Nikolay Deund "The Lucky Gunslinger"

  • 99

    26 /2 1028:00

    9 /1 00:00

    Artist rendition of Nikolay Deund
    Artistic creation

  • 99

    26 /3 1028:00

    26 /3 1028:00

    Nikolay's Arrival to Aurea
    Life, Career

    Was on a very important case in Russia, investigating for the public good when in the middle of a gun fight he fell off a railroad station and was run over by a train making his way into Aurea.    He disappeared from Earth. Letting those he was investigating grow in power unbeknownst to him.

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    24 /5 1200:00

    24 /8 1200:00

    Rabbit Raid
    Military: Battle

    Nikolay was in the fights leading up to the final battle against the Void, Feind and exploding clockwork Rabbits. He was the first to negotiate a way for Rosilia to help the surface in this war. He gave them the intelligent sneaky dangerous hellmouth cannons in exchange for the help needed to push the Rabbits back. Still there were still several Rabbits and the hellmouth cannons were hard to turn over until after dismantling them and reassembling them.   This was a turn of events and not long after the Rabbits sent over geese to unibomb Aurelian.

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    6 /6 1400:00

    6 /6 2100:00

    The Case of the Missing Dame
    Civil action

    It is not uncommon in Aurea for a person to get separated from a loved one soon after passing through the portal into Aurea. Sometimes it was a case of one or more of them didn't make it. Sometimes it was simply the chaotic nature of the arrival square and the oddness of the new world that led to people separating.

    It seemed a clear case of the second when Sir Normania Letsky approached Nikolay about finding his missing wife, Dame Nermina Letsky, but these things rarely are. Sir Letsky explained that shortly after arriving his wife had vanished, and he hadn't been able to find any trace of her since.

    The Lucky Gunslinger went to the arrival square and began to search for clues, but struggled to find much trace of anything, much to his surprise.

    Eventually, this led him to wondering if, perhaps, the Dame in question had removed herself from the arrival square...

    A little digging revealed that Sir Letsky was not a kind man, nor a good husband. There was no loved for his beloved wife, just a desire for control. And Nikolay wasn't the only one he'd hired to find her.

    It became a race, searching to find the Dame first, to either take her to or keep her away from her husband. Nikolay arrived second, but some well-placed pistol shots took out the faster scouts, and after a little financial persuasion was arranged, he helped the lady escape the city and to a new life.

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    1 /1

    2 /1 00:00

    Cultural event

    Celebrated the new year with the fireworks and other things before having to go fight the dragon. The fire was new to Nikolay and Angela. It was a hard and long fight for the two of them. Needless to say they parted ways soon after. The first and last time they were in the same adventuring party for the dragon event that marks the new year of Aurea.

    Additional timelines
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    17 /5 1300:00

    17 /10 1200:00

    Demonic Cult
    Civil action

    Demons are rarely a good thing in anyone's book. And in the Sheriff of Aurelian Catena's book, they were worse than most. The devil was, by his very nature, lawful and opposed to them.

    Problem was, he couldn't find any evidence that the cult of Andirifkhu in the city was actually breaking any of the laws of Aurelian. There were suspicions, of course, as there are with any demonic activity - but then, there was more than one person who looked at the Sheriff himself askance.

    So he did something unusual, and turned to the Lucky Gunslinger to find the evidence he needed.

    At first, it seemed like the Razor Princess' cult was doing little more than running violent blood matches in her honour, dedicated to her name - vicious, and sometimes lethal, but technically within the laws of the city.

    As Nikolay dug deeper, however, it became obvious that the sick and sadistic side of the cult was being hidden in plane view, as they used something they called Frenzychips to drive friends and lovers berserk before pitting them against each other in the ring. A cocktail of drugs and enchantment spells after meant that the survivors - if there were any - would have no clue as to what really happened, or believe that it had been there own doing that saw the other killed.

    With evidence of this in hand, Nikolay returned to Catena, and a raid was launched on the cult that was completely within the city ordnances - and utterly without mercy.

    The broken survivors, few as they were, were exiled from Aurelian.

  • 100

    12 /9

    25 /12

    Discovery in Aurelian sewers
    Civil action

    The sewer system beneath Aurelian is large, almost as old as the city itself, and impressively robust to have survived the many, many disasters that have occurred during the city's time.

