Sethari Veness Character in Auxis | World Anvil
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Sethari Veness

Sethari Veness is the Mother of Sarenoth, Maliss and Lassek Veness, and the high priestess of Shasa Sarin, the capital of Rieyama. She sits at the head of the grand council of Rieyama, and the temple of Gukjun. Through the dynastic traditions of Rieyama, Sethari holds the positions that her mother and her mother before her held. Expertly wielding the duel-edged sword of religion and state as a means to the ends of her and her people, she is an expertly competent and highly analytical figure. She is cold, calculating and utilitarian, with the principles of statecraft woven into her education from a young age.   Due to her position, her three children have been in the public eye from a very young age. Unlike their father, she raised them not through nurture or teaching, but through preparing them for the responsibilities and duties of their lineage. She clearly favoured Sarenoth for their achievements and valour in the battlefield, and taking after Ivathar, and had a fondness for Lassek for his acuteness for the religious and scholarly work and developing unique arcane arts. She had a tense relationship with Maliss, however, who was the most rebellious and truant of the three, and did not align with her expectations or the public image she is expected to uphold. She wished for her to join her brother in the archives on the path of an Acolyte, but since the scholarly work clearly did not suit her daughter, she reluctantly permitted her to enter the espionage guild.  


Maliss Veness
Character | Jan 26, 2021
Ivathar Veness
Character | Sep 2, 2020
Lassek Veness
Character | Sep 2, 2020
Sarenoth Veness
Character | Sep 2, 2020
Current Location
Long and Grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tan and Scaled


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