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Ocenia, Commune of the Pirates (Socialist-Re-pub-lic-of-Pie-ra-tica)

The Socialist Republic of Piratica is a stronghold country for all the pirate clans. The pirate clans found their moving home in the civil action times of the 500's, people who were poor and others who just wanted freedom, stole boats and eventually chose their clan leaders, then the clan leaders found Ocania and created their homes on the great majestic turtle. The pirates chose socialism as an economics system because they all realized that it is more freeing, over time the countries clans chose their king or queen, they aren't a real monocracy but they choose king and queen as the leaders name because it makes a stance against the real royals. The republic clans include the Seabirds, Krakens, Horned Devils, and the Winged Angels. The clans all choose their leader through direct democracy and then the clan leaders fight for honor of being the royal of all pirates in the great arena inside the royal palace, where is the royal palace you ask?, Inside the great mountain of Piratica. As the country is a moving stronghold it also is very secretive, as only the pirates know where it is and that it even exists. That is also why the pirates are very close with the successors of Madam Osiania, but they also knew the darkness of the last leader, and kept their home safe. They are allies with the people of COTH though as their stronghold is a true utopia, so most flee and become pirates for true freedom away from the land and fascists being able to take over their lives for the worst. And most importantly the pirates code, the most important part of all pirate life. The code goes as follows.   1. Honor is heroic, it truly is something earned by being the best humanoid you can be, save others, help others through there issues, leave systems that cause pain, uphold systems that uphold everyone no matter who they are, only kill if your enemies cant change from their fascist or dishonorable beliefs, and most importantly, be your true self and love others for their true self while burning down the systems that hurt all.   2. Being dishonorable is being unchangeable, being unchangeable leads to dealth that isn't deserved, it leads to pain and suffering, being dishonorable is unchanging from the systems that hurt all and upholding those same disgusting symbols, if you are unchangeable and uphold those systems you are undeserving of life, and are deserving of a painful and gruesome dealth.   3. Our home is moving, it is majestic, if it dies our movement will die, keep our home safe, so we can help save others from dishonorable and vile systems.   And also any boat that just fly's this flag is a pirate boat, as the boat leader lives on the Oceania.
Geopolitical, Country

Allies to each others people and the Pirate Queen, but the people of the COTH need a new leader and they want a pirate to lead them.

The religion is highly followed in all pirate clans.

They are the republic, so they see it as a beacon of hope worldwide.

They are the republic, so they see it as a beacon of hope worldwide.

They are the republic, so they see it as a beacon of hope worldwide.

They are the republic, so they see it as a beacon of hope worldwide.

Mortal enemies, The empire wants to find Oceania and end the movement.


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