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As seen in
Akati is the umbrella term for the descendants of the ancient fey elves of the Feywild.
The akati can be either elven or half-elven in heritage, as they derive from the age of the divine way back in Avaleen's past. They are one of the blessed ancient races, meaning that this variant ages three times more slowly than their kin across the lands. Once at home in Ghor Minthra, they discovered the way to the Feywild where they settled. This elven branch was heavily influenced by the unnatural fey and evolved as such. As a society they are guided by Ayursha and Farachimo, with the rest of the old pantheon not far behind. As opposed to their darker cousins, the akati bathe in the light of the upper planes and are mostly welcomed in the world of Avaleen.  


Nowadays it is difficult to differentiate between an akati and someone from another race as they have mingled with the races of Avaleen for nearly 1000 years. As opposed to the illevan, the akati's transformation was more in character and abilities, rather than physical.  

Traits and abilities

The akati blood is a dominant gene and regardless of race, there are traits that are found in anyone with this heritage in addition to other racial abilities.  
  • Ability Score Bonus: In addition to the racial bonus, all akati receive +2 Constitution.
  • Superior senses: Akati have advantage on saving throws relating to detection, and perception checks when looking for fey or fiend.
  • Magical resistance: Advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects
  • Ancestral magic: All akati know the Light cantrip. When they reach 3rd level they can cast Dancing Lights or Faerie Fire. All akati have proficiency with thief's tools and can choose to add their proficiency modifier to either History, Nature or Arcana in addition to the proficiencies granted by their race and class.
  • Elemental adept: If applicable, an akati is adept with the elements air and earth.



Before the Sundering


After the Sundering



Is it possible for a society to exist without a hierarchy among its people? Someone will always lead, someone must always follow, someone’s limits will be much greater than someone else’s and someone will always push forward towards a change the rest of them are not ready for. And this is true of the akati as well. Though no one will ever, ever admit it. Neither in public nor private.   To an outsider the akati is a true democratic race  


Historically there are four tribes within the akati culture. Roya, Ignis, Aadam, Mora, and Triyes.  


The nomads. They are represented by Wanda in the Council of Agartha.  


The oldest tribe, formed in the first grove of the akati. Named after the god that blessed them. Is represented in the Council by both Misha Eldter and Elmira. He is the first regent of the Ignis tribe in 300 years, the previous being of Aadam.    


  People of time. A weird lot, specializing in the arcane weaves of time and reality. As such they are the lore keepers, the temple guardians, and the oracles. They are represented in the Council of Agartha by Vista.    


  The warriors. Genetically stronger than other akati, they are the fierce protectors of the Empire. Protection is in their blood, and they usually take vocations that uses this - whether that is on land, in the sky, or at sea. They are represented in the Council by General Mijinn of the Mora Monks, Head of Tactics and Strategy & supreme general of the akati civil force.  


The sages. They value intelligence and wisdom above other attributes. They usually become scientists, researchers, academics, jiras, aspirants and guild masters. They are represented academically by Jira Seora Atal and as skilled by Arik Ondana.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

The Akati Empire

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Akatian is a melodious language that takes influence from our Sanskrit, old Norse and Arabic. Each tribe has its own dialect, and while there is some form of mutual understanding most defer to the ignis-accent for intertribal communication. With Agartha now on the material plane most akati are effectively bilingual with common as well.

Common Myths and Legends

The Veil - the afterlife
3 times longer than normal elves and half-elves.
Geographic Distribution

Notable akati

Alana Kalar
Character | Jul 2, 2024

Guardian of Fate

Elmira Delid
Character | Jul 2, 2024

Elder of Agartha, Voice of Ayursha



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