    Still, this does not mean they have survived entirely untouched, and many strange and unusual creatures have moved into the damaged sections, cut off from the main body of the city. This is especially bad at the edges of the city, which have always been a little...wild on occasion.

    When rumors started of people going missing in one neighborhood hit particularly hard by a rain of logs, some ranging upwards of a ton or more, it wasn't long before eyes turned to the sewer system, and Nikolay was hired to check the tunnels for whatever was causing the problems.

    It turns out dozens of massive, mysterious logs can cause a lot of damage, and had opened the sewers to a section of caves that, in turn, connected to Rosilia. How the drow slavers had found the new path so fast was a mystery, but they had, and an easy source of slaves wasn't something they would overlook.

    Nikolay led the rescue party, being one of the few with any familiarity at all with the network of twisted tunnels and strange caverns, and with how the drow were likely to operate. After an intense battle the gunslinger was able to retrieve the bulk of the captives, but the slavers collapsed the cavern they were fighting in - sealing off the path they'd used but blocking any further pursuit.

  • 101

    1 /1 1200:00

    1 /2 300:00

    Life, Achievement/ Win

    He helped with fighting the Phoenix Dragon. He skirmished with it along side many who helped with fighting the creature. He wasn't in the final battle but he definitely made a good dent into helping with the victory.

  • 101

    9 /4 1300:00

    9 /4 1300:00

    Construction beginning/end

    The building which is best described as a two-story building build in the 1910's with a glass window and door with the words "Syshchiki s Rodiny Agency". Entering it, there are a small waiting room with another door entering the main office which is only have 3 desks with plated names of who is using it, A lab, armory and a classroom. At the back of the office where are two stairs, one heading downstairs where is another office which connect to the cell (Which surprising well furnished) and upstairs there is a door labeled "Head Detective Nikolay Office" with sometimes with a sign put on the doorknob "Don't disturb unless it's an emergency". Once entering the office, it has a 1910 style furniture and a smell of coffee and another door which label "Evidence Locker."

    This is the only Detective agency in Aurelian City. Own and Operated by Nikolay himself with three apprentices under him whom he affectionately calls the boys. This is where a lot of his work comes in after it's opening. He spent a lot of time taking delegated work from the sheriff and concerned citizens. This is also why one could find him at the Glided Rose since apparently no one makes better coffee then Alan and Selene.

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    12 /8

    13 /10

    Murder most fowl Wryms Rest Job
    Civil action

    Wyrm's Rest was a little rougher than some places, but not typically a 'murder every few days' level of rough.

    So when people started dying at an alarming rate, and Nikolay happened to be in town on other business, he managed to pick up another job.

    A little investigation revealed an intruiging detail: a bird feather, sometimes more than one, found at each scene. And the odd mage Grixus had recently been in town, posting a job advertisement...

    Tracking the man back to his farm was easy - he had the job request - but getting him to answer any questions was a lot harder. Especially when the undead chicken horde the strange farmer had been looking to have thinned rose up in defence of there...owner? Creator? Master? Source of food? Whatever the reason, dozens of undead beaks can do a surprising amount of damage, forcing Nikolay back even as the Lucky Gunslinger fired off round after round, pulverising an undead chook with each shot.

    Eventually, he removed enough of the fowl creatures that Grixus decided that the job was done, and gave Nikolay his payment - information. It turned out while he had been in Wyrm's Rest he had spotted an old collegue, Zoldal the Many Feathered, an outcast druid that had a preference for both bird forms when he Wildshaped an impressive list of unpaid gambling debts.

    Nikolay was able to make in time to find a loan shark about to be dive bombed by extremely aggresive seagull - something of a feat for that species - and shot the druid out the air, preventing the next murder.

  • 101

    4 /9 01:00

    4 /10 50:00

    Bounty on Miz'ri Faen Tlabbar
    Civil action

    Miz'ri his grandson and infamous thief had stolen multiple prison carriages and is wanted in Aurelian Rosilia and Anfortas currently. Due to the amount of theft and property damage Nikolay felt it was his duty to bring in his grandson. A crack team was assembled.  Solis, Demis and Nikolay set on a journey to the hub of the darklands on Aurea, Rosilia. Well, Miz was not only hiding but causing trouble down there with the slave trade. 
      This is the first time Nikolay had seen Demis in action and well due to revealing Miz was a Drow in disguise and almost got his grandson killed. he was hiding out with others in the slave revolts and not every one in the slave revolts thought the only good Drow is a good Drow but the leader of this particular faction did.  This was the start of Nikolay having a slight issue with her as a person. 

