3 days, realizing no one had checked it went to check and ran directly human sized hourglass. It breaks, and fell over, shattering the glass. In his panic, he attempts to repair the hourglass, like a puzzle and it falls apart in his hand, because after he is done with this adventure, he buys a wand of greater make whole. This inadvertently drowns Ambrosius Aurelianus former mayor of Aurelian. Breaking a contract with the former mayor, and the security system of the vault chased him out, the security system being Titian bees. Zak returns after the week of vacation with the Archdevil Mephistopheles and goes bam photos. Zak was the only one not traumatized by this event. Rebca also had also left the cutlass he was going to trade to the Archdevil behind.
      So somehow after getting into the layer they meet Dahak who acts like a massive cat that can breathe fire. They went up and they were talking in languages he didn't understand. So, he relatively surprised when Flann goes "Yeah, we are playing a game." Then Dahak took the group and hid them after blinding Flann and leaving Meave with her husband.
    Rebca started with singing and playing his guitar. He tried locating with his ring of Sophisticate, and he decided to try and find Zak. Well, this was apparently cheating, which he didn't get to know because they were explained in a language he didn't know. He got scared with the word Cheater, on his left hand.
    Sukarma shows up Rebca can't see her, just her shadowy figure. He talks to her and tells her about his search and rescue training and the smart thing being not to run off anywhere from the spot you are at. However, it's interrupted by a loud roar and Sukarma had forgotten that they had protection from Dahak as part of the deal made with Mephistopheles, she ran off.
    The Karzoug kept taunting him and he went back to singing and then a random appeared and went "Oh ok," Then popped away leaving a confused Rebca. Not that he ever really knows what is going on.
    Soon everyone was back together and each of them could chose a prize from Scary cat dragon god. Rebca choose the spear of greed. Then they went home, to Anfortas.
    Well, Rebca having had to return to the Asylum afterwards gave the coins of the spear that were not together to Meave and Flannegan for safe keeping.
    Thomas got him back safely to the Dandelion to complete his therapy and treatment to get him back into mental stability.

  • 106

    7 /5

    14 /5 00:00

    Utopia: Summer Beach
    Cultural event

    While Sebastian was off on Altearth doing Solis' brand of rehab to be clean and off drugs entirely. Rebca was moping in the house that he thinks belongs to Sebastian called the garden, after being released from his stint in the Asylum.
    Rebca at this point, was a mobile wreck at this point, he felt his healing were complete and utter garbage. He was still a little bit sulky as he had just got out of the Dandelion Asylum, he was half sure Sebastian was gonna dump him. He was half sure that he was gonna dump Sebastian since he was quite angry with the man. In a house that had most of his stuff in it from his childhood and what seemed to be most of his preferences for a house at well. He was mostly doing busy work, trying to stop the cat from murdering everything, failing to stop Iris from murdering everything. The geese showed up and Iris not liking that on her territory, so she stole gosling and killed it. This was two weeks of misery. As Rebca was attempting to revive the gosling when he got a knock on the door and of course it was a Hellknight, not just any Hellknight, but Alfred the Lictor of the order of the Chain. He parked Eli in the front yard, since well the elephant couldn't fit in the house.
    Alfred had come by because he was investigating the numerous disappearance of beautiful men into Rebca's houseboat, which were all Sebastian in various disguises, states of dress, different haircuts and well sometimes eyepatches. This really stressed out Rebca who had to explain his fiancé was really dumb and he himself was not kidnapping and murdering anyone. This was about the time Fin came in confetti them both and left just as fast. Rebca had lost a finger to the gosling as well after reviving the little brat. His spell of Regenerate didn't work, and he was bleeding all over the place.
    After being sure he wasn't going to be arrested, he relaxed a bit and the Hellknight and the pirate talked a bit. He found out Finn had sent him in order to check up on the sailor. He took away from this that he is a person of interest to the Hellknights. It felt nice to be checked on although it might have been nice to be checked up on by someone he knew. So, they talked for a while and the doors to Utopia smelt of the sea a scent Rebca hadn't smelled in while.
    He wasn't really interested in going and wanted to wallow. Alfred basically went he could wallow on the beach and not lose fingers. Which actually kind of appealed to Rebca a little more than being harassed by his cat and geese.
    He enters the plane and finds himself in wearing a pair of knee length swim trunks in a brilliant turquoise with a pattern of swirling water that had once matched his eyes. He initially didn't want to go because Sebastian wanted to visit a beach at some point and the reminder that they were apart wasn't great, but sun and water, and the aura of the plane kind of enticed him to at least attempt to have some.
    He did get to dance with Desna and he asked a few questions about love and trust the main one being. "Is Love enough?"
    Desna went with one answer immediately, "Yes."
      Well after that Lucky wanted a star for Damain, The Mort and went and gathered up a lot of party goers. Damian, Flannegan, Rebca, and Sukarma decided to make a ladder to the sky of the plane. Then Lucky disappeared. Next thing that happened was the stars started to fall from the sky as if they are crying. Lucky appeared briefly and was booted off utopia for the rest of this party.

