Oblon - EN


Written by FirethornDragon

Oblon is the oldest dwarf country in Aurin. It was founded in 390 F.M. (Before Magic). They are mostly known for their inventive cities and engineering skills. Oblon has the only dwarf school, Mer Kuldir - The school of the dwarves. The school was founded before Oblon in 357 F.M. (Before Magic). The school is in Oblon's capital Nun Thoram - EN. One of Oblon's other biggest cities is Ham Faldur. Ham Faldur is known for its exports of Ongru metal and their mines. Ham Faldur has the biggest mines in Oblon, and the second biggest is the capital mines.     Oblon has the biggest export of metal and stone across Aurin. They have the most skillful blacksmiths, engineers, and inventors across Aurin. Many people across Aurin see Oblon as the home of inventors. If you need help or a friend in your experiments involving metal, stone, minerals or even craftmanship Oblon is the place to find a like-minded individual.


In 390 F.M. (Before Magic), the dwarfs were in the midst of a war when Oblon was founded. Mer Kuldir - The school of the dwarves was the heart of their culture. Everything was peaceful until the Long Xae Dynasty appeared, attempting to conquer their borders and mountains. But the clans refused to back down, and they fought the Long Xae Dynasty's army as a united front.     After their victory and peace negotiations, the dwarfs established a single country, Oblon, and combined their borders. The descendants of the fighting dwarf clans still exist in Oblon today, mostly residing along the mountain ranges that used to define their borders.     "The Stones Know" is Oblon's motto and originated from the war with the Long Xae Dynasty. The dwarfs used the code word "The Stones Know" during the war to signify the presence of their enemies being close or nearby.


The people of Oblon do not believe in The Old Gods in the same way the rest of Aurin does. They only pray to the Gods of their choosing and from the stories they grow up listening to. The people of Oblon have their legends and myths with creatures and dwarfs that they pray to or give offerings to more than The Old Gods. For them, achievements grounded in facts and reality are more important than magic.     Dwarfs, especially those from Oblon, are skeptical of magic. For dwarfs, real skills come from hard work and knowledge of your craftmanship. But some are more open-minded to magic users and magic.

Trade & Transport

Oblon is located at the center of many neighboring countries, which makes it a hub for trade and transport. A large number of people pass through its borders for these purposes. Oblon has taken advantage of this and has become one of the largest countries in trade and transport. The country generates most of its revenue from taxes collected from merchants who cross their borders for trade outside of Oblon. However, if merchants intend to trade only within Oblon, they are exempted from paying any tax.


Everyone that lives in Oblon studies at Mer Kuldir - The school of the dwarves. At the school, the dwarfs learn how to become skillful blacksmiths, inventors, and craftsmen. During their years at the school, they get chances to experiment as much as they want. Some dwarfs travel after their education to learn more about the different countries and cultures' approaches to craftsmanship.

The Stones Knows

Founding Date
22 of Rivule 390 F.M (Before Magic)
Geopolitical, Country
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Major Exports
Ham Faldur, the city in Oblon, is home to the largest mines in Aurin, making it the top exporter of stone and metal in Aurin.
Subsidiary Organizations
Related Traditions
Related Ranks & Titles
Manufactured Items
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities
Related Myths
Mer Kuldir - The school of the dwarves
Organization | Aug 20, 2022

Cover image: Oblon by Charlotte.S


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