Nun Thoram - EN Settlement in Aurin | World Anvil

Nun Thoram - EN


Written by FirethornDragon

Nun Thoram, the largest city in Oblon, is a thriving metropolis and the capital of Oblon. Located amidst stunning mountain ranges, Nun Thoram is a popular destination for travelers looking to explore the region's natural beauty. One of the city's most notable landmarks is Mer Kuldir, a prestigious school of the dwarves that draws students from all over the world. Whether interested in history, culture, or the great outdoors, Nun Thoram is a must-visit destination.


Nun Thoram is a breathtaking destination that is renowned for its picturesque landscape. The region is home to numerous glaciers that glisten in the sunlight, creating a mesmerizing sight for visitors. Additionally, the area is blanketed in snow for a significant portion of the year, providing a wintry wonderland for those who enjoy outdoor activities. The mountain ranges in Nun Thoram are also a sight to behold, with their towering peaks and jagged edges. It's no wonder why Nun Thoram is a favorite spot for nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers alike.


Nun Thoram's architecture reflects the region's rich history and culture, presented in intricate detail. The buildings are made with locally sourced stone and metal extracted from nearby mines with great care and precision. The intricate designs and patterns etched into the structures are a testament to the creativity and skill of the local artisans, who have honed their craft over generations.     Each building serves a unique purpose that contributes to the functioning of the community as a whole. The cozy homes are sanctuaries for families to gather and relax. Meanwhile, public buildings such as the town hall and marketplaces are bustling hubs of activity where residents interact and exchange goods and services.     Not only does Nun Thoram's architecture serve a practical purpose, but it also reflects the natural environment that surrounds it. The buildings are designed to withstand the harsh weather conditions that can often prevail in the region, with each house featuring a chimney to keep residents warm during the cold winter months.


Nun Thoram is a city situated amidst high-altitude mountains. Due to its location and altitude, the town experiences a consistently cold and snowy climate throughout the year. Additionally, there is a massive glacier between Nun Thoram and Ham Faldur, which serves as a barrier and adds to the already frigid climate of the city. The glacier also impacts the city's precipitation, resulting in heavy snowfall at times.     Furthermore, Nun Thoram's location in the mountains makes it vulnerable to sudden and severe weather storms, such as blizzards, hailstorms, and thunderstorms. These weather conditions can cause significant disruptions to daily life and pose risks to the safety of the city's inhabitants. Despite the challenges posed by the harsh climate, the residents of Nun Thoram have adapted over time and continue to thrive in their unique environment.

Natural Resources

Nun Thoram is a region rich in natural resources, boasting vast reserves of various metals, stones, and minerals. The region is surrounded by numerous mines that extract these resources, providing significant economic benefits to the area. The metal deposits include iron, copper, gold, and silver, while the stone quarries yield high-quality blocks for construction purposes. The minerals extracted from the mines, including sulfur, coal, and salt, are essential for various industries. Nun Thoram's abundant natural resources are a key contributor to the economy of Oblon.
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Related Tradition (Primary)

Cover image: Oblon by Charlotte.S


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