    Damian, Rebca, and Wall went after Lucky on the docks of Anfortas and made a deal for the stars and Lucky was left with one. So, they returned to utopia.

    So, they returned and woke up Hypnos who was running a party game of pin the star on his mother Nyx. The sleepy god of Greece is quoted saying, "Well I wanted to fix this but according to the really dumb planar rules I have to use party game to fix this. So, we are playing a variation of pin the tail on the donkey with stars. If you guys fix this with minimal damage, I will give you something cool."   They somehow manage this, and they all get a star that grants one wish, without any corruption involved a quite powerful gift indeed. Rebca will leave the party afterwards having had his fill of being there without his partner.    He then came home to Astra dropping his youngest siblings to watch them, while hunted down her idiot husband. They found a dancing in the basement; he named Silos, no further explanation is needed.

  • 106

    12 /6 1500:00

    13 /6 800:00

    Inherits the Fate blade and proposing to Sebastian.

    Rebca had been upset about something, so he went to the father figure who was only 3 foot tall for some advice. He and his lover were having a bit of a disagreement and Rebca was feeling a little low about himself. Finnegan gave some advice, that no one is sure Rebca actually listened to, but the halfling tried. But soon into the long talk he asked Rebca if he wanted to help him with something. Well, the former sailor agreed, and Finn gave him a blade as they both headed to the bandit camps. Rebca was told that Finn hadn't been over there in a bit so the undead were probably a bit over run. They spent the day killing some undead and Finn told him to use the blade with a shit-eating grin on his face. This should have told Rebca that something was up. But true to his usual perceptiveness and trustingness, he did so anyway. the blade revived the undead he was fighting much to his shock and Finn howled with laughter at Rebca's face. Well after about an evening they returned to Finnegan's and Astra's houseboat. Finnegan told him to keep the blade, as he had earned it as a healer. Odd thing for Finn to do, but Rebca didn't question it. He had other things on his mind, like fixing the fact he missed his own proposal.
      Later on, that same night, he was ready he knew Sebastian was ready and he was going to finally be able to show the man what he had been working on between all of the mess that had been happening. They first go on a date, to some place nice that has a lot of cheese and two duelist brothers fight each other and Rebca heals them. He's already beyond nervous for what he wants to do. Sebastian had noticed but was curious about why they wandered to the beach and the debris and creatures bought in from the last storm. So briefly asking about it he was told nothing. He enjoyed watching Sebastian explore and just be something the man rarely did... Before Sebastian refocused on Rebca who nervously muttered a spell. He opened, the passage that led to a staircase, of sorts, and had been formed from the rock and stone of the beach, the glass that had once been sand making it easier to make. Someone had obviously spent a lot of time doing stone shape spells to form it. Oddly, it didn't head towards the mainland and instead stretch out to sea once the stairs ended. Lichen glowed softly on the walls, proving light. The ever-curious Sebastian would touch the walls and lichen and explore making Rebca's stomach butterflies' rebel as the anticipation grew. Eventually the pair, went down oddly long passagway, but still only took a minute to reach the far end of the passage. Seems the nerves was making time harder. But the passage It opened up...under the sea. A crystalline dome, rather like the floor of the houseboat but in reverse, allowing the softly glowing area an impressive look at the sea. Thankfully, the storm hadn't cracked it. The look of awe and adoration of this captivated Rebca who was then reminded why he was down here with the love of his life. Sebastian eventually inquired about who made it and Rebca admitted to it. To say the look of being impressed wasn't noticed would have been a lie.

