Paragon Building

Overall, the Paragon Building serves as the heart of political, military, and civic coordination in Duskveil, embodying the city's commitment to effective governance, order, and the well-being of its citizens.

Purpose / Function

The Paragon Building stands as the epicenter of governance in Duskveil, serving as the administrative hub for The Diarchy of Paragons, the Paragon Arcana Ellea Farae, the Paragon Admiral Mork "Gork", and the esteemed Archons. Its purpose is multifaceted, encompassing the coordination of political, military, and civic affairs to ensure the prosperity, security, and ordered development of Duskveil.   Ceremonial events, proclamations, and public addresses by the Paragons and The Archons often take place in front of the building, reinforcing its symbolic importance.


Diarchy Headquarters: The building serves as the primary headquarters for the ruling Diarchy of Paragons, offering a centralized location for strategic decision-making and collaborative governance.   Diarchy Chambers: Within its walls lie the private chambers of the Paragon Arcana Ellea Farae and Paragon Admiral Mork "Gork", where critical discussions and policy formulations take place.   Archons' Quarters: The Paragon Building houses designated quarters for each Archon, providing a dedicated space for strategic deliberations and advisory meetings.   Rotation Chamber: The building incorporates a chamber specifically allocated for the Archon of Rotation, allowing for a seamless integration of specialized expertise on a rotating basis.   War Room: A dedicated war room exists within the Paragon Building, equipped with tactical maps, magical scrying devices, and communication portals for military planning and response.   Advisory Chambers: Formal advisory chambers facilitate discussions on matters of importance, where Paragons and Archons convene to make decisions impacting the city and its inhabitants.   Citizen Interaction Zones: Specific areas within the building are allocated for citizens to voice concerns, seek assistance, or provide feedback, fostering direct engagement between the ruling authority and the populace.   Administrative Offices: Various administrative offices manage civic services, permits, and documentation, ensuring the smooth functioning of city affairs.   Official Archives: The Paragon Building houses official archives, storing records of decisions, historical documents, and critical information essential for informed governance.   Library of Governance: A specialized library within the building caters to the intellectual needs of the ruling authority, offering a wealth of knowledge on governance, law, and history.


The Paragon Building is not merely a functional structure but also a symbol of authority and stability. Its architectural design reflects the city's resilience and commitment to orderly governance.


Established shortly after the Siege of Duskveil. Replaced the old building of The Autocratic Council which got destroyed during the Siege.
Government complex
Parent Location
Owning Organization