      Luckily, he was able to arrest Miz with Solis' help. but Miz immediately escaped from the Sherriff as soon as he could.

  • 102


    Haunting of the Hamlet
    Civil action

    It is not exactly uncommon knowledge that the Hamlet is a troubled place. Perhaps it shouldn't come as a shock that it has a ghost issue or two, with it's trouble past and the terrible damage done to it.

    Yet when those ghosts start rampaging out from the Hamlet, it is an issue - especially when every night they seem to get a little further away from the town before being dispersed...

    Nikolay was sent in during a stiff morning to find why the dead had been roused so suddenly, and why they seemed to be growing stronger and getting more aggressive. In the centre of the former settlement he found an odd, rust-red stone that emenated a bone-chilling cold from it.

    It didn't take Detect Magic to realize this was the source of the problem, but thankfully several large quantaties of gunpowder were to hand, and work began on demolishing the rock.

    This was not helped by the Hamlet's standard groups of undead and werekin that were just as territorial and aggressive as always. The wave of undead chickens was especially gruelling.

    As a result of the delays, night started to fall and the angry ghosts began to rise. It became a desperate stand, Nikolay and his team trying to stop the spirits as they rose all around them, and the spirits attempting to tear the team apart.

    It came at a cost, as many of the group fell, but eventually the charges were set and a well placed shot from the Lucky Gunslinger ended the threat.

  • 102

    1 /1 800:00

    1 /1 2099:00

    Life, Achievement/ Win

    Once more he found himself having to fight the dreadful Phoenix Dragon. this was the year the beach of Anfortas turned to green glass. It was a pretty site. he failed to stop the Dragon from flying off from Aurelian to Anfortas. but the end came shift for the yearly destruction of the Phoenix dragon. Nikolay was starting at this point to be suspicious of the many ongoings in Aurea itself at this point

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    11 /1 1104:00

    16 /1 53:00

    Warlock and paintings
    Life, Career

    A man carried the letter and was either drunk, drugged or possessed and speaking about witchcraft, something Nikolay was well known to be in opposition to. 

    Dear Mister Nikolay,
    Please come and meet me at your earliest convenience. I have urgent work befitting a man of your talents and skills. Bring along whatever associates you deem fit. Consider the enclosed gift as an early advance on your payment should you prove successful in the task I shall make plain to you upon your arrival. My deepest apologies for not being able to meet you in person. -A

      This was the first time he took a job from a Minotaur hired him and a bunch of goons called Dorin, Azariah, Demis and Drexthol to go and find the remaining portraits that Brightpollen had painted using gloamweave pigments. They went a bit above and beyond and collected them instead in various ways, including burning down some buildings in town. As a reward he gave them as much gold as a single person could carry so they went and found a forge dwarf who got gold fused to his body. Also known as Trogdor "Goldskin" Furnacekin.

      It is said that this mission albeit successful also had Nikolay wondering why Lady Luck decided to mess with him as hard as she did.

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    The Case of the Cursed Coin
    Criminal Activity

    One summerish evening, Nikolay was approached by a strange woman seeking a coin that had been stolen from her family home. The private eye agreed to take the case, searching high and low through Aurelian.

    He battled a pack of wild kobolds, goblin alchemists, was jumped by ogre mobsters and with the help of his friends raided one of Brightpollen's less pleasant facilities, gaining clues as to the nature of the coin and it's strange, sordid past, full of myths and poker debts with the gods themselves, he eventually located the coin, and solved the case.

    It has never been stolen. The lady was trying to convince the rest of her family that it had been, so she could keep it rather than the real heir, her daughter. Nikolai returned it to the rightful owner.

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    7 /6

    26 /7 1200:00

    Secrets of the Arrival square
    Life, Career

    Nikolay in his infinite curiosity on the Arrival square portals started to look further into the way they worked. He started with the arrival stone, a large piece of granite brought to the surface and covered in arcane runes. These runes appear to be nothing but gibberish even to the mages that study them, but this circle serves as the location that all who come to Aurelian appear in. He eventually found out a horrifying secret of all the portals of Aur. They are corrupted hellmouths that seek out those who need to come to the prison plane. This is the closest anyone has figured out how to return to their home plane.