      Rebca then started a dance under the sea and was trying his best not to fumble. It would make a good story later, from missing his own proposal, to this Romantic gesture, Sebastian quick at learning still had struggled with the steps. Still it was just the two of them.

      Rebca then does something, and the dome starts to become a little clearer, or a little shinier, as specks of light flow across the dome, making something akin to a starry sky... Sebastian watched this in wonderment. Before he is lead slowly in the dance, and the nervous sailor goes, "So. Uhm. Hrrm. I, ahh. Got a question..." As they watch the artificial stars. Sebastian answers with a shiver and Rebca wonders if he's as nervous as he is. "Question?"
      This prompted his to turn flaming red, and look down at the shorter man he was leading in a dance,"Hmm. Well. See. Thing. And. Uh. I. You. Mm. Shit. Words? Practiced words...wait! Flower." He pulled a carnation out a side pouch and slid it behind Sebastian's right ear. "So. Uhm. Yeah. I..." he paused, looking about as nervous as someone could be without a mild heart attack happen. He took another breath. "Okay. So. Sebastian. Wanna be with of lives. Want life to be this. Good bits. Bad bits. All of it, with you. So. Mm. Will you, uhm. Marry me?"
      Sebastain being himself knowing Rebca would miss the words if it wasn't a simple yes went with, "Of course." Instead, and waited patiently for the Shaman's mind to catch it.
    "'Cous?" he said. Almost. It was most of the word, anyway. "I mean. Yeah. Already asked. Nerves. Heh." He leaned forward, putting his head on Sebastian's shoulder. "Yours," he murmured. Which Sebastian replied in kind. then Rebca asked an important question "So. Your, uh. Heart go like 400 beats a minute when you did this?"   the answer was simple, "Uh not til you didn't say anything."   With that they then spent the Evening dancing and enjoying the next steps of there relationship.

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    15 /8 1800:00

    15 /8 1800:00

    Song of ages
    Cultural event

    Meave Drewitt-Wilt, Ghorby and their companion Pepe, and Rebca Chambers all generously agreed to accompany Wall of Aurea (Flannigan Wilt) to the Winter Court of the Fey to uphold a bargain the latter had struck in exchange for knowledge on how to attain immortality. The bargain was impossible though Wall did not know this when he made it. The task: To write and perform a song for the ages, something to impress and bring emotion to the coldest outsiders one could imagine. The plucky group of adventurer-performers set about the task undaunted regardless, the bard knight Wall writing and composing a musical masterpiece. Ghorby, Meave, and Rebca all helped use incredible amounts of magic to sustain lifelike illusions to set the stage as Wall used his bardic powers to create an entire invisible symphony to accompany the visual spectacle. The tale was a harrowing one of loss and grief, but also a tale of love and triumph detailing an unknown knight and his loss of family, friends, world, and hope. In it the knight also gains purpose, love, and strength, turning the tragic tale to one of inspiration and love. The Winter Court watched with rapt attention, for the first time in untold years feeling moved by the creations of mortals. So enthralled were they in fact that scarcely any attempt was made to sabotage the play to the surprise of perhaps even the court themselves. In the end, the impossible was made possible and even the queen of the court recognized their efforts and granted each a boon. Ghorby, being wise and deciding to think on such an offer, accepted future favors to be decided later. Rebca asked for nothing more than to be a better healer, and was gifted a magic rod to accomplish this. Meave requested a magical suit of armor to better defend herself. Wall attempted to reject the offer at first, insisting the knowledge he had been given in exchange was more than a fair trade. At the queen’s insistence, he reluctantly acquiesced and gave the queen The Eclipsed Eye and a Star from the Chthonic god Nyx’s body to forge a legendary artifact, first of its kind on Aurea. From this union The Awakened Eye, Wall’s now rod of office and personal weapon was born.

