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Varu is an independent state located in the Morimyr Ocean. Because it is on the trade route between Oliria and Khorun, it is known for its illustrious trade and common piracy. It is fully independent and watched over by the Omored Court.  


    An empire built on a collection of islands in the middle of the Morimyr sea, as far away from any landmass as one can get. Varu consists of 6 large islands, created by underwater volcanoes long ago. There is still an active volcano in the southeast, on the ever-expanding island of Treitha. Varu also has over 550 medium to small to minuscule islands scattered throughout. 200 of them are clustered to the north of Inner Varu in the Darkmerrow Archipelago, known for its clusters of merrows and merfolk.   It has a population of 13,608 people, with 2,543 living in Inner Varu itself. It is 54% human, 17% elf, 4% half-orc and 25% other races.  


Law enforcement officers are called Wardens and they answer to the Omored. They patrol both the waters and the many islands to a degree. Though it is very much a free haven for pirates, smugglers, and other unseelie folk, there are rules on the islands that are heavily enforced. Those include; no bounty collection, and no double-crossing within the bounds of the isles.   Inner Varu is the capital of Varu and thrives on the rich trade, as all vessels carrying cargo must declare their profit and offer a 15-20% tithe to the Omored Court for safe passage. When room ran out, the buildings grew in height and their slim, hollow towers can be seen for miles around when the sun reflects of the metal surfaces. Main building materials are hard stone and metal, and the architecture reflects the need to accommodate the wild weather of the open sea. This creates a very bright view that feels somewhat off.  

The Janobin Religion

Inner Varu is famous for its eccentric religion revolving around birds with feathers that shine in all colors of the rainbow when light passes through them.   It is considered a high honor to be the keeper of the nests and cleaners have a high status in this society. It is the one, and probably only, reason that Inner Varu is so free of contagions and that the water is drinkable straight from the aqueduct drains that spill out into drinking fountains throughout the city.  


Because of its prime location in the Molimyr Ocean between Khorun and Oliria, the varuvian islands have always been sought after by empires as a colony. For a long time it was the contested grounds of the Kingdom of Illeva and the Akati Empire but became independent after a five-year-long battle that marked the turning point of the Shadow Wars.  

Notable people from Varu

  • Abel Toya - aspirant at A'Triyes Academy as of 138 CE
  • Sim - student of the arts at A'Triyes Academy who as of 138 CE is on an indefinite leave.


  • Elmira accidentally ends up on Inner Varu when her portal journey home goes awry. She meets Tam Winmore, a charismatic pirate and smuggler who agrees to take her through the Erid Straits in order to reach the mouth of the river that eventually runs through Agartha Nova.
  • Varu is the initial setting in the one-shot Wind in the Sails.
  • The identity of the leader of the Omored Court is a closely guarded secret.
Location under


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