      Still his investigations were cut short due to fear effects when he attempted to bribe one of the hellmouth guardians for more information.

  • 102

    13 /11 1400:00

    14 /11 1200:00

    Gunslingers Meet up in Erastil's abandoned cabin
    Gathering / Conference

    Nikolay, Thorne, James, Demis, and Terry all meet up north. Seems to be a gunslinger meet up where they meet the most terrifying monsters. Wendigos. They wander out and slayed a Wendigo in the wild north as Terry sang songs. Nikolay during the skirmish lost a hand. However, made some lifelong friends in the process.  If he needed to call on any of this bullet slingers he could. Learning to fire a gun with one hand was gonna be tough.

  • 102

    23 /11 1700:00

    12 /12 1500:00

    Kyomi The Godslayer, Serial killer
    Political event

    An unidentified body was found at one of the sewer entrances, disembowel and with a dagger jammed into its throat. An old priest was killed with a crossbow bolt to his chest in front of his congregation. Authorities are investigating but do not have any leads. This one has been the talk of the community, as he was a well-known pillar of the town. Rumor in town has it that one of the famous Ironfist "Brothers" was found murdered and nailed to the side of his shop. One of the towns treasurers was found strung up in front of the town hall today, platinum pennies stuffed down his throat and littering the ground around him.

      All these cases had become very cold when Nikolay was given the cases from the Sheriff, who was delegated to Nikolay and the boys. This was pretty big case. It wasn't long before a signature was found on each of the bodies and Nikolay believed this was the work of a serial killer. Well tracking this vigilante down was hard due to her many guises. One of which being an innocent fox and totally innocent farm girl.   That was mostly the hard part but her calling card was a Rose on a business card. He figured it out from when she was caught by the Rosilia Drow with Talida and Magorath.   When he found her box where she accepted jobs he waited till she came to pick up payment from one of her many jobs and figured out it was her with his hand. He arrested her and she stood trail. One of the first executions done in Aurelian.

  • 102

    15 /12 17:00

    16 /12 1215:00

    Rosilia Trade agreement
    Diplomatic action

    Due to an interesting turn of events The Sheriff appointed Nikolay and Revan as representatives of the City of Aurelian to deal with the Relations of Rosilia issues. Many wanting to stop a war with an impossible enemy. He was joined by Demis Remulus and Galhan who were representing Wryms Rest Keep a new settlement at the time. This is when everyone found out Dr. Perry had made a huge mistake and negotiated with Grimglop for safe trade routes only to renege on the deal. This required these five to go on a journey with an abomination hybrid Grimglop made guiding them to the library. Tasked with returning with the Librarian's head in order to return the routes safety and the Drow as is to the world. This wasn't the only blunder on the mission, but Nikolay was not much to blame letting Demis take the lead on most negotiations. Trusting her judgement as a contract broker.

      When they returned the dead avatar of the librarian's head deal was completed even if it was exactly what Grimglop intended. It was technically fulfilled the deal which was Nikolay's idea. The smart detective then interrogated Sir One, The Great Composer one of the fingers of the great deity that is directly under the watcher. He learned a great deal about why no one returns home after coming to Aurea. It is unknown if he pursued this further, but this is where he was gifted a hand that could read objects to answer questions on anything he needed pertaining to his cases.

      Next he signed this again following the contract broker's lead.   I, Johnathan Zeerith Ssambra, of house Zeerith Ssambra - Currently the de facto leader of the Zeerith Ssambra hold and all that it entails - enter into contract with representatives of the surface of Aurea - Specifically of the city of Aurelian and the hold of Wyrm's Rest.