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    1 /10 100:00

    20 /10 1400:00

    Under the moonlight
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    Wizard TV has an exact quote for what happened here directly from the horses mouth.   He puffed his cheeks out for a second. "So. Let's say you got two real fuckin' dumb guys. One of them's gettin' a regular eye-fuckin' from the Mother of All, and they want it to stop. So. A deal is made. The dumb guys are given an egg, and told to make sure it's cared for. They're also told to make a hospital, help as many mothers and babes not die in child birth. With me so far?" "Right. So. Shit happened. One of 'em turned out to be main linin' fuckin' everything that could be powdered, the other got drunk and threatened an inevitble over it...dumb shit! They take a little break. One goes to learn how to be a person on a mountain, spendin' four years doin' it. One gets locked up in an asylum by lovin', well meanin' family and spends a little time as a rule of a circle of know. Usual story."   "Not for me, no. Or you. Apparently was for him. Dimensions, fuckin' correlation some days. But anyway. One idiot maybe died a little durin' adventurers in another world, so other one came back. Reunion! Spent a whole night and mornin' together before, hey, Mother of All did some casual threats, maybe we need to go see that deal through..." "So they headed over to the Crossroads, where ground had been bought. One dumbass, he hates that egg. So he wants to bury it under the building. Other one? Well. That egg breaks? Mother of All might be pissed off. Doesn't wanna get torn apart by a thousand tentacles. Plus? The egg? Kinda doesn't seem to wanna be buried..."   "So, they discuss. That is. One dumbass says that 'maybe we shouldn't busy this thing in pubic place where any fucker can find it? Maybe when it hatches, not havin' been shitty will help? Probably not...gonna be a thousand young...but kindness costs nothin'. And hey, that's the dumbass with healin' experince, who doesn't fuckin' panic in hospitals, so guess which one of them needs to be headin' there anyway, makin' sure Cult of Mother of All doesn't get into any weird bullshit?"   "And the other dumbass? Decides, 'Well, if you're gonna act like that - watch the damned egg, not bury it like I've decided - then I'll just void the deal. Smash it. Now, blond dumbass? He thinks 'Oh fuck, I do not wanna die. Wanna mitigate the damage? Sure. But die? No. Selfish. Don't wanna end up as Mother of All's hunting pet for entire after life.' So he doesn't let 'em break it. Won't move."   "So, other one. Moves him. Hurts him. Badly. Gonna smash egg. Won't listen. Won't believe there'll be any consquences for egg bein' broken beyond deal undone...and you know? Maybe he's right. Maybe Mother of All won't care about her kid gettin' smashed. Sure. Point is, he had decided. Was happenin'. Or, after the blond managed to steal the egg, theatened to run, alternative...egg goes in ground. Problem is ignored. Given choice...took that one."   "And then the other dumbass went on a spree of dumbassery...decided his boyfriend didn't need to be slave no more, so bought out contract. All the shit he's given that boyfriend? 'Bout makin' choices for 'em, deals for 'em? Apparently that only goes one way! Fucker gave no warnin', either, and had always said as a slave wouldn't marry a freeman without owners that was a nice shock. Don't...think that's what happened? Think Wedding is still on? Never actually got that confirmed..."   "So. Yeah. Argh."   Well, the thing is apparently Sebastian had decided to remove his marks as well. The wedding was still on and when Rebca went to go get the dumdass from fucking himself up so thoroughly they also decided to take Cambian and Solis for suits on Alt earth. During the civil war in Lousanna. Cambian apparently thought it was funny to get them separated during Madri Grais and Sebastian who disguised himself as women spent a night in earth jail probably deserved. Solis disappeared into the debauchery. They almost had to wed in the bayou under there laws.
    Luckily for Cambian that didn't happen and Cambian got a nice grey suit and Sebastian a really nice simple white. Rebca had gotten the one he wanted as well. All made really really well by Grandmother Crow who likes Louisiana on earth. She was disguised as a blind lady and none of them really figured out who she was.     However, the deal with Shub-Niggurath as a mother goddess in The Mound, the All-Mother is completed and the hospital built and Rebca had intended to start working there as a healer, but he was pretty sidetracked. The mother of all isn't very forgiving but she did let him slide for his intentions were push by many unforeseen circumstances. Still, she had decided he would make a good herald despite his flaws, so she had to know what she was doing.

