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Krakens (crack-ins)

The krakens are known for their use of the sea to take ships and gold from dishonorable people, as the clan is full of sea elves and sea humanoids. They are very flashy in their ways of taking over ships as they use their bodies and the help of the sea phienox to stop ships. The krakens are made up of mostly female and gender non conforming hominoids(specifically sea elves for the Krakens) as most of the clans are. The Krakens are very different in many ways from the horned devils though as they follow the code to the point even though they know how many people are killed because of it, but the Oceania is there only home so they will do anything to protect it, even though most of them know what not fighting does to others, they are ashamed of there belief but they will uphold it as a clan unless they are shown its true effects, they may be ashamed but they will do anything to make sure that their people are safe.
Geopolitical, Clan

Both want each others home safe from tyranny.


They are the republic, so they see it as a beacon of hope worldwide.

The seabirds want to see both equally and want to keep home safe while spreading the cause. The krackens want their cause spread.


Want to keep their home safe but the winged angels will still help the Horned devils in any way possible.

They both heavily dissagree on the code but they both know they are in dire times and they both need to make a decision but they both are to weak to start the conversation of a compromise.

Mortal enemies, The empire wants to find Oceania and end the movement.



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