The Sere Mountain Range Geographic Location in Aurin | World Anvil

The Sere Mountain Range


Written by FirethornDragon

The Sere Mountain Range, stretching across the vast expanse of Oblon - EN, is the region's most extended and most prominent mountain range. It is home to the bustling capital city of Nun Thoram - EN, the picturesque town of Ham Faldur, and the renowned Mer Kuldir - The school of the dwarves.     The Sere Mountain Range is a marvel of engineering, with intricate tunnels and caves that skilled dwarfs have crafted over thousands of years. These tunnels and cave systems have played a crucial role in the history of Oblon, particularly during the Long Xae Dynasty and the Oblon War. The dwarfs' ingenuity and craftsmanship have made the Sere Mountain Range a vital strategic location, providing a haven for the people of Oblon during times of conflict.


The Sere Mountain Range is known for its freezing and snowy climate, primarily due to its high altitude. The mountain range is often subjected to unexpected weather catastrophes, such as snowstorms and nasty thunderstorms, making it challenging for people to navigate the area. Despite the harsh weather conditions, the Sere Mountain Range is home to a diverse range of flora and fauna, including rare species of plants and animals that have adapted to the extreme climate.

Fauna & Flora

The Sere Mountain Range is home to a diverse range of flora and fauna that have adapted to the unique high-altitude weather conditions of the mountain. The cool temperatures, low oxygen levels, and harsh winds have created a challenging environment that has also provided a haven for rare and endangered species. The mountain range is a treasure trove of biodiversity, with various plant and animal species found nowhere else in the world. The Sere Mountain Range is a remarkable natural wonder, from the hardy alpine plants that cling to the rocky slopes to the elusive snow leopards that roam the peaks.


The Sere Mountain Range is a treasure trove of natural resources, including abundant precious metals, high-quality stones, and various minerals. The dwarfs, who call this mountain range their home, rely heavily on these resources for their daily needs. From crafting intricate jewelry to building sturdy homes and tools, the dwarfs have mastered utilizing the bountiful resources of the Sere Mountain Range.


The Sere Mountain Range, located in the heart of Oblon, is a majestic and awe-inspiring natural wonder home to many dwarfs for centuries. Its well-crafted tunnels and caves, carved out by the skilled hands of the dwarfs, have served as a crucial refuge during the war with the Long Xae Dynasty. The mountain range's rugged terrain and towering peaks have always provided a natural barrier of protection for the dwarfs, shielding them from the outside world and allowing them to thrive uniquely. From the snow-capped summits to the lush valleys below, the Sere Mountain Range is a testament to the resilience and ingenuity of the dwarfs who call it home.       The mountain range is a treasure trove of stories, with each carved tunnel, every cave system, and the various levels of the underground worlds holding secrets and tales of the past. The dwarfs who inhabit the range deeply respect their surroundings and take only what they need, leaving the rest untouched. As you explore the different parts of the mountain range, you can see statues of the old and first clan leaders, standing as a testament to the time before the clans united to form one country. These statues also serve as a reminder of the changes after the unification, marking the transition from a time of division to unity and progress.
Mountain Range
Included Locations
Owning Organization

Cover image: Oblon by Charlotte.S


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