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    14 /10 1200:00

    14 /10 2299:00

    The Wedding of Rebca and Sebastian Chambers

    After a lot of waiting and constant pussyfooting, the two finally decided to get married.   The original idea of the marriage was supposed to be simple - involving a friend acting as an ordained priest, a cherry blossom tree, a lot of cheese and some close family. But there was a lot more than that.   One of the grooms was 'fashionably' late, having arrived from their Bachelor's Party - though Sebastian and Solis made good time.   A lot of friends, family, some enemies, a goat and a mischievous cat came - some attempted to crash the party... but everyone was forced to behave one way or another - given the fact that there were plenty of powerful people there who were quick to silence naysayers.   There was also a LOT of presents, most from people that either couldn't make it or were gifts from some higher ups as a sort of show of celebration. Some highlights included lots of alcohol, cheese, furniture, a head, and some artisanal cheese knives.   Despite the amount of rowdiness that often happens when too many powerful adventurers arrive to a scene, the whole affair was a good time.   In secret behind closed doors, the two newlyweds made a blood-bond between the two of them... ensuring that they would never be truly separated ever again.

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    21 /10 1800:00

    31 /12 1800:00


    Rebca was running through sword drills on the deck on the ship, as exercise and keep in practice in case some bullshit happens. Jackson then appears with a package for Rebca. Rebca not thinking anything of it because they were working on Renovations on the Gouda Intentions into a Maid Cafe. He takes the package and opens it. This was his first mistake; he sees a black pair of gunmetal wings in pieces and clearly cut off of someone while they were alive. First, he recognizing what happen, denial happening then forcing himself to accept what happen and then he started to scream, which his neighbor came over from the Dinobin to check on him. Cheech of course offered Mushrooms first before settling down to talk to Rebca about what was going on.
      He realized he needed help, if he didn't want to be killed and make sure his husband was in the hands of his captor forever. So, he calculated that he would need to find a few others. He started with the easiest which happened to be Solis whom he could just summon and basically screamed his name into the atmosphere until he answered. With Cheech and Solis on board for rescue Sebastian and murder Warren. They headed to the crossroads in hopes of taking Meave and Flannegan Wilt along. However, only one of them could come along due to the fact that they have children to watch. So Rebca decided to bring Meave due to knowing that she had psychic abilities and he had heard a rumour that her sword could drink souls and that was a possible handy solution to Warren who was a sadistic crazy asshole who had kidnapped his husband. Flannegan stayed behind to train his son Mathias on mace and Drevesina the green dragon wyrmling was also teething, so he needed constant supervision. So, with Meave in toe, they went to go find Brunte, Barry and Bari at their home in the forest. Al Rebca had to say to get Brunte on board and his oldest adoptees on board, "I need help, Seb has been stolen, wanna punch somethin'."
      Last one, that Rebca had decided to get was a young man named Horse Beef. He went to get him because he worked with him before and he thought well no one he gathered had arcane magic, so he thought he'd be useful and well he was trustworthy.
      Rebca with the rest of the group in toe plane shifts to Elysia. They appear in front of a house outside of Antigonia. It was one of the only one with a door on Elysia.
    Midafternoon so of course we knock on the door to the vampire named Willow's house. This is the first time Rebca had seen Willow after he had come of age. The man is half asleep and basically seems to get the oh shit mom and dad are here and lets the group in. Solis got a blood smoothie.