    1. In exchange for protection of my position and acquisition of power from here and to the foreseeable future. In exchange, I grant my and my house's support to the surface realm - of an amount I consider appropriate per situation.
    1a. If support is considered lackluster, one way or the other - future meetings about reparations will be done.
    2. All trade between the Darklands and surface world is now considered A. Legal and B. Protected by both parties.
    2a. Those who wear the grand sigil of Zeerith Ssambra and have official representation shall receive a discount on goods and services from the surface world of up to 20% off what is considered common market price.
    2a-1. In times of emergency, those who qualify for the discount on goods and services can increase the discount up to 50% off with no requirement of reimbursement.
    2b. Those who do not have the appropriate sigil and representation will be charged a trader's tariff of 20% above standard market price.
    2c. If trade is threatened or damaged by one side of the party or another, a representative of the Darklands and the surface world shall be chosen to meet at a neutral spot agreed upon by both parties.   This would cause some issues later with trade. But he finally finished the work he originally went out to complete. Drow Green Wine Flavored with Tetrolimulus poison. Not enough to be dangerous or deadly, but enough to give the drink a special zing was drank as a celebration.

    Additional timelines
  • 103

    1 /1 1200:00

    2 /1 00:00

    Pheonix Dragon: Rampage
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    A shot rang out by the Gunslinger during the final battle against the Phoenix Dragon. He fired one lucky shot and the killing the dragon with a final blow. He was very proud of the fact ad excited after he did so. He still was asking a great deal of questions about the on-goings of why this happened every year.

  • 103

    4 /5

    12 /8 00:00

    Stopped Drug exportations
    Criminal Activity

    Nikolay had discovered in the Warehouse district of Anfortas drugs where being made and distributed. He wanted to stop the drug trade from moving into the area outside of the port city. So, for the first time ever, Nikolay was on the wrong side of the law, as the laws of Anfortas did not allow for snitching.    This is the first time he took the law in his own hands. This ended with several warehouses on fire. He had hired Landon, Maverick and some others into helping end it and well they certainly end that drug pin. Nikolay is now wanted in Anfortas and wanted to be keelhauled. 

    He never would return to this degenerate city to face his justice.

  • 103

    23 /7 1400:00

    23 /8 1600:00

    The War for Azoa
    Military: War

    With the problems in Azoa growing ever stronger, and the chaos of the situation between the resistance and the remaining government forces, the resistance turned towards a reputable source of additional forces - adventurers from Aurelia, transported aboard the Windsong and the Walpurgisnacht.

    Early waves were generally successful, with significant damage to the White cloak forces at the site of the landing, and a skirmish against the Azoan air forces seeing fireballs and flammable dirigibles being an exciting combination.

    The third wave was the first to encounter some issues, with Demis of Wyrm’s Rest going down during the fight against several significant robot units which seemed to have an unusual, infernal power source, but the machines were successfully decommissioned.

    With the final push, the old hands of Mel, Carnival, Geeg, Ein, Khors and Jed, joined by Revan and Nikolay for the attack on the two main objectives, with brief side trip to the house of Baba Yaga, where Oros and Sam were waiting. Carnival and Khors had been preparing for some time and were able to remove the device keeping Sam in his mind, with Khors removing it in real life and Carnival taking it out in his mind. It wasn’t easy, and the man was reticent to return, but it was eventually done.

    The group rallied and headed to their first target, the military high command of Azoa. Guarded by a significant number of very large mechs, the party chose to sneak in while disguised, breaking into a slave auction, and causing quite a lot of chaos. Nikolai opened and closed the roof, several times, drawing the attention of the mechs outside. Geeg animated the cages of the slaves' doors, making them rips themselves down and protect the former occupants as they used a Gate spell to get them out. Revan used his shadow magic to assassinate, as an invisible Carnival sniped. Mel summoned a massive storm, and Khors used fire and light spells to bring attention to himself and cause havoc.

    As the Azoan high command and their bodyguards fell, the arena began to fill with water, and eventually the party left what was left of the place to flood, their images captured by the strange devices in the building.

    Revan decided that he’d had enough, and Shadow Walked back to the ship, but the rest pressed on. An encounter with Azoan mimics was…educational. Sam was acting very oddly, as well, even by his standards.

    The party reached the capital, and found it guarded by the latest in Azoan tech, war machines and air ships. With all due consideration, the party decided to steal one of the two large airships, turning its advanced weapons on the other ship, war dirigibles and annihilators on the ground, causing havoc - but the ship was rapidly torn apart. In addition, it was crewed by slaves, and it was a struggle to overcome them and get them off before the ship came apart, but they did.

    The other ships were…less fortunate.

