Lassek Veness Character in Auxis | World Anvil
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Lassek Veness

Lassek Veness is a Yuan-Ti Pureblood divination wizard and scholar from Shasa Sarin. As an extremely studious and intelligent researcher, he thrives in the archives and halls of the rich grand library of the city. Paralysed from the waist down since birth, he has spent most of his life within the city developing and honing his skills to excel at arcane and religious knowledge, far surpassing those of his peers at every level. While the wealth and access of his family could certainly allow him to receive arcane treatment for his ailment, he chose to refuse the treatment to not take advantage of his privilege, and to treat it not as a condition to be fixed but a problem to be solved.   He is the younger twin between himself and Maliss, and was often the one to poke fun and humble her, his quick wit and smart retorts always causing him to come out the victor. He would frequently scold her for taking her position for granted or complaining to him while he tried to study in the library, but loved her nonetheless and had an extremely strong relationship, helping her wherever he could and often volunteering to be her spiritual right hand it matters which required an intellectual touch. He is not a very religious person, but is patriotic and appreciates the culture and tradition of Shasa Sarin, often finding his way into the oldest archives he can find to dig out the roots and beginnings of practices he sees day by day.  


Maliss Veness
Character | Jan 26, 2021
Sethari Veness
Character | Sep 2, 2020
Ivathar Veness
Character | Sep 2, 2020
Sarenoth Veness
Character | Sep 2, 2020
Current Location
Curly black with a blue tint
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned but lightly green


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