    They spent some time planning at Willow's house. They sent our very diplomatic squad went to talk with The Berjainie Angel who was in town and rumour had it that he was still loyal to Warren, and he was definitely still marked. Rebca and Solis stayed at Willow's house and talked some about the upcoming Revolution. Rebca apologized for always showing up always during midday, and dragging trouble with him when he comes to visit, never really coming to visit I as well want to see you as my adult son. Ironically for someone who is now the same age as Willow, despite meeting Willow at ten and Rebca being 21 at the time due to how time works between planes.
      After the short but chaotic visit, Horse and Cheech got teleported to the house and everyone kind of went ah fuck that was a disaster, and Solis bullied the Angel into putting them back and well, he complied in a way that sent them back to where they met with the Angel. Rebca convinced Horse Beef to put the extremely loyal to the enemy sword Angel into a bag of holding.
      They tried various magic transport, none of which really work. Then Meave pulled out a van she got when she was blind, and everyone still let her drive. They all piled in and then about a half a day later Meave crash into the only tree, for a 5000-mile radius. So, everyone needed healed. The car was summoned.
      They then saw figure walk up to the group while they were trying to figure out what to do next. She was holding a package and was shakenly trying to hand Rebca the package. Inside the package was Sebastian's glass eye and his real one. Rebca believed there was fast travel involved, and wanted the information, as soon as possible. Rebca then learned from the figure that they had been traveling for about 3 months. This news really really did not bode well and made Rebca's stomach drop. He became furious about this fact. Meave decided against Rebca's wishes, after Cheech hobbled the slave for whatever reason and Rebca had just healed her. Solis watched this with a 'What are you idiots doing look.'
      About this time Meave and Solis got into an argument about time travel or using elf gates. Rebca wanted to do the time travel one and rescue Sebastian before he is in Warren's hands for 3 months. This Rebca felt a little hopeless and he had brought Meave along to be smarter than he was. Solis went if Meave's plan first then they could try the time shenanigans as a last resort.
    So, Horse and Meave open the Elf gate, and everyone ran pass Rebca despite Rebca wanting to go through first, to the slave tent city where they saw a bunch of slaves cowering away from them. Except for one who uncannily looked like Sebastian, Rebca did a double take to make sure it wasn't but this one wasn't missing an eye. Well, Solis freed him by punching out his entire stomach, and Rebca had to heal the damage, and they found out the mark works both ways, and to Rebca's delight he found out Warren had been watching Sebastian and him for their entire relationship. Sebastian had never told him about that, and Rebca went, "That Tracks." Solis kidnaps the blue haired bastard.
      Solis ran off, to collect a new person, a diviner working for Warren when Rebca discovered they were being scryed on. They talk to the slaves and well Rebca finally puts his foot down and takes his first step to leading this nightmare of a group and helps by healing the slave like they originally agreed with the man they basically almost killed.
    Cheech wanders off as they all traveled into the woods, Cheech wound up in The Woods of the black goat. Rebca then asked nicely, and they were allowed free passage to the Black Woods after they realized Cheech wasn't in a psychical place. Mostly everyone ignored Rebca and went towards the noises that they shouldn't of. Not stressing out the shaman one bit and decided to keep moving. Brunte and the boys went off elsewhere. Leaving Rebca with just Meave and Horse, this smaller group finds her in her jelly insanity inducing formed. Horse makes a deal for information and protection in exchange she would take research for keeping maternity death down and He would go work at Hospital of the Holy Saints. Well, when given the information on the whereabouts of Sebastian as well as keeping him where he was, he was turned into a sickening tenacle monster, that Rebca could not fix even he wanted to. He felt horribly guiltily about, due to Horse's relationship with Sukarma.
    They then find out he was at the Lost and the Chained hospital which was nearby the Unionthe Castle. They break into the hospital in hopes of being able to rescue Sebastian quickly. Rebca uses his deathwatch eyes and finds Sebastian pinging alive. He then rescues Sebastian, and they start to put his organs back in, he is missing one of his 7 hearts which created a dilemma for him. Basically, it looked like try to fix him there and make him whole or bypass the missing heart and he would lose some function for his long long immortal life, either way was going to be a guilt ridden. Solis rips his own out and hands it to Rebca who went, do you have any idea how much pummeling I will have to rearrange to do this.
    Solis being completely and utterly incompatible was only going to be a temporary solution that Rebca could fix later. As strange as it was to Rebca that Sebastian kept pinging alive. He thought it was something like his oracle and the death domain was ripped from Sebastian. So, he basically accepted some normalcy from Seb and decided to work that out later.