    And Sam, in a strange new form, was crushed to death as he brought down one of the other vessels.
    Nikolay was reunited with his daughter, The Countess. Jed courted her in the aftermath of the war.

    When the dust settled, the machines were defeated and the resistance took the city, with Oros left to mourn. Ein was crowned as the new king of Azoa. And Oros mourned.

  • 103

    25 /12 1300:00

    31 /12 1400:00

    Succubus case
    Diplomatic action

    So she was being carted out of Rosilia during some house cleaning of servants out of one of the many manors down. She pointed out Nikolay as the potential father and was not able to immediately disprove that he was not. He was given 7 days to disprove this or he would be the father of a demon baby legally and a have a demon wife. She picked him out so she would not have to leave the city.   She claimed she was pregnant from the 13th of the first moon and the small child with her was born 3 months later. 
      His excuse was that he was on another continent. He proved that he was in a place that would harm Rosilia who had decided to stay out of the Azoa conflict. This lowered his standing with other drow.

  • 104

    1 /1 1200:00

    9 /1 00:00

    Pheonix Dragon: Rampage of Anguish
    Disaster / Destruction

    Celebrated the New year, by doing behind the scenes works. Mostly fighting Drakes and Dragons that became too aggressive due to the affect that the Phoenix Dragon has on others of it's kind. Some even offered refugee aid as well as healing services during this time of strife.

  • 104

    12 /3 1200:00

    15 /3 1200:00

    Syshchiki s Rodiny Agency closes

    Nikolay in his infinite wisdom, had brought on an over eager lizard man. He wanted to make the world a less chaotic place and force people to bend to the law. As well as his love of bookkeeping an Record keeping this seemed to be a good fit for the Detective agency. However, funky things started to happened after Landon was hired onto the agency. Not in the missing sense but weird things that made it clear that bending people to the law was the only thing Landon was really interested in. He took Remy to one of the holding cells at one point. Nikolay not wishing to deal with that nonsense let him go. Which made Landon wonder why Aurelian wasn't Glorian more than once.   At some point Nikolay agreed to fund Landon's disastrous run for mayor not realizing how much that would cost and put the agency under. The boys and Nikolay spent months hunting down Landon down for the money after Landon fled his consequences something Nikolay should have seen coming due to the mark of cowardice on that lizard kind's forehead. Soon the poor detective had no choice but to close. Funnily enough he refused funds from Miz'ri. Probably cause he didn't want to deal with the consequences of stolen money. As Nikolay was nothing but an honorable and good Drow.

  • 104

    29 /3

    31 /3

    Last Case
    Civil action

    It was common knowledge, among those in the know, that the Countess Dorothy Faen Tlabbar is one of the finest fleshwarpers the drow have ever produced.

    Unfortunately, some unsavory types took notice as well - the worst of which was Zepar, and Infernal Duke of, among other things, Transformation. Given his fortay, it seemed...unlikely that he would court the countess in traditional style.

    When Nikolay became aware of the situation, he made moves to protect the woman - astranged as they were, she was his daughter.

    First, he called in his favours. He'd fought in Azoa, and knew people there, so he asked some of the people who owed him one to keep an eye on her. Given she was a leading member of the resistance, this was a little awkward...but they were able to help block some devilish interests.

    Next, he pulled in the chits owed from his shenanigans during the war between heaven and hell, so that she had an angelic bodyguard. This...did not entirely end well, when the countess caught the bodyguard, but her modfiications did make it a more effective as a guard.

    With her protected, at least for a time, Nikolay began to plan to stop the threat more permanently. It would not come as a shock that the lord of Transformation occasionally liked to do some work on himself, helping to keep his foes and allies guessing as to what, exactly, he could do.

    Calling in the last of his favours, Nikolay was able to sneak into Zepar's inner workshop during one of his bouts of self-augmentation. Although he was almost caught, and had to shoot his way out, Nikolay made off with a prize - one of Zepar's hearts. While he could live perfectly well without it, the infernal duke knew full well that if it ended up in the hands of one of his equals, it could mean his doom. Nikolay made it clear: the countess was off limits.

    And then, he vanished. There was no where he could hide the heart, or himself, forever. But he could run through the planes of the multiverse for a very, very long time before Zepar could find him. And until he wa found, his daughter was safe.