    Fixing up Sebastian as best as he can with the equipment he had, which in fairness is phenomenal work. Once Rebca is sure that Sebastian can travel they elf gate to the others. Sebastian and Rebca argue, and some highlights include, "Warren's not that bad." "I am not going to Aurea or any other continent." Which should have been a tip off, which frustrated Rebca to no end because he was only thinking of his health and safety and Rebca suspected Warren had brainwashed him to be more loyal.
    There was a brief interlude, of how to kill Warren where Sebastian unhelpfully went, we don't need to do that. Rebca started internally screaming due Sebastian going I should immediately go back into trouble for whatever reason.
    The rest of the group went to negotiated with Uniothe which went swimmingly without any bargaining chips whatsoever. Sebastian bolted because of course he did. Then Solis was there, which confused and startled Rebca who thought he went with the others. Solis said the mother of all's name twice and Rebca asked for that to stop and of course Sebastian more Sebastian then usual said it a third time.
    So back into the Black Woods they go. They walk through the woods for a minute, and she was in a more pleasant but uncanny effect form which Solis is of course into. She doesn't recognize Sebastian as someone she knew as a Herald. He went well that's my husband, right? Being smart enough to not just take an eldritch being's word at face value check, deathwatch again, which had him ping alive, he also takes out a crystal ball to check and seeing Sebastian in a hospital bed. This is when Horse, Meave, Cheech, Brunte and the boys show up due to Rebca asking Shubby to summon them to her domain which she was apparently in a good mood and did, without any cost anyone knew about. This is when they figured out the Sebastian, they rescued was Warren confirming he was bat dung insane.
      That is when the violence happened your honour. He countered the massive amount of damage, with black molten lava armor until for some unknown reason make whole destroyed it, cast via a wand by Rebca. After that he killed everyone even if they were immune to death effects with the spell Wyrd. The only two who stayed up was Meave and Rebca, who was horrified by this turn of events. Meave landed the killing blow and her sword eat his soul. Rebca took the time to cut Warren into smaller pieces in hope he would not come back up easily.
    A brief pause after being kicked out of the Black Woods, and they worked out how to stop the crazy abomination to stop regenerating by sacraficing him to the mother of all and Rebca offer this prayer:
    "Blessed Mother, piercèd with fear, You who have born a thousand young: We, your children, all doomed to die, sing to console You and praise You!   We mourn with You for never born. elder siblings who might have been: The Paleozoic’s children, cut off before they could grow minds.   We weep and wonder at the doom. that came to the archosaur host: Your children whose death gave us a chance to be born and grow and thrive.   My heart is pure, my intentions clear. I ask for your guidance and your help. In loving my soulmate, my most perfect partner. I have a partner who enhances me by his/her very being… Who brings more love, joy, peace and prosperity to my life…   Who I can love fully and who can fully receive my love… Who loves, honors and cherishes me completely, and always. I know love when my true love comes to me. I let love in.   We thank you for this chance to live, and pray you found us a blessing: For though we know we will not last, we hope life’s balance will be good."   "Shub-Niggurath, Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young. Accept the remains of this one, as sacrifice, as tribute. Give him the mother he never knew in life. Though soul it torn, and body sundered, keep him safe in your woods. Forever."
    A prayer Sebastian had said a few times during their relationship. She happily took him and offered him an elixir of immortality that would have extra side effects known as the Black milk. The black milk of Shub-Niggurath is held sacred by all her followers and cults. It has immense mutagenic effects. If drank one of such effects is immortality other effects vary.
    Rebca has the gift and never used it more out of fear of what it would do to him, but at least he had the choice to take it or not.
    Well at this point, he was staring at the crystal ball like it was a lifeline listening to Sebastian's dreams in his, he found the shell on the table, which was set up like a dog food bowl, as he looked for a clue of where his husband was breathing through an oxygen mask and getting an IV. The broken ring of when he died earlier and came back was on his finger. His garrote was on a pamphlet with the name of the place on it.
    "Banfield Pet Hospital," he murmured. "Mentioned I hate Elysia today? Hate Elysia." Solis caught Sebastian scent about an hour from where they were kicked from the woods. The man at the desk pointed them in the direction of the living property. The last room at the end of the hallway is closed but unlocked as Meave opens the door. Rebca had been staring at the crystal ball recognizes the hospital room. The hospital trey with an embedded food bowl and water bowl that can be moved over bed with wheels. He doesn't recognize the monitors attached and making various sounds. He sees the oxygen tank and the tube that attach to Seb to help him breath. He has a blanket up to his neck as he lays there. It feels of in this room, extra cold. Goosebumps stand up on your skin. He has the black intravenous drip, Solis recognize saline from all his regular trips to the hospital back on earth, type A blood, running into his body as well. It doesn't seem like he's able to do much on his own, there is even food entering his body through his veins to keep him alive. Well, he pings as dead to deathwatch, so Rebca knew this was the right person this time.
      They find the Dandelion mark still being there as neither Warren or his brother officially owned Sebastian. They had to share.
      Rebca had removed the blanket. His husband's lungs were outside of his chest. They were barely functioning. His kidneys were failing and look gunky black. His liver is clearly dead. He has all his hearts, but they are in jars on the counter, and Rebca finds the bypass machine that pumping blood for him. Really horrifying for those who have never seen medical equipment like this. The fun part all his organs have spikes through them. So, as he is brought back every 24 hours, he will also die in those 24 hours, that is pretty painful. The best part there is an anti-divinity chain on his ankles keeping him from accessing any of his mythic powers from the domain belonging to Morridiggan.     This meant Rebca had to do surgery, round two and he was very overwhelmed by the damage done and on anyone else they would just be dead. Solis pushes him to start by suggesting removal of Sebastians feet first which isn't what Rebca starts with he decided on putting the hearts in first. Rebca watches as Meave breath of life the liver which doesn't work at all. So, she argues with Veles one of her swords while helping. Solis gives his blood that helps regenerate the organs to life as Rebca works to get them back into his husband. Sebastian dies on the table and Rebca keeps working despite feeling a void in his being.
    Sugery is mildly successful and Rebca is exhausted. Sebastian doesn't wake up when everyone gets back to the free town of Antigonia to bother Willow at midafternoon again and let Sebastian rest on his couch, while everyone figures out how to get home. Willow offers Rebca some blood to help heal Sebastian which was not accepted.
    Then this conversation happened: Willow asks, "Is this a revolt or a war? Is there a difference? Or would it be a revolution..."
    Meave answered with, “More of revolt right now. Will become a war when my knight shows up.”
      Willow nods understanding. Brünte and the boys help Meave move things into place, mounting anything particularly heavy on Alces. As they were going to open an Elf gate hub. "For us a revolution." Right Barry grunts under the weight of something heavy. "For them, a war." Left helps clarify, leaning against the thing Right is lifting lazily.
    "Revolt's easier to say? And. Uhm. Let me step outside," he murmured, moving out of the house before whispering the password until the bag opened, and taking the sword out. As he had promised to release him when he had finished this task.
    "So, Warren's dead. Assume you're gonna follow orders anyway, right?" he asked the sword-shaped angel.   The shaman could feel the sword...rebelling? Grieving? Accepting? He wasn't really sure, but he could feel something change. As Rebca watched the sword vanished, metal and divine energy flowing into his skin.   Then into his muscles.   Then into his bones, enthusing him with an angel's might on top of an asura's tenacity. But it was a truth that only some knew, that asura were already divine - fallen divinity. Corrupted by spite and loathing.   And the angel, long broken to Warren's service, wasn't so far away from that.   Two natures met, merged, shifted and became something...a little different. The tiefling...was he still a tiefling? Was he an angel?   Was he where the two met?   Whatever he was now, Rebca could feel the remains of the angel sitting silently in a corner of his mind, a little sliver of soul that wasn't quite him.   Of course, something else was in his mind, and did not appreciate the intrusion.   Iris eyed her new toy - that had willingly entered her domain - with contempt...   After a few minutes, Rebca staggered back in. He looked...not that different. He'd had a halo for a while, wings of pure they had a little more of a shine, an almost metallic shimmer to them. His halo was nearly opalescent.   And his eyes...his eyes had always been the seat of Rebca's power. Now they shimmered like a sea made of sapphire. "So...maybe openin' bag was not entirely smart choice...uhh...I think the angel bolted itself to my...soul..."
    Solis called him, "Angel-Tiefling with titty milk." Rebca had help with the ritual almost fully concussed and that may have been why the hub opened on many places on Aur as well as Sha'tar. It wasn't something you could close either and it was not on Aur's planar power but Sha'tar, so who knows how this will be corrupted on the plane of Aur. But it opened directly into the Eclipsed Eye, and Meave had done that with everyone being back up in case something went wrong. Once they returned this was going around: There are rumours a teifling during that excursion came back an angel and many are confused about this turn of events.
        However, a few weeks ago on the Gouda intentions a maid Cafe opens for business with Rebca and Sebastian Chambers working together and having the happy peace they both wanted.
    Though the Aureans had planned to go to war with Elysia under the banner of the Hell Knights and led by Wall, the conflict actually began with an act from the Elysians. They reportedly abducted and tortured a prominent member of Aurea, leading to a retaliatory incursion that left a high-ranking member of Elysian society dead. With renewed fervor for the war effort, the Hell Knights have begun their invasion of the plane with renewed vigor and surety in their cause. For the first time, Aurea is declaring war.
    Rebca Now: